
zyd_fyl 2010-04-16 10:49:05

tbterm 年级表
id,termname 年级名字

tbclass 班级表
id,classname 班级名字,termid 年级id

tbtest 考试表
id,testname 考试名字,termid

tbstudent 学生表
id,stuname 学生名字,classid 班级id

tbcourse 课程表
id,coursename 课程名字,termid 年级id

tbscore 分数表
id,stuid 学生id,courseid 课程id,testid 考试id, score 分数
create database sm
use sm

create table tbterm
id int primary key identity(1,1), ------主键
termname varchar(20)

create table tbclass
id int primary key identity(1,1), ------主键
classname varchar(20),
termid int

create table tbtest
id int primary key identity(1,1), ------主键
testname varchar(20),
termid int

create table tbstudent
id int primary key identity(1,1), ------主键
stuname varchar(20),
classid int

create table tbcourse
id int primary key identity(1,1), ------主键
coursename varchar(20),
termid int

create table tbscore
id int primary key identity(1,1), ------主键
score varchar(20),
stuid int,
courseid int,
testid int

insert into tbterm(termname) values('一年级')

insert into tbclass(classname,termid) values('一班','1')
insert into tbclass(classname,termid) values('二班','1')
insert into tbclass(classname,termid) values('三班','1')
insert into tbtest(testname,termid) values('期中考试','1')
insert into tbcourse(coursename,termid) values('数学','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu1','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu2','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu3','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu4','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu5','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu6','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu7','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu8','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu9','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu10','1')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu11','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu12','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu13','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu14','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu15','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu16','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu17','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu18','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu19','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu20','2')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu21','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu22','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu23','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu24','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu25','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu26','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu27','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu28','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu29','3')
insert into tbstudent(stuname,classid) values('stu30','3')
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(90,1,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(99,2,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(12,3,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(88,4,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(70,5,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(95,6,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(88,7,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(87,8,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(78,9,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(90,10,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(68,11,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(87,12,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(89,13,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(78,14,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(33,15,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(44,16,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(77,17,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(88,18,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(99,19,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(44,20,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(23,21,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(67,22,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(54,23,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(43,24,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(65,25,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(90,26,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(76,27,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(85,28,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(10,29,1,1)
insert into tbscore(score,stuid,courseid,testid) values(54,30,1,1)

年级 班级 考试 科目 10% 10%-25% 25%-60% 60%-90% 90%-100% 最高分 最低分 平均分
一年级 一班 开学考试 数学 1 2 4 3 0 150 21 88
一年级 二班 开学考试 数学 1 1 4 3 1 148 42 75
一年级 三班 开学考试 数学 1 1 3 3 2 150 32 78
tbterm.id=tbclass.termid and tbterm.id=tbcourse.termid and tbterm.id=tbtest.termid
and tbclass.id=tbstudent.classid and tbtest.id=tbscore.testid
and tbstudent.id=tbscore.stuid and tbcourse.id=tbscore.courseid
and tbterm.id='' and tbtest.id='' and tbcourse.id=''

290 18 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
18 条回复
Ghost_Khz 2010-04-17
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喜-喜 2010-04-16
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declare @total int declare @tempscore table(id int identity(1,1),score int,classname varchar(20))
insert into @tempscore
select score,classname
from tbscore,tbstudent,tbclass
where tbscore.stuid=tbstudent.id and tbclass.id=tbstudent.classid
order by score desc
select @total=count(*) from tbscore group by testid,courseid
select 年级,t1.班级,考试,科目,col1 '10%',col2 '10%-25%',col3 '25%-60%',col4 '60%-90%',col5 '90%-100%',最高分,最低分,平均分
select distinct termname 年级,classname 班级,testname 考试,coursename 科目
from tbterm,tbclass,tbtest,tbcourse
where tbterm.id=tbclass.termid and tbterm.id=tbcourse.termid and tbterm.id=tbtest.termid and tbterm.id=1 and tbtest.id=1 and tbcourse.id=1
select classname 班级,sum(case when id*1.0/@total<=0.1 then 1 else 0 end)col1,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.1 and id*1.0/@total<=0.25 then 1 else 0 end)col2,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.25 and id*1.0/@total<=0.6 then 1 else 0 end)col3,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.6 and id*1.0/@total<=0.9 then 1 else 0 end)col4,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.9 and id*1.0/@total<=1.0 then 1 else 0 end)col5,
from @tempscore
group by classname )t2
where t1.班级=t2.班级


