
qq454953880 2011-08-25 07:43:20
1 在ASP环境下,可不可以像我这样用服务器端脚本实现ASP功能;
2 如何验证3DES计算的结果是否正确,是网站,还是有专门的验证工具软件?(网上找了半天,只有上面的两个)
3 为什么下面的代码加密解密英文好用,而对中文不行?
4 项目方给了密钥,格式是24位的java数组,[0x22,0xEF,(byte)0x66...],如何转换成表单数据提交?
5 项目方给了一段Java代码(包括一段测试代码和一个jar代码包),可是兄弟不会(实在是不懂),请教如何搭建环境。
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xiaogu12345 2011-08-25
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qq454953880 2011-08-25
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//this takes as input a 64 bit key (even though only 56 bits are used)
//as an array of 2 integers, and returns 16 48 bit keys
function des_createKeys (key) {
//declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
pc2bytes0 = new Array (0,0x4,0x20000000,0x20000004,0x10000,0x10004,0x20010000,0x20010004,0x200,0x204,0x20000200,0x20000204,0x10200,0x10204,0x20010200,0x20010204);
pc2bytes1 = new Array (0,0x1,0x100000,0x100001,0x4000000,0x4000001,0x4100000,0x4100001,0x100,0x101,0x100100,0x100101,0x4000100,0x4000101,0x4100100,0x4100101);
pc2bytes2 = new Array (0,0x8,0x800,0x808,0x1000000,0x1000008,0x1000800,0x1000808,0,0x8,0x800,0x808,0x1000000,0x1000008,0x1000800,0x1000808);
pc2bytes3 = new Array (0,0x200000,0x8000000,0x8200000,0x2000,0x202000,0x8002000,0x8202000,0x20000,0x220000,0x8020000,0x8220000,0x22000,0x222000,0x8022000,0x8222000);
pc2bytes4 = new Array (0,0x40000,0x10,0x40010,0,0x40000,0x10,0x40010,0x1000,0x41000,0x1010,0x41010,0x1000,0x41000,0x1010,0x41010);
pc2bytes5 = new Array (0,0x400,0x20,0x420,0,0x400,0x20,0x420,0x2000000,0x2000400,0x2000020,0x2000420,0x2000000,0x2000400,0x2000020,0x2000420);
pc2bytes6 = new Array (0,0x10000000,0x80000,0x10080000,0x2,0x10000002,0x80002,0x10080002,0,0x10000000,0x80000,0x10080000,0x2,0x10000002,0x80002,0x10080002);
pc2bytes7 = new Array (0,0x10000,0x800,0x10800,0x20000000,0x20010000,0x20000800,0x20010800,0x20000,0x30000,0x20800,0x30800,0x20020000,0x20030000,0x20020800,0x20030800);
pc2bytes8 = new Array (0,0x40000,0,0x40000,0x2,0x40002,0x2,0x40002,0x2000000,0x2040000,0x2000000,0x2040000,0x2000002,0x2040002,0x2000002,0x2040002);
pc2bytes9 = new Array (0,0x10000000,0x8,0x10000008,0,0x10000000,0x8,0x10000008,0x400,0x10000400,0x408,0x10000408,0x400,0x10000400,0x408,0x10000408);
pc2bytes10 = new Array (0,0x20,0,0x20,0x100000,0x100020,0x100000,0x100020,0x2000,0x2020,0x2000,0x2020,0x102000,0x102020,0x102000,0x102020);
pc2bytes11 = new Array (0,0x1000000,0x200,0x1000200,0x200000,0x1200000,0x200200,0x1200200,0x4000000,0x5000000,0x4000200,0x5000200,0x4200000,0x5200000,0x4200200,0x5200200);
pc2bytes12 = new Array (0,0x1000,0x8000000,0x8001000,0x80000,0x81000,0x8080000,0x8081000,0x10,0x1010,0x8000010,0x8001010,0x80010,0x81010,0x8080010,0x8081010);
pc2bytes13 = new Array (0,0x4,0x100,0x104,0,0x4,0x100,0x104,0x1,0x5,0x101,0x105,0x1,0x5,0x101,0x105);

