the source attachment does not containthe source for the fileJdbcOdbcDrive.class

yczyh364 2011-07-17 10:16:13
在程序没有加载数据库连接的时候可以正常访问 http://localhost:8080/项目名,但是加载了之后再访问就会跳出JdbcOdbcDrive.class 里面写着: 大侠们怎么回事啊,我是初学,遇到这样的问题,程序向下进展不了了
source not found
the source attachment does not contain the source for the file JdbcOdbcDrive.class

change attached source 按钮

// Compiled from (version 1.5 : 49.0, super bit)
public class sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver extends sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcObject implements sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverInterface {

// Field descriptor #213 Lsun/jdbc/odbc/JdbcOdbc;
protected static sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc OdbcApi;

// Field descriptor #69 J
protected static long hEnv;

// Field descriptor #69 J
protected static long hDbc;

// Field descriptor #212 Ljava/util/Hashtable;
protected static java.util.Hashtable connectionList;

// Field descriptor #68 I
protected int iTimeOut;

// Field descriptor #75 Ljava/lang/String;
protected static java.lang.String nativePrefix;

// Field descriptor #211 Ljava/io/PrintWriter;
protected outWriter;

// Field descriptor #214 Lsun/jdbc/odbc/JdbcOdbcTracer;
protected sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer tracer;

// Method descriptor #38 ()V
// Stack: 3, Locals: 1
public JdbcOdbcDriver();
0 aload_0 [this]
1 invokespecial sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcObject() [381]
4 aload_0 [this]
5 new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer [208]
8 dup
9 invokespecial sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer() [382]
12 putfield sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.tracer : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer [322]
15 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connectionList : java.util.Hashtable [320]
18 ifnonnull 31
21 new java.util.Hashtable [201]
24 dup
25 invokespecial java.util.Hashtable() [346]
28 putstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connectionList : java.util.Hashtable [320]
31 ldc <String ""> [1]
33 putstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.nativePrefix : java.lang.String [319]
36 return
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 72]
[pc: 4, line: 1006]
[pc: 15, line: 82]
[pc: 21, line: 83]
[pc: 31, line: 85]
[pc: 36, line: 87]

699 4 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
4 条回复
EverWHL 2011-08-05
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EverWHL 2011-08-05
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yczyh364 2011-07-17
  • 打赏
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yczyh364 2011-07-17
  • 打赏
  • 举报
// Method descriptor #38 ()V
// Stack: 4, Locals: 2
protected synchronized void finalize();
0 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.OdbcApi : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc [321]
3 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.getTracer() : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer [358]
6 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer.isTracing() : boolean [383]
9 ifeq 23
12 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.OdbcApi : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc [321]
15 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.getTracer() : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer [358]
18 ldc <String "Driver.finalize"> [12]
20 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer.trace(java.lang.String) : void [385]
23 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
26 lconst_0
27 lcmp
28 ifeq 49
31 aload_0 [this]
32 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
35 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.disconnect(long) : void [370]
38 aload_0 [this]
39 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
42 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.closeConnection(long) : void [369]
45 lconst_0
46 putstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
49 goto 53
52 astore_1
53 return
Exception Table:
[pc: 23, pc: 49] -> 52 when : java.sql.SQLException
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 96]
[pc: 12, line: 97]
[pc: 23, line: 104]
[pc: 31, line: 105]
[pc: 38, line: 106]
[pc: 45, line: 107]
[pc: 49, line: 112]
[pc: 52, line: 110]
[pc: 53, line: 113]

// Method descriptor #235 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Properties;)Ljava/sql/Connection;
// Stack: 6, Locals: 5
public synchronized java.sql.Connection connect(java.lang.String arg0, java.util.Properties arg1) throws java.sql.SQLException;
0 aload_0 [this]
1 getfield sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.tracer : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer [322]
4 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer.isTracing() : boolean [383]
7 ifeq 41
10 aload_0 [this]
11 getfield sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.tracer : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer [322]
14 new java.lang.StringBuilder [194]
17 dup
18 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder() [337]
21 ldc <String "*Driver.connect ("> [4]
23 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [339]
26 aload_1 [arg0]
27 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [339]
30 ldc <String ")"> [2]
32 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [339]
35 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [338]
38 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcTracer.trace(java.lang.String) : void [385]
41 aload_0 [this]
42 aload_1 [arg0]
43 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.acceptsURL(java.lang.String) : boolean [372]
46 ifne 51
49 aconst_null
50 areturn
51 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
54 lconst_0
55 lcmp
56 ifeq 77
59 aload_0 [this]
60 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
63 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.disconnect(long) : void [370]
66 aload_0 [this]
67 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
70 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.closeConnection(long) : void [369]
73 lconst_0
74 putstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hDbc : long [316]
77 aload_0 [this]
78 invokespecial sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.initialize() : boolean [366]
81 ifne 86
84 aconst_null
85 areturn
86 new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection [204]
89 dup
90 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.OdbcApi : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc [321]
93 getstatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.hEnv : long [317]
96 aload_0 [this]
97 invokespecial sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection(sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc, long, sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriverInterface) [363]
100 astore 4
102 aload_0 [this]
103 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.getTimeOut() : int [364]
106 ifle 117
109 aload_0 [this]
110 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.getTimeOut() : int [364]
113 istore_3
114 goto 121
117 invokestatic java.sql.DriverManager.getLoginTimeout() : int [342]
120 istore_3
121 aload 4
123 aload_1 [arg0]
124 invokestatic sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.getSubName(java.lang.String) : java.lang.String [375]
127 aload_2 [arg1]
128 iload_3
129 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize(java.lang.String, java.util.Properties, int) : void [362]
132 aload 4
134 aload_1 [arg0]
135 invokevirtual sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.setURL(java.lang.String) : void [361]
138 aload 4
140 areturn
Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Table of Contents If you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section. 1. Tutorial tips 2 2. Introducing the JavaMail API 3 3. Reviewing related protocols 4 4. Installing JavaMail 6 5. Reviewing the core classes 8 6. Using the JavaMail API 13 7. Searching with SearchTerm 21 8. Exercises 22 9. Wrapup 32 Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 1 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 1. Tutorial tips Should I take this tutorial? Looking to incorporate mail facilities into your platform-independent Java solutions? Look no further than the JavaMail API, which offers a protocol-independent model for working with IMAP, POP, SMTP, MIME, and all those other Internet-related messaging protocols. With the help of the JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF), your applications can now be mail-enabled through the JavaMail API. Concepts After completing this module you will understand the: * Basics of the Internet mail protocols SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and MIME * Architecture of the JavaMail framework * Connections between the JavaMail API and the JavaBeans Activation Framework Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: * Send and read mail using the JavaMail API * Deal with sending and receiving attachments * Work with HTML messages * Use search terms to search for messages Prerequisites Instructions on how to download and install the JavaMail API are contained in the course. In addition, you will need a development environment such as the JDK 1.1.6+ or the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.2.x or 1.3.x. A general familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts and the Java programming language is necessary. The Java language essentials tutorial can help. copyright 1996-2000 Magelang Institute dba jGuru Contact jGuru has been dedicated to promoting the growth of the Java technology community through evangelism, education, and software since 1995. You can find out more about their activities, including their huge collection of FAQs at . To send feedback to jGuru about this course, send mail to . Course author: Formerly with , John Zukowski does strategic Java consulting for JZ Ventures, Inc. His latest book is titled Java Collections from Apress . Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 2 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 2. Introducing the JavaMail API What is the JavaMail API? The JavaMail API is an optional package (standard extension) for reading, composing, and sending electronic messages. You use the package to create Mail User Agent (MUA) type programs, similar to Eudora, pine, and Microsoft Outlook. The API's main purpose is not for transporting, delivering, and forwarding messages; this is the purview of applications such as sendmail and other Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) type programs. MUA-type programs let users read and write e-mail, whereas MUAs rely on MTAs to handle the actual delivery. The JavaMail API is designed to provide protocol-independent access for sending and receiving messages by dividing the API into two parts: * The first part of the API is the focus of this course --basically, how to send and receive messages independent of the provider/protocol. * The second part speaks the protocol-specific languages, like SMTP, POP, IMAP, and NNTP. With the JavaMail API, in order to communicate with a server, you need a provider for a protocol. The creation of protocol-specific providers is not covered in this course because Sun provides a sufficient set for free. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 3 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 3. Reviewing related protocols Introduction Before looking into the JavaMail API specifics, let's step back and take a look at the protocols used with the API. There are basically four that you'll come to know and love: * SMTP * POP * IMAP * MIME You will also run across NNTP and some others. Understanding the basics of all the protocols will help you understand how to use the JavaMail API. While the API is designed to be protocol agnostic, you can't overcome the limitations of the underlying protocols. If a capability isn't supported by a chosen protocol, the JavaMail API doesn't magically add the capability on top of it. (As you'll soon see, this can be a problem when working with POP.) SMTP The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is defined by RFC 821 . It defines the mechanism for delivery of e-mail. In the context of the JavaMail API, your JavaMail-based program will communicate with your company or Internet Service Provider's (ISP's) SMTP server. That SMTP server will relay the message on to the SMTP server of the recipient(s) to eventually be acquired by the user(s) through POP or IMAP. This does not require your SMTP server to be an open relay, as authentication is supported, but it is your responsibility to ensure the SMTP server is configured properly. There is nothing in the JavaMail API for tasks like configuring a server to relay messages or to add and remove e-mail accounts. POP POP stands for Post Office Protocol. Currently in version 3, also known as POP3, RFC 1939 defines this protocol. POP is the mechanism most people on the Internet use to get their mail. It defines support for a single mailbox for each user. That is all it does, and that is also the source of a lot of confusion. Much of what people are familiar with when using POP, like the ability to see how many new mail messages they have, are not supported by POP at all. These capabilities are built into programs like Eudora or Microsoft Outlook, which remember things like the last mail received and calculate how many are new for you. So, when using the JavaMail API, if you want this type of information, you have to calculate it yourself. IMAP IMAP is a more advanced protocol for receiving messages. Defined in RFC 2060 , IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol, and is currently in version 4, also known as IMAP4. When using IMAP, your mail server must support the protocol. You can't just change your program to use IMAP instead of POP and expect everything in IMAP to be supported. Assuming your mail server supports IMAP, your JavaMail-based program can take Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 4 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials advantage of users having multiple folders on the server and these folders can be shared by multiple users. Due to the more advanced capabilities, you might think IMAP would be used by everyone. It isn't. It places a much heavier burden on the mail server, requiring the server to receive the new messages, deliver them to users when requested, and maintain them in multiple folders for each user. While this does centralize backups, as users' long-term mail folders get larger and larger, everyone suffers when disk space is exhausted. With POP, saved messages get offloaded from the mail server. MIME MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. It is not a mail transfer protocol. Instead, it defines the content of what is transferred: the format of the messages, attachments, and so on. There are many different documents that take effect here: RFC 822 , RFC 2045 , RFC 2046 , and RFC 2047 . As a user of the JavaMail API, you usually don't need to worry about these formats. However, these formats do exist and are used by your programs. NNTP and others Because of the split of the JavaMail API between provider and everything else, you can easily add support for additional protocols. Sun maintains a list of third-party providers that take advantage of protocols for which Sun does not provide out-of-the-box support. You'll find support for NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) [newsgroups], S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), and more. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 5 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 4. Installing JavaMail Introduction There are two versions of the JavaMail API commonly used today: 1.2 and 1.1.3. All the examples in this course will work with both. While 1.2 is the latest, 1.1.3 is the version included with the 1.2.1 version of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), so it is still commonly used. The version of the JavaMail API you want to use affects what you download and install. All will work with JDK 1.1.6+, Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) version 1.2.x, and J2SE version 1.3.x. Note: After installing Sun's JavaMail implementation, you can find many example programs in the demo directory. Installing JavaMail 1.2 To use the JavaMail 1.2 API, download the JavaMail 1.2 implementation, unbundle the file, and add the mail.jar file to your CLASSPATH. The 1.2 implementation comes with an SMTP, IMAP4, and POP3 provider besides the core classes. After installing JavaMail 1.2, install the JavaBeans Activation Framework. Installing JavaMail 1.1.3 To use the JavaMail 1.1.3 API, download the JavaMail 1.1.3 implementation, unbundle the file, and add the mail.jar file to your CLASSPATH. The 1.1.3 implementation comes with an SMTP and IMAP4 provider, besides the core classes. If you want to access a POP server with JavaMail 1.1.3, download and install a POP3 provider. Sun has one available separate from the JavaMail implementation. After downloading and unbundling, add pop3.jar to your CLASSPATH, too. After installing JavaMail 1.1.3, install the JavaBeans Activation Framework. Installing the JavaBeans Activation Framework All versions of the JavaMail API require the JavaBeans Activation Framework. The framework adds support for typing arbitrary blocks of data and handling it accordingly. This doesn't sound like much, but it is your basic MIME-type support found in many browsers and mail tools today. After downloading the framework, unbundle the file, and add the activation.jar file to your CLASSPATH. For JavaMail 1.2 users, you should now have added mail.jar and activation.jar to your CLASSPATH. For JavaMail 1.1.3 users, you should now have added mail.jar, pop3.jar, and activation.jar to your CLASSPATH. If you have no plans of using POP3, you don't Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 6 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials need to add pop3.jar to your CLASSPATH. If you don't want to change the CLASSPATH environment variable, copy the jar files to your lib/ext directory under the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) directory. For instance, for the J2SE 1.3 release, the default directory would be C:\jdk1.3\jre\lib\ext on a Windows platform. Using JavaMail with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition If you use J2EE, there is nothing special you have to do to use the basic JavaMail API; it comes with the J2EE classes. Just make sure the j2ee.jar file is in your CLASSPATH and you're all set. For J2EE 1.2.1, the POP3 provider comes separately, so download and follow the steps to include the POP3 provider as shown in the previous section "Installing JavaMail 1.1.3." J2EE 1.3 users get the POP3 provider with J2EE so do not require the separate installation. Neither installation requires you to install the JavaBeans Activation Framework. Exercise Exercise 1. How to set up a JavaMail environment on page 22 Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 7 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 5. Reviewing the core classes Introduction Before taking a how-to approach at looking at the JavaMail classes in depth, this section walks you through the core classes that make up the API: Session, Message, Address, Authenticator, Transport, Store, and Folder. All these classes are found in the top-level package for the JavaMail API, javax.mail, though you'll frequently find yourself using subclasses found in the javax.mail.internet package. Session The Session class defines a basic mail session. It is through this session that everything else works. The Session object takes advantage of a java.util.Properties object to get information like mail server, username, password, and other information that can be shared across your entire application. The constructors for the class are private. You can get a single default session that can be shared with the getDefaultInstance() method: Properties props = new Properties(); // fill props with any information Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Or, you can create a unique session with getInstance(): Properties props = new Properties(); // fill props with any information Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); In both cases, the null argument is an Authenticator object that is not being used at this time. In most cases, it is sufficient to use the shared session, even if working with mail sessions for multiple user mailboxes. You can add the username and password combination in at a later step in the communication process, keeping everything separate. Message Once you have your Session object, it is time to move on to creating the message to send. This is done with a type of Message . Because Message is an abstract class, you must work with a subclass, in most cases javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage .A MimeMessage is an e-mail message that understands MIME types and headers, as defined in