sql server 2008 R2 安装遇到64位检测不通过,后面的Analysis Services就 无法安装

yzws1994 2014-08-05 11:18:10
sql server 2008 R2 安装时遇到64位检测不通过,一路都是绿灯按照往上查下来的一些说法,一路绿灯安装是没问题,
但是倒了后面的Analysis Services就无法安装,我很需要Analysis Services的数据挖掘功能。
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KevinLiu 2014-08-09
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如版主所说需要看setuplog,路径他已经给出了。 如果是自己的电脑SUPPORTFILE都出问题,还不如自己重装系统在干净的环境中安装。对数据库的安装Troubleshooting成本一般很高。
yzws1994 2014-08-08
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今天我把它卸载了打算重新安装,结果安装完程序支持文件就自动停了,什么窗口也没有 下面是我截取的安装日志里的,好像是一些错误: summary 中的 OS clustered: 否 ENU: False FARMACCOUNT: <空> FARMADMINPORT: 0 FARMPASSWORD: ***** HELP: False IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS: False INDICATEPROGRESS: False PASSPHRASE: ***** QUIET: False QUIETSIMPLE: False UIMODE: Normal X86: False B_detail:
發糞塗牆 2014-08-07
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在:%programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\ 这个地方,找到日期最新的那个文件夹,看看里面summary、detail那些txt里面有没有记录为什么失败
發糞塗牆 2014-08-06
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walkeeper 2014-08-06
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安装程序和系统不兼容= =?32/64的弄混了?
yzws1994 2014-08-06
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我得电脑是win7 64位的,就是显示规则不通过,然后一切安装正常,最后安装完的结果是其他的都有,Analysis Services 没有
中文名: SQL Server 2008 R2详解手册 原名: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed 作者: Ray Rankins Paul Bertucci Chris Gallelli Alex T.Silverstein 资源格式: PDF 版本: 影印版 出版社: Sams书号: 978-0672330568发行时间: 2010年09月26日 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容简介: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Unleashed includes full coverage of SQL Server 2008 in addition to R2 coverage This is the industry the most comprehensive and useful guide to SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2. It presents start-to-finish coverage of SQL Server core database server and management capabilities, plus complete introductions to Integration, Reporting, and Analysis Services, application development, and much more. Four expert SQL Server administrators, developers, and consultants have packed this book with real-world information, tips, guidelines, and samples drawn from their own extensive experience creating and managing complex database solutions. Writing for intermediate-to-advanced-level SQL Server professionals, they focus on the product most complex and powerful capabilities, and its newest tools and features. For example, you will find invaluable information on administering SQL Server more efficiently, analyzing and optimizing queries, implementing data warehouses, ensuring high availability, and tuning performance. The accompanying CD-ROM contains an extraordinary library of practical tools and information including sample databases and all code examples. Whether you’re responsible for SQL Server 2008 analysis, design, implementation, support, administration, or troubleshooting, no other book offers you this much value. * Understand the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 environment, R2 for newest features, and each edition capabilities * Manage SQL Server 2008 more effectively with SQL Server Management Studio, the SQLCMD command-line query tool, and Powershell * Efficiently manage security, users, backup/restore, replication, Database Mail, and database objects from tables and indexes to stored procedures and triggers * Increase availability with clustering, database mirroring, and other features * Use new Policy-Based Management to centrally configure and operate SQL Server throughout the organization * Use SQL Server Profiler to capture queries and identify bottlenecks * Improve performance by optimizing queries, design more effective databases, and manage workloads with the new Resource Governor * Develop applications using SQL Server 2008 enhancements to T-SQL and SQLCLR, .NET integration, LINQ to SQL, XML, and XQuery 作者介绍: Ray Rankins, president of Gotham Consulting Services, has worked with Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server for more than 23 years and is coauthor of Sybase SQL Server Unleashed, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Unleashed, and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Unleashed. Paul Bertucci, founder of Database Architechs, has more than 30 years of experience in database design, architecture, replication, tuning, integration, and high availability. Chris Gallelli, president of CGAL Consulting Services, specializes in database administration, tuning, and programming. Alex T. Silverstein is managing principal and chief architect of Unified Digital Group, LLC, a developer of custom SQL Server and Microsoft .NET solutions. 目录: Introduction Part I Welcome to Microsoft SQL Server 1. SQL Serve 2008 Overview 2. What’s new in SQL Serve 2008 3. Examples of SQL Server Implementations Part II SQL Server Tools and Utilities 4. SQL Server Management Studio 5. SQL Server Command-Line Utilities 6. SQL Server Profiler Part III SQL Server Administration 7. SQL Server System and Database Administration 8. Installing SQL Serve 2008 9. Upgrading to SQL Serve 2008 10. Client Installation and Configuration 11. Security and User Administration ………



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