//how many iterations (1 for des, 3 for triple des)
var iterations = key.length > 8 ? 3 : 1; //changed by Paul 16/6/2007 to use Triple DES for 9+ byte keys
//stores the return keys
var keys = new Array (32 * iterations);
//now define the left shifts which need to be done
var shifts = new Array (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
//other variables
var lefttemp, righttemp, m=0, n=0, temp;

for (var j=0; j<iterations; j++) { //either 1 or 3 iterations
left = (key.charCodeAt(m++) << 24) | (key.charCodeAt(m++) << 16) | (key.charCodeAt(m++) << 8) | key.charCodeAt(m++);
right = (key.charCodeAt(m++) << 24) | (key.charCodeAt(m++) << 16) | (key.charCodeAt(m++) << 8) | key.charCodeAt(m++);

temp = ((left >>> 4) ^ right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 4);
temp = ((right >>> -16) ^ left) & 0x0000ffff; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << -16);
temp = ((left >>> 2) ^ right) & 0x33333333; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 2);
temp = ((right >>> -16) ^ left) & 0x0000ffff; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << -16);
temp = ((left >>> 1) ^ right) & 0x55555555; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 1);
temp = ((right >>> 8) ^ left) & 0x00ff00ff; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << 8);
temp = ((left >>> 1) ^ right) & 0x55555555; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 1);

//the right side needs to be shifted and to get the last four bits of the left side
temp = (left << 8) | ((right >>> 20) & 0x000000f0);
//left needs to be put upside down
left = (right << 24) | ((right << 8) & 0xff0000) | ((right >>> 8) & 0xff00) | ((right >>> 24) & 0xf0);
right = temp;

//now go through and perform these shifts on the left and right keys
for (var i=0; i < shifts.length; i++) {
//shift the keys either one or two bits to the left
if (shifts[i]) {left = (left << 2) | (left >>> 26); right = (right << 2) | (right >>> 26);}
else {left = (left << 1) | (left >>> 27); right = (right << 1) | (right >>> 27);}
left &= -0xf; right &= -0xf;

//now apply PC-2, in such a way that E is easier when encrypting or decrypting
//this conversion will look like PC-2 except only the last 6 bits of each byte are used
//rather than 48 consecutive bits and the order of lines will be according to
//how the S selection functions will be applied: S2, S4, S6, S8, S1, S3, S5, S7
lefttemp = pc2bytes0[left >>> 28] | pc2bytes1[(left >>> 24) & 0xf]
| pc2bytes2[(left >>> 20) & 0xf] | pc2bytes3[(left >>> 16) & 0xf]
| pc2bytes4[(left >>> 12) & 0xf] | pc2bytes5[(left >>> 8) & 0xf]
| pc2bytes6[(left >>> 4) & 0xf];
righttemp = pc2bytes7[right >>> 28] | pc2bytes8[(right >>> 24) & 0xf]
| pc2bytes9[(right >>> 20) & 0xf] | pc2bytes10[(right >>> 16) & 0xf]
| pc2bytes11[(right >>> 12) & 0xf] | pc2bytes12[(right >>> 8) & 0xf]
| pc2bytes13[(right >>> 4) & 0xf];
temp = ((righttemp >>> 16) ^ lefttemp) & 0x0000ffff;
keys[n++] = lefttemp ^ temp; keys[n++] = righttemp ^ (temp << 16);
} //for each iterations
//return the keys we've created
return keys;
} //end of des_createKeys
qq454953880 2011-08-25
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" runat="server" >

//Paul Tero, July 2001
//Optimised for performance with large blocks by Michael Hayworth, November 2001

