
netbooting 2011-11-28 09:06:29


'ArrayList 属性
'Length 数组长度

'ArrayList 方法
'Add(v) 在ArrayList尾部添加一个元素
'AddArray(arr) 在ArrayList尾部附加一个数组
'Insert(index, v) 在ArrayList的index处插入一个值,之后的值都往后移
'InsertArray(index, arr) 在ArrayList的index处插入一个数组,之后的值都往后移

'UpdateIndex(index, v) 更新索引为index处的值
'UpdateValue(m, n, v) 将ArrayList中m至n间的元素值替换为v
'ReplaceValue(v, newValue) 将ArrayList中所有值为v的元素替换为newValue

'RemoveAt(index) 移除指定索引处的元素
'Remove(v, mode) 删除由mode指定的元素
' mode = 1 删除第一个匹配项
' mode = n 删除第n个匹配项
' mode = -1 删除最后一个匹配项
' mode = 0 删除所有匹配项
'SubArray(m, n) 返回从索引m到索引n的子数组
'SubArrayLength(m, length) 返回从索引m开始,包含length个元素的数组
'Cut(m, n) 删除从索引m到索引n的元素,得到一个新数组
'CutLength(m, length) 删除从索引m开始的length个元素,得到一个新数组
'Clear() 清空数组,长度Length = 0
'RemoveRepeat() 删除数组中的重复项,只保留一项。

'IndexOf(v) 返回ArrayList第一个匹配项的索引,没找到返回-1
'LastIndexOf(v) 返回ArrayList的最后一个匹配项的索引,没找到返回-1
'GetValue(index) 取得ArrayList某个索引的值,若为负数,则从尾部开始算起
'IsInclude(v) 若ArrayList中任一元素等于v,则返回True
'MaxValue() 返回ArrayList中的最大值
'MinValue() 返回ArrayList中的最小值

'Reverse() 将整个ArrayList中的元素反序排列
'Implode(separator) 返回字符串值,元素由指定的分隔符分隔开来
'GetArray() 返回整个Array数组

'SortAsc() 将数组的值按升序排列
'SortDesc() 将数组的值按降序排列
'SortRnd() 将数组的元素随机排列

'IsArrayEqual(arr1, arr2) 比较两个数组是否相等,若所有元素都相等则返回True
'MathIntersection(arr1, arr2) 求两个数组的交集
'MathUnion(arr1, arr2) 求两个数组的并集
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p2227 2011-12-03
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netbooting 2011-12-03
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'Reverse() 将整个ArrayList中的元素反序排列
'Implode(separator) 返回字符串值,元素由指定的分隔符分隔开来
'GetArray() 返回整个Array数组
Public Sub Reverse()
Dim length, i, j, v
j = arrLength - 1
If arrLength > 0 Then
length = Int(arrLength / 2)
For i = 0 To length - 1
v = arrList(i)
arrList(i) = arrList(j)
arrList(j) = v
j = j - 1
End If
End Sub

Public Function Implode(separator)
Implode = Join(arrList, separator)
End Function

Public Function GetArray()
GetArray = arrList
End Function

'SortAsc() 将数组的值按升序排列
'SortDesc() 将数组的值按降序排列
'SortRnd() 将数组的元素随机排列
Public Sub SortAsc()
Dim i, j, temp, changed
changed = True

i = 0
Do Until Not changed
changed = False
For j = 0 To UBound(arrList) - (i + 1)
If arrList(j) > arrList(j + 1) Then
temp = arrList(j)
arrList(j) = arrList(j + 1)
arrList(j + 1) = temp
changed = True
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SortDesc()
Dim i, j, temp, changed
changed = True

i = 0
Do Until Not changed
changed = False
For j = 0 To UBound(arrList) - (i + 1)
If arrList(j) < arrList(j + 1) Then
temp = arrList(j)
arrList(j) = arrList(j + 1)
arrList(j + 1) = temp
changed = True
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub

