mysql问题 写了连接数据库的程序 运行出现以下东西 本人 新手 哪位知道的朋友帮忙解释下

cm719891 2011-09-16 12:58:25
<PropertyCategory name="Connection/Authentication">
<Property name="user" required="No" default="" sortOrder="-2147483647" since="all versions">
The user to connect as
<Property name="password" required="No" default="" sortOrder="-2147483646" since="all versions">
The password to use when connecting
<Property name="socketFactory" required="No" default="com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory" sortOrder="4" since="3.0.3">
The name of the class that the driver should use for creating socket connections to the server. This class must implement the interface 'com.mysql.jdbc.SocketFactory' and have public no-args constructor.
<Property name="connectTimeout" required="No" default="0" sortOrder="9" since="3.0.1">
Timeout for socket connect (in milliseconds), with 0 being no timeout. Only works on JDK-1.4 or newer. Defaults to '0'.
<Property name="socketTimeout" required="No" default="0" sortOrder="10" since="3.0.1">
Timeout on network socket operations (0, the default means no timeout).
<Property name="connectionLifecycleInterceptors" required="No" default="" sortOrder="2147483647" since="5.1.4">
A comma-delimited list of classes that implement "com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor" that should notified of connection lifecycle events (creation, destruction, commit, rollback, setCatalog and setAutoCommit) and potentially alter the execution of these commands. ConnectionLifecycleInterceptors are "stackable", more than one interceptor may be specified via the configuration property as a comma-delimited list, with the interceptors executed in order from left to right.
<Property name="useConfigs" required="No" default="" sortOrder="2147483647" since="3.1.5">
Load the comma-delimited list of configuration properties before parsing the URL or applying user-specified properties. These configurations are explained in the 'Configurations' of the documentation.
<Property name="interactiveClient" required="No" default="false" sortOrder="alpha" since="3.1.0">
Set the CLIENT_INTERACTIVE flag, which tells MySQL to timeout connections based on INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT instead of WAIT_TIMEOUT
<Property name="localSocketAddress" required="No" default="" sortOrder="alpha" since="5.0.5">
Hostname or IP address given to explicitly configure the interface that the driver will bind the client side of the TCP/IP connection to when connecting.
<Property name="propertiesTransform" required="No" default="" sortOrder="alpha" since="3.1.4">
An implementation of com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionPropertiesTransform that the driver will use to modify URL properties passed to the driver before attempting a connection
<Property name="useCompression" required="No" default="false" sortOrder="alpha" since="3.0.17">
Use zlib compression when communicating with the server (true/false)? Defaults to 'false'.
<PropertyCategory name="Networking">
<Property name="maxAllowedPacket" required="No" default="-1" sortOrder="alpha" since="5.1.8">
Maximum allowed packet size to send to server. If not set, the value of system variable 'max_allowed_packet' will be used to initialize this upon connecting. This value will not take effect if set larger than the value of 'max_allowed_packet'.
<Property name="tcpKeepAlive" required="No" default="true" sortOrder="alpha" since="5.0.7">
If connecting using TCP/IP, should the driver set SO_KEEPALIVE?
<Property name="tcpNoDelay" required="No" default="true" sortOrder="alpha" since="5.0.7">
If connecting using TCP/IP, should the driver set SO_TCP_NODELAY (disabling the Nagle Algorithm)?


<Property name="useUnbufferedInput" required="No" default="true" sortOrder="alpha" since="3.0.11">
Don't use BufferedInputStream for reading data from the server
<Property name="yearIsDateType" required="No" default="true" sortOrder="alpha" since="3.1.9">
Should the JDBC driver treat the MySQL type "YEAR" as a java.sql.Date, or as a SHORT?
<Property name="zeroDateTimeBehavior" required="No" default="exception" sortOrder="alpha" since="3.1.4">
What should happen when the driver encounters DATETIME values that are composed entirely of zeros (used by MySQL to represent invalid dates)? Valid values are "exception", "round" and "convertToNull".
</ConnectionProperties>路过 的帮忙解释下 不胜感激
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3 条回复
leo_wang_sun 2011-09-16
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数据库里year字段的 属性是short?
甲壳虫 2011-09-16
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Should the JDBC driver treat the MySQL type "YEAR" as a java.sql.Date, or as a SHORT?

随风醉舞 2011-09-16
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