the different RFCs. Message headers are restricted to US-ASCII characters only, though non-ASCII characters can be encoded in certain header fields. To create a Message, pass along the Session object to the MimeMessage constructor: MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 8 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Note: There are other constructors, like for creating messages from RFC822-formatted input streams. Once you have your message, you can set its parts, as Message implements the Part interface (with MimeMessage implementing MimePart ). The basic mechanism to set the content is the setContent() method, with arguments for the content and the mime type: message.setContent("Hello", "text/plain"); If, however, you know you are working with a MimeMessage and your message is plain text, you can use its setText() method, which only requires the actual content, defaulting to the MIME type of text/plain: message.setText("Hello"); For plain text messages, the latter form is the preferred mechanism to set the content. For sending other kinds of messages, like HTML messages, use the former. For setting the subject, use the setSubject() method: message.setSubject("First"); Address Once you've created the Session and the Message, as well as filled the message with content, it is time to address your letter with an Address . Like Message, Address is an abstract class. You use the javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress class. To create an address with just the e-mail address, pass the e-mail address to the constructor: Address address = new InternetAddress(""); If you want a name to appear next to the e-mail address, you can pass that along to the constructor, too: Address address = new InternetAddress("", "George Bush"); You will need to create address objects for the message's from field as well as the to field. Unless your mail server prevents you, there is nothing stopping you from sending a message that appears to be from anyone. Once you've created the addresses, you connect them to a message in one of two ways. For identifying the sender, you use the setFrom() and setReplyTo() methods. message.setFrom(address) If your message needs to show multiple from addresses, use the addFrom() method: Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 9 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Address address[] = ...; message.addFrom(address); For identifying the message recipients, you use the addRecipient() method. This method requires a Message.RecipientType besides the address. message.addRecipient(type, address) The three predefined types of address are: * Message.RecipientType.TO * Message.RecipientType.CC * Message.RecipientType.BCC So, if the message was to go to the vice president, sending a carbon copy to the first lady, the following would be appropriate: Address toAddress = new InternetAddress(""); Address ccAddress = new InternetAddress(""); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddress); The JavaMail API provides no mechanism to check for the validity of an e-mail address. While you can program in support to scan for valid characters (as defined by RFC 822) or verify the MX (mail exchange) record yourself, these are all beyond the scope of the JavaMail API. Authenticator Like the classes, the JavaMail API can take advantage of an Authenticator to access protected resources via a username and password. For the JavaMail API, that resource is the mail server. The JavaMail Authenticator is found in the javax.mail package and is different from the class of the same name. The two don't share the same Authenticator as the JavaMail API works with Java 1.1, which didn't have the variety. To use the Authenticator, you subclass the abstract class and return a PasswordAuthentication instance from the getPasswordAuthentication() method. You must register the Authenticator with the session when created. Then, your Authenticator will be notified when authentication is necessary. You could pop up a window or read the username and password from a configuration file (though if not encrypted is not secure), returning them to the caller as a PasswordAuthentication object. Properties props = new Properties(); // fill props with any information Authenticator auth = new MyAuthenticator(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, auth); Transport The final part of sending a message is to use the Transport class. This class speaks the Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 10 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials protocol-specific language for sending the message (usually SMTP). It's an abstract class and works something like Session. You can use the default version of the class by just calling the static send() method: Transport.send(message); Or, you can get a specific instance from the session for your protocol, pass along the username and password (blank if unnecessary), send the message, and close the connection: message.saveChanges(); // implicit with send() Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp"); transport.connect(host, username, password); transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients()); transport.close(); This latter way is best when you need to send multiple messages, as it will keep the connection with the mail server active between messages. The basic send() mechanism makes a separate connection to the server for each method call. Note: To watch the mail commands go by to the mail server, set the debug flag with session.setDebug(true). Store and folder Getting messages starts similarly to sending messages with a Session. However, after getting the session, you connect to a Store , quite possibly with a username and password or Authenticator. Like Transport, you tell the Store what protocol to use: // Store store = session.getStore("imap"); Store store = session.getStore("pop3"); store.connect(host, username, password); After connecting to the Store, you can then get a Folder , which must be opened before you can read messages from it: Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");; Message message[] = folder.getMessages(); For POP3, the only folder available is the INBOX. If you are using IMAP, you can have other folders available. Note: Sun's providers are meant to be smart. While Message message[] = folder.getMessages(); might look like a slow operation reading every message from the server, only when you actually need to get a part of the message is the message content retrieved. Once you have a Message to read, you can get its content with getContent() or write its content to a stream with writeTo(). The getContent() method only gets the message content, while writeTo() output includes headers. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 11 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials System.out.println(((MimeMessage)message).getContent()); Once you're done reading mail, close the connection to the folder and store. folder.close(aBoolean); store.close(); The boolean passed to the close() method of folder states whether or not to update the folder by removing deleted messages. Moving on Essentially, understanding how to use these seven classes is all you need for nearly everything with the JavaMail API. Most of the other capabilities of the JavaMail API build off these seven classes to do something a little different or in a particular way, like if the content is an attachment. Certain tasks, like searching, are isolated and are discussed later. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 12 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 6. Using the JavaMail API Introduction You've seen how to work with the core parts of the JavaMail API. In the following sections you'll find a how-to approach for connecting the pieces to do specific tasks. Sending messages Sending an e-mail message involves getting a session, creating and filling a message, and sending it. You can specify your SMTP server by setting the property for the Properties object passed when getting the Session: String host = ...; String from = ...; String to = ...; // Get system properties Properties props = System.getProperties(); // Setup mail server props.put("", host); // Get session Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); // Define message MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to)); message.setSubject("Hello JavaMail"); message.setText("Welcome to JavaMail"); // Send message Transport.send(message); You should place the code in a try-catch block, as setting up the message and sending it can throw exceptions. Exercise: Exercise 2. How to send your first message on page 23 Fetching messages For reading mail, you get a session, get and connect to an appropriate store for your mailbox, open the appropriate folder, and get your messages. Also, don't forget to close the connection when done. String host = ...; String username = ...; String password = ...; // Create empty properties Properties props = new Properties(); // Get session Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 13 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials // Get the store Store store = session.getStore("pop3"); store.connect(host, username, password); // Get folder Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");; // Get directory Message message[] = folder.getMessages(); for (int i=0, n=message.length; iintln(i + ": " + message[i].getFrom()[0] + "\t" + message[i].getSubject()); } // Close connection folder.close(false); store.close(); What you do with each message is up to you. The above code block just displays whom the message is from and the subject. Technically speaking, the list of from addresses could be empty and the getFrom()[0] call could throw an exception. To display the whole message, you can prompt the user after seeing the from and subject fields, and then call the message's writeTo() method if the user wants to see it. BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader(; // Get directory Message message[] = folder.getMessages(); for (int i=0, n=message.length; iintln(i + ": " + message[i].getFrom()[0] + "\t" + message[i].getSubject()); System.out.println("Do you want to read message? " + "[YES to read/QUIT to end]"); String line = reader.readLine(); if ("YES".equals(line)) { message[i].writeTo(System.out); } else if ("QUIT".equals(line)) { break; } } Exercise: Exercise 3. How to check for mail on page 25 Deleting messages and flags Deleting messages involves working with the Flags associated with the messages. There are different flags for different states, some system-defined and some user-defined. The predefined flags are defined in the inner class Flags.Flag and are listed below: * Flags.Flag.ANSWERED * Flags.Flag.DELETED * Flags.Flag.DRAFT * Flags.Flag.FLAGGED * Flags.Flag.RECENT * Flags.Flag.SEEN * Flags.Flag.USER Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 14 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Just because a flag exists doesn't mean the flag is supported by all mail servers or providers. For instance, except for deleting messages, the POP protocol supports none of them. Checking for new mail is not a POP task but a task built into mail clients. To find out what flags are supported, ask the folder with getPermanentFlags(). To delete messages, you set the message's DELETED flag: message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); Open up the folder in READ_WRITE mode first though:; Then, when you are done processing all messages, close the folder, passing in a true value to expunge the deleted messages. folder.close(true); There is an expunge() method of Folder that can be used to delete the messages. However, it doesn't work for Sun's POP3 provider. Other providers may or may not implement the capabilities. It will more than likely be implemented for IMAP providers. Because POP only supports single access to the mailbox, you have to close the folder to delete the messages with Sun's provider. To unset a flag, just pass false to the setFlag() method. To see if a flag is set, check it with isSet(). Authenticating yourself You learned that you can use an Authenticator to prompt for username and password when needed, instead of passing them in as strings. Here you'll actually see how to more fully use authentication. Instead of connecting to the Store with the host, username, and password, you configure the Properties to have the host, and tell the Session about your custom Authenticator instance, as shown here: // Setup properties Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("", host); // Setup authentication, get session Authenticator auth = new PopupAuthenticator(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, auth); // Get the store Store store = session.getStore("pop3"); store.connect(); You then subclass Authenticator and return a PasswordAuthentication object from the getPasswordAuthentication() method. The following is one such implementation, with a single field for both. (This isn't a Project Swing tutorial; just enter the two parts in the one field, separated by a comma.) Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 15 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials import javax.mail.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class PopupAuthenticator extends Authenticator { public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { String username, password; String result = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter 'username,password'"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(result, ","); username = st.nextToken(); password = st.nextToken(); return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password); } } Because the PopupAuthenticator relies on Swing, it will start up the event-handling thread for AWT. This basically requires you to add a call to System.exit() in your code to stop the program. Replying to messages The Message class includes a reply() method to configure a new Message with the proper recipient and subject, adding "Re: " if not already there. This does not add any content to the message, only copying the from or reply-to header to the new recipient. The method takes a boolean parameter indicating whether to reply to only the sender (false) or reply to all (true). MimeMessage reply = (MimeMessage)message.reply(false); reply.setFrom(new InternetAddress("")); reply.setText("Thanks"); Transport.send(reply); To configure the reply-to address when sending a message, use the setReplyTo() method. Exercise: Exercise 4. How to reply to mail on page 27 Forwarding messages Forwarding messages is a little more involved. There is no single method to call, and you build up the message to forward by working with the parts that make up a message. A mail message can be made up of multiple parts. Each part is a BodyPart , or more specifically, a MimeBodyPart when working with MIME messages. The different body parts get combined into a container called Multipart or, again, more specifically a MimeMultipart . To forward a message, you create one part for the text of your message and a second part with the message to forward, and combine the two into a multipart. Then you add the multipart to a properly addressed message and send it. That's essentially it. To copy the content from one message to another, just copy over its Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 16 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials DataHandler , a class from the JavaBeans Activation Framework. // Create the message to forward Message forward = new MimeMessage(session); // Fill in header forward.setSubject("Fwd: " + message.getSubject()); forward.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); forward.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to)); // Create your new message part BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); messageBodyPart.setText( "Here you go with the original message:\n\n"); // Create a multi-part to combine the parts Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Create and fill part for the forwarded content messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(message.getDataHandler()); // Add part to multi part multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Associate multi-part with message forward.setContent(multipart); // Send message Transport.send(forward); Working with attachments Attachments are resources associated with a mail message, usually kept outside of the message like a text file, spreadsheet, or image. As with common mail programs like Eudora and pine, you can attach resources to your mail message with the JavaMail API and get those attachments when you receive the message. Sending attachments: Sending attachments is quite like forwarding messages. You build up the parts to make the complete message. After the first part, your message text, you add other parts where the DataHandler for each is your attachment, instead of the shared handler in the case of a forwarded message. If you are reading the attachment from a file, your attachment data source is a FileDataSource . Reading from a URL, it is a URLDataSource . Once you have your DataSource, just pass it on to the DataHandler constructor, before finally attaching it to the BodyPart with setDataHandler(). Assuming you want to retain the original filename for the attachment, the last thing to do is to set the filename associated with the attachment with the setFileName() method of BodyPart. All this is shown here: // Define message Message message = new MimeMessage(session); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to)); message.setSubject("Hello JavaMail Attachment"); // Create the message part BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); // Fill the message messageBodyPart.setText("Pardon Ideas"); Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 17 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Part two is attachment messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); DataSource source = new FileDataSource(filename); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); messageBodyPart.setFileName(filename); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Put parts in message message.setContent(multipart); // Send the message Transport.send(message); When including attachments with your messages, if your program is a servlet, your users must upload the attachment besides telling you where to send the message. Uploading each file can be handled with a form encoding type of multipart/form-data.
Note: Message size is limited by your SMTP server, not the JavaMail API. If you run into problems, consider increasing the Java heap size by setting the ms and mx parameters. Exercise: Exercise 5. How to send attachments on page 28 Getting attachments: Getting attachments out of your messages is a little more involved then sending them because MIME has no simple notion of attachments. The content of your message is a Multipart object when it has attachments. You then need to process each Part, to get the main content and the attachment(s). Parts marked with a disposition of Part.ATTACHMENT from part.getDisposition() are clearly attachments. However, attachments can also come across with no disposition (and a non-text MIME type) or a disposition of Part.INLINE. When the disposition is either Part.ATTACHMENT or Part.INLINE, you can save off the content for that message part. Just get the original filename with getFileName() and the input stream with getInputStream(). Multipart mp = (Multipart)message.getContent(); for (int i=0, n=multipart.getCount(); iATTACHMENT) || (disposition.equals(Part.INLINE))) { saveFile(part.getFileName(), part.getInputStream()); } } The saveFile() method just creates a File from the filename, reads the bytes from the input stream, and writes them off to the file. In case the file already exists, a number is added to the end of the filename until one is found that doesn't exist. // from saveFile() File file = new File(filename); Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 18 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials for (int i=0; file.exists(); i++) { file = new File(filename+i); } The code above covers the simplest case where message parts are flagged appropriately. To cover all cases, handle when the disposition is null and get the MIME type of the part to handle accordingly. if (disposition == null) { // Check if plain MimeBodyPart mbp = (MimeBodyPart)part; if (mbp.isMimeType("text/plain")) { // Handle plain } else { // Special non-attachment cases here of image/gif, text/html, ... } ... } Processing HTML messages Sending HTML-based messages can be a little more work than sending plain text message, though it doesn't have to be that much more work. It all depends on your specific requirements. Sending HTML messages: If all you need to do is send the equivalent of an HTML file as the message and let the mail reader worry about fetching any embedded images or related pieces, use the setContent() method of Message, passing along the content as a String and setting the content type to text/html. String htmlText = "


