
云满笔记 2014-05-08 01:22:27
我用MFC做了一个Demo程序,在崩溃时可以生成dump文件,可是我自己项目在崩溃的时候却不能生成dump文件,这是为什么,好困惑啊,我是在Init和Exit里面都添加try 和catch的,不顶用啊
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云满笔记 2014-05-08
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引用 3 楼 TheNewIpad 的回复:
描述的太简单,什么样程序。 控制台? 在win98下下开发的? 写入的权限是否存在。。。。。
在win7下开发的MFC程序 登陆用户是Administrator 取消了UAC设置 所以不存在管理员权限的问题了 我做了一个Demo程序 就是最简单的MFC对话框程序 故意异常了一下 可以生成dump文件 可在我做的实际项目里面 用了同样的方法 故意出错了一下 它就是不dump出来 而是直接报错了 在Release下就根本啥也没有 太坑了 不知道啥意思 不懂不明白 求指教啊
赵4老师 2014-05-08
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接上帖 This example demonstrates the basic usage of MiniDumpWriteDump and the minimum information necessary to call it. The name of the dump file is up to the developer; however, to avoid file name collisions, it is advisable to generate the file name from the application's name and version number, the process and thread IDs, and the date and time. This will also help to keep the minidumps grouped by application and version. It is up to the developer to decide how much information is used to differentiate minidump file names. It should be noted that the path name in the preceding example was generated by calling the GetTempPath function to retrieve the path of the directory designated for temporary files. Use of this directory works even with least-privileged user accounts, and it also prevents the minidump from taking up hard drive space after it is no longer needed. If you archive the product during your daily build process, also be sure to include symbols for the build so that you can debug an old version of the product, if necessary. You also need to take steps to maintain full compiler optimizations while generating symbols. This can be done by opening your project's properties in the development environment and, for the release configuration, doing the following: On the left side of the project's property page, click C/C++. By default, this displays General settings. On the right side of the project's property page, set Debug Information Format to Program Database (/Zi). On the left side of the property page, expand Linker, and then click Debugging. On the right side of the property page, set Generate Debug Info to Yes (/DEBUG). Click Optimization, and set References to Eliminate Unreferenced Data (/OPT:REF). Set Enable COMDAT Folding to Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:ICF). MSDN has more detailed information on the MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION structure and the MiniDumpWriteDump function. Using Dumpchk.exe Dumpchk.exe is a command-line utility that can be used to verify that a dump file was created correctly. If Dumpchk.exe generates an error, then the dump file is corrupt and cannot be analyzed. For information on using Dumpchk.exe, see How to Use Dumpchk.exe to Check a Memory Dump File. Dumpchk.exe is included on the Windows XP product CD and can be installed to System Drive\Program Files\Support Tools\ by running Setup.exe in the Support\Tools\ folder on the Windows XP product CD. You can also get the latest version of Dumpchk.exe by download and installing the debugging tools available from Windows Debugging Tools on Windows Hardware Developer Central. Analyzing a Minidump Opening a minidump for analysis is as easy as creating one. To analyze a minidump Open Visual Studio. On the File menu, click Open Project. Set Files of type to Dump Files, navigate to the dump file, select it, and click Open. Run the debugger. The debugger will create a simulated process. The simulated process will be halted at the instruction that caused the crash. Using the Microsoft Public Symbol Server To get the stack for driver- or system-level crashes, it might be necessary to configure Visual Studio to point to the Microsoft public symbol server. To set a path to the Microsoft symbol server On the Debug menu, click Options. In the Options dialog box, open the Debugging node, and click Symbols. Make sure Search the above locations only when symbols are loaded manually is not selected, unless you want to load symbols manually when you debug. If you are using symbols on a remote symbol server, you can improve performance by specifying a local directory that symbols can be copied to. To do this, enter a path for Cache symbols from symbol server to this directory. To connect to the Microsoft public symbol server, you need to enable this setting. Note that if you are debugging a program on a remote computer, the cache directory refers to a directory on the remote computer. Click OK. Because you are using the Microsoft public symbol server, an End User License Agreement dialog box appears. Click Yes to accept the agreement and download symbols to your local cache. Debugging a Minidump with WinDbg You can also use WinDbg, a debugger that is part of the Windows Debugging Tools, to debug a minidump. WinDbg allows you to debug without having to use Visual Studio. To download Windows Debugging Tools, see Windows Debugging Tools on Windows Hardware Developer Central. After installing Windows Debugging Tools, you must enter the symbol path in WinDbg. To enter a symbol path in WinDbg On the File menu, click Symbol Path. In the Symbol Search Path window, enter the following: "srv*c:\cache*;" Using Copy-Protection Tools with Minidumps Developers also need to be aware of how their copy-protection scheme might affect the minidump. Most copy-protection schemes have their own descramble tools, and it is up to the developer to learn how to use those tools with MiniDumpWriteDump. Summary The MiniDumpWriteDump function can be an extremely useful tool in collecting and solving bugs after the product has been released. Writing a custom exception handler that uses MiniDumpWriteDump allows the developer to customize the information collection and improve the debugging process. The function is flexible enough to be used in any C++-based project and should be considered part of any project's stability process. ? 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Send feedback to Version: 1962.00
