有未经处理的异常: 0xC0000005: 读取位置 0xcdcdcdcd 时发生访问冲突

灵影葬 2013-07-08 08:38:44
程序执行下面这句代码时候 osg::DrawElementsUInt* pyramidBase = new osg::DrawElementsUInt(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0); 报上面的错误

class OSG_EXPORT DrawElementsUInt : public DrawElements, public VectorGLuint

typedef VectorGLuint vector_type;

DrawElementsUInt(GLenum mode=0):
DrawElements(DrawElementsUIntPrimitiveType,mode) {}

DrawElementsUInt(const DrawElementsUInt& array,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY):
vector_type(array) {}

* \param mode One of osg::PrimitiveSet::Mode. Determines the type of primitives used.
* \param no Number of intended elements. This will be the size of the underlying vector.
DrawElementsUInt(GLenum mode, unsigned int no, const GLuint* ptr, int numInstances=0) :
vector_type(ptr,ptr+no) {}

* \param no Number of intended elements. This will be the size of the underlying vector.
DrawElementsUInt(GLenum mode, unsigned int no) :
vector_type(no) {}

template <class InputIterator>
DrawElementsUInt(GLenum mode, InputIterator first,InputIterator last) :
vector_type(first,last) {}

virtual Object* cloneType() const { return new DrawElementsUInt(); }
virtual Object* clone(const CopyOp& copyop) const { return new DrawElementsUInt(*this,copyop); }
virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const DrawElementsUInt*>(obj)!=NULL; }
virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osg"; }
virtual const char* className() const { return "DrawElementsUInt"; }

virtual const GLvoid* getDataPointer() const { return empty()?0:&front(); }
virtual unsigned int getTotalDataSize() const { return 4u*static_cast<unsigned int>(size()); }
virtual bool supportsBufferObject() const { return false; }

virtual void draw(State& state, bool useVertexBufferObjects) const;

virtual void accept(PrimitiveFunctor& functor) const;
virtual void accept(PrimitiveIndexFunctor& functor) const;

virtual unsigned int getNumIndices() const { return static_cast<unsigned int>(size()); }
virtual unsigned int index(unsigned int pos) const { return (*this)[pos]; }
virtual void offsetIndices(int offset);

virtual void reserveElements(unsigned int numIndices) { reserve(numIndices); }
virtual void setElement(unsigned int i, unsigned int v) { (*this)[i] = v; }
virtual unsigned int getElement(unsigned int i) { return (*this)[i]; }
virtual void addElement(unsigned int v) { push_back(GLuint(v)); }