//this takes the key, the message, and whether to encrypt or decrypt
function des (key, message, encrypt, mode, iv, padding) {
//declaring this locally speeds things up a bit
var spfunction1 = new Array (0x1010400,0,0x10000,0x1010404,0x1010004,0x10404,0x4,0x10000,0x400,0x1010400,0x1010404,0x400,0x1000404,0x1010004,0x1000000,0x4,0x404,0x1000400,0x1000400,0x10400,0x10400,0x1010000,0x1010000,0x1000404,0x10004,0x1000004,0x1000004,0x10004,0,0x404,0x10404,0x1000000,0x10000,0x1010404,0x4,0x1010000,0x1010400,0x1000000,0x1000000,0x400,0x1010004,0x10000,0x10400,0x1000004,0x400,0x4,0x1000404,0x10404,0x1010404,0x10004,0x1010000,0x1000404,0x1000004,0x404,0x10404,0x1010400,0x404,0x1000400,0x1000400,0,0x10004,0x10400,0,0x1010004);
var spfunction2 = new Array (-0x7fef7fe0,-0x7fff8000,0x8000,0x108020,0x100000,0x20,-0x7fefffe0,-0x7fff7fe0,-0x7fffffe0,-0x7fef7fe0,-0x7fef8000,-0x80000000,-0x7fff8000,0x100000,0x20,-0x7fefffe0,0x108000,0x100020,-0x7fff7fe0,0,-0x80000000,0x8000,0x108020,-0x7ff00000,0x100020,-0x7fffffe0,0,0x108000,0x8020,-0x7fef8000,-0x7ff00000,0x8020,0,0x108020,-0x7fefffe0,0x100000,-0x7fff7fe0,-0x7ff00000,-0x7fef8000,0x8000,-0x7ff00000,-0x7fff8000,0x20,-0x7fef7fe0,0x108020,0x20,0x8000,-0x80000000,0x8020,-0x7fef8000,0x100000,-0x7fffffe0,0x100020,-0x7fff7fe0,-0x7fffffe0,0x100020,0x108000,0,-0x7fff8000,0x8020,-0x80000000,-0x7fefffe0,-0x7fef7fe0,0x108000);
var spfunction3 = new Array (0x208,0x8020200,0,0x8020008,0x8000200,0,0x20208,0x8000200,0x20008,0x8000008,0x8000008,0x20000,0x8020208,0x20008,0x8020000,0x208,0x8000000,0x8,0x8020200,0x200,0x20200,0x8020000,0x8020008,0x20208,0x8000208,0x20200,0x20000,0x8000208,0x8,0x8020208,0x200,0x8000000,0x8020200,0x8000000,0x20008,0x208,0x20000,0x8020200,0x8000200,0,0x200,0x20008,0x8020208,0x8000200,0x8000008,0x200,0,0x8020008,0x8000208,0x20000,0x8000000,0x8020208,0x8,0x20208,0x20200,0x8000008,0x8020000,0x8000208,0x208,0x8020000,0x20208,0x8,0x8020008,0x20200);
var spfunction4 = new Array (0x802001,0x2081,0x2081,0x80,0x802080,0x800081,0x800001,0x2001,0,0x802000,0x802000,0x802081,0x81,0,0x800080,0x800001,0x1,0x2000,0x800000,0x802001,0x80,0x800000,0x2001,0x2080,0x800081,0x1,0x2080,0x800080,0x2000,0x802080,0x802081,0x81,0x800080,0x800001,0x802000,0x802081,0x81,0,0,0x802000,0x2080,0x800080,0x800081,0x1,0x802001,0x2081,0x2081,0x80,0x802081,0x81,0x1,0x2000,0x800001,0x2001,0x802080,0x800081,0x2001,0x2080,0x800000,0x802001,0x80,0x800000,0x2000,0x802080);