年级 班级 考试 科目 10% 10%-25% 25%-60% 60%-90% 90%-100% 最高分 最低分 平均分
一年级 二班 期中考试 数学 1 1 4 4 0 99 33 70
一年级 三班 期中考试 数学 0 1 2 5 2 90 10 56
一年级 一班 期中考试 数学 2 2 5 0 1 99 12 79

zyd_fyl 2010-04-16
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zyd_fyl 2010-04-16
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消息 512,级别 16,状态 1,第 7 行
子查询返回的值不止一个。当子查询跟随在 =、!=、<、<=、>、>= 之后,或子查询用作表达式时,这种情况是不允许的。
东那个升 2010-04-16
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declare @termname varchar(10),@testname varchar(10),@coursename varchar(10)
set @termname='一年级'
set @testname='期中考试'
set @coursename='数学'

with cte as(
SELECT @termname as termname,@testname as testname,@coursename as coursename,
a.*,c.classname,classid,rn=dense_rank() over(order by score desc) FROM tbscore A,tbstudent B ,tbclass c
WHERE A.stuid=B.id AND
courseid=(SELECT ID FROM tbcourse WHERE coursename=@coursename)
and b.classid=c.id
AND a.testid=(select id from tbtest where testname=@testname)
and c.termid=(SELECT ID FROM tbterm WHERE termname=@termname)

cte1 as(select termname,classid,classname,testname,coursename,stuid
,max(cast(score as int)) over(partition by classname) as max_score
,min(cast(score as int)) over(partition by classname) as min_score
,avg(cast(score as int)) over(partition by classname) as avg_score
,case when rn<=max(rn) over()*0.1 then '10%'
when rn>max(rn) over()*0.1 and rn<=max(rn) over()*0.25 then '10%-25%'
when rn>max(rn) over()*0.25 and rn<=max(rn) over()*0.60 then '25%-60%'
when rn>max(rn) over()*0.60 and rn<=max(rn) over()*0.90 then '60%-90%'
when rn>max(rn) over()*0.90 then '90%-100%'
end stat
from cte )

select termname as 年级,classname as 班级,testname as 考试,
coursename as 科目,[10%],[10%-25%],[25%-60%],[60%-90%],[90%-100%],
max_score as 最高分,min_score as 最低分,avg_score as 平均分
from cte1
pivot (count(stuid) for stat in([10%],[10%-25%],[25%-60%],[60%-90%],[90%-100%]))pvt
order by classid

年级 班级 考试 科目 10% 10%-25% 25%-60% 60%-90% 90%-100% 最高分 最低分 平均分
---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
一年级 一班 期中考试 数学 2 4 3 0 1 99 12 79
一年级 二班 期中考试 数学 1 2 4 3 0 99 33 70
一年级 三班 期中考试 数学 0 1 2 5 2 90 10 56

(3 行受影响)
htl258_Tony 2010-04-16
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可惜,那天做上午做一半半,是照TOP n PENCENT来做的,下午回来后发现结贴了,以为我的想法错了,代码全关掉了。
zyd_fyl 2010-04-16
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--小F-- 2010-04-16
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永生天地 2010-04-16
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select t1.termname, t2.classname , t3.testname,t4.coursename ,
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 10 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [10%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 15 stuid from (select top 25 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc) t order by score)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [10%-25%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 35 stuid from (select top 60 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc) t order by score)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [25%-60%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 30 stuid from (select top 90 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc) t order by score)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [60%-90%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 10 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score )
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [100%],
(select max(score) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2 where n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id) as 最高分,
(select min(score) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2 where n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id) as 最低分,
(select avg(score*1) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2 where n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id) as 平均分
from tbterm t1, tbclass t2 , tbtest t3,tbcourse t4
where t1.id=t2.termid
and t1.id=t3.termid
and t1.id=t4.termid

termname classname testname coursename 10% 10%-25% 25%-60% 60%-90% 100% 最高分 最低分 平均分
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------
一年级 一班 期中考试 数学 2 5 9 9 1 99 12 79
一年级 二班 期中考试 数学 1 2 6 10 0 99 33 70
一年级 三班 期中考试 数学 0 1 3 8 2 90 10 56

