求大神帮忙分析下蓝屏的dump文件Bugcheck Analysis---BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO (74)

等待_戈 2013-12-15 12:48:05

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19 条回复
nevergone 2013-12-16
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看起来是 注册表文件坏了
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 13 楼 jha334201553 的回复:
无法启动了吗?那应该是hive文件坏了,除了重装没办法了。 hive文件如下: C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM C:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM
帮忙看下这个 是什么问题蓝屏 http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390670857 谢谢了
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 2 楼 bjtbjt 的回复:
帮忙再看下这个是什么问题 http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390670857 谢谢了
「已注销」 2013-12-16
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赵4老师 2013-12-16
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用WinDbg加载dump文件 输入k命令查看call stack Debugging Tools for Windows Analyzing a User-Mode Dump File with WinDbg User-mode memory dump files can be analyzed by WinDbg. The processor or Windows version that the dump file was created on does not need to match the platform on which WinDbg is being run. Installing Symbol Files Before analyzing the memory dump file, you will need to install the symbol files for the version of Windows that generated the dump file. These files will be used by the debugger you choose to use to analyze the dump file. For more information about the proper installation of symbol files, see Installing Windows Symbol Files. You will also need to install all the symbol files for the user-mode process, either an application or system service, that caused the system to generate the dump file. If this code was written by you, the symbol files should have been generated when the code was compiled and linked. If this is commercial code, check on the product CD-ROM or contact the software manufacturer for these particular symbol files. Starting WinDbg To analyze a dump file, start WinDbg with the -z command-line option: windbg -y SymbolPath -i ImagePath -z DumpFileName The -v option (verbose mode) is also useful. For a full list of options, see WinDbg Command-Line Options. If WinDbg is already running and is in dormant mode, you can open a crash dump by selecting the File | Open Crash Dump menu command or pressing the CTRL+D shortcut key. When the Open Crash Dump dialog box appears, enter the full path and name of the crash dump file in the File name text box, or use the dialog box to select the proper path and file name. When the proper file has been chosen, click Open. You can also open a dump file after the debugger is running by using the .opendump (Open Dump File) command, followed with g (Go). It is possible to debug multiple dump files at the same time. This can be done by including multiple -z switches on the command line (each followed by a different file name), or by using .opendump to add additional dump files as debugger targets. For information about how to control a multiple-target session, see Debugging Multiple Targets. Dump files generally end with the extension .dmp or .mdmp. You can use network shares or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file names for the memory dump file. It is also common for dump files to be packed into a CAB file. If you specify the file name (including the .cab extension) after the -z option or as the argument to an .opendump command, the debugger can read the dump files directly out of the CAB. However, if there are multiple dump files stored in a single CAB, the debugger will only be able to read one of them. The debugger will not read any additional files from the CAB, even if they were symbol files or executables associated with the dump file. Analyzing a Full User Dump File Analysis of a full user dump file is similar to analysis of a live debugging session. See the Debugger Commands reference section for details on which commands are available for debugging dump files in user mode. Analyzing Minidump Files Analysis of a user-mode minidump file is done in the same way as a full user dump. However, since much less memory has been preserved, you are much more limited in the actions you can perform. Commands that attempt to access memory beyond what is preserved in the minidump file will not function properly. Additional Techniques For techniques that can be used to read specific kinds of information from a dump file, see Extracting Information from a Dump File. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation Send feedback on this topic Debugging Tools for Windows January 17, 2009 Build machine: CAPEBUILD
5t4rk 2013-12-16
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等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 16 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
[quote=引用 15 楼 u012813644 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:] 不想重装系统的话,还可以试试将硬盘卸下,装到另一个电脑上当从盘。 其实9楼内容只是你图片一中提示的汉语翻译罢了。
呵呵 系统现在重装了~~~只是还不晓得为什么出现这个问题!不过觉得13楼说的很厉害的样哈~~~~~[/quote] 点关机按钮到切断电源这段时间内Windows写很多信息到注册表,此时强行切断电源,会导致注册表数据紊乱。[/quote] 估计就是这个过程注册表出错导致的吧~~~~ 谢谢了!
赵4老师 2013-12-16
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引用 15 楼 u012813644 的回复:
[quote=引用 11 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:] 不想重装系统的话,还可以试试将硬盘卸下,装到另一个电脑上当从盘。 其实9楼内容只是你图片一中提示的汉语翻译罢了。
呵呵 系统现在重装了~~~只是还不晓得为什么出现这个问题!不过觉得13楼说的很厉害的样哈~~~~~[/quote] 点关机按钮到切断电源这段时间内Windows写很多信息到注册表,此时强行切断电源,会导致注册表数据紊乱。
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 11 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