赵4老师 2014-05-08
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Crash Dump Analysis Collapse All Expand All Visual Basic (Usage) Visual Basic (Declaration) C# C++ J# JScript Advanced Technology Group (ATG) Published: December 2005 Updated: August 2009 Not all bugs can be found prior to release, which means not all bugs that throw exceptions can be found before release. Fortunately, Microsoft has included in the Platform SDK a function to help developers collect information on exceptions that are discovered by users. The MiniDumpWriteDump function writes the necessary crash dump information to a file without saving the whole process space. This crash dump information file is called a minidump. This technical article covers the following topics: Writing a Minidump Thread safety Writing a Minidump with Code Using Dumpchk.exe Analyzing a Minidump Summary Writing a Minidump The basic options for writing a minidump are as follows: Do nothing. Windows automatically generates a minidump whenever a program throws an unhandled exception. Automatic generation of a minidump is available on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. If the user allows it, the minidump will be sent to Microsoft, and not to the developer, through Windows Error Reporting (WER). Developers can contact the Microsoft Windows Gaming & Graphics developer relations group to arrange for access to the WER service. Use of WER requires: Developers to sign their applications using Authenticode Developers to obtain a VeriSign ID to access the WinQual service Applications have valid VERSIONINFO resource in every executable and DLL If you implement a custom routine for unhandled exceptions, you are strongly urged to use the ReportFault function in the exception handler to also send an automated minidump to WER. The ReportFault function handles all of the issues of connecting to and sending the minidump to WER. Not sending minidumps to WER violates the requirements of Games for Windows. For more information on how WER works, see How Windows Error Reporting Works. For an explanation of registration details, see Introducing Windows Error Reporting on MSDN's ISV Zone. Use a product from the Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. On the Debug menu, click Save Dump As to save a copy of a dump. Use of a locally saved dump is only an option for in-house testing and debugging. Add code to your project. Add the MiniDumpWriteDump function and the appropriate exception handling code to save and send a minidump directly to the developer. This article demonstrates how to implement this option. However, note that MiniDumpWriteDump does not currently work with managed code and is only available on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7. Thread safety MiniDumpWriteDump is part of the DBGHELP library. This library is not thread-safe, so any program that uses MiniDumpWriteDump should synchronize all threads before attempting to call MiniDumpWriteDump. Writing a Minidump with Code The actual implementation is straightforward. The following is a simple example of how to use MiniDumpWriteDump. #include <dbghelp.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include <shlobj.h> int GenerateDump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionPointers) { BOOL bMiniDumpSuccessful; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR* szAppName = L"AppName"; WCHAR* szVersion = L"v1.0"; DWORD dwBufferSize = MAX_PATH; HANDLE hDumpFile; SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExpParam; GetLocalTime( &stLocalTime ); GetTempPath( dwBufferSize, szPath ); StringCchPrintf( szFileName, MAX_PATH, L"%s%s", szPath, szAppName ); CreateDirectory( szFileName, NULL ); StringCchPrintf( szFileName, MAX_PATH, L"%s%s\\%s-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d-%ld-%ld.dmp", szPath, szAppName, szVersion, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId()); hDumpFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); ExpParam.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); ExpParam.ExceptionPointers = pExceptionPointers; ExpParam.ClientPointers = TRUE; bMiniDumpSuccessful = MiniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hDumpFile, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, &ExpParam, NULL, NULL); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } void SomeFunction() { __try { int *pBadPtr = NULL; *pBadPtr = 0; } __except(GenerateDump(GetExceptionInformation())) { } } 未完待续
TheNewIpad 2014-05-08
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其实, windows API函数都有返回值,这些返回值可以通过GetLastError 获取原因。
TheNewIpad 2014-05-08
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描述的太简单,什么样程序。 控制台? 在win98下下开发的? 写入的权限是否存在。。。。。
thundersung 2014-05-08
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顶一个,同问。 理解不深,不过好像dump一般都是用来打印一些没有处理的异常的。 已经try...catch了是不是默认使用catch里面的处理,也就是认为你已经预见会有某种bug并进行了处理了?
云满笔记 2014-05-08
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有哪位兄台做过的吗 求指教啊



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