
lishery 2010-08-17 10:07:40

cateid name attribute
1 全项目 <null>
1 11 0
1 12 1
1 13 2
1 14 12
2 全项目 <null>
2 21 0
2 22 1
2 23 2
3 全项目 <null>
3 31 0
3 32 1
3 33 12

项目表中,每个cateid都有一条name为“全项目”的记录,现在想更新其 attribute属性,
176 9 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
9 条回复
ChinaJiaBing 2010-08-17
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if object_id ('项目表') is not null
drop table 项目表
create table 项目表 (cateid int,name nvarchar(10),attribute int)
insert into 项目表 select 1,'全项目',null
union all select 1,'11',0
union all select 1,'12',1
union all select 1,'13',2
union all select 1,'14',12
union all select 2,'全项目',null
union all select 2,'21',0
union all select 2,'22',1
union all select 2,'23',2
union all select 3,'全项目',null
union all select 3,'31',0
union all select 3,'32',1
union all select 3,'33',12
update 项目表 set attribute=case when name='00' then 0
when (charindex('1',name)>0 and charindex('2',name)>0)
then 12
when (charindex('1',name)>0 and (charindex('2',name)<0 or charindex('12',name)<0))
then 1
when (charindex('2',name)>0 and (charindex('1',name)<0 or charindex('12',name)<0))
then 2 else attribute end
select * from 项目表

SQLCenter 2010-08-17
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[Quote=引用 5 楼 sqlcenter 的回复:]


没完全短路,sum(distinct attribute) 没问题。

--> 测试数据:#
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#') is not null drop table #
create table #(cateid int, name varchar(8), attribute int)
insert into #
select 1, '全项目', null union all
select 1, '11', 0 union all
select 1, '12', 1 union all
select 1, '13', 2 union all
select 1, '14', 12 union all
select 2, '全项目', null union all
select 2, '21', 0 union all
select 2, '22', 1 union all
select 2, '23', 2 union all
select 3, '全项目', null union all
select 3, '31', 0 union all
select 3, '32', 1 union all
select 3, '33', 12

update # set attribute =
case (select sum(distinct attribute) from # where cateid=t.cateid and name <> '全项目')
when 0 then 0
when 1 then 1
when 2 then 2
else 12
from # as t where name = '全项目'

select * from #

cateid name attribute
----------- -------- -----------
1 全项目 12
1 11 0
1 12 1
1 13 2
1 14 12
2 全项目 12
2 21 0
2 22 1
2 23 2
3 全项目 12
3 31 0
3 32 1
3 33 12
lishery 2010-08-17
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王向飞 2010-08-17
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--> 测试数据:项目表
if object_id('项目表') is not null
drop table 项目表

create table 项目表([cateid] int,[name] varchar(6),[attribute] int)
insert 项目表
select 1,'全项目',null union all
select 1,'11','0' union all
select 1,'12','1' union all
select 1,'13','2' union all
select 1,'14','12' union all
select 2,'全项目',null union all
select 2,'21','0' union all
select 2,'22','1' union all
select 2,'23','2' union all
select 3,'全项目',null union all
select 3,'31','0' union all
select 3,'32','1' union all
select 3,'33','12'

--> 查询结果
update 项目表
set attribute=n.attribute
from 项目表 m ,(select t.cateid,t.name,attribute=(select
case when max(attribute) = 0 then 0
when max(attribute) = 1 then 1
when max(attribute) = 2 and min(attribute) =2 then 2
when max(attribute) = 2 and min(attribute) =0 then 12
when max(attribute) = 2 and min(attribute) =1 then 12
when max(attribute) = 12 then 12 end
from 项目表 where cateid =t.cateid
group by cateid
) FROM 项目表 t)n
where m.cateid=n.cateid
and m.name ='全项目'

select * from 项目表
--> 删除表格
SQLCenter 2010-08-17
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[Quote=引用 4 楼 sqlcenter 的回复:]

SQL code
--> 测试数据:#
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#') is not null drop table #
create table #(cateid int, name varchar(8), attribute int)
insert into #
select 1, '全项目', null union all
select 1, '11', 0 u……

