
ahking 2012-11-25 09:49:21
usrid t1 其他字段............
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usrid t1 其他字段.....
1 2012-11-11 11:11
1 2012-11-11 11:16
1 2012-11-11 11:21
1 2012-11-11 11:26
2 2012-11-11 11:11
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499 16 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
16 条回复
ahking 2012-12-20
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ahking 2012-12-17
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ahking 2012-12-16
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ChangeMyself2012 2012-12-15
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;with T as(
select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by usrid order by getdate()) id,* from tb
select usrid,t1 from T where (id-1)%5=0

usrid       t1
----------- -----------------------
1           2012-11-11 11:11:00.000
1           2012-11-11 11:16:00.000
1           2012-11-11 11:21:00.000
1           2012-11-11 11:26:00.000
2           2012-11-11 11:11:00.000
2           2012-11-11 11:16:00.000
2           2012-11-11 11:21:00.000
2           2012-11-11 11:26:00.000

(8 行受影响)
ahking 2012-12-14
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如果不用with方式的写法,该如何写该语句呢? select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1 union all select a.* from tb a inner join (select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1) b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5 这样行么?
Sylaro0 2012-12-14
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你可以把cte理解为运行 select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1) 这段查询语句得到的表,这个表的名字叫cte select a.* from tb a inner join cte b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5 这里把tb这张表和cte这张表做了个连接查询,然后得到你想要的结果
ahking 2012-12-14
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引用 1 楼 qianjin036a 的回复:
create table tb(usrid int,t1 datetime) insert into tb select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:13' union all select 1,'2012……
select a.* from tb a inner join cte b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5 这里的cte是什么意思,不能直接用tb么?
asdf544265772 2012-11-27
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我感觉 如果你数据库里存的是每个一分钟一条数据 有规律的话 直接截取t1这个时间字符串不就好了 具体:截取最后两位 转化为int 减1 然后除以5 取余数 如果余数是0 说明就是符合条件的数据 能出来,可能很不主流,你要是时间不够的话 可以考虑这个方法
ChangeMyself2012 2012-11-26
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;with cte as(--这里的cte 相当于一个临时表
select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1)
   -- 1  2012-11-11 11:11:00.000
   -- 2  2012-11-11 11:11:00.000
union all 
select a.* from tb a inner join cte b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5
   --inner join 内联取交集 注意这里内联的对象不是"tb"而是"cte "(上面的有说到)这里其实就好比
   1  2012-11-11 11:16:00.000
   2  2012-11-11 11:16:00.000
   1  2012-11-11 11:21:00.000
   2  2012-11-11 11:21:00.000
   1  2012-11-11 11:26:00.000
   2  2012-11-11 11:26:00.000
select * from cte order by usrid,t1
以学习为目的 2012-11-26
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引用 3 楼 qq576420473 的回复:
引用 2 楼 zhoulong911217 的回复: declare @tb table (usrid int,t1 datetime) insert into @tb select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:13' unio……
select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1) 这个是取id相同的一组数据中最大的t1 select a.* from tb a inner join cte b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5 这个查询时间跨度为5分钟的数据,注意是要内联上面一个查询的 然后使用union all 连合起来
习惯性蹭分 2012-11-26
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dd_2012 2012-11-26
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引用 5 楼 HenryPointT 的回复:
引用 4 楼 galenkeny 的回复:引用 3 楼 qq576420473 的回复: 引用 2 楼 zhoulong911217 的回复: declare @tb table (usrid int,t1 datetime) insert into @tb select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 1,'201……
clisdodo 2012-11-26
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引用 4 楼 galenkeny 的回复:
引用 3 楼 qq576420473 的回复: 引用 2 楼 zhoulong911217 的回复: declare @tb table (usrid int,t1 datetime) insert into @tb select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all select ……
你好,想请教下,既然这条语句select a.* from tb a inner join cte b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5查询的是时间跨度为5分钟的数据,那么第一句select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1)这条语句查询的是id相同的一组数据中最大的t1,取值为'2012-11-11 11:29' 和'2012-11-11 11:29',这两个值有什么意义呢?即使用union all和第二句联合起来查询,还是想不通是个什么意思。请各位大虾指点一下,感激……
qq576420473 2012-11-25
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引用 2 楼 zhoulong911217 的回复:
declare @tb table (usrid int,t1 datetime) insert into @tb select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:13' union all select 1,'2012-11-11……
-晴天 2012-11-25
  • 打赏
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create table tb(usrid int,t1 datetime) insert into tb select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:13' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:14' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:15' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:16' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:17' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:18' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:19' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:20' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:21' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:22' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:23' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:24' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:25' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:26' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:27' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:28' union all select 1,'2012-11-11 11:29' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:13' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:14' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:15' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:16' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:17' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:18' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:19' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:20' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:21' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:22' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:23' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:24' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:25' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:26' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:27' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:28' union all select 2,'2012-11-11 11:29' go ;with cte as( select * from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1) union all select a.* from tb a inner join cte b on a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5 ) select * from cte order by usrid,t1 /* usrid t1 ----------- ----------------------- 1 2012-11-11 11:11:00.000 1 2012-11-11 11:16:00.000 1 2012-11-11 11:21:00.000 1 2012-11-11 11:26:00.000 2 2012-11-11 11:11:00.000 2 2012-11-11 11:16:00.000 2 2012-11-11 11:21:00.000 2 2012-11-11 11:26:00.000 (8 行受影响) */ go drop table tb
坚_持 2012-11-25
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declare @tb table (usrid int,t1 datetime)
insert into @tb
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:13' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:14' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:15' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:16' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:17' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:18' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:19' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:20' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:21' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:22' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:23' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:24' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:25' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:26' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:27' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:28' union all
select 1,'2012-11-11 11:29' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:11' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:12' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:13' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:14' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:15' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:16' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:17' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:18' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:19' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:20' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:21' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:22' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:23' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:24' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:25' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:26' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:27' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:28' union all
select 2,'2012-11-11 11:29'
if OBJECT_ID('tb') is not null
drop table tb
;with tb as
select * from @tb a where a.usrid not in(select usrid from @tb where usrid=a.usrid and t1<a.t1)
union all
select a.* from @tb a,tb b where a.usrid=b.usrid and datediff(mi,b.t1,a.t1)=5
select * from tb order by usrid,t1



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