virtual ~DrawElementsUInt();
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灵影葬 2013-07-13
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勉励前行 2013-07-09
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其实,不用每次都贴那么多代码,看起来累。无关代码可用省略号的。 你的问题是一个有一定规模的系统中出的内存问题,象这类问题,如何你不能找到关键代码,那么是很难得到解决的。特别是看到大量使用多重继承的非纯虚类,这是很令人非常头疼的。 针对你的现象,注意以下几点: 1、大量使用多重继承的非纯虚类,你要确认你的类继承体系不存在问题。为使问题简化,一般设计为:多重继承的父类,均为纯虚类(接口)。在大量的多继承下,你的类体系容易变得复杂化。 2、确保不存在重名文件,如果你要备份,最好备份到U盘,以免因为编译器的搜索路径太多而造成重名问题。存在重名时,编译的可能是修改前的旧文件,编辑时却是新文件,而系统不会有任何提示。确保链接的是最新的 obj 及 lib 库,而不是旧的。 3、跟踪构造函数的执行,看是否正确。如:跟踪构造函数 PrimitiveSet(Type primType=PrimitiveType,GLenum mode=0, int numInstances=0); 看能否跟踪到其父类构造函数。new osgViewer::Viewer();看其类构造过程. 在多继承的情况下,是否每一个父类的构造函数均被执行。如果有夌形继承,还要检查共同的父构造函数是否多执行了一次。 如果你不知道多重继承下 构造函数 的正确执行次序,则该回炉看书。 4、如果上述问题均有保障,则检查每一个类中的指针,是否已经正确初始化,使用未初始化的指针,会产生你说的现象。如果有数组,检查是否越界。
灵影葬 2013-07-09
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你说的感觉有点道理但是还是没能解决问题~昨天在写另外一处代码是又碰到这个问题了 /*ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> view = new osgViewer::Viewer(); view->setSceneData(root); view->realize(); view->run();*/ osgViewer::Viewer view; view.setSceneData(root); view.realize(); view.run(); 注释掉的那部分代码会在第二行报同样的错误,但是下面的代码就能运行?这两个具体的区别是什么?类的代码如下 class OSGVIEWER_EXPORT Viewer : public ViewerBase, public osgViewer::View { public: Viewer(); Viewer(osg::ArgumentParser& arguments); Viewer(const osgViewer::Viewer& viewer, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); virtual ~Viewer(); META_Object(osgViewer,Viewer); /** Take all the settings, Camera and Slaves from the passed in view(er), leaving it empty. */ virtual void take(osg::View& rhs); /** Set the Stats object used for collect various frame related timing and scene graph stats.*/ virtual void setViewerStats(osg::Stats* stats) { setStats(stats); } /** Get the Viewers Stats object.*/ virtual osg::Stats* getViewerStats() { return getStats(); } /** Get the Viewers Stats object.*/ virtual const osg::Stats* getViewerStats() const { return getStats(); } /** read the viewer configuration from a configuration file.*/ virtual bool readConfiguration(const std::string& filename); /** Get whether at least of one of this viewers windows are realized.*/ virtual bool isRealized() const; /** set up windows and associated threads.*/ virtual void realize(); virtual void setStartTick(osg::Timer_t tick); void setReferenceTime(double time=0.0); /** Set the sene graph data that viewer with view.*/ virtual void setSceneData(osg::Node* node); /** Convenience method for setting up the viewer so it can be used embedded in an external managed window. * Returns the GraphicsWindowEmbedded that can be used by applications to pass in events to the viewer. */ virtual GraphicsWindowEmbedded* setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height); virtual double elapsedTime(); virtual osg::FrameStamp* getViewerFrameStamp() { return getFrameStamp(); } /** Execute a main frame loop. * Equivalent to while (!viewer.done()) viewer.frame(); * Also calls realize() if the viewer is not already realized, * and installs trackball manipulator if one is not already assigned. */ virtual int run(); /** check to see if the new frame is required, called by run(..) when FrameScheme is set to ON_DEMAND.*/ virtual bool checkNeedToDoFrame(); virtual void advance(double simulationTime=USE_REFERENCE_TIME); virtual void eventTraversal(); virtual void updateTraversal(); void setCameraWithFocus(osg::Camera* camera) { _cameraWithFocus = camera; } osg::Camera* getCameraWithFocus() { return _cameraWithFocus.get(); } const osg::Camera* getCameraWithFocus() const { return _cameraWithFocus.get(); } virtual void getCameras(Cameras& cameras, bool onlyActive=true); virtual void getContexts(Contexts& contexts, bool onlyValid=true); virtual void getAllThreads(Threads& threads, bool onlyActive=true); virtual void getOperationThreads(OperationThreads& threads, bool onlyActive=true); virtual void getScenes(Scenes& scenes, bool onlyValid=true); virtual void getViews(Views& views, bool onlyValid=true); /** Get the keyboard and mouse usage of this viewer.*/ virtual void getUsage(osg::ApplicationUsage& usage) const; protected: void constructorInit(); virtual void viewerInit() { init(); } osg::observer_ptr<osg::Camera> _cameraWithFocus; };
