一个关于perl out of memory的问题

wish4sun 2011-03-08 10:14:55
我写了一个导数据用的perl程序,运行的时候刚开始还可以,然后到了某一条数据突然就不再继续运行了,然后我查看内存占用情况,就会一直增长,一直耗光内存,然后提示out of memory


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use XML::Smart;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode qw/encode decode/;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
use LWP::UserAgent;
require "db.pl";
my $dbh = &get_joy_db;
#my $ii = 0;
#my $jj = 0;
my %db_joyid;

my %all_urls = ("电视剧"=>"http://xxxxx/get_list.php?channelid=58",

while(my ($cat, $url) = each %all_urls){
my @content_url = return_url_update($url);
foreach my $u (@content_url) {
print $cat,$u."\n";
my $XML = XML::Smart->new( $u, 'XML::Smart::Parser' );
my @items = reverse(@{ $XML->{root}{videolist}{video}});
foreach my $item (@items) {
print "\n\n\n";
my $title = $dbh->quote(&encode("GBK",$item->{title}));
#print $title."\n";
my $id = &encode("GBK",$item->{id});
my $intro = $dbh->quote(&encode("GBK",$item->{desc}));
my $tags = $dbh->quote(&encode("GBK",$item->{tag}));
my $play_url = &encode("GBK",$item->{play_url});
my $src_image = &encode("GBK",$item->{img_url});
my $time = &encode("GBK",$item->{totaltime});
my $image = handleJoyPic($src_image,"joy");
$image = "http://cnimg.realnetworks.com.cn/guide/mdb/".$image;
my ($curdate,$curtime)=get_time();
print $cat."===>".$title."=>".$id."=>".$image."\n";
my $sql_chk = "select joyid from joy where joyid = $id";
my $sth_chk = &execsql($dbh, $sql_chk);

while ( my ($joyid) = $sth_chk->fetchrow() ) {
$db_joyid{$joyid} = $joyid;
if ($db_joyid{$id}) {
print "\n\t"."数据库数据重复:".$title."\n";
my $sql_insert = "insert into joy (`title`,`intro`,`tags`,`image_1`,`src_image`,`joyid`,`category`,`length`,`createdate`,`createtime`,`playurl`) values ($title,$intro,$tags,'$image','$src_image','$id','$cat','$time','$curdate','$curtime','$play_url');";
my $sth_insert = &execsql($dbh, $sql_insert);
print "\n\t"."数据插入成功:".$title."\n";
undef %db_joyid;
#print "总共插入$ii条数据,另有$jj条数据重复!";

sub get_time {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year)=localtime(time);
$sec = ($sec < 10)?"0$sec":$sec;
$min = ($min < 10)?"0$min":$min;
$hour = ($hour < 10)?"0$hour":$hour;
$day = ($day < 10)?"0$day":$day;
$mon = ($mon < 9)?"0".($mon+1):($mon+1);
$year += 1900;
return "$year-$mon-$day", "$hour:$min:$sec";

sub get_joy_db {
my ( $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pwd, $db_port, $db_timeout ) =
( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "movie", "root", "xxxxxxxxx", 9002, 0 );
my $dbh =
&db_open( $db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pwd, $db_port, $db_timeout );
return $dbh;

sub file_name {
my ($filepath) = @_;
my $pos = rindex( $filepath, "/" );
if ( $pos == -1 ) {
return $filepath;
else {
return substr( $filepath, $pos + 1 );

sub md5_filename{
my ($filename) = @_;
#print $filename;
my $pos = rindex($filename,".");
#print $pos."\n";
my $prename = substr($filename,0,$pos);
my $extname = substr($filename,$pos+1);
return md5_hex($prename).".".$extname;

sub handleJoyPic {
my ($arg,$partner) = @_;
if ( $arg !~ /http:\/\/.*/isg ) {
return "";
my $img_filename = file_name($arg);
my $md5_filename = md5_filename($img_filename);
my $hash = md5_hex($arg);
my $len = length($hash);
my $ascii = 0;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
$ascii += ord( substr( $hash, $i, 1 ) );
my $path = sprintf( "%d/%d", $ascii % 128, $ascii % 53 );
my $fixed_img_path = "$partner/$path/$md5_filename";
my $cmd = "mkdir -p $partner/$path/;wget $arg;mv $img_filename $partner/$path/$md5_filename";
$cmd .=";/usr/local/bin/rsync -vtp --timeout=120 -R $fixed_img_path xxxxxxxxx::img_mdb";
#print $cmd."\n";
#print $fixed_img_path."\n";
return $fixed_img_path;

sub return_url_update{
my ($url,$num) = @_;
if (!$num) {
$num = 50;
$url = $url."&start=0&num=".$num;
return $url;
463 10 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
10 条回复
我2我骄傲 2011-03-15
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iambic 2011-03-10
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wish4sun 2011-03-10
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我发现在解析XML其中的几条数据的时候就会停止不动,造成out of memory,但是我实在看不出来那条数据到底哪儿有问题,不知道perl有没有检查xml数据方面的函数
iambic 2011-03-08
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一条数据就out of memory?有没有死循环或者递归?CPU占用情况呢?
wish4sun 2011-03-08
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iambic 2011-03-08
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wish4sun 2011-03-08
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iambic 2011-03-08
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fibbery 2011-03-08
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fibbery 2011-03-08
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This is the third in O'Reilly's series of landmark Perl tutorials, which started with "Learning Perl", the bestselling introduction that taught you the basics of Perl syntax, and "Intermediate Perl", which taught you how to create re-usable Perl software. "Mastering Perl" pulls everything together to show you how to bend Perl to your will. Assuming you're familiar with concepts from the first two books - such as basic syntax, nested data structures, and the use of modules - "Mastering Perl" provides the next logical stage of Perl expertise by conveying its models and programming idioms. This book isn't a collection of clever tricks, but a way of thinking about Perl programming so you can integrate the real-life problems of debugging, maintenance, configuration, and other tasks you encounter as a working programmer. The book explains how to: use advanced regular expressions, including global matches, lookarounds, readable regexes, and regex debugging; avoid common programing problems with secure programming techniques; debug Perl with the Perl debugger, write your own debugger, and use debuggers others wrote; profile Perl to find out where you should concentrate your efforts before setting out to improve your program; benchmark Perl to figure out which implementations do better on time, memory, and other metrics - and cautions about what your numbers actually mean; wrangle Perl code to make it more presentable and readable by using M or M; symbol tables and typeglobs - How Perl keeps track of package variables and how you can use that mechanism for some powerful Perl tricks; define subroutines on the fly and turn the tables on normal procedural programming; and iterate through subroutine lists rather than data to make your code more effective and easy to maintain. It also includes topics such as: modify and jury rig modules to fix code without editing the original source; let your users configure your programs without touching the code; detect and reporting errors by learning how Perl reports errors, how you can detect errors Perl doesn't report, and how to tell your users about them; let your Perl program talk back to you by using Log4perl; store data for later use in another program, a later run of the same program, or to send as text over a network; work with Pod to translate plain ol' documentation into any format that you like, and test it, too; use bit operations and bit vectors to efficiently store large data; implement your own versions of Perl's basic data types to perform fancy operations without getting in the user's way; and write programs as modules to get all of the benefit of Perl's module distribution, installation, and testing tools. The appendices include "Brian's Guide to Solving Any Perl Problem" to improve your troubleshooting skills, as well as suggested reading to continue your Perl education. "Mastering Perl" starts you on your path to becoming the person with the answers, and, failing that, the person who knows how to find the answers or discover the problem.



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