" + ""; message.setContent(htmlText, "text/html")); On the receiving end, if you fetch the message with the JavaMail API, there is nothing built into the API to display the message as HTML. The JavaMail API only sees it as a stream of bytes. To display the message as HTML, you must either use the Swing JEditorPane or some third-party HTML viewer component. if (message.getContentType().equals("text/html")) { String content = (String)message.getContent(); JFrame frame = new JFrame(); JEditorPane text = new JEditorPane("text/html", content); text.setEditable(false); JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(text); frame.getContentPane().add(pane); frame.setSize(300, 300); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);; } Including images with your messages: On the other hand, if you want your HTML content message to be complete, with embedded images included as part of the message, you must treat the image as an attachment and reference the image with a special cid URL, where the cid is a reference to the Content-ID header of the image attachment. The process of embedding an image is quite similar to attaching a file to a message, the only Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 19 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials difference is you have to tell the MimeMultipart that the parts are related by setting its subtype in the constructor (or with setSubType()) and set the Content-ID header for the image to a random string which is used as the src for the image in the img tag. The following demonstrates this completely. String file = ...; // Create the message Message message = new MimeMessage(session); // Fill its headers message.setSubject("Embedded Image"); message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to)); // Create your new message part BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); String htmlText = "


" + ""; messageBodyPart.setContent(htmlText, "text/html"); // Create a related multi-part to combine the parts MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("related"); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Create part for the image messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); // Fetch the image and associate to part DataSource fds = new FileDataSource(file); messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-ID","memememe"); // Add part to multi-part multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); // Associate multi-part with message message.setContent(multipart); Exercise: Exercise 6. How to send HTML messages with images on page 29 Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 20 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 7. Searching with SearchTerm Introduction The JavaMail API includes a filtering mechanism found in the package to build up a SearchTerm . Once built, you then ask a Folder what messages match, retrieving an array of Message objects: SearchTerm st = ...; Message[] msgs =; There are 22 different classes available to help you build a search term. * AND terms (class AndTerm) * OR terms (class OrTerm) * NOT terms (class NotTerm) * SENT DATE terms (class SentDateTerm) * CONTENT terms (class BodyTerm) * HEADER terms (FromTerm / FromStringTerm, RecipientTerm / RecipientStringTerm, SubjectTerm, etc..) Essentially, you build up a logical expression for matching messages, then search. For instance the following term searches for messages with a (partial) subject string of ADV or a from field of You might consider periodically running this query and automatically deleting any messages returned. SearchTerm st = new OrTerm( new SubjectTerm("ADV:"), new FromStringTerm("")); Message[] msgs =; Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 21 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 8. Exercises About the exercises These exercises are designed to provide help according to your needs. For example, you might simply complete the exercise given the information and the task list in the exercise body; you might want a few hints; or you may want a step-by-step guide to successfully complete a particular exercise. You can use as much or as little help as you need per exercise. Moreover, because complete solutions are also provided, you can skip a few exercises and still be able to complete future exercises requiring the skipped ones. Each exercise has a list of any prerequisite exercises, a list of skeleton code for you to start with, links to necessary API pages, and a text description of the exercise goal. In addition, there is help for each task and a solutions page with links to files that comprise a solution to the exercise. Exercise 1. How to set up a JavaMail environment In this exercise you will install Sun's JavaMail reference implementation. After installing, you will be introduced to the demonstration programs that come with the reference implementation. Task 1: Download the latest version of the JavaMail API implementation from Sun. Task 2: Download the latest version of the JavaBeans Activation Framework from Sun. Task 3: Unzip the downloaded packages. You get a ZIP file for all platforms for both packages. Help for task 3: You can use the jar tool to unzip the packages. Task 4: Add the mail.jar file from the JavaMail 1.2 download and the activation.jar file from the JavaBeans Activation Framework download to your CLASSPATH. Help for task 4: Copy the files to your extension library directory. For Microsoft Windows, using the default installation copy, the command might look like the following: cd \javamail-1.2 copy mail.jar \jdk1.3\jre\lib\ext cd \jaf-1.0.1 copy activation.jar \jdk1.3\jre\lib\ext If you don't like copying the files to the extension library directory, detailed instructions are available from Sun for setting your CLASSPATH on Windows NT. Task 5: Go into the demo directory that comes with the JavaMail API implementation and compile the msgsend program to send a test message. Help for task 5: javac Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 22 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Task 6: Execute the program passing in a from address with the -o option, your SMTP server with the -M option, and the to address (with no option). You'll then enter the subject, the text of your message, and the end-of-file character (CTRL-Z) to signal the end of the message input. Help for task 6: Be sure to replace the from address, SMTP server, and to address. java msgsend -o from@address -M SMTP.Server to@address If you are not sure of your SMTP server, contact your system administrator or check with your Internet Service Provider. Task 7: Check to make sure you received the message with your normal mail reader (Eudora, Outlook Express, pine, ...). Exercise 1. How to set up a JavaMail environment: Solution Upon successful completion, the JavaMail reference implementation will be in your CLASSPATH. Exercise 2. How to send your first message In the last exercise you sent a mail message using the demonstration program provided with the JavaMail implementation. In this exercise, you'll create the program yourself. For more help with exercises, see About the exercises on page 22 . Prerequisites: * Exercise 1. How to set up a JavaMail environment on page 22 Skeleton code: * Task 1: Starting with the skeleton code , get the system Properties. Help for task 1: Properties props = System.getProperties(); Task 2: Add the name of your SMTP server to the properties for the key. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 23 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Help for task 2: props.put("", host); Task 3: Get a Session object based on the Properties. Help for task 3: Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Task 4: Create a MimeMessage from the session. Help for task 4: MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session); Task 5: Set the from field of the message. Help for task 5: message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); Task 6: Set the to field of the message. Help for task 6: message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to)); Task 7: Set the subject of the message. Help for task 7: message.setSubject("Hello JavaMail"); Task 8: Set the content of the message. Help for task 8: message.setText("Welcome to JavaMail"); Task 9: Use a Transport to send the message. Help for task 9: Transport.send(message); Task 10: Compile and run the program, passing your SMTP server, from address, and to address on the command line. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 24 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Help for task 10: java MailExample SMTP.Server from@address to@address Task 11: Check to make sure you received the message with your normal mail reader (Eudora, Outlook Express, pine, ...). Exercise 2. How to send your first message: Solution The following Java source file represents a solution to this exercise: * Solution/ Exercise 3. How to check for mail In this exercise, create a program that displays the from address and subject for each message and prompts to display the message content. For more help with exercises, see About the exercises on page 22 . Prerequisites: * Exercise 1. How to set up a JavaMail environment on page 22 Skeleton Code * Task 1: Starting with the skeleton code , get or create a Properties object. Help for task 1: Properties props = new Properties(); Task 2: Get a Session object based on the Properties. Help for task 2: Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); Task 3: Get a Store for your e-mail protocol, either pop3 or imap. Help for task 3: Store store = session.getStore("pop3"); Task 4: Connect to your mail host's store with the appropriate username and password. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 25 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Help for task 4: store.connect(host, username, password); Task 5: Get the folder you want to read. More than likely, this will be the INBOX. Help for task 5: Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX"); Task 6: Open the folder read-only. Help for task 6:; Task 7: Get a directory of the messages in the folder. Save the message list in an array variable named message. Help for task 7: Message message[] = folder.getMessages(); Task 8: For each message, display the from field and the subject. Help for task 8: System.out.println(i + ": " + message[i].getFrom()[0] + "\t" + message[i].getSubject()); Task 9: Display the message content when prompted. Help for task 9: System.out.println(message[i].getContent()); Task 10: Close the connection to the folder and store. Help for task 10: folder.close(false); store.close(); Task 11: Compile and run the program, passing your mail server, username, and password on the command line. Answer YES to the messages you want to read. Just hit ENTER if you don't. If you want to stop reading your mail before making your way through all the messages, enter QUIT. Help for task 11: java GetMessageExample POP.Server username password Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 26 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Exercise 3. How to check for mail: Solution The following Java source file represents a solution to this exercise. * Solution/ Exercise 4. How to reply to mail In this exercise, create a program that creates a canned reply message and attaches the original message if it's plain text. For more help with exercises, see About the exercises on page 22 . Prerequisites: * Exercise 3. How to check for mail on page 25 Skeleton Code: * Task 1: The skeleton code already includes the code to get the list of messages from the folder and prompt you to create a reply. Task 2: When answered affirmatively, create a new MimeMessage from the original message. Help for task 2: MimeMessage reply = (MimeMessage)message[i].reply(false); Task 3: Set the from field to your e-mail address. Task 4: Create the text for the reply. Include a canned message to start. When the original message is plain text, add each line of the original message, prefix each line with the "> " characters. Help for task 4: To check for plain text messages, check the messages MIME type with mimeMessage.isMimeType("text/plain"). Task 5: Set the message's content, once the message content is fully determined. Task 6: Send the message. Task 7: Compile and run the program, passing your mail server, SMTP server, username, password, and from address on the command line. Answer YES to the messages you want to send replies. Just hit ENTER if you don't. If you want to stop going through your mail before Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 27 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials making your way through all the messages, enter QUIT. Help for task 7: java ReplyExample POP.Server SMTP.Server username password from@address Task 8: Check to make sure you received the message with your normal mail reader (Eudora, Outlook Express, pine, ...). Exercise 4. How to reply to mail: Solution The following Java source file represents a solution to this exercise. * Solution/ Exercise 5. How to send attachments In this exercise, create a program that sends a message with an attachment. For more help with exercises, see About the exercises on page 22 . Prerequisites: * Exercise 2. How to send your first message on page 23 Skeleton Code: * Task 1: The skeleton code already includes the code to get the initial mail session. Task 2: From the session, get a Message and set its header fields: to, from, and subject. Task 3: Create a BodyPart for the main message content and fill its content with the text of the message. Help for task 3: BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart(); messageBodyPart.setText("Here's the file"); Task 4: Create a Multipart to combine the main content with the attachment. Add the main content to the multipart. Help for task 4: Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart(); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 28 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Task 5: Create a second BodyPart for the attachment. Task 6: Get the attachment as a DataSource. Help for task 6: DataSource source = new FileDataSource(filename); Task 7: Set the DataHandler for the message part to the data source. Carry the original filename along. Help for task 7: messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); messageBodyPart.setFileName(filename); Task 8: Add the second part of the message to the multipart. Task 9: Set the content of the message to the multipart. Help for task 9: message.setContent(multipart); Task 10: Send the message. Task 11: Compile and run the program, passing your SMTP server, from address, to address, and filename on the command line. This will send the file as an attachment. Help for task 11: java AttachExample SMTP.Server from@address to@address filename Task 12: Check to make sure you received the message with your normal mail reader (Eudora, Outlook Express, pine, ...). Exercise 5. How to send attachments: Solution The following Java source file represents a solution to this exercise. * Solution/ Exercise 6. How to send HTML messages with images In this exercise, create a program that sends an HTML message with an image attachment where the image is displayed within the HTML message. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 29 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials For more help with exercises, see About the exercises on page 22 . Prerequisites: * Exercise 5. How to send attachments on page 28 Skeleton code: * logo.gif * Task 1: The skeleton code already includes the code to get the initial mail session, create the main message, and fill its headers (to, from, subject). Task 2: Create a BodyPart for the HTML message content. Task 3: Create a text string of the HTML content. Include a reference in the HTML to an image () that is local to the mail message. Help for task 3: Use a cid URL. The content-id will need to be specified for the image later. String htmlText = "