Public Sub SortRnd()
Dim temp, index
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
'Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
index = Int((UBound(arrList) - 0 + 1) * Rnd() + 0)
temp = arrList(index)
arrList(index) = arrList(i)
arrList(i) = temp
End Sub

'IsArrayEqual(arr1, arr2) 比较两个数组是否相等,若所有元素都相等则返回True
'MathIntersection(arr1, arr2) 求两个数组的交集
'MathUnion(arr1, arr2) 求两个数组的并集
Public Function IsArrayEqual(arr1, arr2)
Dim isEqual
isEqual = False
If UBound(arr1) = UBound(arr2) Then
isEqual = True
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
If arr1(i) <> arr2(i) Then
isEqual = False
Exit For
End If
End If
IsArrayEqual = isEqual
End Function

Public Function MathIntersection(arr1, arr2)
Dim i, dic, arr, dicIntersection
Set dic = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dicIntersection = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
dic.Add arr1(i), 0
For i = 0 To UBound(arr2)
If dic.Exists(arr2(i)) Then
dicIntersection.Add arr2(i), 0
End If
arr = dicIntersection.Keys
Set dic = Nothing
Set dicIntersection = Nothing
MathIntersection = arr
End Function

Public Function MathUnion(arr1, arr2)
Dim i, dic, arr
Set dic = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 0 To UBound(arr1)
If Not dic.Exists(arr1(i)) Then
dic.Add arr1(i), 0
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(arr2)
If Not dic.Exists(arr2(i)) Then
dic.Add arr2(i), 0
End If
arr = dic.Keys
Set dic = Nothing
MathUnion = arr
End Function

Private Sub showErr(errInfo)
Response.Write "<div id=""ERRORINFO"" style=""font-size:12px;color:#990000;font-family:Lucida Console,Verdana"">"
Response.Write errInfo
Response.Write "</div>"
End Sub
End Class

hookee 2011-11-28
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挨踢直男 2011-11-28
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netbooting 2011-11-28
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'RemoveAt(index) 移除指定索引处的元素
'Remove(v, mode) 删除由mode指定的元素
' mode = 1 删除第一个匹配项
' mode = n 删除第n个匹配项
' mode = -1 删除最后一个匹配项
' mode = 0 删除所有匹配项
'SubArray(m, n) 返回从索引m到索引n的子数组
'SubArrayLength(m, length) 返回从索引m开始,包含length个元素的数组
'Cut(m, n) 删除从索引m到索引n的元素,得到一个新数组
'CutLength(m, length) 删除从索引m开始的length个元素,得到一个新数组
'Clear() 清空数组,长度Length = 0
'RemoveRepeat() 删除数组中的重复项,只保留一项。
Public Sub RemoveAt(index)
If index = "" Or Not IsNumeric(index) Then
showErr "错误:非法的index参数【ArrayList.InsertArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If index < 0 Or index > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:index索引越界【ArrayList.InsertArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If index >= 0 Then
For i = index To UBound(arrList) - 1
arrList(i) = arrList(i + 1) '值向前填充
arrLength = arrLength - 1
ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength - 1) '收缩数组
End If
End Sub

Public Sub Remove(v, mode)
Dim i, index, count
index = -1 '匹配项的索引
Select Case mode
Case 1
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(i) = v Then
index = i
Exit For
End If
If index <> -1 Then RemoveAt index
Case -1
For i = arrLength - 1 To 0 Step -1
If arrList(i) = v Then
index = i
Exit For
End If
If index <> -1 Then RemoveAt index
Case 0
Dim tempArr
count = 0
tempArr = arrList
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If tempArr(i) = v Then
index = i - count
RemoveAt index
count = count + 1
End if
Case Else
count = 0
If mode > 1 And mode <= arrLength Then
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(i) = v Then
count = count + 1
If count = mode Then
index = i
RemoveAt index
Exit For
End If
End If
showErr "错误:非法的mode参数【ArrayList.Remove()】"
Exit Sub
End if
End Select
End Sub

