想学ARM 不知道买tiny210好还是real 210好

liangchaoxi 2012-11-25 01:22:16
想学ARM和linux,但是在买开发板的时候犯愁了, 不知道买tiny210好还是real 210好,tiny210 友善的 用的人多,网上资料也多,教研室也有人在用,这样学习起来可能好些。但是友善的有些不开源。real210 据说是开源最多的,厂家支持也比较好,但是我担心的是用的人少,网上资源不多。 这2个共通的地方多吗? 我自己一人用real 教研室另外两个用tiny210 我遇到问题的话 他们能帮我多大的忙?

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u012666 2014-02-25
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haltwang 2013-01-23
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meancom 2013-01-08
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前一阵子买了tiny210 感觉不咋的,有些东西还是有问题的,尤其是在系统初始的触摸屏校准是不行的。其次是资料的整理也不是很好。至于real210就不知道咯
woshi_ziyu 2012-11-27
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高端产品即使是学了 在工作中也是用不到的
qauzy 2012-11-26
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woshi_ziyu 2012-11-26
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还是选择REAL210 因为代码开放 所以有问题就便于个人解决问题 求人不如求己
net_friends 2012-11-26
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直接上a9 a15好了
Title: Embedded Systems: Introduction to Armxae Cortexu2122-M Microcontrollers, 5th Edition Author: Jonathan Valvano Length: 506 pages Edition: Fifth Language: English Publisher: Jonathan Valvano Publication Date: 2013-07-14 ISBN-10: B00DXVBRSC Embedded systems are a ubiquitous component of our everyday lives. We interact with hundreds of tiny computers every day that are embedded into our houses, our cars, our toys, and our work. As our world has become more complex, so have the capabilities of the microcontrollers embedded into our devices. The ARM Cortex-M family represents a new class of microcontrollers much more powerful than the devices available ten years ago. The purpose of this book is to present the design methodology to train young engineers to understand the basic building blocks that comprise devices like a cell phone, an MP3 player, a pacemaker, antilock brakes, and an engine controller. This book, now in its 5th edition, is the first in a series of three books that teach the fundamentals of embedded systems as applied to the ARM® Cortex™-M family of microcontrollers. This first book is an introduction to computers and interfacing focusing on assembly language and C programming. The second book Embedded Systems: Real-Time Interfacing to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers focuses on hardware/software interfacing and the design of embedded systems. The third book Embedded Systems: Real-Time Operating Systems for ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers is an advanced book focusing on operating systems, high-speed interfacing, control systems, and robotics. The third volume could also be used for professionals wishing to design or deploy a real-time operating system onto an ARM platform. This first book is an introductory book that could be used at the college level with little or no prerequisites. An embedded system is a system that performs a specific task and has a computer embedded inside. A system is comprised of components and interfaces connected together for a common purpose. This book is an introduction to embedded systems. Specific topics include microcontrollers, fixed-point numbers, the design of software in assembly language and C, elementary data structures, programming input/output including interrupts, analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion. The book will cover embedded systems for ARM® Cortex™-M microcontrollers with specific details on the LM3S1968, TM4C123, and TM4C1294. Most of the topics can be run on any of these microcontrollers. In these books the terms LM3S LM4F and TM4C will refer to families of microcontrollers with the Texas Instruments Stellaris® line. Although the solutions are specific for the LM3S LM4F and TM4C families, it will be possible to use these books for other ARM derivatives. The true engineering experience occurs not with your eyes and ears, but rather with your fingers and elbows. In other words, engineering education does not happen by listening in class or reading a book; rather it happens by designing under the watchful eyes of a patient mentor. So, go build something today, then show it to someone you respect! Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction to Computers and Electronics Chapter 2. Introduction to Embedded Systems Chapter 3. Introduction to the ARM?Cortex?-M Processor Chapter 4. Introduction to Input/Output Chapter 5. Modular Programming Chapter 6. Pointers and Data Structures Chapter 7. Variables, Numbers, and Parameter Passing Chapter 8. Serial and Parallel Port Interfacing Chapter 9. Interrupt Programming and Real-time Systems Chapter 10. Analog I/O Interfacing Chapter 11. Communication Systems Appendix 1. Glossary Appendix 2. Solutions to Checkpoints Appendix 3. How to Convert Projects from Keil to CCS Appendix 4. Assembly Reference



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