var spfunction5 = new Array (0x100,0x2080100,0x2080000,0x42000100,0x80000,0x100,0x40000000,0x2080000,0x40080100,0x80000,0x2000100,0x40080100,0x42000100,0x42080000,0x80100,0x40000000,0x2000000,0x40080000,0x40080000,0,0x40000100,0x42080100,0x42080100,0x2000100,0x42080000,0x40000100,0,0x42000000,0x2080100,0x2000000,0x42000000,0x80100,0x80000,0x42000100,0x100,0x2000000,0x40000000,0x2080000,0x42000100,0x40080100,0x2000100,0x40000000,0x42080000,0x2080100,0x40080100,0x100,0x2000000,0x42080000,0x42080100,0x80100,0x42000000,0x42080100,0x2080000,0,0x40080000,0x42000000,0x80100,0x2000100,0x40000100,0x80000,0,0x40080000,0x2080100,0x40000100);
var spfunction6 = new Array (0x20000010,0x20400000,0x4000,0x20404010,0x20400000,0x10,0x20404010,0x400000,0x20004000,0x404010,0x400000,0x20000010,0x400010,0x20004000,0x20000000,0x4010,0,0x400010,0x20004010,0x4000,0x404000,0x20004010,0x10,0x20400010,0x20400010,0,0x404010,0x20404000,0x4010,0x404000,0x20404000,0x20000000,0x20004000,0x10,0x20400010,0x404000,0x20404010,0x400000,0x4010,0x20000010,0x400000,0x20004000,0x20000000,0x4010,0x20000010,0x20404010,0x404000,0x20400000,0x404010,0x20404000,0,0x20400010,0x10,0x4000,0x20400000,0x404010,0x4000,0x400010,0x20004010,0,0x20404000,0x20000000,0x400010,0x20004010);
var spfunction7 = new Array (0x200000,0x4200002,0x4000802,0,0x800,0x4000802,0x200802,0x4200800,0x4200802,0x200000,0,0x4000002,0x2,0x4000000,0x4200002,0x802,0x4000800,0x200802,0x200002,0x4000800,0x4000002,0x4200000,0x4200800,0x200002,0x4200000,0x800,0x802,0x4200802,0x200800,0x2,0x4000000,0x200800,0x4000000,0x200800,0x200000,0x4000802,0x4000802,0x4200002,0x4200002,0x2,0x200002,0x4000000,0x4000800,0x200000,0x4200800,0x802,0x200802,0x4200800,0x802,0x4000002,0x4200802,0x4200000,0x200800,0,0x2,0x4200802,0,0x200802,0x4200000,0x800,0x4000002,0x4000800,0x800,0x200002);
var spfunction8 = new Array (0x10001040,0x1000,0x40000,0x10041040,0x10000000,0x10001040,0x40,0x10000000,0x40040,0x10040000,0x10041040,0x41000,0x10041000,0x41040,0x1000,0x40,0x10040000,0x10000040,0x10001000,0x1040,0x41000,0x40040,0x10040040,0x10041000,0x1040,0,0,0x10040040,0x10000040,0x10001000,0x41040,0x40000,0x41040,0x40000,0x10041000,0x1000,0x40,0x10040040,0x1000,0x41040,0x10001000,0x40,0x10000040,0x10040000,0x10040040,0x10000000,0x40000,0x10001040,0,0x10041040,0x40040,0x10000040,0x10040000,0x10001000,0x10001040,0,0x10041040,0x41000,0x41000,0x1040,0x1040,0x40040,0x10000000,0x10041000);