ccrun.com 2013-07-08
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DrawElementsUInt(GLenum mode, unsigned int no) 这个构造函数代码呢?
勉励前行 2013-07-08
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class OSG_EXPORT PrimitiveSet : public BufferData {.... PrimitiveSet(Type primType=PrimitiveType,GLenum mode=0, int numInstances=0): BufferData(),//这里需要明确调用父类的哪一个构造函数。 _primitiveType(primType), _numInstances(numInstances), _mode(mode) {} } 我没用 VS10 , 不知道为何能通过编译,我甚至怀疑你并没有真正编译该单元。
灵影葬 2013-07-08
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勉励前行 2013-07-08
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PrimitiveSet(Type primType=PrimitiveType,GLenum mode=0, int numInstances=0): _primitiveType(primType), _numInstances(numInstances), _mode(mode) {} 构造函数在构造列表中应该要调用一个父类构造函数,不能省略。 子类构造函数不调用父类构造函数,应该通不过编译才是,不是道你用的是哪个编译器。
灵影葬 2013-07-08
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DrawElementsUInt这个函数式调用了基类实现的吧? 父类DrawElements的构造函数入戏 DrawElements(Type primType=PrimitiveType, GLenum mode=0, int numInstances=0): PrimitiveSet(primType,mode, numInstances) {} DrawElements(const DrawElements& copy,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY): PrimitiveSet(copy,copyop) {} virtual DrawElements* getDrawElements() { return this; } virtual const DrawElements* getDrawElements() const { return this; } 下面是父类PrimitiveSet的代码 class OSG_EXPORT PrimitiveSet : public BufferData { public: enum Type { PrimitiveType, DrawArraysPrimitiveType, DrawArrayLengthsPrimitiveType, DrawElementsUBytePrimitiveType, DrawElementsUShortPrimitiveType, DrawElementsUIntPrimitiveType }; enum Mode { POINTS = GL_POINTS, LINES = GL_LINES, LINE_STRIP = GL_LINE_STRIP, LINE_LOOP = GL_LINE_LOOP, TRIANGLES = GL_TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, QUADS = GL_QUADS, QUAD_STRIP = GL_QUAD_STRIP, POLYGON = GL_POLYGON, LINES_ADJACENCY = GL_LINES_ADJACENCY_EXT, LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY = GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_EXT, TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY = GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY_EXT, TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_EXT, PATCHES = GL_PATCHES }; PrimitiveSet(Type primType=PrimitiveType,GLenum mode=0, int numInstances=0): _primitiveType(primType), _numInstances(numInstances), _mode(mode) {} PrimitiveSet(const PrimitiveSet& prim,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY): BufferData(prim,copyop), _primitiveType(prim._primitiveType), _numInstances(prim._numInstances), _mode(prim._mode) {} virtual bool isSameKindAs(const Object* obj) const { return dynamic_cast<const PrimitiveSet*>(obj)!=NULL; } virtual const char* libraryName() const { return "osg"; } virtual const char* className() const { return "PrimitiveSet"; } Type getType() const { return _primitiveType; } virtual const GLvoid* getDataPointer() const { return 0; } virtual unsigned int getTotalDataSize() const { return 0; } virtual bool supportsBufferObject() const { return false; } virtual DrawElements* getDrawElements() { return 0; } virtual const DrawElements* getDrawElements() const { return 0; } void setNumInstances(int n) { _numInstances = n; } int getNumInstances() const { return _numInstances; } void setMode(GLenum mode) { _mode = mode; } GLenum getMode() const { return _mode; } virtual void draw(State& state, bool useVertexBufferObjects) const = 0; virtual void accept(PrimitiveFunctor& functor) const = 0; virtual void accept(PrimitiveIndexFunctor& functor) const = 0; virtual unsigned int index(unsigned int pos) const = 0; virtual unsigned int getNumIndices() const = 0; virtual void offsetIndices(int offset) = 0; virtual unsigned int getNumPrimitives() const; virtual void computeRange() const {} protected: virtual ~PrimitiveSet() {} Type _primitiveType; int _numInstances; GLenum _mode; };



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