" + ""; Task 4: Set the content of the message part. Be sure to specify the MIME type is text/html. Help for task 4: messageBodyPart.setContent(htmlText, "text/html"); Task 5: Create a Multipart to combine the main content with the attachment. Be sure to specify that the parts are related. Add the main content to the multipart. Help for task 5: MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("related"); multipart.addBodyPart(messageBodyPart); Task 6: Create a second BodyPart for the attachment. Task 7: Get the attachment as a DataSource, and set the DataHandler for the message part to the data source. Task 8: Set the Content-ID header for the part to match the image reference specified in the HTML. Help for task 8: messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-ID","memememe"); Task 9: Add the second part of the message to the multipart, and set the content of the Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 30 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials message to the multipart. Task 10: Send the message. Task 11: Compile and run the program, passing your SMTP server, from address, to address, and filename on the command line. This will send the images as an inline image within the HTML text. Help for task 11: java HtmlImageExample SMTP.Server from@address to@address filename Task 12: Check if your mail reader recognizes the message as HTML and displays the image within the message, instead of as a link to an external attachment file. Help for task 12: If your mail reader can't display HTML messages, consider sending the message to a friend. Exercise 6. How to send HTML messages with images: Solution The following Java source files represent a solution to this exercise. * Solution/logo.gif * Solution/ Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 31 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Section 9. Wrapup In summary The JavaMail API is a Java package used for reading, composing, and sending e-mail messages and their attachments. It lets you build standards-based e-mail clients that employ various Internet mail protocols, including SMTP, POP, IMAP, and MIME, as well as related protocols such as NNTP, S/MIME, and others. The API divides naturally into two parts. The first focuses on sending, receiving, and managing messages independent of the protocol used, whereas the second focuses on specific use of the protocols. The purpose of this tutorial was to show how to use the first part of the API, without attempting to deal with protocol providers. The core JavaMail API consists of seven classes --Session, Message, Address, Authenticator, Transport, Store, and Folder --all of which are found in javax.mail, the top-level package for the JavaMail API. We used these classes to work through a number of common e-mail-related tasks, including sending messages, retrieving messages, deleting messages, authenticating, replying to messages, forwarding messages, managing attachments, processing HTML-based messages, and searching or filtering mail lists. Finally, we provided a number of step-by-step exercises to help illustrate the concepts presented. Hopefully, this will help you add e-mail functionality to your platform-independent Java applications. Resources You can do much more with the JavaMail API than what's found here. The lessons and exercises found here can be supplemented by the following resources: * Download the JavaMail 1.2 API from the JavaMail API home page . * The JavaBeans Activation Framework is required for versions 1.2 and 1.1.3 of the JavaMail API. * The JavaMail-interest mailing list is a Sun-hosted discussion forum for developers. * Sun's JavaMail FAQ addresses the use of JavaMail in applets and servlets, as well as prototol-specific questions. * Tutorial author John Zukowski maintains jGuru's JavaMail FAQ . * Want to see how others are using JavaMail? Check out Sun's list of third-party products. * If you want more detail about JavaMail, read Rick Grehan's "How JavaMail keeps it simple" (Lotus Developer Network, June 2000). * Benoit Marchal shows how to use Java and XML to produce plain text and HTML newsletters in this two-part series, "Managing e-zines with JavaMail and XSLT" Part 1 (developerWorks, March 2001) and Part 2 (developerWorks, April 2001). * "Linking Applications with E-mail" (Lotus Developer Network, May 2000) discusses how groupware can facilitate communication, collaboration, and coordination among applications. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 32 Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Feedback Please let us know whether this tutorial was helpful to you and how we could make it better. We'd also like to hear about other tutorial topics you'd like to see covered. Thanks! For questions about the content of this tutorial, contact the author John Zukowski ( ) Colophon This tutorial was written entirely in XML, using the developerWorks Toot-O-Matic tutorial generator. The Toot-O-Matic tool is a short Java program that uses XSLT stylesheets to convert the XML source into a number of HTML pages, a zip file, JPEG heading graphics, and PDF files. Our ability to generate multiple text and binary formats from a single source file illustrates the power and flexibility of XML. Fundamentals of the JavaMail API Page 33
SakEmail components Copyright ?1997 - 2003 Sergio A. Kessler web: subscribe to the mailing list of sakemail, just go to - First released version0.9.1b -Fixed when a mail server reply on the connection with more than one line0.9.2b - I forget to return a value in functions retrieveHeader/Message =) and fixed it. Some minor bugs that I don‘t remember fixed.- Added MIME-compliant base64 support (not for use by now). Added examples. Fixed a bug when send a mail and the first line disappear (thanks to Arun)- Now, you could do MySMTP.MsgTo := ‘;;‘; the spaces before/after semicolon doesn‘t matter (I hope ;)).0.9.3b- Many changes, I added a SakMsg component that make send binary attachments a snap. But have one problem, if you send as attach a file > 20 Kb, it doesn‘t work (I don‘t know why, maybe a problem of sockets). Developed with a version 2.0b of WSockets and D3. Changed the POP.login to a function that return the number of new msgs.- Added the event OnRetrieveProgress on the SakPOP, and fixed the example, sorry =)- Minor changes to the code.1.0- Developed with WSockets 1.2 POP.Login now return a boolean depending id the user is authorized, and POP.Init return the number of new msgs.1.01- Fixed a bug with a bounced mail.1.02- Minor bugs fixed (some variants of boundary)14/10/971.1.0- Warning: WSockets1.2 have some bugs that result in bad attachments. So I decided to use the sockets of Delphi 3 founded in D3 c/s D3.01 pro and D3.01 c/s. Now all seems to work fine and much more smooth. And of course the interface of SakEmail hasn‘t changed.26/10/971.2.0- Added the Reply-To field to TSakMsg comp. Now you must use ‘,‘ when you want to send the msg. to multiple recipients, i.e.: ‘,,‘ This change is done for better compatibility with other emails clients.- Better formatting of the field Date of TSakMsg. Some changes to the code.17/11/971.2.1- Now, all searches are made in case-insensitive, it could prevent some unexpected responses (no one reported, but...). Some changes to the code (again).20/11/971.2.2- Some bugs fixed. (Thanks to Serge Wagener from .lu)24/11/971.2.3- Added the field ‘MIME-Version: 1.0‘. It seems that is necessary :)25/11/971.3.0- Added compatibility with SCO and VAX servers. Fixed a minor bug with the boundary.- Change the generator of the message id.- Added the field MessageId and InReplyTo to the TSakMsg component.- Added the field In-Reply-To that is added to the message generated when it is <> ‘‘.30/11/971.3.1- Almost rewrote the parsing code. Now is more easy for you if you want hack/modify the code.- Better treatment of emails with html inside.15/12/971.4- Added support for UUCoded attachments.- Added a small delay when sending the email, seems that some servers can‘t deglut the info too fast, causing problems with sockets buffers and leading to crash the client machine, I don‘t know if is a Borland bug or Microsoft bug. (thanks to Don Higgins).19/12/971.4.1- Fixed a bug that send double ‘<‘ and ‘>‘ (ie. <>) when the full user name is used. Check the new SMTP demo. Thanks to Serge Wagener for locate this bug, track it down and send me the fix.2/2/981.5.0- Added the Canceled property to TSakPOP and to TSakSMTP. Due to this addition now RetrieveAllMessages is a function that return the number of msgs. retrieved and SendMessage is a boolean function (maybe someone has pressed the cancel btn).- Fixed a bug when the subject field is too large.9/2/981.5.1- Fixed a bug with a message within a message (recursive msgs).18/2/981.5.2- Fixed a bug what happens when after the field ‘To:‘ appear a blank line(Thanks to Osvaldo Fillia). Fixed a bug when sending email to more than two address (the separator is still ‘,‘).9/3/981.6.0- Sometimes the filenames of an attachment contain invalid chars making very dificult to open a TSaveDialog (you have noted this ?), now SakEmail deletes the invalid chars.- Applied a patch from Matjaz Bravc, that resolve the problem of localized dates, letting you choose (in design time) if you want localized dates (NOT recommended) or standards dates (english) via the LocalizedDates boolean property in the TSakSMTP comp. Thanks also to Serge Dosyukov for sending me a fix.- Also I applied another patch of Gregor Duchalski that cure a bug with PChar when this unit is used under NT. - It seems that some machines need more delay when sendig a msg (see previous posting 19/12/97), thanks to Matjaz Bravc.- I discover a bug in the transparency code, it is fixed now. Did you see the benefits of Open Source Software ? :)26/3/981.6.1- Added a FUNCFileName private variable to manage the complete path of the attached file. I receive problems reports with this, it work now ?.- Reduced the line sleep to 30 (tell me if this value doesn‘t work for you).27/4/981.7.0- Fixed a memory leak, thanks to Don Higgins.- Moved the string esErrorInFormatOfMsg to a property of SakPOP.- Because some people need to use IP addresses instead of Host names, I‘ve added a new property IPAddress to SakPOP and SakSMTP. If both are filled, then the Host name will be used, thanks to Roger F. Reghin for reporting this. The side effect for this is that YOUR app must check if the host is a host name or a IP address, in my app I remove the periods and try to convert the result to a float (long integers don‘t work, but float accept chars ‘e‘) if it doesn‘t work I assume that is a host name (someone has a better and simple idea ?).- Added the property FileStream to the class TAtachedFile and the procedure SaveToStream, this was done by Brian Sheperd- The address separator (in the TO: field) is ‘,‘ and ‘;‘ now (before it was ‘,‘ only).1.7.1- Roger F. Reghin has sended me a pair of nice patches that resolve in a good behavior when the destination address is something like "Roger Reghin" and some servers says that they couldn‘t relay that mail, etc. Also Roger has made the IPAddress property obsolete (do not use it, use Host instead), SakEmail will resolve the host properly no matter if it is a host name or a IP address. So in the next version I will remove the IPAddress property. Thank you, Roger.1.8.0- Well, it seems that I made a mistake, I investigated the previous behavior and it is a fault of the SMTP (RFC 821), so I fixed it.- The IPAddress property has been removed, use Host. Goeran Strehl (asem) has sended me a patch that fix a memory leak and one problem with the object inspector and the Text property of a SakMsg. Dmitry Bondarenko say that some servers do not send the msg size after the RETR command, so he fix that issuing a LIST n command first (work nicely).- Added the property CC (Carbon Copy) to the SakMsg object.1.8.1- Added the property ReturnPath to the SakMsg comp. Minor changes to the scanning code for the filename of attachments.1.8.2- Fixed a bug with the filename of attachments (thanks to Taufer Pavel Ing.).- Added the function IsIPAddress from hou yg (the actual code don‘t work if the server is :) Fixed a minor bug with html pages like attachments. Some fucking email server return a bounded message declaring the boundary like ‘boundary = ‘ and not ‘boundary=‘ wich is clear in the RFC, fixed.1.8.3- A obscure bug was found by HuangYeJun from china, in the RetrieveHeaders function if the retrieved text was larger than 1024 bytes and the crlf.crlf fall in the middle of two chunks, the function is blocked. I don‘t use this function, btw. Just cleaned up a bit the FindUUAtachs function. Not bug or enhancements release. Serge Wagener put me to work >:|1.8.4- Dmitry Bondarenko (again) has found a bug in wich I do not respect the RFC, wich say that replys from the SMTP server could be multi-line, and the previous version just manage as far as two lines. He also send me a nice patch, so the bug is fixed.- Craig Manley added a ExtraHeaders property, please, use with care, it‘s just not valid to put inside it whatever thing.- The CC header was not being added to the headers that were being sent, so Craig fixed it.- Warning: I‘ve put try/except in the TSakPOP.Connect and TSMTP.Connect function around the line FSocket.Open, so you will need to write something like: myPOP.Connect; if POPError then ... in your code, the old way was: try myPOP.Connect; except ..... end; If you are strongly opossed to this change, drop me a line and tell me why (I‘m in doubts).1.8.5- Greg Nixon added the priority property. The default priority for each msg created will be prNormal, so you don‘t need to change your code any bit.1.8.6- Ulf Sturegren has added D4 compatibility, not many changes to the source (one letter), but he found the error.- Hou yg has sent to me a revisited IsIPAddress function, so I put the newer function in, infortunely my reply to him doesn‘t want to go.1.8.7- Ok, I discovered a weird bug, some old emailers (navigator 2) does not format the message in multipart mode if people send an attach, without writing any text and with no MIME settings. Fixed. This could be serious, I recommend upgrading.1.8.8- A small fix with the CC field. Some stupid mail servers put tabs in some fields (CC:, TO:) when they want to make a new line, the correct is to put at least a space in the beginning of the line, added a little code to "fix" that.1.8.9- Some ‘moderns‘ pop3 servers doesn‘t support the LAST command, so I‘ve added a little code to cope with this and added a boolean property ServerSupportLastCmd. See TSakPOP.Init for more details. Reported by Jan Najvarek.1.9.0- Kaufman Alex has added two properties to the SakMsg object, the ContentType and the Headers property, that should be self explaining (I modified a little the code he sended me, btw).1.9.1- I rewrote and greatly simplified the code that deal with the multiple address in the TO: field and remove some possible bugs in it.1.9.2- Alex discovered and fix a bug when a file attached is not enclosed between quotes, resulting in the filename without the first and last character.1.9.3- Better detection of the boundary in multipart messages. Fixed a bug when the attached file is empty.1.9.4- Chris G黱ther send me *lots* of memory leaks fixes, very good job, Chris. - Some weird PGP messages are now processed well.- Yang Qiandong from china fixed a compiler hint and a warning.- Modified TSakSMTP.FReceiveTextFromSocket as suggested by Greg Nixon.- Dmitry Bondarenko send me a patch that fixes some issues with the LAST command (that some servers don‘t implement) and other patch that fixes a problem when servers add spare words in the tail of the answer.- Some minor changes suggested by Matthew Vincent.- Support for _big_ attachments files (me).- Make the code more modular and simple (still is not very modular).1.10.0- Move some stuff to a sak_util unit.- Support for quoted-printable msgs, thanks to Chris G黱ther.- Fix the BCC field.- New property sakMsg.ContentTransferEncoding.2.0.0- Major reestructure of the files and the source code.- Simplifyied sakPOP3.pas a _lot_- Support encapsulated messages (message/rfc822).- Nested multipart messages are processed fine.- Attachs with quoted-printable are processed fine.- Many bugs fixes.2.0.1- A fiasco, sorry.2.0.2- Fixed a bug in the sak_CleanUpAddress.- Do the rigth job if the ContentType is ‘plain/text‘ and the encoding is base64.- Redone sak_ExtractAddress and sak_ExtractAlias.- New ‘Sender‘ property in SakMsg (normally not used, so do not use it, unless you know what you are doing) ‘Thanks‘ to Alex Kaufman for this.2.0.3- A *severe* bug with multiple addresses was fixed.2.0.4- Fixed bogus Message-number (Message-id is the correct) Thanks to Peter Honan- Added SizeInBytes property to the SakMsg component. (petition of Alex Kaufman)- Fixed a minor bug in TSakPOP.RetrieveHeaders. Fix from Alex.- Added RetrieveMessageOnlyHeaders and - RetrieveAllMessagesOnlyHeaders.2.0.5- Fix when the mail server reply is like (two cr).- Fix function IsIpAddress.- Both fixes by Alessandro Rossi.2.0.6- Fix a bug in the sak_Base64Decode function when the data to decode is null (I found it in the hard way).- Andy Charalambous make it sure you can send more than one email without disconnecting and connecting again.- And Chris ‘Memory Hunter‘ G黱ther killed some memory leaks (again).2.2.0- the f* sleep line that was bothering us for years is gone, gone, gone. Thanks to Syed Ahmed.- a getUIDL method of SakPOP. Thanks to Alex Kaufman.- a UIDL property on SakMsg. (me)- a SakPOP.GetUIDLsOnRetrieve boolean property (default false) (me)- change some ‘Exception.Create()‘ to ‘raise Exception.Create()‘ Thanks to Anton Saburov.- change SakPOP.Init from function to procedure (me)- new SakPOP.NewMsgsCount property (me)- changed SakPOP.Password to SakPOP.UserPassword (me)- changed SakPOP.ErrorInFormatOfMsg to SakPOP.StrErrorInFormatOfMsg- OnLookup event on SakPOP and SakSMTP. Thanks to Syed Ahmed.- OnConnecting event on SakPOP and SakSMTP (me).- OnReceiveTextFromSocket event on SakPOP and SakSMTP (me). (mostly for debug)- OnSendTextToSocket event on SakPOP and SakSMTP (me). (mostly for debug)- Headers are retrieved without the mail body (ugly bug, fix from Alex Kaufman)2.4.0- I‘ve revamped TSakMsg, many funcionality from SakPOP was moved to SakMsg, where it belongs.- Now SakMsg has a RawMail property wich you may find useful, now you can do: SakMsg1.RawMail.LoadFromFile(‘(uidl).mail‘); SakMsg1.ParseMsg; or SakMsg1.RawMail.LoadFromStream( myStream); SakMsg1.ParseMsg; or SakMsg1.RawMail.SaveToFile( ‘(uidl).mail‘); etc, etc...- Added a property TSakMsg.ClearRawMailAfterParse for memory saving.- the return of the f* sleep line (it causes freezes on winsock 1.1 systems like win95, win98 has winsock 2 so there is no problem if you remove the line)- lost of the DecodeProgess events :( (sorry, I don‘t know how to fit this events on the new SakMsg)2.6.0- the sleep() line is dead, it will never come back. Sending an email is a pleasure now.- SakMsg has a TextEncoding (8Bit, Base64) property, I think this will be useful to people with others charset than iso-8859-1- the base64 routines have been rewritten, they are more OO and faster (they are now in SakMIME.pas).- cosmetic changes all over the place.2.6.1- simplifyed ParseMsg2 a lot, it work better now.- speed up the search for uucoded attachs (the previous search was very dumb)- fixed bug Msg.SizeInBytes always 0- added a couple of Application.ProcessMessages to make the app more responsive.2.6.2- moved some functions from sak_utils to SakMIME.- make const parameters all over the place.- fix the bug that introduces a final crlf in quoted-printable attachs.