(所影响的行数为 3 行)
zyd_fyl 2010-04-16
  • 打赏
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东那个升 2010-04-16
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东那个升 2010-04-16
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zyd_fyl 2010-04-16
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ws_hgo 2010-04-16
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喜-喜 2010-04-16
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fyl_zyd 2010-04-16
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SQL code
select t1.termname, t2.classname , t3.testname,t4.coursename ,
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 10 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [10%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 15 stuid from (select top 25 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc) t order by score)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [10%-25%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 35 stuid from (select top 60 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc) t order by score)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [25%-60%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 30 stuid from (select top 90 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score desc) t order by score)
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [60%-90%],
select count(*) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2
where stuid in (select top 10 percent p.stuid from tbscore p where p.courseid =n1.courseid and p.testid =n1.testid order by p.score )
and n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id
) as [100%],
(select max(score) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2 where n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id) as 最高分,
(select min(score) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2 where n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id) as 最低分,
(select avg(score*1) from tbscore n1,tbstudent n2 where n1.stuid=n2.id and n2.classid=t2.id and n1.testid=t3.id) as 平均分
from tbterm t1, tbclass t2 , tbtest t3,tbcourse t4
where t1.id=t2.termid
and t1.id=t3.termid
and t1.id=t4.termid

termname classname testname coursename 10% 10%-25% 25%-60% 60%-90% 100% 最高分 最低分 平均分
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------
一年级 一班 期中考试 数学 2 5 9 9 1 99 12 79
一年级 二班 期中考试 数学 1 2 6 10 0 99 33 70
一年级 三班 期中考试 数学 0 1 3 8 2 90 10 56

(所影响的行数为 3 行)
jwwyqs 2010-04-16
  • 打赏
  • 举报
[Quote=引用 15 楼 happycell188 的回复:]
SQL code
declare @total int declare @tempscore table(id int identity(1,1),score int,classid int,classname varchar(20))
insert into @tempscore
select score,tbclass.id,classname
喜-喜 2010-04-16
  • 打赏
  • 举报
declare @total int declare @tempscore table(id int identity(1,1),score int,classid int,classname varchar(20))
insert into @tempscore
select score,tbclass.id,classname
from tbscore,tbstudent,tbclass
where tbscore.stuid=tbstudent.id and tbclass.id=tbstudent.classid
order by score desc
select @total=count(*) from tbscore group by testid,courseid
select 年级,t2.班级,考试,科目,col1 '10%',col2 '10%-25%',col3 '25%-60%',col4 '60%-90%',col5 '90%-100%',最高分,最低分,平均分
select distinct termname 年级,classname 班级,testname 考试,coursename 科目
from tbterm,tbclass,tbtest,tbcourse
where tbterm.id=tbclass.termid and tbterm.id=tbcourse.termid and tbterm.id=tbtest.termid and tbterm.id=1 and tbtest.id=1 and tbcourse.id=1
select classid,classname 班级,sum(case when id*1.0/@total<=0.1 then 1 else 0 end)col1,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.1 and id*1.0/@total<=0.25 then 1 else 0 end)col2,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.25 and id*1.0/@total<=0.6 then 1 else 0 end)col3,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.6 and id*1.0/@total<=0.9 then 1 else 0 end)col4,
sum(case when id*1.0/@total>0.9 and id*1.0/@total<=1.0 then 1 else 0 end)col5,
from @tempscore
group by classid,classname )t2
where t1.班级=t2.班级
order by t2.classid


年级 班级 考试 科目 10% 10%-25% 25%-60% 60%-90% 90%-100% 最高分 最低分 平均分
一年级 一班 期中考试 数学 2 2 5 0 1 99 12 79
一年级 二班 期中考试 数学 1 1 4 4 0 99 33 70
一年级 三班 期中考试 数学 0 1 2 5 2 90 10 56





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