
areslau08 2013-05-17 08:54:17
因为昨天sharepoint管理中心提示几个错误,故启动了重新配置。但是重新配置的时候提示如下错误。 Exception: System.Xml.XmlException: 名称不能以“ᨯ”字符(十六进制值 0x1A2F)开头。 第 1 行,位置 20297。
在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseQName(Boolean isQName, Int32 startOffset, Int32& colonPos)
在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
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9 条回复
areslau08 2013-05-17
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引用 2 楼 farawayplace613 的回复:
卸载也报错吗?报什么错呢? 建议备份内容数据库然后重装,再还原内容数据库
卸载报office组件不正确,提示我重新配置。 我这个是测试环境,迫不得已,我把系统都干掉了。现在正在重装过程中。 还有,你可有QQ,方便的话,加我QQ:1094314397,以后搞sharepoint的话,肯定需要向您请教的。
天涯海角 2013-05-17
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卸载也报错吗?报什么错呢? 建议备份内容数据库然后重装,再还原内容数据库
areslau08 2013-05-17
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引用 8 楼 jason_dct 的回复:
那就加微博吧 新浪 jasondct
好的 那我结贴了,直接散分啦!!我已经微博上加你了。我叫 兽王俾斯麦!
areslau08 2013-05-17
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05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                        Leaving function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                        Updating the progress label above the progress bar 正在执行第 2 项配置任务(共 4 项)
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                        Entering function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                          Resource id to be retrieved is UnprovisionAdministrationVirtualServerTaskStartConfigDisplayLabel for language Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                          Resource retrieved id UnprovisionAdministrationVirtualServerTaskStartConfigDisplayLabel is 正在取消设置 SharePoint 管理中心 Web 应用程序...
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                        Leaving function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                        Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                        Updating the task label below the progress bar 正在取消设置 SharePoint 管理中心 Web 应用程序...
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Leaving function ConfigurationProgressForm.InvokeTaskStateEventHandler
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Sleeping an extra 1 ms so things don't go too fast for the user for this task
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  1  INF                      Not running in high contrast, so we will paint the background with our trademarked image
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Leaving function PsconfigBaseForm.TaskStateEventHandler
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Leaving function TaskBase.FireTaskStateChanged
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Leaving function TaskBase.OnTaskStart
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Entering function get CommandCollection.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Entering function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Found value in collection for key global
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Found command global in collection
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Leaving function get CommandCollection.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Entering function Command.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Entering function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Found value in collection for key restartiis
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Found parameter restartiis in collection
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Leaving function Command.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Entering function ServiceHelper.Start
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Trying to start service W3SVC and waiting 180 sec to do so
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  service W3SVC is Running, nothing to do 
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  starting service W3SVC (it may already be started)
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Leaving function ServiceHelper.Start
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                Entering function CentralAdministrationSiteUnprovisionTask.RemoveAdminVs
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Entering function Farm.IsJoinedToFarm
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Entering function Farm.TryIsJoinedToFarm
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Entering function get CommandCollection.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Entering function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                          Found value in collection for key initialize
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Found command initialize in collection
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Leaving function get CommandCollection.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Entering function Command.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Entering function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                          Found value in collection for key B2B_UPGRADE
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.Get
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Found parameter B2B_UPGRADE in collection
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Leaving function Command.this[string key]
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Leaving function Farm.TryIsJoinedToFarm
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Leaving function Farm.IsJoinedToFarm
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  This machine is joined to the farm, so checking to see if we can unprovision the central admin site on this machine
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  This machine has a local central admin site so will unprovision it
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  ERR                  Task unprovisionadminvs has failed with an unknown exception 
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  ERR                  Exception: System.Xml.XmlException: 名称不能以“ᨯ”字符(十六进制值 0x1A2F)开头。 第 1 行,位置 20297。
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseQName(Boolean isQName, Int32 startOffset, Int32& colonPos)
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
   在 System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   在 System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   在 System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   在 System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.GetObject(Guid id, Guid parentId, Guid type, String name, SPObjectStatus status, Byte[] versionBuffer, String xml)
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.GetObject(SqlDataReader dr)
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.RefreshCache(Int64 currentVersionOverride, List`1& newObjects, List`1& deletedObjects, Int64& newestObjectVersion)
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.RefreshCache()
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.StoreObject(SPPersistedObject obj, Boolean storeClassIfNecessary, Boolean ensure)
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPersistedObject.BaseUpdate()
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebServiceInstance.Unprovision()
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.CentralAdministrationSiteUnprovisionTask.RemoveAdminVs()
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.CentralAdministrationSiteUnprovisionTask.Run()
   在 Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Entering function Common.BuildExceptionMessage
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Entering function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Resource id to be retrieved is ExceptionInfo for language Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Resource retrieved id ExceptionInfo is 已引发类型为 {0} 的异常。其他异常信息: {1}
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Leaving function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Leaving function Common.BuildExceptionMessage
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Entering function Common.BuildExceptionInformation
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Entering function Common.BuildExceptionMessage
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Entering function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Resource id to be retrieved is ExceptionInfo for language Chinese (Simplified, PRC)
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                        Resource retrieved id ExceptionInfo is 已引发类型为 {0} 的异常。其他异常信息: {1}
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                      Leaving function StringResourceManager.GetResourceString
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                    Leaving function Common.BuildExceptionMessage
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  INF                  Leaving function Common.BuildExceptionInformation
05/17/2013 09:06:19  11  ERR                  已引发类型为 System.Xml.XmlException 的异常。其他异常信息: 名称不能以“ᨯ”字符(十六进制值 0x1A2F)开头。 第 1 行,位置 20297。
System.Xml.XmlException: 名称不能以“ᨯ”字符(十六进制值 0x1A2F)开头。 第 1 行,位置 20297。
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseQName(Boolean isQName, Int32 startOffset, Int32& colonPos)
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
   在 System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
   在 System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   在 System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   在 System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   在 System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
段传涛 2013-05-17
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那就加微博吧 新浪 jasondct
areslau08 2013-05-17
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引用 6 楼 jason_dct 的回复:
去微软webcast里有 。 或者去大家博客里找, 或者微博
现在没有webcast了,已经都改成TechNet了。 有个sharepoint2010的视频
段传涛 2013-05-17
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去微软webcast里有 。 或者去大家博客里找, 或者微博
areslau08 2013-05-17
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引用 4 楼 jason_dct 的回复:
是语言配备的问题, 你按照他们的安装 和需要升级的列表, 全部升级更新之后 应该就可以了。
段传涛 2013-05-17
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是语言配备的问题, 你按照他们的安装 和需要升级的列表, 全部升级更新之后 应该就可以了。



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