- fix a division by zero if attached file is 0 bytes long, fixed by Peter Kollanyi.2.6.3- fix a rare bug when the header of a email (more probably a encapsulated one) has first line/s in blank. Easy and innocuous bug.2.6.4- fix the bug that insert the attachs of type text/* on the body of the email.- change the Smtp.SendMessage for Smtp.SendTheMessage to avoid a BCBuilder problem. Both problems reported by Andreas Franzen. SendMessage is still there, but it‘s now deprecated, I will remove it in the future.2.6.5- moved the ParseMsg activation from SakPOP to SakMsg (where it belong), this means that after setting the RawMail property of SakMsg, this does a ParseMsg automatically. before: SakMsg1.RawMail := ... SakMsg1.ParseMsg; now: SakMsg1.RawMail := ... hope I‘m not breaking too much code out there ... :)- some changes in the way attachments are processed (now the html part is separated correctly and images within the html are recognized)- RetrieveMessage() and RetrieveMessageOnlyHeaders() now take an additional parameter, a TSakMsg var, so people can change some parameters before parsing, see the source in SakPOP3.pas (the old way is still supported, but they will be removed in the future)- bug fixes that I do not remember.3.0.0- moved code around.- removed deprecated functions (I told you about this)- new SakAttFile unit.- Base64Encode( AttFile), Base64Decode( AttFile), UUDecode( AttFile) has been moved to the TAtachedFile object, so you can do AttFile.Base64Encode, AttFile.Base64Decode, etc- SakSMTP have lost EncodeStart, EncodeProgess and EncodeEnd events as a consequence of the previous change.- SakPOP.Canceled and SakSMTP.Canceled properties have been made read-only and SakPOP.Cancel and SakSMTP.Cancel procedures (or methods) have been added.- add a SakMsg.FillRawMail method that will fill the RawMail property with a rfc822 message based on the properties of SakMsg.- changed SakSMTP.Quit & SakPOP.Quit to Disconnect- deleted TAttachedFile.FileStream (redundant), use BodyBin- removed the function sak_getTempFileName (as it should no be trusted) use function sak_GetTempPath- the new SakIMAP component !, this make a pleasure to work with incoming emails (as you can have folders, etc). Note: the IMAP component has only been tested with the Uni. of Washington server, but it should work with any *STANDARD COMPLIANT* server. Anyways, the code of this component is very simple, so if you have problems, a look in the source code can enligthen you.3.0.1- fixed a brown paper type of bug.3.0.2- support the case where attachs do not come from files (Lars Karlslund)- minor bugfix in UUDecode function (Lars Karlslund)- if the SakMsg.Username is empty, do a VRFY command at the smtp server to try to get the full user name (sergio)- function TSakIMAP.GetFolderList (Peter Nagel)- function TSakIMAP.GetHierarchyDelim (Peter Nagel)- frustrated intent (ie. commented out) to remove memory leaks in POP, SMTP & IMAP destroy functions (Ronald Moesbergen)3.0.3- actually create (and free) the FolderList in sakIMAP (Neculau Andrei)- try to send the FQDM to the HELO command in SMTP (sergio)- commented out the VRFY command in SakSMTP, and cut the from address in the From field (in SakMsg), so if the username is empty, the SMTP server rewrite the from address in a complete way, with username & full address (sergio)- fix a minor bug in TBase64DecodingStream.Write function (Lars Karlslund)3.4.0- many, many improvements to the IMAP component by Peter Honan (I applied the patch with minor modifications, mainly to respect delphi coding standard, taking out the overloading, the selectFolder function was overcomplicated, etc)- FAQ updated (me)3.4.1- minimize the chance for two temporal messages stored on disk to collide (can be hit in previous versions if you run multiple instances of retrieveMessage at the same time)- FAQ updated.3.4.2- a new sak_CleanUpAddresses() implementation, by Knut Baardsen- better handling for temporal messages, suggested by Andrew- many improvements (including ACL -Access Control List) to the IMAP component by James Chaplin3.4.3- reverted to the old sak_CleanUpAddresses() implementation Knut‘s one is almost rigth, but don‘t let us use addresses without domains- add Headers.Clear before filling headers, by "Antonio Carlos Ribeiro Faria" 3.5.0- add TSakMsg.LoadFromTextFile from Oak Chantosa- big jumbo mambo patch from James Chaplin first patch: 1) Operation timeout - OperationTimeout timeout for non-responding receive operations. 2) Forced abend - ForceAbend method that will disconnect and reset state. 3) Optional folder lists - AvFolderList and AvSUBFolderList provide alternatives to FolderList and SUBFolderList that ensure the lists do not contain inacessible folders ( flagged by the server ). 4) Folder name fix - Provided a function to "fix" folder names before submission. Currently it fixes names containing spaces. second patch: 1) Capability - Ask for server capabilities/extensions. 2) Noop - Basic noop command - updates message counts as well - preferred alternative to status. 3) Status - Explicit status command - generally useful for status of a non-selected mailbox. 4) Fetch - Retrieve message data. 5) FetchBody - Retrieve the body of the message. 6) ExamineFolder - A read-only select command. 7) CloseSelectedFolder - Close the currently selected folder. 8) Idle - RFC2177 extension - not implemented on very many servers. 9) Search - Search based on RFC2066 criteria. 10) UIDSearch - Search based on RFC2066 criteria - results are in UID form. 11) UIDStoreFlags - Store message flags based on UID. 12) UIDFetch - Fetch message data by UID. 13) UIDCopyMessageToFolder - Copy a message by UID. 14) Authenticate - Basic framework. Only plain authentication extension implemented. 15) CloseOnError - A new property that allows the user to turn off the default behaviour of disconnecting from the server when an IMAP error is received 16) Namespace - RFC2342 Namespace query command. 17) ListFullHierarchy - Property which allows a switch between "*" ( default ) or "%" as the wilcard for default folder/list methods. 18) List - Explicit list command in case it is needed. third patch: 1) fix problem with imapd 2001a, reported by Holger Mauermann. 2) remove all warnings.3.5.1- revert change to the base64 encoding routine.3.5.2- changes from James Chaplin: 1) TSakIMAP will now properly process non-numeric UIDs for messages ( there was a sak_StrWord2Int transform being used before - which always produced a 0 value for non-numeric UIDs ). 2) TSakIMAP.RetrieveMessageExt ( private method ) was modified to provide a retrieval by either MsgID or UID. 3) TSakIMAP.RetrieveMessageByUID was modified to use the slightly more efficient TSakIMAP.RetrieveMessageExt(UID) method specified in 2) above. I also made an update to the SakMIME.pas unit. The changes that were implemented are: 1) sak_Base64Encode - a basic Base64 encoder. String input and string output with the option for CRLF splitting. 2) sak_Base64Decode - a basic Base64 decoder. String input and string output with a control for CRLF interpretation. 3) sak_Base64Verify - a very basic Base64 string verifier.3.5.3- robustify and code cleanups by Paul Vernon.3.5.4- access violation fix by Paul Vernon.3.5.5- go back to good old trusty this time, all the cleanup & fixes from Paul Vernon seems to work well.3.6.0- Paul Vernon latest minor fixes- added basic SMTP authentication, by Delfi and Antonio Carlos Ribeiro Faria3.6.1- fix a mayor bug when sending to many addresses (by sergio)3.7.0- add full support for html mails, by Paul Vernon. (The TAttachedFile now has an extra boolean property called embedded. This property lets you use the syntax Files2"CID@myimg.gif"> in your HTML mails)- fix a weird typo for BCC fields- add Content-ID, by alejandro Castro- fix "_" characters in subject, regression fix.- cleanups all around, by Paul Vernon.- SMTP example updated to cope with html emails.**warning** from this version, the html part of mails will not be stored as attachments by default, if you want this behavior, you just do something like: aSakMsg := TSakMsg.Create( self); aSakMsg.HTMLAsAttachment := true; ...3.7.1- fix TSakMsg.PopulateList (Jalin)3.7.2 (codenamed "melissa")- fixed a bug when the Populatelist procedure got re-written in sakMsg. It wasn‘t populating the SendTo field if there was only one e-mail address... (Paul Vernon)3.7.3 - Congratulations to Sergio on the addition to his family. This release was made by Paul Vernon who has temporarily taken over the release functions for the SakMail components whilst Sergio spends time AFK!- The 3.7.2 bug fix added blank entries to the address lists. The PopulateList procedure has been re-written again to hopefully cope with any type of e-mail address formatting.- The SMTP example noted in 3.7.0 actually shipped with this release!3.7.4- Bugfix for detecting UUEncoded mails correctly. Previous versions processed MIME mails with the value ‘begin xyz‘ if it appeared at the beginning of a line as a UUEncoded mail when they should not have.- POP and SMTP connect procedures are now functions. Existing code is unaffected. However, you can now use the following code if (sakPOP.Connect) then begin end;- POP gracefully quits if it receives an error now by calling Disconnect correctly.3.7.5- Further code to improve identification of UUEncoded mails. Essentially looking for the end as well as the beginning to ensure that it is correct.- Code optimisation of certain UUEncoded mail id functions.- Fix to ensure that the body of a mail that is UUEncoded is not lost.- MIME-Version string introduced into TsakMsg component to help with UUEncoded mail identification.- SizeInBytes property altered to read private variable using a function. If the private variable is 0, the function reads the length of the FRawMail.Text property.- Fix to make sure that the filename is not overwritten by a blank value when parsing mail-headers.3.7.6- Fixed list index out of bounds error.- Added POP3 RSET call TSakPOP.Reset.3.7.7- Altered SizeInBytes and Octets values to return server-side size when d/l headers only and use actual size once the entire message is downloaded.- Fixed a bug in GetBasicHeaders where To and CC fields could be mishandled if the mail headers were formed in a particular way.4.0.0 beta- All methods are now wrapped in classes. sak_util is now included for backwards compatibility only.- Several changes to make sakMail thread safe including the introduction of Mutexes which are cross process safe. Critical sections were an option however, although mutexes are a little slower, they are much more effective when you aren‘t sure how the code is going to be deployed...- Made several changes to the way connections are tracked, now making better use of the underlying Delphi components own properties and functions.- Several bug fixes included from solutions posted on mailing lists. Including change to datetime function to respect local time separator. There are more including one that Adem re-raised.- Removed almost all pointers as per Adems suggestion. Makes for neater code.- Hopefully backwards compatibility is kept. This is one of the objectives of the excersice although, internally, the components no longer use any of the non-object based methods. Also some of the non-object based methods actually have been re-written to create an object use the instance of the original method and then destroy the object again. This introduces a minor overhead however, because the objects are discreet, the trade is for much better memory usage and greater thread safety.- Introduced an include file to define compiler directives. Currently there are two directives. One defines whether to use the VCL or not, the other defines whether or not to use the FastStrings components. - With the intoduction of the Include file, this allows the development of code that is optional for users. One of these such changed is the use of the FastStrings base64 decoder. If you install the FastStrings components and turn on the compiler directive, you should have no functional changes however, the base64 decoder routines should have a much higher performance rating. Tests clock in at over 2000% faster attachment decoding on a P4 1.8GHz machine. (1.2Mb file 1686mS native sak Base64 Decoder, 79mS using FastStrings!)- This version is being released as a beta as the changes are pretty drastic. If the code is deemed to be stable and backwards compatible then it will be re-released as v4.0.1 with no changes.4.0.1 beta- Fixed an issue where Range Checking highlighted that the Attachment b64 decode routine raise a Range Error if the line that was to be decoded was empty. i.e. ‘‘.- Introduced a compiler directive to turn off range checking in the sakMIME procedure TBase64DecodingStream.Write to make sure that it runs correctly as Range Checking causes issues in this function.4.0.2 beta- Changed MailDateToDateTime function to the one provided by DengZhaoHui with a few modifications as even though it has better date processing than the original it caused EConvertErrors with some non-rfc dates.- Added the compiler directive to allow the inclusion of MD5 components from the DCPCrypt suite of encryption components. This allows the components to do APOP and SMTP AUTH functions as specified in RFCs 2095, 2104, 2449 and 2554. {UseDCP} ***** NOTE: These functions are experimental as although they are RFC compliant, they have not been tested against a secure mail server yet... *****- Using EurekaLog during load testing of the POP mail component, found and fixed several AV‘s in sakMSG, sakMIME and sakPOP. Mainly simple mistakes that required re-ordering of code or more checks before trying to manipulate data.- Altered the sockets code to be more stable with some servers. The previous implementation was totally incompatible with SendMail NT v3.0.2.- Fix added to compensate for incorrect operation of Connected property in some versions of Delphi.- Altered GetMultiLineFieldBody as per Adems suggestion. Also took some of Adems code and added it to GetFieldValueFromLine as the escape characters can appear in single line headers as well as multi-line ones.- TClientSocket is deprecated in Delphi 7. This may be the next large change in the sakEmail components. - Updated distribution to include more RFC‘s regarding the message format, POP and IMAP and hashing functions for CRAM mechanisms.- Fixed the handling of redirected mails as created by Eudora.- Force PopulateList to clear the list before populating it again.- Created a Delphi 6 package file.4.0.3 - Fixed AUTHSMTP buffer initialisation error. (Dmitry G. Kozhinov and Gabi Slonto)- Improved identification of servers that do not support the UIDL command. A small overhead is intorduced on servers that do support the command and have several mails to download but the feature allows better interaction with those servers that do not support UIDL.- Priority is now reported correctly when an e-mail is being decoded rather than only being used when sending an e-mail.4.0.4- Fixed an issue with a malformed header in a mail sent from MS Word through an Exchange server- Added a couple of try...finally blocks to the sakIMAP component.- Altered the sakIMAP components connected function to mirror the more accurate sakPOP method.- Consolidated all compiler directives into Added versioning compiler directives to allow the compilation of sakemail under Delphi 4.- General tidying of code. 4.0.5- Created a Delphi 7 package- Added properties to the IMAP component to allow read access to the LocalAddr and LocalHost socket properties.- Bugfix to sakMsg PopulateList function where a comma separated list did not contain any spaces- Access violation in sakPOP component due to incorrect use of free,freeandnil and compiler directives4.0.6- Added several features to the IMAP components.- Tidied up SMTP authentication routines (Improved use of MD5 for authentication using DCP components)- Included capability to send messages without an SMTP server (using Indy DNS components for MX lookups)- Bugfix in message parsing to stop a recursion loop due to a malformed mail.4.0.7- Memory leaks found by Amos and Paul regarding the sakMsg and sakPOP units respectively.- Bug fixes to attachment save code including stripping out invalid .. sequences from filenames- Improved the GetConnectedState method to check against the RemoteHost value on the Socket.- Updated POP example to be more responsive when downloading mail. Fixed a memory leak.Don‘t forget to subscribe to the mailing list (see the web pages at
Changes in 2.4.6 (February 22, 2011): Brief summary : - Support more host OS to run on: - Include win64 native binary in the release. - Fixed failures on big endian hosts. - BIOS: Support for up to 2M ROM BIOS images. - GUI: select mouse capture toggle method in .bochsrc. - Ported most of Qemu's 'virtual VFAT' block driver (except runtime write support, but plus FAT32 suppport) - Added write protect option for floppy drives. - Bugfixes / improved internal debugger + instrumentation. Detailed change log : - CPU and internal debugger - Implemented Process Context ID (PCID) feature - Implemented FS/GS BASE access instructions support (according to document from - Rewritten from scratch SMC detection algorithm - Implemented fine-grained SMC detection (on 128 byte granularity) - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness and stability - Fixed failures on Big Endian hosts ! - Print detailed page walk information and attributes in internal debugger 'page' command - Updated/Fixed instrumentation callbacks - Configure and compile - Bochs now can be compiled as native Windows x86-64 application (tested with Mingw gcc 4.5.1 and Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010) - Added ability to configure CPUID stepping through .bochsrc. The default stepping value is 3. - Added ability to disable MONITOR/MWAIT support through .bochsrc CPUID option. The option is available only if compiled with --enable-monitor-mwait configure option. - Determine and select max physical address size automatically at configure time: - 32-bit physical address for 386/486 guests - 36-bit physical address for PSE-36 enabled Pentium guest - 40-bit physical address for PAE enabled P6 or later guests - Update config.guess/config.sub scripts to May 2010 revisions. - Update Visual Studio 2008 project files in build/win32/ - Added Bochs compilation timestamp after Bochs version string. - GUI and display libraries (Volker) - Added new .bochsrc option to select mouse capture toggle method. In addition to the default Bochs method using the CTRL key and the middle mouse button there are now the choices: - CTRL+F10 (like DOSBox) - CTRL+ALT (like QEMU) - F12 (replaces win32 'legacyF12' option) - display library 'x' now uses the desktop size for the maximum guest resolution - ROM BIOS - Support for up to 2M ROM BIOS images - I/O Devices - 3 new 'pseudo device' plugins created by plugin separation (see below) - Fixes for emulated DHCP in eth_vnet (patch from @SF tracker) - Added support for VGA graphics mode with 400 lines (partial fix for SF bug #2948724) - NE2K: Fixed "send buffer" command issue on big endian hosts - USB - converted common USB code plus devices to the new 'usb_common' plugin Now the USB device classes no longer exist twice if both HC plugins are loaded. - added 'pseudo device' in common USB code for the device creation. This makes the HCs independent from the device specific code. - USB MSD: added support for disk image modes (like ATA disks) - USB printer: output file creation failure now causes a disconnect - re-implemented "options" parameter for additional options of connected devices (currently only used to set the speed reported by device and to specify an alternative redolog file of USB MSD disk