C++ Builder6.0 Project->Options打开报错

fanwei_xia 2013-07-23 05:15:13
C++ Builder6.0 Project->Options打开报错,报Aceess 地址错误,打不开,重新安装一样的。不知道是什么原因?
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nextseconds 2013-07-29
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引用 7 楼 ccrun 的回复:
从官方查到的信息,关闭DEP就可以解决这个问题: 控制面板-->系统-->高级-->性能设置-->数据执行保护
ccrun.com 2013-07-26
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从官方查到的信息,关闭DEP就可以解决这个问题: 控制面板-->系统-->高级-->性能设置-->数据执行保护
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sololie 2013-07-25
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ccrun.com 2013-07-25
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fanwei_xia 2013-07-25
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引用 1 楼 ccrun 的回复:
缘中人 2013-07-23
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工程处于打开还是关闭状态 把工程关闭再Options试试,或者新建一个空工程试试 Options
ccrun.com 2013-07-23
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EhLib 5.0 Build 5.0.13 Russian version. Full source included. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 , Borland C++ Builder versions 5 & 6, Borland Developer Studio 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 and Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Overview Installation Library Installation Help Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Other information About author Overview -------- The Library contains several components and objects. TDBGridEh component TDBGridEh provides all functionality of TDBGrid and adds several new features as follows: Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas. Special titles that can correspond to several/all columns. Footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values. Automatic column resizing to set grid width equal client width. Ability to change row and title height. Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data row to a multiline. Title can act as button and, optionally show a sort marker. Automatically sortmarking. Ability to truncate long text with ellipsis. Lookup list can show several fields. Incremental search in lookup fields. Frozen columns. DateTime picker support for TDateField and TDateTimeField. Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value. Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars. Allows to hide columns. Allows to show 3D frame for frozen, footer and data rows. Allows to draw memo fields. Multiline inplace editor. Proportional scrolling independently of sequenced of dataset. Automatically show checkboxes for Boolean fields. Allows to show checkboxes for other type of fields. Has a procedures to save and restore layout (visible columns, columns order, columns width, sortmarkers, row height) in/from registry or
Note that Delphi IDE does not move components to the new default place on components palette when you install new version of same component(s). So if you already has EhLib installed, then installation new (3.0) version does not move EhLib components to the 'EhLib' page. To force Delphi IDE to move compontes to the default place on components palette do next: Open menu: Component->Configure Palette. Select '[All]' line in Pages listbox. Click 'Default Pages' button. 4. Installation Help ----------------- 1. This version of library doesn't have help files for Delphi8 and Delphi2005. 2. Delphi 4.x - 7.x: Copy the EhLib.hlp and EhLib.cnt files to the Delphi HELP subdirectory. Select Help|Customize to start the OpenHelp application. Add the EhLib.cnt file to the Contents page, add the EhLib.hlp file to the Index and Link pages. 3. C++Builder 4.x - 6.x: Copy the EhLib.hlp and EhLib.cnt files to the C++Builder HELP subdirectory. Select Help|Customize to start the OpenHelp application. Add the EhLib.cnt file to the Contents page, add the EhLib.hlp file to the Index and Link pages. 5. Demonstration Programs ---------------------- Demonstration programs use tables from the DEMOS directory and BDE alias "DBDEMOS". DEMOS/DEMO1 - Demonstration of use TDBGridEh, TPrintDBGridEh, TDBLookupComboboxEh and TPreviewBox. Requare EhLibBDE.Pas file from DataService directory DEMOS/DirTree - Demonstration of use TDBGridEh and TMemTableEh in tree-view mode. DEMOS/IbDemo - Demonstration of use TMemTableEh, TBDEDataDriverEh. DEMOS/MasterDetailType3 - Demonstration of master/detail relation for TMemTableEh component. DEMOS/SQLDataDriver - Demonstration of use TSQLDataDriver. DEMOS/TreeView - Demonstration of use TDBGridEh and TMemTableEh in tree-view mode
就是原来的的Raize Vcl Controls,带RAD10.2.1编译文件,其他版本自行编译 WELCOME TO KONOPKA SIGNATURE VCL CONTROLS VERSION 6 CONTENTS - Completing the Installation - What's New - Moving the Component Palettes Pages to Front - Uninstalling - Minimum system requirements COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION Once the installation program is complete you may begin using the components in RAD Studio 2009 and later using Delphi or C++Builder. Restart RAD Studio and you will see the following pages on the component palette: Raize Panels Raize Edits Raize Lists Raize Buttons Raize Display Raize Shell Raize Widgets WHAT'S NEW For a complete description of new components, enhancements, and features please read the WhatsNew.pdf document in the main installation directory along with this Readme.txt file. The information in the document is also available in the Raize Components help file, which is integrated into the RAD Studio Help System. MOVING THE COMPONENT PALETTE PAGES TO FRONT During the installation, the appropriate design packages are loaded into the selected RAD Studio IDEs. Unfortunately, when you restart the IDE, the component palette pages for the newly installed components will appear at the end of the component palette. If you would like to move the Raize pages to the front of the palette, there is an a easier way to do this than by manually dragging them. Located in the RC6\Bin directory is a program called MoveRCPagesToFront.exe, which will move all of the "Raize" pages to the front of the palette automatically. Simply run the MoveRCPageToFront.exe program and follow the instructions. UNINSTALLING >> Removing the components from the RAD Studio component palette Close all files and projects, and select Component|Install Packages... to display the Packages page in the Project Options dialog. Select the "Raize Components 6.x" package from the Design Packages list and click the Remove button. A message box will be displayed to confirm your request--press OK. Next, depending on the IDE, you may be asked if a runtime package should be from the Runtime Packages list. If so, click OK to remove the runtime package. Next, select the "Raize Components 6.x (Data-Aware)" package from the Design Packages list and click the Remove button. Again, a message box will be displayed to confirm your request--press OK. Next, depending on the IDE, you may be asked if a runtime package should be removed from the Runtime Packages list. If so, click OK to remove the runtime package. Close the Project Options dialog box by clicking the OK button. Repeat the above steps for each IDE that is using Raize Components. >> Removing the component files from your hard disk At this point, all IDEs are no longer using Raize Components. To remove the Raize Components files from your hard disk the Add/Remove Programs icon from the Control Panel. Next, select the "Raize Components 6.0" entry from the list of installed programs, and then click the Remove button. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS At least one of the following compilers: Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo -- Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin -- Delphi 10.1 Berlin, C++Builder 10.1 Berlin Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle -- Delphi 10 Seattle, C++Builder 10 Seattle Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8 -- Delphi XE8, C++Builder XE8 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7 -- Delphi XE7, C++Builder XE7 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6 (Update 1) -- Delphi XE6, C++Builder XE6 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 -- Delphi XE5, C++Builder XE5 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 -- Delphi XE4, C++Builder XE4 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 -- Delphi XE3, C++Builder XE3 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 (Update 1) -- Delphi XE2, C++Builder XE2 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (Update 1) -- Delphi XE, C++Builder XE Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 -- Delphi 2010, C++Builder 2010 CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 -- Delphi 2009, C++Builder 2009



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