不想重装系统的话,还可以试试将硬盘卸下,装到另一个电脑上当从盘。 其实9楼内容只是你图片一中提示的汉语翻译罢了。
呵呵 系统现在重装了~~~只是还不晓得为什么出现这个问题!不过觉得13楼说的很厉害的样哈~~~~~
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 13 楼 jha334201553 的回复:
无法启动了吗?那应该是hive文件坏了,除了重装没办法了。 hive文件如下: C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM C:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM
hive 文件 不明觉历啊~~~~系统现在重装了~~~其实我是想知道问题到底出啊在哪里~~毕竟不能每次出现问题都选择重装系统吧~!谢谢
「已注销」 2013-12-16
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无法启动了吗?那应该是hive文件坏了,除了重装没办法了。 hive文件如下: C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM C:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 11 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
不想重装系统的话,还可以试试将硬盘卸下,装到另一个电脑上当从盘。 其实9楼内容只是你图片一中提示的汉语翻译罢了。
赵4老师 2013-12-16
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不想重装系统的话,还可以试试将硬盘卸下,装到另一个电脑上当从盘。 其实9楼内容只是你图片一中提示的汉语翻译罢了。
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 9 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
开机时按住F8键不放,进入引导选项菜单,选使用上次正常启动的配置启动 或 使用系统修复磁盘 或 重装系统
额 最后一个重装系统亮了~~~~~~~前边两个我都试过了~~!没用!
赵4老师 2013-12-16
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开机时按住F8键不放,进入引导选项菜单,选使用上次正常启动的配置启动 或 使用系统修复磁盘 或 重装系统
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 4 楼 jha334201553 的回复:
(电脑蓝屏已成习惯)这次蓝屏 是因为 我强制关机后导致(晚上要睡觉 懒了一下 就强制关机了)
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 3 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
用WinDbg加载dump文件 输入k命令查看call stack Debugging Tools for Windows Analyzing a User-Mode Dump File with WinDbg User-mode memory dump files can be analyzed by WinDbg. The processor or Windows version that the dump file was created on does not need to match the platform on which WinDbg is being run. Installing Symbol Files Before analyzing the memory dump file, you will need to install the symbol files for the version of Windows that generated the dump file. These files will be used by the debugger you choose to use to analyze the dump file. For more information about the proper installation of symbol files, see Installing Windows Symbol Files. You will also need to install all the symbol files for the user-mode process, either an application or system service, that caused the system to generate the dump file. If this code was written by you, the symbol files should have been generated when the code was compiled and linked. If this is commercial code, check on the product CD-ROM or contact the software manufacturer for these particular symbol files. Starting WinDbg To analyze a dump file, start WinDbg with the -z command-line option: windbg -y SymbolPath -i ImagePath -z DumpFileName The -v option (verbose mode) is also useful. For a full list of options, see WinDbg Command-Line Options. If WinDbg is already running and is in dormant mode, you can open a crash dump by selecting the File | Open Crash Dump menu command or pressing the CTRL+D shortcut key. When the Open Crash Dump dialog box appears, enter the full path and name of the crash dump file in the File name text box, or use the dialog box to select the proper path and file name. When the proper file has been chosen, click Open. You can also open a dump file after the debugger is running by using the .opendump (Open Dump File) command, followed with g (Go). It is possible to debug multiple dump files at the same time. This can be done by including multiple -z switches on the command line (each followed by a different file name), or by using .opendump to add additional dump files as debugger targets. For information about how to control a multiple-target session, see Debugging Multiple Targets. Dump files generally end with the extension .dmp or .mdmp. You can use network shares or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file names for the memory dump file. It is also common for dump files to be packed into a CAB file. If you specify the file name (including the .cab extension) after the -z option or as the argument to an .opendump command, the debugger can read the dump files directly out of the CAB. However, if there are multiple dump files stored in a single CAB, the debugger will only be able to read one of them. The debugger will not read any additional files from the CAB, even if they were symbol files or executables associated with the dump file. Analyzing a Full User Dump File Analysis of a full user dump file is similar to analysis of a live debugging session. See the Debugger Commands reference section for details on which commands are available for debugging dump files in user mode. Analyzing Minidump Files Analysis of a user-mode minidump file is done in the same way as a full user dump. However, since much less memory has been preserved, you are much more limited in the actions you can perform. Commands that attempt to access memory beyond what is preserved in the minidump file will not function properly. Additional Techniques For techniques that can be used to read specific kinds of information from a dump file, see Extracting Information from a Dump File. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation Send feedback on this topic Debugging Tools for Windows January 17, 2009 Build machine: CAPEBUILD
等待_戈 2013-12-16
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引用 2 楼 bjtbjt 的回复:
等待_戈 2013-12-15
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大神们 帮们分析下~~~这是什么问题 电脑再一次强制关机之后出现蓝屏后的dump文件~~~~



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