Public Sub SubArray(m, n)
If m = "" Or Not IsNumeric(m) Then
showErr "错误:非法的m参数【ArrayList.UpdateValue()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If n = "" Or Not IsNumeric(n) Then
showErr "错误:非法的n参数【ArrayList.UpdateValue()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If m < 0 Or m > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:m索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If n < 0 Or n > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:n索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If m > n Then
temp = m
m = n
n = temp
End If

Dim newArr, newLength, i, j
newArr = Array()
newLength = n - m + 1
ReDim Preserve newArr(newLength - 1)
For i = m To n
newArr(j) = arrList(i) '要移除的元素
j = j + 1
arrList = newArr
arrLength = newLength
End Sub

Public Sub SubArrayLength(m, length)
Dim n
n = m + length - 1
SubArray m, n
End Sub

Public Sub Cut(m, n)
If m = "" Or Not IsNumeric(m) Then
showErr "错误:非法的m参数【ArrayList.UpdateValue()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If n = "" Or Not IsNumeric(n) Then
showErr "错误:非法的n参数【ArrayList.UpdateValue()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If m < 0 Or m > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:m索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If n < 0 Or n > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:n索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If m > n Then
temp = m
m = n
n = temp
End If

Dim newLength, i, j
newLength = n - m
For i = (n + 1) To arrLength -1
arrList(i - newLength - 1) = arrList(i)
arrLength = arrLength - newLength - 1
ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength - 1)
End Sub

Public Sub CutLength(m, length)
Dim n
n = m + length - 1
Cut m, n
End Sub

'清空数组,长度Length = 0
Public Sub Clear()
Erase arrList
arrLength = 0
End Sub

Public Sub RemoveRepeat()
Dim i, dic
Set dic = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrList)
If Not dic.Exists(arrList(i)) Then
dic.Add arrList(i), 0
End If
arrList = dic.Keys
arrLength = UBound(arrList) + 1
Set dic = Nothing
End Sub

'IndexOf(v) 返回ArrayList第一个匹配项的索引,没找到返回-1
'LastIndexOf(v) 返回ArrayList的最后一个匹配项的索引,没找到返回-1
'GetValue(index) 取得ArrayList某个索引的值,若为负数,则从尾部开始算起
'IsInclude(v) 若ArrayList中任一元素等于v,则返回True
'MaxValue() 返回ArrayList中的最大值
'MinValue() 返回ArrayList中的最小值
Public Function IndexOf(v)
Dim i, index
index = -1
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(I) = v Then
index = i
Exit For
End If
IndexOf = index
End Function

Public Function LastIndexOf(v)
Dim i, index
index = -1
If arrLength <> 0 Then
For i = (arrLength - 1) To 0 Step -1
If arrList(i) = v Then
index = i
Exit For
End If
End If
LastIndexOf = index
End Function

Public Function GetValue(index)
On Error Resume Next
If index = "" Or Not IsNumeric(index) Then
showErr "错误:非法的index参数【ArrayList.GetValue()】"
Exit Function
End If
If index > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:index索引越界【ArrayList.GetValue()】"
Exit Function
End If
If index < 0 And Abs(index) > arrLength Then
showErr "错误:负数index索引越界【ArrayList.GetValue()】"
Exit Function
End If

Dim value
If index >=0 then
value = arrList(index)
value = arrList(arrLength - Abs(index))
End If

If Err Then
showErr "错误:" & Err.Description & "【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Function
End If
GetValue = value
End Function

Public Function IsInclude(v)
Dim boolIsInclude
boolIsInclude = False
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(i) = v Then
boolIsInclude = True
Exit For
End If
IsInclude = boolIsInclude
End Function

Public Function MaxValue()
Dim max
max = arrList(0)
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(i) > max Then
max = arrList(i)
End If
MaxValue = max
End Function