SQLCenter 2010-08-17
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--> 测试数据:#
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#') is not null drop table #
create table #(cateid int, name varchar(8), attribute int)
insert into #
select 1, '全项目', null union all
select 1, '11', 0 union all
select 1, '12', 1 union all
select 1, '13', 2 union all
select 1, '14', 12 union all
select 2, '全项目', null union all
select 2, '21', 0 union all
select 2, '22', 1 union all
select 2, '23', 2 union all
select 3, '全项目', null union all
select 3, '31', 0 union all
select 3, '32', 1 union all
select 3, '33', 12

--> 如果attribute只是0、1、2、12这几个值的话,不用那么复杂
update # set attribute =
case (select sum(attribute) from # where cateid=t.cateid and name <> '全项目')
when 0 then 0
when 1 then 1
when 2 then 2
else 12
from # as t where name = '全项目'

select * from #

cateid name attribute
----------- -------- -----------
1 全项目 12
1 11 0
1 12 1
1 13 2
1 14 12
2 全项目 12
2 21 0
2 22 1
2 23 2
3 全项目 12
3 31 0
3 32 1
3 33 12
xman_78tom 2010-08-17
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update tb
set attribute = (case
when not exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute<>0)
then 0
when exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute=1)
and exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute=2)
or exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute=12)
then 12
when exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute=1)
and not exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute in (2,12))
then 1
when exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute=2)
and not exists (select * from tb where t.cateid=cateid and name<>'全项目' and attribute in (1,12))
then 2
from tb t
where name='全项目';
华夏小卒 2010-08-17
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--> 测试数据: [项目表]
if object_id('[项目表]') is not null drop table [项目表]
create table [项目表] (cateid int,name varchar(6),attribute int)
insert into [项目表]
select 1,'全项目',null union all
select 1,'11',0 union all
select 1,'12',1 union all
select 1,'13',2 union all
select 1,'14',12 union all
select 2,'全项目',null union all
select 2,'21',0 union all
select 2,'22',1 union all
select 2,'23',2 union all
select 3,'全项目',null union all
select 3,'31',0 union all
select 3,'32',1 union all
select 3,'33',12

update [项目表]
set attribute=case when ( not exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute!=0 and cateid=t.cateid) ) then 0
when ( exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute=1 and cateid=t.cateid)) and
( not exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute=2 and cateid=t.cateid)) and
( not exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute=12 and cateid=t.cateid)) then 1
when ( exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute=2 and cateid=t.cateid)) and
( not exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute=1 and cateid=t.cateid)) and
( not exists(select * from [项目表] where attribute=12 and cateid=t.cateid)) then 2
else 12
from [项目表] t
where attribute is null

select * from [项目表]

cateid name attribute
----------- ------ -----------
1 全项目 12
1 11 0
1 12 1
1 13 2
1 14 12
2 全项目 12
2 21 0
2 22 1
2 23 2
3 全项目 12
3 31 0
3 32 1
3 33 12

(13 行受影响)
chuifengde 2010-08-17
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DECLARE @a table(cateid INT,NAME VARCHAR(10),attribute int)
INSERT @a select 1 ,'全项目',null
union all select 1 ,'11', 0
union all select 1 ,'12', 1
union all select 1 ,'13', 2
union all select 1 ,'14', 12
union all select 2 ,'全项目',null
union all select 2 ,'21', 0
union all select 2 ,'22', 1
union all select 2 ,'23', 2
union all select 3 ,'全项目',null
union all select 3 ,'31', 0
union all select 3 ,'32', 1
union all select 3 ,'33', 12
union all select 4 ,'全项目',null
union all select 4 ,'41', 0
union all select 4 ,'42', 1
union all select 4 ,'43', 0

SELECT *,at=CASE WHEN NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute<>0) THEN 0
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=1) AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=2)
OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=12) THEN 12
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=1) AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=2)
AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=12) THEN 1
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=2) AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=1)
AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM @a WHERE cateid=a.cateid AND attribute=12) THEN 2
FROM @a a
/*cateid NAME attribute at
----------- ---------- ----------- -----------
1 全项目 NULL 12
1 11 0 12
1 12 1 12
1 13 2 12
1 14 12 12
2 全项目 NULL 12
2 21 0 12
2 22 1 12
2 23 2 12
3 全项目 NULL 12
3 31 0 12
3 32 1 12
3 33 12 12
4 全项目 NULL 1
4 41 0 1
4 42 1 1
4 43 0 1

(所影响的行数为 17 行)




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