//create the 16 or 48 subkeys we will need
var keys = des_createKeys (key);
var m=0, i, j, temp, temp2, right1, right2, left, right, looping;
var cbcleft, cbcleft2, cbcright, cbcright2
var endloop, loopinc;
var len = message.length;
var chunk = 0;
//set up the loops for single and triple des
var iterations = keys.length == 32 ? 3 : 9; //single or triple des
if (iterations == 3) {looping = encrypt ? new Array (0, 32, 2) : new Array (30, -2, -2);}
else {looping = encrypt ? new Array (0, 32, 2, 62, 30, -2, 64, 96, 2) : new Array (94, 62, -2, 32, 64, 2, 30, -2, -2);}

//pad the message depending on the padding parameter
if (padding == 2) message += " "; //pad the message with spaces
else if (padding == 1) {temp = 8-(len%8); message += String.fromCharCode (temp,temp,temp,temp,temp,temp,temp,temp); if (temp==8) len+=8;} //PKCS7 padding
else if (!padding) message += "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; //pad the message out with null bytes

//store the result here
result = "";
tempresult = "";

if (mode == 1) { //CBC mode
cbcleft = (iv.charCodeAt(m++) << 24) | (iv.charCodeAt(m++) << 16) | (iv.charCodeAt(m++) << 8) | iv.charCodeAt(m++);
cbcright = (iv.charCodeAt(m++) << 24) | (iv.charCodeAt(m++) << 16) | (iv.charCodeAt(m++) << 8) | iv.charCodeAt(m++);

//loop through each 64 bit chunk of the message
while (m < len) {
left = (message.charCodeAt(m++) << 24) | (message.charCodeAt(m++) << 16) | (message.charCodeAt(m++) << 8) | message.charCodeAt(m++);
right = (message.charCodeAt(m++) << 24) | (message.charCodeAt(m++) << 16) | (message.charCodeAt(m++) << 8) | message.charCodeAt(m++);

//for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous result
if (mode == 1) {if (encrypt) {left ^= cbcleft; right ^= cbcright;} else {cbcleft2 = cbcleft; cbcright2 = cbcright; cbcleft = left; cbcright = right;}}

//first each 64 but chunk of the message must be permuted according to IP
temp = ((left >>> 4) ^ right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 4);
temp = ((left >>> 16) ^ right) & 0x0000ffff; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 16);
temp = ((right >>> 2) ^ left) & 0x33333333; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << 2);
temp = ((right >>> 8) ^ left) & 0x00ff00ff; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << 8);
temp = ((left >>> 1) ^ right) & 0x55555555; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 1);

left = ((left << 1) | (left >>> 31));
right = ((right << 1) | (right >>> 31));

//do this either 1 or 3 times for each chunk of the message
for (j=0; j<iterations; j+=3) {
endloop = looping[j+1];
loopinc = looping[j+2];
//now go through and perform the encryption or decryption
for (i=looping[j]; i!=endloop; i+=loopinc) { //for efficiency
right1 = right ^ keys[i];
right2 = ((right >>> 4) | (right << 28)) ^ keys[i+1];
//the result is attained by passing these bytes through the S selection functions
temp = left;
left = right;
right = temp ^ (spfunction2[(right1 >>> 24) & 0x3f] | spfunction4[(right1 >>> 16) & 0x3f]
| spfunction6[(right1 >>> 8) & 0x3f] | spfunction8[right1 & 0x3f]
| spfunction1[(right2 >>> 24) & 0x3f] | spfunction3[(right2 >>> 16) & 0x3f]
| spfunction5[(right2 >>> 8) & 0x3f] | spfunction7[right2 & 0x3f]);
temp = left; left = right; right = temp; //unreverse left and right
} //for either 1 or 3 iterations

//move then each one bit to the right
left = ((left >>> 1) | (left << 31));
right = ((right >>> 1) | (right << 31));

//now perform IP-1, which is IP in the opposite direction
temp = ((left >>> 1) ^ right) & 0x55555555; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 1);
temp = ((right >>> 8) ^ left) & 0x00ff00ff; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << 8);
temp = ((right >>> 2) ^ left) & 0x33333333; left ^= temp; right ^= (temp << 2);
temp = ((left >>> 16) ^ right) & 0x0000ffff; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 16);
temp = ((left >>> 4) ^ right) & 0x0f0f0f0f; right ^= temp; left ^= (temp << 4);