Public Function MinValue()
Dim min
min = arrList(0)
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(i) < max Then
min = arrList(i)
End If
MinValue = min
End Function
netbooting 2011-11-28
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Class ArrayList
Private arrList '内部数组
Private arrLength '记录数组的长度

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
arrList = Array()
arrLength = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase arrList
End Sub

Public Property Get Length
Length = arrLength
End Property

Public Property Let ArrayData(arr)
arrList = arr
arrLength = UBound(arr) + 1
End Property

'Add(v) 在ArrayList尾部添加一个元素
'AddArray(arr) 在ArrayList尾部附加一个数组
'Insert(index, v) 在ArrayList的index处插入一个值,之后的值都往后移
'InsertArray(index, arr) 在ArrayList的index处插入一个数组,之后的值都往后移
Public Sub Add(v)
ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength)
arrList(arrLength) = v
arrLength = arrLength + 1
End Sub

Public Sub AddArray(arr)
If Not IsArray(arr) Then
showErr "错误:arr参数不是数组【ArrayList.AddArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim i, j, NewLength
On Error Resume Next
If arrLength = 0 Then '如果ArrayList为空则直接附值
arrList = arr
arrLength = UBound(arr) + 1
NewLength = arrLength + UBound(arr) '新的数组长度
j = 0
ReDim Preserve arrList(NewLength)
For i = arrLength To NewLength
arrList(i) = arr(j)
j = j + 1
arrLength = arrLength + (UBound(arr) + 1)
End If
If Err Then
showErr "错误:" & Err.Description & "【ArrayList.AddArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Public Sub Insert(index, v)
Dim i, v2
If index < arrLength And index >= 0 Then
ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength)
arrLength = arrLength + 1
For i = index To arrLength - 1
v2 = arrList(i) '交换值
arrList(i) = v
v = v2
showErr "错误:index索引越界【ArrayList.Insert()】"
End If
End Sub

Public Sub InsertArray(index, arr)
If index = "" Or Not IsNumeric(index) Then
showErr "错误:非法的index参数【ArrayList.InsertArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If index < 0 Or index > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:index索引越界【ArrayList.InsertArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsArray(arr) Then
showErr "错误:arr参数不是数组【ArrayList.AddArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If

Dim i, j, L1, L2
On Error Resume Next
L1 = UBound(arr)
L2 = arrLength + L1
ReDim Preserve arrList(L2)
For i = arrLength - 1 To index Step -1
arrList(i + L1 + 1) = arrList(i) '把index之后的值往后移
For i = index To index + L1
arrList(i) = arr(j)
j = j + 1
If Err Then
showErr "错误:" & Err.Description & "【ArrayList.InsertArray()】"
Exit Sub
End If
arrLength = arrLength + L1 + 1 '新的数组长度
End Sub

'UpdateIndex(index, v) 更新索引为index处的值
'UpdateValue(m, n, v) 将ArrayList中m至n间的元素值替换为v
'ReplaceValue(v, newValue) 将ArrayList中所有值为v的元素替换为newValue
Public Sub UpdateIndex(index, v)
If index = "" Or Not IsNumeric(index) Then
showErr "错误:非法的index参数【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If index < 0 Or index > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:index索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
arrList(index) = v
End Sub

Public Sub UpdateValue(m, n, v)
If m = "" Or Not IsNumeric(m) Then
showErr "错误:非法的m参数【ArrayList.UpdateValue()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If n = "" Or Not IsNumeric(n) Then
showErr "错误:非法的n参数【ArrayList.UpdateValue()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If m < 0 Or m > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:m索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
If n < 0 Or n > arrLength - 1 Then
showErr "错误:n索引越界【ArrayList.UpdateIndex()】"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim temp
If m > n Then
temp = m
m = n
n = temp
End If
For i = m To n
arrList(i) = v
End Sub

Public Sub ReplaceValue(v, newValue)
For i = 0 To arrLength - 1
If arrList(i) = v Then arrList(i) = newValue
End Sub

netbooting 2011-11-28
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