L6218E:Undefined symbol Main (referred from *.0)错误

gongdezhi1990 2012-11-29 07:31:07

初用ads 这个错误 怎么解决
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大熊猫侯佩 2012-12-03
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gongdezhi1990 2012-12-01
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本人将 void Main() 改为int Main()之后没有出现问题了 不理解 希望下面有人继续跟进
gongdezhi1990 2012-11-29
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key_led_beep.c //I/O设置 #define rGPBCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000010) #define rGPBDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000014) #define rGPBUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000018) #define rGPGCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000060) #define rGPGDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000064) #define rGPGUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000068) //设置点亮led #define LED1_ON ~(1<<5) #define LED2_ON ~(1<<6) #define LED3_ON ~(1<<7) #define LED4_ON ~(1<<8) #define LEDS_ON (LED1_ON & LED2_ON & LED3_ON & LED4_ON) //shut out beep #define BEEP_OFF ~(1<<0) //set led light #define LED1_OFF (1<<5) #define LED2_OFF (1<<6) #define LED3_OFF (1<<7) #define LED4_OFF (1<<8) #define LEDS_OFF (LED1_OFF & LED2_OFF &LED3_OFF & LED4_OFF) //start beep #define BEEP_ON (1<<0) #define KEY1_ON (1<<0) #define KEY2_ON (1<<3) #define KEY3_ON (1<<5) #define KEY4_ON (1<<6) #define KEY5_ON (1<<7) #define KEY6_ON (1<<11) void delay(int times); //将按键的状态设置为输入状态 即"00" void key_init(void) { rGPBCON &= ~((3<<0) | (3<<6) | (3<<10) | (3<<12) | (3<<14) | (3<<22)); } //将led的状态设置为输出状态 即“01” void led_init(void) { rGPBCON &= ~((3<<10) | (3<<12) | (3<<14) | (3<<16)); rGPBCON |= (1<<10 | (1<<12) | (1<<14) | (1<<16)); } //将beep的状态设置为输出状态 即“01” void beep_init(void) { rGPBCON &= ~(3<<0); rGPBCON |= (1<<0); } void delay(int times) { int i; for(;times>0;times--) for(i=0;i<10000;i++); } void Main(void) { led_init(); key_init(); beep_init(); rGPBDAT |= LEDS_OFF; while(1) { rGPBDAT &= BEEP_OFF; if(!(rGPGDAT & KEY1_ON)) { rGPBDAT |=(LEDS_OFF |BEEP_ON); rGPBDAT &=LED1_ON; delay(1); } if(!(rGPGDAT & KEY2_ON)) { rGPBDAT |=(LEDS_OFF |BEEP_ON); rGPBDAT &=LED2_ON; delay(1); } if(!(rGPGDAT & KEY3_ON)) { rGPBDAT |=(LEDS_OFF |BEEP_ON); rGPBDAT &=LED3_ON; delay(1); } if(!(rGPGDAT & KEY4_ON)) { rGPBDAT |=(LEDS_OFF |BEEP_ON); rGPBDAT &=LED4_ON; delay(1); } if(!(rGPGDAT & KEY5_ON)) { rGPBDAT |=(LEDS_OFF |BEEP_ON); rGPBDAT &=LEDS_ON; delay(1); } if(!(rGPGDAT & KEY6_ON)) { rGPBDAT |=(LEDS_OFF |BEEP_ON); delay(1); } } }
gongdezhi1990 2012-11-29
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key_led_beep.s IMPORT Main AREA Init,CODE,READONLY ENTRY CODE32 START LDR R0,=0x53000000 MOV R1,#0x0 STR R1,[R0] LDR SP,=1024*4 BL Main MAIN_LOOP B MAIN_LOOP END
笔记本的风扇控制 ---------------------------------------- 09 November 2006. Summary of changes for version 20061109: 1) ACPI CA Core Subsystem: Optimized the Load ASL operator in the case where the source operand is an operation region. Simply map the operation region memory, instead of performing a bytewise read. (Region must be of type SystemMemory, see below.) Fixed the Load ASL operator for the case where the source operand is a region field. A buffer object is also allowed as the source operand. BZ 480 Fixed a problem where the Load ASL operator allowed the source operand to be an operation region of any type. It is now restricted to regions of type SystemMemory, as per the ACPI specification. BZ 481 Additional cleanup and optimizations for the new Table Manager code. AcpiEnable will now fail if all of the required ACPI tables are not loaded (FADT, FACS, DSDT). BZ 477 Added #pragma pack(8/4) to acobject.h to ensure that the structures in this header are always compiled as aligned. The ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT has been manually optimized to be aligned and will not work if it is byte-packed. Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS- independent acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 32- bit compiler. The debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has a much larger code and data size. Previous Release: Non-Debug Version: 78.1K Code, 17.1K Data, 95.2K Total Debug Version: 155.4K Code, 63.1K Data, 218.5K Total Current Release: Non-Debug Version: 77.9K Code, 17.0K Data, 94.9K Total Debug Version: 155.2K Code, 63.1K Data, 218.3K Total 2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools: Fixed a problem where the presence of the _OSI predefined control method within complex expressions could cause an internal compiler error. AcpiExec: Implemented full region support for multiple address spaces. SpaceId is now part of the REGION object. BZ 429 ---------------------------------------- 11 Oc



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