//for Cipher Block Chaining mode, xor the message with the previous result
if (mode == 1) {if (encrypt) {cbcleft = left; cbcright = right;} else {left ^= cbcleft2; right ^= cbcright2;}}
tempresult += String.fromCharCode ((left>>>24), ((left>>>16) & 0xff), ((left>>>8) & 0xff), (left & 0xff), (right>>>24), ((right>>>16) & 0xff), ((right>>>8) & 0xff), (right & 0xff));

chunk += 8;
if (chunk == 512) {result += tempresult; tempresult = ""; chunk = 0;}
} //for every 8 characters, or 64 bits in the message

//return the result as an array
return result + tempresult;
} //end of des

qq454953880 2011-08-25
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="zh-cn">
<title>Testing DES</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />

<h2>Testing DES</h2>

<script type="text/javascript" src="dessrc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="desextra.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function RunDes (f, encrypt) { //run all the different types of Des
//All the conditions are to to try to stop a Javascript error with vector being null
var vector = (f.vector && f.vector.value && f.vector.value.length > 7) ? f.vector.value : null;
var message = f.message.value; //get the message
if (!encrypt) message = hexToString (message); //treat it as hex
var result = des (f.key.value, message, encrypt, vector ? 1 : 0, vector);
if (encrypt) result = stringToHex (result); //output as hex
f.result.value = result; //put the result into the form

You can use this page to verify that this Javascript implementation of DES works the same as another
implementation you may be using.

If you enter a 24 byte (character) key below it will use triple DES,
or else it expects an 8 byte key for single DES. If you enter an 8 byte input vector it will
use CBC mode, or else ECB mode. When encrypting, the result will be displayed in hexidecimal.
When decrypting, the message is expected to be hexidecimal. And you can copy back the result into
the message to encrypt, then decrypt the same thing. Because of the conversion to hexidecimal
and the padding DES adds, the encrypted result will always be at least twice as long as the
original message.


If you are having trouble with this Javascript impelementation then
<a href="show.php">see here for suggestions and example testing strings</a>.
Dim key,message,result2,vector,encrypt
vector = Trim(request("vector"))
If vector<>"1" Then vector="0"
Select Case Trim(request("action"))
Case "1" encrypt =1
Case Else encrypt =0
End select
If key="" Or message="" Then
result2=RunDes (key,message,vector,encrypt)
End if
If key="" Then key="12345678"
If message="" Then message="This is the message to encrypt!!"
<form action="?" method="post">
密钥: <input name="key" type="text" value="<%=key%>" maxlength="24" size="24" /><br/>
数据: <input name="message" type="text" value="<%=message%>" size="80" /><br/>
Input vector (for CBC mode only): <input name="vector" type="text" value="" size="8" /><br/>
<input name="encrypt" type="button" onclick="RunDes(this.form,1)" value="加密"/>
<input name="decrypt" type="button" onclick="RunDes(this.form,0)" value="解密"/><br/><br/>
<input name="action" type="radio" value="1" <%If encrypt=1 Then response.write "checked" End if%>/> 加密
<input name="action" type="radio" value="0" <%If encrypt<>1 Then response.write "checked" End if%>/> 解密
jsp结果: <input name="result" type="text" value="" size="80" /><br/>
asp结果: <input name="result2" type="text" value="<%=result2%>" size="80" /><br/>
<input name="copyback" type="button" onclick="this.form.message.value=this.form.result.value;this.form.result.value=''" value="将结果复制到数据框"/>
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="提交"/>


qq454953880 2011-08-25
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qq454953880 2011-08-25
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// desextra.js ,一些辅助函数,都是直接从http://www.tero.co.uk/des/这个网址源复制的代码,

function RunDes (key,message,vector,encrypt) { //run all the different types of Des
vector = (vector && vector.value && vector.value.length > 7) ? vector.value : null;
if (!encrypt) message = hexToString (message); //treat it as hex
var result = des (key, message, encrypt, vector ? 1 : 0, vector);
if (encrypt) result = stringToHex (result); //output as hex
// f.result.value = result; //put the result into the form
return result;





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