image modes) - hard drive - new disk image mode 'vvfat' - ported the read-only part of Qemu's 'virtual VFAT' block driver - additions: configurable disk geometry, FAT32 support, read MBR and/or boot sector from file, volatile write support using hdimage redolog_t class, optional commit support on Bochs exit, save/restore file attributes, 1.44 MB floppy support, set file modification date/time - converted the complete hdimage stuff to the new 'hdimage' plugin - new hdimage method get_capabilities() that can return special flags - vmware3, vmware4 and vvfat classes now return HDIMAGE_HAS_GEOMETRY flag - other disk image modes by default return HDIMAGE_AUTO_GEOMETRY if cylinder value is set to 0 - multiple sector read/write support for some image modes - new log prefix "IMG" for hdimage messages - floppy - added write protect option for floppy drives (based on @SF patch by Ben Lunt) - vvfat support - bugfix: close images on exit - SB16 - converted the sound output module stuff to the new 'soundmod' plugin - SF patches applied [3164945] hack to compile under WIN64 by Darek Mihocka and Stanislav [3164073] Fine grain SMC invalidation by Stanislav [1539417] write protect for floppy drives by Ben Lunt [2862322] fixes for emulated DHCP in eth_vnet - these S.F. bugs were closed/fixed [2588085] Mouse capture [3140332] typo in mf3/ps2 mapping of BX_KEY_CTRL_R [3111577] No "back" option in log settings [3108422] Timing window in NE2K emulation [3084390] Bochs won't load floppy plugin right on startup [3043174] Docbook use of '_' build failure [3085140] Ia_arpl_Ew_Rw definition of error [3078995] ROL/ROR/SHL/SHR modeling wrong when dest reg is 32 bit [2864794] BX_INSTR_OPCODE in "cpu_loop" causes crash in x86_64 host [2884071] [AIX host] prefetch: EIP [00010000] > CS.limit [0000ffff] [3053542] 64 bit mode: far-jmp instruction is error [3011112] error compile vs2008/2010 with X2APIC [3002017] compile error with vs 2010 [3009767] guest RFLAGS.IF blocks externel interrupt in VMX guest mode [2964655] VMX not enabled in MSR IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL [3005865] IDT show bug [3001637] CMOS MAP register meaning error [2994370] Cannot build with 3DNow support - these S.F. feature requests were closed/implemented [1510142] Native Windows XP x64 Edition binary [1062553] select mouse (de)activation in bochsrc [2930633] legacy mouse capture key : not specific enough [2930679] Let user change mouse capture control key [2803538] Show flags for pages when using "info tab" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.4.5 (April 25, 2010): Brief summary : - Major configure/cpu rework allowing to enable/disable CPU options at runtime through .bochsrc (Stanislav) - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness and stability - Implemented X2APIC extensions (Stanislav) - Implemented Intel VMXx2 extensions (Stanislav) - Extended VMX capability MSRs, APIC Virtualization, X2APIC Virtualization, Extended Page Tables (EPT), VPID, Unrestricted Guests, new VMX controls. - Implemented PCLMULQDQ AES instruction - Extended Bochs internal debugger functionality - USB HP DeskJet 920C printer device emulation (Ben Lunt) Detailed change log : - Configure rework - Deprecate --enable-popcnt configure option. POPCNT instruction will be enabled automatically iff SSE4_2 is supported (like in hardware). - Make --ignore-bad-msrs runtime option in .bochsrc. Old --ignore-bad-msrs configure option is deprecated and should not be used anymore. - Enable changing part of CPU functionality at runtime through .bochsrc. - Now you could enable/disable any of SSEx/AES/MOVBE/SYSENTER_SYSEXIT/XSAVE instruction sets using new CPUID option in .bochsrc. - When x86-64 support is compiled in, you could enable/disable long mode 1G pages support without recompile using new CPUID option in .bochsrc. Configure options: --enable-mmx, --enable-sse, --enable-movbe, --enable-xsave, --enable-sep, --enable-aes, --enable-1g-pages are deprecated and should not be used anymore. - Local APIC configure option --enable-apic is deprecated and should not be used anymore. The LAPIC option now automatically determined from other configure options. XAPIC functionality could be enabled using new CPUID .bochsrc option. - Changed default CPU configuration (generated by configure script with default options) to BX_CPU_LEVEL=6 with SSE2 enabled. - CPU - Implemented PCLMULQDQ AES instruction - Implemented X2APIC extensions / enable extended topology CPUID leaf (0xb), in order to enable X2APIC configure with --enable-x2apic - Implemented Intel VMXx2 extensions: - Enabled extended VMX capability MSRs - Implemented VMX controls for loading/storing of MSR_PAT and MSR_EFER - Enabled/Implemented secondary proc-based vmexec controls: - Implemented APIC virtualization - Implemented Extended Page Tables (EPT) mode - Implemented Descriptor Table Access VMEXIT control - Implemented RDTSCP VMEXIT control - Implemented Virtualize X2APIC mode control - Implemented Virtual Process ID (VPID) - Implemented WBINVD VMEXIT control - Implemented Unrestricted Guest mode In order to enable emulation of VMXx2 extensions configure with --enable-vmx=2 option (x86-64 must be enabled) - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness - Fixed Bochs crash when accessing the first byte above emulated memory size - Internal Debugger - Introduced range read/write physical watchpoints - Allow reloading of segment registers from internal debugger - Improved verbose physical memory access tracing - BIOS - Fix MTRR configuration (prevented boot of modern Linux kernels) - Fix interrupt vectors for INT 60h-66h (reserved for user interrupt) by setting them to zero - Fix BIOS INT13 function 08 when the number of cylinders on the disk = 1 - I/O Devices - USB HP DeskJet 920C printer device emulation (Ben Lunt) - Misc - Updated Bochs TESTFORM to version 0.5 - SF patches applied [2864402] outstanding x2apic patches by Stanislav [2960379] Fix build with -Wformat -Werror=format-security by Per Oyvind Karlsen [2938273] allow instrumentation to change execute by Konrad Grochowski [2926072] Indirection operators in expressions by Derek Peschel [2914433] makesym.perl misses symbols by John R. Jackson [2908481] USB Printer by Ben Lunt - these S.F. bugs were closed/fixed [2861662] dbg_xlate_linear2phy needs to be updated [2956217] INT13 AH=8 returns wrong values when cylinders=1 [2981161] Allow DMA transfers to continue when CPU is in HALT state [2795115] NX fault could be missed [2964824] bad newline sequence in aspi-win32.h [913419] configure options and build process needs some work [2938398] gdbstub compile error with x86_64 enabled [2734455] shutdown/reset type 05 should reinit the PICs [1921294] extended memory less than 1M wrong size [1947249] BX_USE_EBDA_TABLES and MP table placement [1933859] BX_USE_EBDA_TABLES and memory overlapping [2923680] "help dregs" is a syntax error [2919661] CPU may fail to do 16bit near call [2790768] Memory corruption with SMP > 32, Panic BIOS Keyboard Error [2902118] interrupts vectors 0x60 to 67 should be NULL ! [2912502] Instruction Pointer behaving erratically [2901047] Bochs crashed, closed by guest os [2905385] Bochs crash [2901481] Instruction SYSRET and SS(PL) [2900632] Broken long mode RETF to outer priviledge with null SS [1429011] Use bx_phyaddr_t for physaddr vars and bx_adress for lin adr - these S.F. feature requests were closed/implemented [2955911] RPM preuninstall scriptlet removes /core [2947863] don't abort on unrecognised options [2878861] numerics in the disassembler output [2900619] make more CPU state changeable ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.4.2 (November 12, 2009): - CPU and internal debugger - VMX: Implemented TPR shadow VMEXIT - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness (mostly for VMX support). - Bugfixes and updates for Bochs internal debugger - On SMP system stepN command now affects only current processor - Memory - Bugfixes for > 32-bit physical address space. - Allow to emulate more physical memory than host actually could or would like to allocate. For more details look for new .bochsrc 'memory' option. - Cleanup configure options - All paging related options now will be automatically determined according to --enable-cpu-level option. Related configure options --enable-global-pages, --enable-large-pages, --enable-pae, --enable-mtrr are deprecated now. Only 1G paging option still remaining unchanged. - Deprecate --enable-daz configure option. Denormals-are-zeros MXCSR control will be enabled automatically iff SSE2 is supported (like in hardware). - Deprecate --enable-vme configure option, now it will be supported iff CPU_LEVEL >= 5 (like in hardware). - I/O Devices - Bugfixes for 8254 PIT, VGA, Cirrus-Logic SVGA, USB UCHI - SF patches applied [2817840] Make old_callback static by Mark Marshall [2874004] fix for VMWRITE instruction by Roberto Paleari [2873999] fix CS segment type during fast syscall invocation by Roberto Paleari [2864389] Debugger gui maximize on startup by Thomas Nilsen [2817868] Rework loops in the memory code by Mark Marshall [2812948] PIT bug by Derek - these S.F. bugs were closed/fixed [2833504] GUI debugger bug-about GDT display [2872244] BIOS writes not allowed value to MTRR MSR causing #GP [2885383] SDL GUI memory leak [2872290] compilation in AIX5.3 ML10 failes [2867904] crash with cirrus bx_vga_c::mem_write [2851495] BIOS PCI returns with INT flag = 0 [2860333] vista 64 guest STOP 109 (GDT modification) [2849745] disassembler bug for 3DNow and SSE opcodes [1066748] Wrong registers values after #RESET, #INIT [2836893] Regression: Windows XP installer unable to format harddrive [2812239] VMX: VM-Exit: Incorrect instruction length on software int [2814130] bx_debug lex/yacc files incorrectly generated [2813199] MP Tables Missing From BIOS [2824093] VMX exception bug [2811909] VMX : CS Access-rights Type.Accessed stays 0 [2810571] Compile Errors on OSX [2823749] GCC regression or VM_EXIT RDMSR/WRMSR bug [2815929] Vista/XP64 unnecessary panic [2803519] Wrong example in man page bochsrc - these S.F. feature requests were closed/implemented [422766] Large Memory configurations [1311287] Idea for a better GUI [455971] USB support [615363] debugger shortcut for repeat last cmd ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.4.1 (June 7, 2009): - Fixed bunch of CPUID issues - Bochs is now able to install and boot 64-bit Windows images! (special thanks to Mark Ebersole for his patch) - Several bugfixes in CPU emulation (mostly for x87 instructions) - Fixed two critical deadlock bugs in the Win32 gui (patches from @SF tracker) - Fixes related to the 'show ips' feature - removed conflicting win32-specific alarm() functions ('win32' and 'sdl' gui) - feature now works in wx on win32 - Added support for gdb stub on big endian machine (patch by Godmar Back) - Rewritten obsolete hash_map code in dbg symbols module (patch from @SF) - BIOS: implemented missing INT 15h/89h (patch by Sebastian Herbszt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.4 (May 3, 2009): Brief summary : - Added graphical Bochs debugger frontend for most of the supported platforms. - Thanks for Chourdakis Michael and Bruce Ewing. - Many new CPU features in emulation - Support for > 32 bit physical address space and configurable MSRs - VMX, 1G pages in long mode, MOVBE instruction - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness, debugger and CPU instrumentation. - New config interface 'win32config' with start and runtime menu - USB: added OHCI support, external hub and cdrom - Added user plugin interface support. Detailed change log : - CPU and internal debugger - Support for VMX hardware emulation in Bochs CPU, to enable configure with --enable-vmx option Nearly complete VMX implementation, with few exceptions: - Dual-monitor treatment of SMIs and SMM not implemented yet - NMI virtualization, APIC virtualization not implemented yet - VMENTER to not-active state not supported yet - No advanced features like Extended Page Tables or VPID - Support for configurable MSR registers emulation, to enable configure with --enable-configurable-msrs option Look for configuration example in .bochsrc and msrs.def - Support new Intel Atom(R) MOVBE instruction, to enable configure with --enable-movbe option - Support for 1G pages in long mode, to enable configure with --enable-1g-pages option - Support for > 32 bit physical address space in CPU. Up to 36 bit could be seen in legacy mode (PAE) and up to 40 bit in x86-64 mode. Still support the same amount of the physical memory in the memory object, so system with > 4Gb of RAM yet cannot be emulated. To enable configure with --enable-long-phy-address option. - Implemented modern BIOSes mode limiting max reported CPUID function to 3 using .bochsrc CPU option. The mode is required in order to correctly install and boot WinNT. - Added ability to configure CPUID vendor/brand strings through .bochsrc (patch from @SF by Doug Reed). - Many bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness (both x86 and x86-64). - Updated CPU instrumentation callbacks. - Fixed Bochs internal debugger breakpoints/watchpoints handling. - Configure and compile - Added ability to choose Bochs log file name and Bochs debugger log file name from Bochs command line (using new -log and -dbglog options) - Removed Peter Tattam's closed source external debugger interface from the code. - Removed --enable-guest2host-tlb configure option. The option is always enabled for any Bochs configuration. - Removed --enable-icache configure option. The option is always enabled for any Bochs configuration. Trace cache support still remains optional and could be configured off. - Added configure option to compile in GUI frontend for Bochs debugger, to enable configure with --enable-debugger-gui option. The GUI debugger frontend is enabled by default with Bochs debugger. - Removed --enable-port-e9-hack configure option. The feature now could be configured at runtime through .bochsrc. - Added configure option to enable/disable A20 pin support. Disabling the A20 pin support slightly speeds up the emulation. - reduced dependencies between source files for faster code generation - BIOS - Added S3 (suspend to RAM) ACPI state to BIOS (patch by Gleb Natapov) - Implemented MTRR support in the bios (patches by Avi Kivity and Alex Williamsion with additions by Sebastian Herbszt) - Bug fixes - I/O Devices - Added user plugin support - remaining devices converted to plugins: pit, ioapic, iodebug - added 'plugin_ctrl' bochsrc option to control the presence of optional device plugins without a separate option. By default all plugins are enabled. - added register mechanism for removable mouse and keyboard devices - Hard drive / cdrom - PACKET-DMA feature now supported by all ATAPI commands - ATAPI command 0x1A added (based on the Qemu implementation) - sb16 - Added ALSA sound support on Linux (PCM/MIDI output) - FM synthesizer now usable with MIDI output (simple piano only) - Fixed OPL frequency to MIDI note translation - Fixed MIDI output command - keyboard - added keyboard controller commands 0xCA and 0xCB - USB - USB code reorganized to support more HC types and devices - added USB OHCI support written by Ben Lunt - added external USB hub support (initial code ported from Qemu) - added USB cdrom support (SCSI layer ported from Qemu) - added status bar indicators to show data transfer - VGA - VBE video memory increased to 16 MB - implemented changeable VBE LFB base address (PCI only, requires latest BIOS and VGABIOS images) - I/O APIC - implemented I/O APIC device hardware reset - Config interface - new config interface 'win32config' with start and runtime menu is now the default on Windows ('textconfig' is still available) - win32 device config dialogs are now created dynamicly from a parameter list (works like the wx ParamDialog) - changes in textcofig and the wx ParamDialog for compatibility with the new win32 dialog behaviour - Bochs param tree index keys are case independent now - some other additions / bugfixes in the simulator interface code - Misc - updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.6c - Updated Bochs TESTFORM to version 0.4 - SF patches applied [2784858] IO Handler names are not compared properly [2712569] Legacy bios serial data buffer timeout bug by grybranix [2655090] 64 bit BSWAP with REX.W broken by M. Eby [2645919] CR8 bug when reading by M. Eby [1895665] kvm: bios: add support to memory above the pci hole by Izik Eidus [2403372] rombios: check for valid cdrom before using it by Sebastian [2307269] acpi: handle S3 by Sebastian [2354134] TAP networking on Solaris/Sparc repaired [2144692] The scsi device can not complete its writing data command by naiyue [1827082] [PATCH] Configurable CPU vendor by Marcel Sondaar [2217229] Panic on EBDA overflow in rombios32 by Sebastian [2210194] Log pci class code by Sebastian [1984662] red led for disk write and titlebar mod by ggbsf [2142955] Fix for monitor/mwait by Doug Gibson [2137774] Patch to fix bug: cdrom: read_block: lseek returned error by Gabor Olah [2134642] Fix scan_to_scanascii table for F11 and F12 by Ben Guthro & Steve Ofsthun [2123036] sdl fullscreen fix by ggbsf [2073039] Remove CMOS accsess from AML code by Gleb Natapov [2072168] smbios: add L1-L3 cache handle to processor information by Sebastian [2055416] bochsrc cpu options for cpuid vendor and brand string by Doug Reed [2035278] rombios: Fix return from BEV via retf by Sebastian [2035260] rombios: El Torito load segment fix by Sebastian [2031978] Fix VMware backdoor command 0Ah by Jamie Lokier [2015277] Remove obsolete comment about DATA_SEG_DEFS_HERE hack by Sebastian [2011268] Set new default format and unit only if both are supported by Sebastian [2001919] gdbstub: fix qSupported reply by Sebastian [2001912] gdbstub: enclose packet data by apostrophes by Sebastian [1998071] fix missing SIGHUP and SIGQUIT with term ui on mingw by Sebastian [1998063] fix wrong colors with term ui by Sebastian [1995064] Compile fix needed for --enable-debugger and gcc 4.3 by Hans de Goede [1994564] Fix typo in RDMSR BX_MSR_MTRRFIX16K_A0000 by Sebastian [1994396] Change hard_drive_post #if by Sebastian [1993235] TESTFORM email address update by Sebastian [1992322] PATCH: fix compilation of bochs 2.3.7 on bigendian machines by Hans de Goede [1991280] Shutdown status code 0Ch handler by Sebastian [1990108] Shutdown status code 0Bh handler by Sebastian [1988907] Shutdown status code 0Ah handler by Sebastian [1984467] two typos in a release! (2.3.7) [1981505] Init PIIX4 PCI to ISA bridge and IDE by Sebastian - these S.F. bugs were closed/fixed [2784148] an integer overflow BUG of Bochs-2.3.7 source code [2695273] MSVC cpu.dsp failure in [616114] Snapshot/Copy crash on Win2K [2628318] 'VGABIOS-latest' bug [1945055] can't 'make install' lastest bochs on loepard [2031993] Mac OS X Makefile bug [1843199] install error on mac osx [2710931] Problem compiling both instrumentation and debugger [2617003] ExceptionInfo conflicts with OS X api [2609432] stepping causes segfault (CVS) [2605861] compile error with --enable-smp [1757068] current cvs(Jul19, 07) failed to boot smp [2426271] cannot get correct symbol entry [2471982] VGA character height glitches [1659659] wrong behaviour a20 at boot [1998027] minwg + --with-term + --with-out-win32 = link failure [1871936] bochs-2.3.6 make fails on [1684666] info idt for long mode [2105989] could not read() hard drive image file at byte 269824 [1173093] Debugger totally not supports x86-64 [1803018] new win32debug dialog problems [2141679] windows vcc build broken [2162824] latest cvs fails to compile [2164506] latest bochs fails to start [2129223] MOV reg16, SS not working in real mode due to dead code [2106514] RIS / install ALMOST works [2123358] SMP (HTT): wbinvd executed by CPU1 crashes CPU0 [2002758] Arch Linux: >>PANIC<< ATAPI command with zero byte count [2026501] El Torito incorrect boot segment:offset [2029758] BEV can return via retf instead of int 18h [2010173] x command breaks after one error about x/s or x/i [1830665] harddrv PANIC: ATAPI command with zero byte count [1985387] fail to make using gcc4 with --enable-debugger [1990187] testform feedback [1992138] Misspell in cpu/ia_opcodes.h - these S.F. feature requests were closed/implemented [2175153] Update MSVC project files [658800] front end program and bios [1883370] Make cd and floppy images more usable [422783] change floppy size without restarting [2552685] param tree names should be case insensitive [1214659] PC Speaker emu turnoff. Plugin Controll. [1977045] support 40 bit physical address [1506385] Intel Core Duo VT features [1429015] Support for user plugins [1488136] debugger access to floppy controller [1363136] Full debugger SMP and 64 bit support [2068304] Support for ACPI [431032] debugger "x" command [423420] profiling ideas (SMF) [445342] Add FM support? [928439] alsa ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.3.7 (June 3, 2008): Brief summary : + More optimizations in CPU code - Bochs 2.3.7 is more than 2x faster than Bochs 2.3.5 build ! - Implemented LBA48 support in BIOS - Added memory access tracing for Bochs internal debugger - Implemented Intel(R) XSAVE/XRSTOR and AES instruction set extensions - Many fixes in CPU emulation and internal debugger - MenuetOS64 floppy images booting perfect again ! - updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.6b Detailed change log : - CPU - Support of XSAVE/XRSTOR CPU extensions, to enable configure with --enable-xsave option - Support of AES CPU extensions, to enable configure with --enable-aes option - Fixed Bochs failure on RISC host machines with BxRepeatSpeedups optimization enabled - Implemented SYSENTER/SYSEXIT instructions in long mode - More than 100 bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness (both x86 and x86-64) - MenuetOS64 floppy images booting perfect again ! - Updated CPU instrumentation callbacks - Bochs Internal Debugger and Disassembler - Added memory access tracing for Bochs internal debugger, enable by typing 'trace-mem on' in debugger command line - Many bug fixes in Bochs internal debugger and disassembler - System BIOS (Volker) - Implemented LBA48 support - Added generation of SSDT ACPI table that contains definitions for available processors - Added RTC device to ACPI DSDT table - Added implementation of SMBIOS - I/O devices (Volker) - VGA - Implemented screen disable bit in sequencer register #1 - Implemented text mode cursor blinking - Serial - new serial modes 'pipe-server' and 'pipe-client' for win32 - new serial mode 'socket-server' - Configure and compile - Fixed configure bug with enabling of POPCNT instruction, POPCNT instruction should be enabled by default when SSE4.2 is enabled. - Removed --enable-magic-breakpoint configure option. The option is automatically enabled if Bochs internal debugger is compiled in. It is still possible to turn on/off the feature through .bochsrc. - Allow boot from network option in .bochsrc - Added Bochs version info for Win32 - Display libraries - implemented text mode character blinking in some guis - improved 'X' gui runtime dialogs - SF patches applied [1980833] Fix shutdown status code 5h handler by Kevin O'Connor [1928848] "pipe" mode for serial port (win32 only) by Eugene Toder [1956843] Set the compatible pci interrupt router back to PIIX by Sebastian [1956366] Do not announce C2 & C3 cpu power state support by Igor Lvovsky [1921733] support for LBA48 by Robert Millan [1938185] Fix link problem with --enable-debugger by Sebastian [1938182] - use @IODEV_LIB_VAR@ by Sebastian [1928945] fix for legacy rombios - e820 map and ACPI_DATA_SIZE by Sebastian [1925578] rombios32.c - fix ram_size in ram_probe for low memory setup by Sebastian [1908921] rombios32.c - move uuid_probe() call by Sebastian [1928902] improvements to load-symbols by Eugene Toder [1925568] PATCH: msvc compilation by Eugene Toder [1913150] rombios.c - e820 cover full size if memory <= 16 mb by Alexander van Heukelum [1919804] rombios.c - fix and add #ifdef comments by Sebastian [1909782] rombios.c - remove segment values from comment by Sebastian [1908918] SMBIOS - BIOS characteristics fix by Sebastian [1901027] BIOS boot menu support (take 3) [1902579] rombios32.c - define pci ids by Sebastian [1859447] Pass segment:offset to put_str and introduce %S by Sebastian [1889057] rombios.c - boot failure message by Sebastian [1891469] rombios.c - print BEV product string by Sebastian [1889851] Win32 version information FILEVERSION for bochs.exe by Sebastian [1889042] rombios.c - fix comment by Sebastian [1881500] bochsrc, allow boot: network by Sebastian [1880755] Win32 version information for bochs.exe by Sebastian [1880471] SMBIOS fix type 0 by Sebastian [1878558] SMBIOS fixes by Sebastian [1864692] SMBIOS support by Filip Navara [1865105] Move bios_table_area_end to 0xcc00 by Sebastian [1875414] - change make use by Sebastian [1874276] Added instrumentation for sysenter/sysexit by Lluis [1873221] TLB page flush: add logical address to instrumentation by Lluis [1830626] lba32 support by Samuel Thibault [1861839] Move option rom scan after floppy and hard drive post by Sebastian [1838283] Early vga bios init by Sebastian [1838272] rom_scan range parameter by Sebastian [1864680] Save CPUID signature by Filip Navara - these S.F. bugs were closed [1976171] Keyboard missing break code for enter (0x9C) [666433] physical read/write breakpoint sometimes fails [1744820] info gdt and info idt shows the entire tables [1755652] graphics: MenuetOS64 shows black screen [1782207] Windows Installer malfunction, Host=Linux, Guest=Win98SE [1697762] OS/2 Warp Install Failed [1952548] String to char * warnings [1940714] SYSENTER/SYSEXIT doesn't work in long mode [1422342] SYSRET errors [1923803] legacy rombios - e820 map and ACPI_DATA_SIZE [1936132] Link problem with --enable-debugger & --enable-disasm [1934477] Linear address wrap is not working [1424984] virtual machine freezes in Bochs 2.2.6 [1902928] with debugger cpu_loop leaves CPU with unstable state [1898929] Bochs VESA BIOS violates specs (banks == 1) [1569256] bug in datasegment change in long mode [1830662] ACPI: no DMI BIOS year, acpi=force is required [1868806] VGA blink enable & screen disable [1875721] Bit "Accessed" in LDT/GDT descriptors & #PF [1874124] bx_Instruction_c::ilen() const [1873488] bochs-2.3.6 make fails on - these S.F. feature requests were implemented [1422769] SYSENTER/SYSEXIT support in x86-64 mode [1847955] Version information for bochs(dbg).exe [939797] SMBIOS support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.3.6 (December 24, 2007): Brief summary : + More than 25% emulation speedup vs Bochs 2.3.5 release! - Thanks to Darek Mihocka ( for providing patches and ideas that made the speedup possible! + Up to 40% speedup vs Bochs 2.3.5 release with trace cache optimization! - Lots of bugfixes in CPU emulation - Bochs benchmarking support - Added emulation of Intel SSE4.2 instruction set Detailed change log : - CPU - Added emulation of SSE4.2 instruction set, to enable use --enable-sse=4 --enable-sse-extension configure options to enable POPCNT instruction only use configure option --enable-popcnt - Implemented MTRR emulation, to enable use --enable-mtrr configure option. MTRRs is enabled by default when cpu-level >= 6. - Implemented experimental MONITOR/MWAIT support including optimized MWAIT CPU state and hardware monitoring of physical address range, to enable use --enable-monitor-mwait configure option. - Removed hostasm optimizations, after Bochs rebenchmarking it was found that the feature bringing no speedup or even sometimes slows down emulation! - Merged trace cache optimization patch, the trace cache optimization is enabled by default when configure with --enable-all-optimizations option, to disable trace cache optimization configure with --disable-trace-cache - Many minor bugfixes in CPU emulation (both ia32 and x86-64) - Updated CPU instrumentation callbacks - Bochs Internal Debugger and Disassembler - Many fixes in Bochs internal debugger and disassembler, some debugger interfaces significantly changed due transition to the param tree architecture - Added support for restoring of the CPU state from external file directly from Bochs debugger - Configure and compile - Renamed configure option --enable-4meg-pages to --enable-large-pages. The option enables page size extensions (PSE) which refers to 2M pages as well. - Removed --enable-save-restore configure option, save/restore feature changed to be one of the basic Bochs features and compiled by default for all configurations. - Added new Bochs benchmark mode. To run Bochs in benchmark mode execute it with new command line option 'bochs -benchmark time'. The emulation will be automatically stopped after 'time' millions of emulation cycles executed. - Another very useful option for benchmarking of Bochs could be enabled using new 'print_timestamps' directive from .bochsrc: print_timestamps: enable=1 - Added --enable-show-ips option to all configuration scripts used to build release binaries, so all future releases will enjoy IPS display. - Enable alignment check in the CPU and #AC exception by default for --cpu-level >= 4 (like in real hardware) - SF patches applied [1491207] Trace Cache Speedup patch by Stanislav [1857149] Define some IPL values by Sebastian [1850183] Get memory access mode in BX_INSTR_LIN_READ by Lluis Vilanova [1841421] pic: keep slave_pic.INT and master_pic.IRQ_in bit 2 in sync by Russ Cox [1841420] give segment numbers in exception logs by Russ Cox [1801696] Allow Intel builds on Mac OS X [1830658] Fix >32GB disk banner by Samuel Thibault [1813314] Move #define IPL_* and typedef ipl_entry by Sebastian [1809001] Save PnP Option ROM Product Name string in IPL Boot Table by Sebastian [1821242] Fix for #1801285, Niclist.exe broken by Sebastian [1819567] Code warning cleanup [1816162] Update comment on bios_printf() by Sebastian [1811139] Trivial Fix when BX_PCIBIOS and BX_ROMBIOS32 not defined by Myles Watson [1811190] Improve HD recognition and CD boot by Myles Watson [1811860] Implement %X in bios_printf by Sebastian [1809649] printf %lx %ld %lu by Myles Watson [1809651] move BX_SUPPORT_FLOPPY by Myles Watson [1809652] dpte and Int13DPT fixes by Myles Watson [1809669] clip cylinders to 16383 in hard drive by Myles Watson [1799903] Build BIOS on amd64 by Robert Millan [1799877] Fix for parallel build (make -j2) by Robert Millan - these S.F. bugs were closed [1837354] website bug: View the Source link broken [1801268] Reset from real mode no longer working [1843250] Using forward slashes gives invalid filename [1823446] BIOS bug, local APIC #0 not detected [1801285] Niclist.exe broken [1364472] breakpoints sometimes don't work [994451] breakpoint bug [1801295] NSIS installer vs Windows Notepad [1715328] Unreal mode quirk [1503972] debugger doesn't debug first instruction on exception [1069071] div al, byte ptr [ds:0x7c18] fails to execute [1800080] Wrong "BX_MAX_SMP_THREADS_SUPPORTED" assertion - these S.F. feature requests were implemented [1662687] Download for Win32-exe with x64 Mode and debugging [604221] Debugger command: query lin->phys mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.3.5 (September 16, 2007): Brief summary : - Critical problems fixed for x86-64 support in CPU and Bochs internal debugger - ACPI support - The release compiled with x86-64 and ACPI - Hard disk emulation supports ATA-6 (LBA48 addressing, UDMA modes) - Added emulation of Intel SSE4.1 instruction set Detailed change log : - CPU - Fixed critical bug with 0x90 opcode (NOP) handling in x86-64 mode - implied stack references where the stack address is not in canonical form should causes a stack exception (#SS) - Added emulation of SSE4.1 instruction set (Stanislav) - Do not save and restore XMM8-XMM15 registers when not in x86-64 mode - Fixed zero upper 32-bit part of GPR in x86-64 mode - CMOV_GdEd should zero upper 32-bit part of GPR register even if the 'cmov' condition was false ! - Implemented CLFLUSH instruction, report non-zero cache size in CPUID - Fixed PUSHA/POPA instructions behavior in real mode - Fixed detection of inexact result by FPU - Fixed denormals-are-zero (DAZ) handling by SSE convert instructions - Implemented Misaligned Exception Mask support for SSE (MXCSR[17]) - Implemented Alignment Check in the CPU and #AC exception, to enable use --enable-alignment-check configure option - General - 2nd simulation support in wxBochs now almost usable (simulation cleanup code added and memory leaks fixed) - Configure and compile - several fixes for MacOSX, OpenBSD and Solaris 10 - enable save/restore feature by default for all configurations - reorganized SSE configure options to match Intel(R) Programming Reference Manual, new option introduced for SSE extensions enabling. To enable Intel Core Duo 2 new instructions use --enable-sse=3 --enable-sse-extension enabling of SSE4.1 (--enable-sse=4) will enable SSE3 extensions as well - removed old PIT, always use new PIT written by Greg Alexander, removed configure option --enable-new-pit - I/O devices (Volker) - Floppy - partial non-DMA mode support (patch by John Comeau) - Hard drive / cdrom - hard disk emulation now supports ATA-6 (LBA48 addressing, UDMA modes) - VMWare version 4 disk image support added (patch by Sharvil Nanavati) - PCI - initial support for the PIIX4 ACPI controller - Serial - added support for 3-button mouse with Mousesystems protocol - USB - experimental USB device change support added - rewrite of the existing USB devices code - new USB devices 'disk' and 'tablet' (ported from the Qemu project) - Bochs internal debugger - fixed broken debugger "rc file" option (execute debugger command from file) - implementation of a gui frontend ("windebug") for win32 started - gdbstub now accepts connection from any host - several documentation updates - a lot of disasm and internal debugger x86_64 support fixes - Configuration interface - fixes and improvements to the save state dialog handling - Display libraries - text mode color handling improved in some guis - win32 fullscreen mode (patch by John Comeau) - System BIOS (Volker) - 32-bit PM BIOS init code for ACPI, PCI, SMP and SMM (initial patches by Fabrice Bellard) - PCI BIOS function "find class code" implemented - SF patches applied [1791000] 15h 8600h is reading the wrong stack frame by Sebastian [1791016] rombios32.c, ram_probe(), BX_INFO missing value by Sebastian [1786429] typo in bochsrc.5 by Sebastian [1785204] Extend acpi_build_table_header to accept a revision number by Sebastian [1766536] Partial Patch for Bug Report 1549873 by Ben Lunt [1763578] ACPI Table Revision 0 -> 1 [1642490] implement alignment check and #AC exception by Stanislav Shwartsman [1695652] [PATCH] .pcap pktlog and vnet PXE boot by Duane Voth [1741153] Add expansion-ROM boot support to the ROMBIOS [1734159] Implemented INT15h, fn 0xC2 (mouse), subfn 3, set resolution [1712970] bios_printf %s fix [1573297] PUSHA/POPA real mode fix by Stanislav Shwartsman [1641816] partial support for non-DMA access to floppy by John Comeau [1624032] shows where write outside of memory occurred by John Comeau [1607793] allow fullscreen when app requests it by John Comeau [1603013] Bugfix for major NOP problem on x64 by mvysin [1600178] Make tap and tuntap compile on OpenBSD by Jonathan Gray [1149659] improve gdbstub network efficiency by Avi Kivity [1554502] Trivial FPU exception handling fix - these S.F. bugs were closed [1316008] Double faults when it shouldn't - gcc 4.0.2 [1787289] broken ABI for redolog class when enable-compressed-hd [1787500] tftp_send_optack not 64bit clean [1264540] Security issue with Bochs website [1767217] Debugger Faults including ud2 [1729822] Various security issues in io device emulation [1675202] mptable hosed (bad entry count in header) [1197141] 'make install' installs to bad location [1157623] x86Solaris10 cannot recoginize ACPI RSD PTR [1768254] large HDD in Bochs/bximage [1496157] Windows Vista Beta2 dosn't boot [1755915] Illegal Hard Disk Signature Output [1717790] info gdt and info idt scrolls away, too long result [1726640] Debugger displays incorrect segment for mov instruction [1719156] Typo in misc_mem.cpp [1715270] Debugger broken in/beyond 2.3 [1689107] v8086 mode priviledge check failed [1704484] A few checks when CPU_LEVEL < 4 [1678395] Problem with zero sector... [876990] SA-RTL OS fails on PIC configuration [1673582] save/restore didn't restore simulation correctly [1586662] EDD int 13h bug, modify eax [666618] POP_A Panic in DOS EMU [1001485] panic: not enough bytes on stack [1667336] delay times an order of magnitude slow [1665601] crash disassembling bootcode [1657065] CVS sources won't compile [1653805] bochs's gdbstub uses incorrect protocol [1640737] ASM sti command frezzes guest OS [1636439] latest CVS sources don't compile under Cygwin [1634357] disasm incorrect (no sign ext) displacement in 64-bit mode [1376453] pcidev segfaults bochs [1180890] IOAPIC in BOCHS - WinXP 64 in MP version [1597528] 2.3 fails to compile on amd64 [1526255] FLD1 broken when compaling with gcc 4.0.x [1597451] eth_fbsd is broken under FreeBSD [1571949] Bochs will not compile under Solaris [1500216] Bochs fails to boot BeOs CD [1458339] bochs-2.2.6 WinXP Binary ACPI error installing FreeBSD 6.0 [1440011] patches needed for FreeBSD 6.0 to compile Bochs [431674] some devices don't have a prefix [458150] QNX demo disk crashes with new pit [818322] Bochs 2.1 cvs: OS/2 - read verify on non disk [906840] KBD: bogus scan codes generated in set 3 [1005053] No keyboard codes translation [1109374] Problem with Scancodeset 2 [1572345] Bochs won't continue [1568153] Bochs looks for (and loads?) unspecified display libraries [1563462] Errors in /iodev/harddrv.h [1562172] TLB_init() fails to initialize priv_check array if USE_TLB 0 [1385303] debugger crashes after panic [1438227] crc.cpp missing in bx_debug version 2.2.6 [1501825] debugger crashes on to high input [1420959] Memory leak + buffer overflow in Bochs debugger [1553289] Error in Dis-assembler [542464] I cannot use FLAT [1548270] Bochs won't die with its pseudo terminal [1545588] roundAndPackFloatx80 does not detect round up correctly ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.3 (August 27, 2006): Brief summary : - limited save/restore support added (config + log options, hardware state) - configuration parameter handling rewritten to a parameter tree - lots of cpu and internal debugger fixes - hard disk geometry autodetection now supported by most of the image types - hard disk emulation now supports ATA-3 (multiple sector transfers) - VBE memory size increased to 8MB and several VGA/VBE fixes - updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.6a Detailed change log : - CPU and internal debugger fixes - Fixed bug in FSTENV instruction (Stanislav Shwartsman) - Recognize #XF exception (19) when SSE is enabled - Fixed bug in PSRAW/PSRAD MMX and SSE instructions - Save and restore RIP/RSP only for FAULT-type exceptions, not for traps - Correctly decode, disassemble and execute multi-byte NOP '0F F1' opcode - Raise A20 line after system reset (Stanislav Shwartsman) - Implemented SMI and NMI delivery (APIC) and handling in CPU (Stanislav) - Experimental implementation of System Management Mode (Stanislav) - Added emulation of SSE3E instructions (Stanislav Shwarstman) - Save and restore FPU opcode, FIP and FDP in FXSAVE/FRSTOR instructions - Fixed bug in MOVD_EdVd opcode (always generated #UD exception) - Fixed critical issue, Bochs was not supporting > 16 bit LDT.LIMIT values - Many fixes in Bochs internal debugger and disassembler - CPU x86-64 fixes - Fixed SYSRET instruction implementation - Fixed bug in CALL/JMP far through 64-bit callgate in x86-64 mode - Correctly decode, disassemble and execute 'XCHG R8, rAX' instruction - Correctly decode and execute 'BSWAP R8-R15' instructions - Fixed ENTER and LEAVE instructions in x86-64 mode (Stanislav) - Fixed CR4 exception condition (No Name) - Fixed x86 debugger to support x86-64 mode (Stanislav) - APIC and SMP - Support for Dual Core and Intel(R) HyperThreading Technology. Now you could choose amount of cores per processor and amount of HT threads per core from .bochsrc for SMP simulation (Stanislav Shwartsman) - Allow to control SMP quantum value through .bochsrc CPU option parameter. Previous Bochs versions used hardcoded quantum=5 value. - Fixed interrupt priority bug in service_local_apic() - Fixed again reading of APIC IRR/ISR/TMR registers. Finally it becomes fully correct :-) - Configure and compile - Moved configure time --enable-reset-on-triple-fault option to runtime, the 'cpu' option in .bochsrc is extended and the old configure option is deprecated (Stanislav Shwartsman) - Removed --enable-pni configure option, to compile with PNI use --enable-sse=3 instead (Stanislav Shwartsman) - enable SEP (SYSENTER/SYSEXIT) support by default for Penitum II+ processor emulation (i.e. if cpu-level >= 6 and MMX is enabled) - general - Limited save/restore support added. The state of CPU, memory and all devices can be saved now (state of harddisk images not handled yet). - Fixed several memory leaks - configuration interface - Configuration parameter handling rewritten to a parameter tree. This is required for dynamic menus/dialogs, user-defined options and save/restore. - Support for user-defined bochsrc options added - help support at the parameter prompt in textconfig added - I/O devices (Volker) - Floppy - partial sector transfers fixed - Hard drive / cdrom - several fixes to the IDE register behaviour (e.g. in case of a channel with only one drive connected) - fixed data alignment of 'growing' hard drive images (sharing images between Windows and Linux now possible) - disk geometry autodetection now supported by most of the image types (unsupported: external, dll and compressed modes) - multi sector read/write commands implemented - hard disk now reporting ATA-3 supported - ATAPI 'inquiry' now returns a unique device name - Keyboard - reset sent to keyboard has no effect on the 8042 (scancode translation) - PCI - forward PIRQ register changes to the I/O APIC (if present) - attempt to fix and update the emulation part of 'pcidev' (untested) - VGA - VBE memory size increased to 8MB and several VBE fixes - VGA memory read access fixed (bit plane access and read mode) - VGA memory is now a part of the common video memory - System BIOS (Volker) - enable interrupts before executing INT 19h - fixed ATA device detection in case of one drive only connected to controller - improved INT 15h function AX=E820h - real mode PCI BIOS now returns IRQ routing information (function 0Eh) - keyboard LED flags handling fixed and improved - fixed handling of extended keys in INT 09h - Updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.6a - SF patches applied [1340111] fixes and updates to usb support by Ben Lunt [1539420] minor addition to pci_usb code by Ben Lunt [1455958] call/jmp through call gate in 64-bit mode [1433107] PATCH: fix compile with wxwindows 2.6 (unicode / utf8) by jwrdegoede [1386671] Combined dual core and hyper-threading patch - these S.F. bugs were closed [833927] TTD: System Error TNT.40025: Unexpected processor exception [789230] Sending code that shows lock up when setting idt [909670] Problems with Symantec Ghost [1540241] include missing in [1539373] Incorrect disasm for "mov moffset,bla" in 64bit [1538419] incorrect disassembly of [rip+disp] with rex.b [1535432] shift+cursor key maps to a digit [1504891] Knoopix 5.0.1 error [1424355] bochs-2.2.6 ata failure in windoze 98se [1533979] wrong disassembly of IN instruction [620059] paste won't stop [1164904] status bar doesn't show num/caps/scroll lock status [1061720] ATA Support level for HD [1522196] Broken CHANGES link in main page [1438415] crash if screen scrolled downwards [778441] Shouldn't interrupts be enable after BIOS? [1514949] I got a problem with the 8253 timer [1513544] disasm of 0xec (in AL,DX) returns ilen of 2 instead of 1 [1508947] APIC interrupt priority checking and interrupt delivery [766286] Debugger halts after any GPF exception [639143] va_list is not a pointer on linuxppc [1501815] debugger examines memory over page-boundary wrong [1503978] movsb/w/d doesn't work when direction is stored [1499405] WinPCap has changed URL hosting [1498519] APIC IRR bits not set while interrupts disabled [1498193] Bochs segfaults on LTR instruction [787140] Guest2HostTLB optimization bug [1492070] instrument stop [1487772] No SEP on P4 [1488335] Growing hard disk images severe interoperability errors! [1076312] Shadow RAM and TLB [1282249] The real i440FX chipset Award bios hangs [1479763] mistake "mov ax,[es:di]" for "mov ax,[ds:di]" [1453575] Misconfigured floppy DMA transfers do not terminate. [1460068] Incorrect handling for the Options Menu Item [910203] bochs-2.1.1 wx.lo failed [1438654] PANIC when trying to run install-amd64-minimal-2005.0.iso [1458320] compile hdimage.h fails [1455880] bochs-2.2.6,2: make error on FreeBSD [696890] Network wouldn't run under W2k hosting MSDOS [673391] SMP timer problems [1291059] wxWindows GUI on non-windows/configure issue [1356450] bochs 2.2.1 errors-omittions [1178017] Win98 guest cannot receive network packets from host [1076315] a20_mask after restarting [1436323] real hw does not panic when bad Ib in CMPSS_VssWssIb [1435269] cdrom_amigaos is not compilable [1433314] disasm issues [1170614] relative jumps/calls wrong in debugger [758121] user might get confused when interrupt handler invoked [1170622] You cannot toggle OFF "show" flags [1406387] JMP instruction should display absolute address [1428813] PANIC: ROM address space out of range [1426288] DR-DOSs EMM386 problem [1412036] Bochs cannot recognize PCI NIC correctly [435115] dbg: modebp broken and no docs [1419366] disasm cs:eip does not work anymore [1419393] SSE's #XF exception -> "exception(19): bad vector" [1419429] disassembly of "260f6f00" show DS: instead of ES: prefix [1417583] Interrupt behaviour changed from 2.2.1 to 2.2.5 [1418281] 'push' (6A) incorrectly disassembled [1417791] FLDENV generating exception when real hw does not. [1264583] OS/2 1.1 doesn't run ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.2.6 (January 29, 2006): - First major SMP release ! - several APIC and I/O APIC fixes make SMP Bochs booting Windows NT4.0 or Knoppix 4.0.2 without noapic kernel option in SMP configuration. - critical APIC timer bug fixed - obsolete SMP BIOS images removed (MP tables created dynamicaly) - determine number of processors in SMP configuration through .bochsrc new .bochsrc option 'CPU' allows to choose number of processors to emulate - new configure option --enable-smp to configure Bochs for SMP support, the old --enable-processors=N option is deprecated - CPU and internal debugger fixes - enabled #PCE bit in CR4 register, previosly setting of this bit generated #GP(0) fault - enabled LAHF/SAHF instructions in x86-64 mode - fixed bug in PMULUDQ SSE2 instruction - fixes in Bochs debugger - Configure and compile - enable VME (virtual 8086 mode extensions) by default if cpu-level >= 5 - enable Bochs disassembler by default for all configurations - win32 installer script improvements - ips parameter moved to new 'CPU' option - show IPS value in status bar if BX_SHOW_IPS is enabled - Other - several fixes in the hard drive, keyboard, timer, usb and vga code - new user button shortcut "bksl" (backslash) - updated Bochs instrumentation examples - user and development documentation improved ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.2.5 (December 30, 2005): Brief summary : - added virtual 8086 mode extensions (VME) implementation - several fixes/improvements in x86-64 emulation, debugger and disassembler - new serial mode 'socket' connects a network socket - IDE busmaster DMA feature for harddisks and cdroms completed and enabled - many improvements in Bochs emulated I/O devices (e.g. floppy, cdrom) - Updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.5d Detailed change log : - CPU - fixed XMM registers restore in FXRSTOR instruction (Andrej Palkovsky) - print registers dump to the log if tripple fault occured - fixed PANIC in LTR instruction (Stanislav) - added virtual 8086 mode extensions (VME) implementation, to enable configure with --enable-vme (Stanislav) - flush caches and TLBs when executing WBINVD and INVD instructions - do not modify segment limit and AR bytes when modifying segment register in real mode (support for unreal mode) - fixed init/reset values for LDTR and TR registers - reimplemented hardware task switching mechanism (Stanislav) - generate #GP(0) when fetching instruction cross segment boundary - CPU (x86-64) (Stanislav Shwartsman) - implemented call_far/ret_far/jmp_far instructions in long mode - fixed IRET operation in long mode - fixed bug prevented setting of NXE/FFXSR bits in MSR.EFER register - implemented RDTSCP instruction - do not check CS.limit when prefetching instructions in long mode - fixed masked write instructions (MASKMOVQ/MASKMOVDQU) in long mode - fetchdecode fixes for x86-64 - APIC - Fixed bug in changing local APIC id (Stanislav) - Fixed reading of IRR/ISR/TMR registers (patch by wmrieker) - Implemented spurious interrupt register (Stanislav, patch by wmrieker) - Fixed interrupt delivery bug (anonymous #SF patch) - Correctly implemented ESR APIC register (Stanislav) - Bochs debugger - Fixed bug in bochs debugger caused breakpoints doesn't fire sometimes (Alexander Krisak) - watchpoints in device memory fixed (Nickolai Zeldovich) - new debug interface to access Bochs CPU general purpose registers with support for x86-64 - Disassembler (Stanislav Shwartsman) - Fixed disassembly for FCOMI/FUCOMI instructions - Full x86-64 support in disassembler. The disassembler module extended to support x86-64 extensions. Still limited by Bochs debugger which is not supporting x86-64 at all ;( - I/O devices (Volker) - general - memory management prepared for large BIOS images (up to 512k) - slowdown timer sleep rate fixed (now using 1 msec on all platforms) - some device specific parameter handlers moved into the device code - serial - new serial mode 'socket' connects a network socket (#SF patch by Andrew Backer) - hard drive / cdrom - assign a unique serial number to each drive (fixes harddrive detection problems with Linux kernels 2.6.x: "ignoring undecoded slave") - geometry autodetection for 'flat' hard disk images added. Works with images created with bximage (heads = 16, sectors per track = 63) - ATAPI command 'read cd' implemented, some other commands improved - cdrom read block function now tries up to 3 times before giving up - emulation of raw cdrom reads added, some other lowlevel cdrom fixes - IDE busmaster DMA feature for harddisks and cdroms completed and enabled - disk image size limit changed from 32 to 127 GB - split ATA/ATAPI emulation code and image handling code - floppy - fixes for OS/2 (patch by Robin Kay) - disk change line behaviour fixed (initial patch by Ben Lunt) - end-of-track (EOT) condition handling implemented - more accurate timing for read/write data and format track commands using a motor speed of 300 RPM - timing of recalibrate and seek commands now depends on the step rate, date rate and the steps to do - floppy controller type changed to 82077AA - cmos - RTC 12-hour and binary mode implemented - number of CMOS registers changed from 64 to 128 - bochsrc option 'cmosimage' improved - save cmos image on exit if enabled - speaker - simple speaker support for OS X added (patch by - pci - BeOS boot failure fix in the PCI IDE code - don't register i/o and memory regions during PCI probe - vga - memory allocation for vga extensions fixed - usb - some bugfixes by Ben Lunt (mouse and keypad are usable now) - networking modules - VDE networking module now enabled on Linux - display libraries - general - new syntax for the userbutton shortcut string and more keys supported - win32 - fixed keycode generation for right alt/ctrl/shift keys - runtime dialog is now a property sheet - x11 - simple dialog boxes for the "ask" and "user shortcut" feature implemented - Slovenian keymap added (contributed by Mitja Ursic) - configuration interface - ask dialog is now enabled by default for win32, wx and x display libraries - bochsrc option floppy_command_delay is obsolete now (floppy timing now based on hardware specs) - floppy image size detection now available in the whole config interface - some device specific parameter handlers moved into the device code - calculate BIOS ROM start address from image if not specified - System BIOS (Volker) - PCI i/o and memory base address initialization added - several keyboard interrupt handler fixes (e.g. patch by japheth) - several floppy fixes (e.g. OS/2 works with patch by Robin Kay) - some more APM functions added - Updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.5d - generate SMP specific tables dynamicly by the Bochs memory init code - SF patches applied [1389776] Disk sizes over 64 Gbytes by Andrzej Zaborowski [1359162] disasm support for x86-64 by Stanislav Shwartsman [857235] task priority and other APIC bugs, etc by wmrieker [1359011] build breaks for 386 + debugger + disasm by shirokuma [1352761] Infinite loop when trying to debug a triple exception [1311170] small APIC bug fix (interrupt sent to the wrong CPU) [1309763] Watchpoints don't work in device memory by Nickolai Zeldovich [1294930] change line status on floppy by Ben Lunt [1282033] SSE FXRESTORE not working correctly by Ondrej Palkovsky [816979] wget generalizations by Lyndon Nerenberg [1214886] No more pageWriteStamp / unified icache by H. Johansson [1107945] com->socket redirection support by Andrew Backer - these S.F. bugs were closed [669180] win95 install : unknown SET FEATURES subcommand 0x03 [1346692] bochs 2.2.1 VGA BIOS error [1354963] floppy in KolibriOS [1378204] error: bochs-2.2.1, --enable-sb16, --disable-gameport [1368412] VDE problems in BOCHS [533446] CPU and APIC devices appear twice [1000796] bximage fails to create image of specified size [1170793] Quarterdeck QEMM doesn't work [923704] Multiple opcode prefixes don't reflect Trap 13 [1166392] DocBook/documentation issues [1368239] broken grater than 4GB size of sparse type hd image [1365830] i386 compile breaks on paging [427550] Incomplete IRETD implementation [1215081] MSVC workspace STILL not fixed [736279] Jump to Task [1356488] FD change fail & occur error [957615] [CPU ] prefetch: RIP > CS.limit [1353866] not booting linux-2.6.14 [1351667] load32bitOSImage does not work with --enable-x86-debugger [1217476] Incorrect (?) handling of segment registers in real mode [1184711] OS2 DOS crash [2.2.pre2] [624330] support for disks > 32GiB [1348368] bochs 2.2.1 bximage error [1342081] Configuration Menu option failed [1138616] OS/2 Warp 4 hangs when booting [1049840] mouse and video conflict [1164570] Unable to perform Fedora Core 4 test 1 installation [1183201] Windows 2000 (MSDN build 2150?) does not completely install [1194284] Can't boot from CD-ROM (Windows NT) [962969] Windows NT crashes while trying to intall them. [1054594] WinXP install halts (redo) [1153107] Windows XP fails with BSOD on 'vga' [938518] Win XP installation fails [645420] getHostMemAddr vetoed direct read [1179985] MS XENIX: >>PANIC<< VGABIOS panic at vgabios.c, line 0 [1329600] WBINVD and INVD should flush caches and TLB [638924] eliminate BX_USE_CONFIG_INTERFACE [1048711] Funny behaviour with CTRL [1288450] keyboard BIOS error [1310706] Keyboard - about key SHIFT [1295981] Ubuntu 5.04 Live-CD won't boot in Bochs [879047] APIC timer behavior different before reset and after [1188506] I still can't install the german Windows XP! [1301847] Windows XP dosn't boot - FXRSTOR problem ? [661259] does not boot QNX under WinX [924412] Keyboard lock states all whacked [681127] MIPSpro compiler (IRIX) is allergic to ^M [1285923] BIOS keyboard handler [516639] ATA controller revisited... [657918] does not boot BeOS under WinX [649245] BeOS CD locks halfway on boot [1094385] Attachment for bug 1090339 (beos failure) [1183196] BeOS 4.5 developer CD does not install [1090339] BeOS fails to boot [639484] panics when int 13 is called [711701] divide by zero [704295] ATAPI/BIOS call missing [682856] hard drive problems [627691] Cursor keys problem [588011] keyboard not working [542260] os/2 warp crashes with floppy handling [1273878] SB16 doesn't work in pure DOS [542254] OS/2 FDC driver dies [1099610] Windows 98 SE Does not install [875479] cr3 problem on task switch [731423] NE2000 causing PANIC on Win2K detection [1156155] bochs fails to boot plan9 iso [1251979] --enable-cpu-level=3 should assume --without-fpu [1257538] Interupt 15h 83h - set wait event interval [658396] Panic for DR DOS emm386 [679339] /? doesn't divulge Bochs command-line syntax [1167016] call/jump/return_protected doesn't support x86-64 [1252432] Mac OS X compile bug [881442] Bochs 2.1 PANIC when loading DOS Turbo Pascal protected mode [1249324] Boch2.2.1 Buffer Overfollow in void bx_local_apic_c::init () [1197144] 'make install' has dependency on wget [1079595] LTR:386TSS: loading tr.limit < 103 [1244070] Compilation Error in gui/ [761707] CPU error when trying to start Privateer [517281] Crash running Privateer in DOS... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.2.1 (July 8, 2005): - Fixed several compilation warnings and errors for different platforms (Volker) - Fixed FPU tag word restore in FXRSTOR instruction (Stanislav) - Added missing scancodes for F11 and F12 to BIOS translation table (Volker) - Bochs disassembler bugfixes (h.johansson) - About 5% emulation speed improvement (h.johansson) - Handle writing of zero to APIC timer initial count register (Stanislav) - Enable Idle-Hack for 'TERM' GUI (h.johansson) - Reduced overhead of BX_SHOW_IPS option to minimum. Now every simulation could run with --enable-show-ips without significant performance penalty. (Stanislav) - Fixed pcipnic register access (Volker) - Limited write support for TFTP server in 'vnet' networking module added (Volker) - Changed some timing defaults to more useful values (Volker) - WinXP/2003 style common controls now supported (Vitaly Vorobyov) - Updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.5c (Volker) - Added new BX_INSTR_HLT callback to instrumentation (Stanislav) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in 2.2 (May 28, 2005): Brief summary : - New floating point emulator based on SoftFloat floating point emulation library. - improved x86-64 emulation - Cirrus SVGA card emulation added - status bar with indicators for keyboard, floppy, cdrom and disk (gui dependant) - many improvements in Bochs emulated I/O devices (e.g. PCI subsystem) Detailed change log : - CPU - fixes for booting OS/2 by Dmitri Froloff - fixed v8086 priveleged instruction processing bug (was also reported by LightCone Aug 7 2003) - exception process bug (was reported by Diego Henriquez Sat Nov 15 01:16:51 CET 2003) - segment validation with IRET instruction - CS segment not present exception processing with IRET - several fixes by Kevin Lawton - add MSVC host asm instructions (patch by suzu) - fixed bug in HADDPD/HSUBP



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