Delphi 2010有没有分布类(Partial Class)这个特性?

ysai 2011-10-11 05:41:30
像C#中的Partial Class

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10 条回复
亮剑_ 2011-10-12
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[Quote=引用 7 楼 ysai 的回复:]

Delphi Prism中就支持,可惜是.NET的
ysai 2011-10-12
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Delphi Prism中就支持,可惜是.NET的
xmfan2000 2011-10-12
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[Quote=引用 5 楼 lhylhy 的回复:]

忽然想到,以后会不会有Partial Function?

lhy 2011-10-12
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忽然想到,以后会不会有Partial Function?
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Class Helper可以实现类似的特性,而且可以在不修改类源码的情况下给类打补丁。
iqyely 2011-10-12
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xonln 2011-10-11
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柯本 2011-10-11
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lhy 2011-10-11
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ysai 2011-10-11
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悲剧了 不支持
DIRegEx is a library of Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland) components and procedures that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5.10, with just a few differences. This includes support for UTF-8 encoded strings and Unicode general category properties. DIRegEx offers two regular expression algorithms with their corresponding wrapper classes for easy usage: TDIPerlRegEx implements a matching algorithm with the same syntax and semantics as Perl. Consider this the standard algorithm which you are used to from Perl and JavaScript. It is very fast and supports the complete pattern syntax. You will very likely be using it most of the time. TDIDfaRegEx implements the DFA matching algorithm. Considerer this as a special purpose algorithm. If finds all possible matches and in particular, it finds the longest. It never needs to backtrack and supports partial matching much better, even for very long subject strings in several pieces. The DIRegEx Search Stream Demo ApplicationBoth classes descend from a common ancestor TDIRegEx which implements the complete functionality for working with regular expressions, regardless of which algorithm is currently in effect: Matching and extraction of matches / substrings from the source text. Searching for regular expressions within streams and memory buffers. To search within streams or files (of virtually unlimited size), use one of the specially optimized TDIRegExSearchStream class descendents. Replacements on full and partial matches / substrings. Listing of full and partial matches / substrings. Formatting of matches.
DIRegEx是Delphi中最快的正则表达式控件,因为属于商业收费控件,所以网上的学习教程几乎没有,所以只能参考DEMO学习了。 DIRegEx is a library of Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland) components and procedures that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5.10, with just a few differences. This includes support for UTF-8 encoded strings and Unicode general category properties. DIRegEx offers two regular expression algorithms with their corresponding wrapper classes for easy usage: TDIPerlRegEx implements a matching algorithm with the same syntax and semantics as Perl. Consider this the standard algorithm which you are used to from Perl and javascript. It is very fast and supports the complete pattern syntax. You will very likely be using it most of the time. TDIDfaRegEx implements the DFA matching algorithm. Considerer this as a special purpose algorithm. If finds all possible matches and in particular, it finds the longest. It never needs to backtrack and supports partial matching much better, even for very long subject strings in several pieces. Both classes descend from a common ancestor TDIRegEx which implements the complete functionality for working with regular expressions, regardless of which algorithm is currently in effect: Matching and extraction of matches / substrings from the source text. Searching for regular expressions within streams and memory buffers. To search within streams or files (of virtually unlimited size), use one of the specially optimized TDIRegExSearchStream class descendents. Replacements on full and partial matches / substrings. Listing of full and partial matches / substrings. Formatting of matches.
DIRegEx is a library of Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland) components and procedures that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5.10, with just a few differences. This includes support for UTF-8 encoded strings and Unicode general category properties. DIRegEx offers two regular expression algorithms with their corresponding wrapper classes for easy usage: TDIPerlRegEx implements a matching algorithm with the same syntax and semantics as Perl. Consider this the standard algorithm which you are used to from Perl and JavaScript. It is very fast and supports the complete pattern syntax. You will very likely be using it most of the time. TDIDfaRegEx implements the DFA matching algorithm. Considerer this as a special purpose algorithm. If finds all possible matches and in particular, it finds the longest. It never needs to backtrack and supports partial matching much better, even for very long subject strings in several pieces. DIRegEx v8.6.8 for D4-XE10Both classes descend from a common ancestor TDIRegEx which implements the complete functionality for working with regular expressions, regardless of which algorithm is currently in effect: Matching and extraction of matches / substrings from the source text. Searching for regular expressions within streams and memory buffers. To search within streams or files (of virtually unlimited size), use one of the specially optimized TDIRegExSearchStream class descendents. Replacements on full and partial matches / substrings. Listing of full and partial matches / substrings. Formatting of matches.



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