
我就是木暮 2014-10-21 05:59:18
背景:服务器64位centos6.5,不能上网。安装cmake时报错,错误是找不到c compiler,详细错误发过一次帖子,

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watchdog2015 2016-09-01
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楼主,我在windows下装gmp库遇到了同样的问题,无论怎么装都是could not find a compiler,请问你解决问题了么,感激不尽啊
qq_21363717 2016-04-16
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./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc/gmp-4.3.2 --build=x86_64-linux 用这行命令configure,32位和64位的问题
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it appears glibc, probably libstdc++ are missing as well! see, you really has a messed up server in terms of c/c++ based development. I will suggest you talking with whoever set up the Oracle at the first place. I hate to say this, but some Oracle DBAs believe they are God and can do whatever...
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 30 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 29 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 28 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 27 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 26 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 25 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句 export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 并source /etc/profile 路径有了,as命令还是没有 见图:[/quote] then you may want to uninstall binutil and reinstall this time, please do it through yum not rpm...[/quote]不好意思。。服务器不能上网 我上一步是不是错了,gcc路径应该就是/usr/bin 而不是/usr/bin/gcc吧?我已经改过来了。 我查了一下binutils的路径,请见这张图: [/quote] then do you have as under /usr/bin?[/quote]没有[/quote]重装了一下binutils。能找到as和ar啦! 可是./configure --prefix=/opt/cmake-3.0.2的时候还是报错了。我查看了一下cmake_bootstrap.log文件,还是有些命令找不到,不过已经没有ar、ac了。有一些g++,clang,xlc,pgcc,pathcc, 文件如下:[root@localhost Bootstrap.cmk]# cat cmake_bootstrap.log Checking for GNU toolchain Try: gcc Line: gcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ Test succeded Try: g++ Line: g++ cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.cpp -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: g++: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for Clang toolchain Try: clang Line: clang cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: clang: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for XL toolchain Try: xlc Line: xlc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: xlc: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for PGI toolchain Try: pgcc Line: pgcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: pgcc: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for PathScale toolchain Try: pathcc Line: pathcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: pathcc: command not found Test failed to compile Try: cc Line: cc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:6:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c: In function 鈓ain? cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:16: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 鈖rintf? Test failed to compile Try: gcc Line: gcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:6:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c: In function 鈓ain? cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:16: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 鈖rintf? Test failed to compile Try: xlc Line: xlc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: xlc: command not found Test failed to compile Try: icc Line: icc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: icc: command not found Test failed to compile Try: tcc Line: tcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: tcc: command not found Test failed to compile[/quote]我先把该装的装上
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 29 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 28 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 27 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 26 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 25 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句 export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 并source /etc/profile 路径有了,as命令还是没有 见图:[/quote] then you may want to uninstall binutil and reinstall this time, please do it through yum not rpm...[/quote]不好意思。。服务器不能上网 我上一步是不是错了,gcc路径应该就是/usr/bin 而不是/usr/bin/gcc吧?我已经改过来了。 我查了一下binutils的路径,请见这张图: [/quote] then do you have as under /usr/bin?[/quote]没有[/quote]重装了一下binutils。能找到as和ar啦! 可是./configure --prefix=/opt/cmake-3.0.2的时候还是报错了。我查看了一下cmake_bootstrap.log文件,还是有些命令找不到,不过已经没有ar、ac了。有一些g++,clang,xlc,pgcc,pathcc, 文件如下:[root@localhost Bootstrap.cmk]# cat cmake_bootstrap.log Checking for GNU toolchain Try: gcc Line: gcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ Test succeded Try: g++ Line: g++ cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.cpp -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: g++: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for Clang toolchain Try: clang Line: clang cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: clang: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for XL toolchain Try: xlc Line: xlc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: xlc: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for PGI toolchain Try: pgcc Line: pgcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: pgcc: command not found Test failed to compile Checking for PathScale toolchain Try: pathcc Line: pathcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- int main() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: pathcc: command not found Test failed to compile Try: cc Line: cc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:6:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c: In function 鈓ain? cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:16: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 鈖rintf? Test failed to compile Try: gcc Line: gcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:6:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c: In function 鈓ain? cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c:16: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 鈖rintf? Test failed to compile Try: xlc Line: xlc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: xlc: command not found Test failed to compile Try: icc Line: icc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: icc: command not found Test failed to compile Try: tcc Line: tcc cmake_bootstrap_21658_test.c -o cmake_bootstrap_21658_test ---------- file ----------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus # error "The CMAKE_C_COMPILER is set to a C++ compiler" #endif #include<stdio.h> #if defined(__CLASSIC_C__) int main(argc, argv) int argc; char* argv[]; #else int main(int argc, char* argv[]) #endif { printf("%d%c", (argv != 0), (char)0x0a); return argc-1; } ------------------------------------------ /usr/local/cmake-3.0.2/bootstrap: line 557: tcc: command not found Test failed to compile
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 28 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
引用 27 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 26 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 25 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句 export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 并source /etc/profile 路径有了,as命令还是没有 见图:[/quote] then you may want to uninstall binutil and reinstall this time, please do it through yum not rpm...[/quote]不好意思。。服务器不能上网 我上一步是不是错了,gcc路径应该就是/usr/bin 而不是/usr/bin/gcc吧?我已经改过来了。 我查了一下binutils的路径,请见这张图: [/quote] then do you have as under /usr/bin?[/quote]没有
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引用 27 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 26 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 25 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句 export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 并source /etc/profile 路径有了,as命令还是没有 见图:[/quote] then you may want to uninstall binutil and reinstall this time, please do it through yum not rpm...[/quote]不好意思。。服务器不能上网 我上一步是不是错了,gcc路径应该就是/usr/bin 而不是/usr/bin/gcc吧?我已经改过来了。 我查了一下binutils的路径,请见这张图: [/quote] then do you have as under /usr/bin?
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 26 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
引用 25 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:]
在 /etc/profile 最后加上
export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH

引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?

I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now.

This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine!

刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote]

I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos.

If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file.

The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7.


Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote]

yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote]

you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed!

do you have as under /usr/bin/?

if you do
#ar --version

what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。
ar --version
-bash: ar: command not found[/quote]

sorry, my bad, it should be

#as --version

But I guess it will return nothing as well...

Show me the path:

# echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句
export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
并source /etc/profile

then you may want to uninstall binutil and reinstall

this time, please do it through yum not rpm...[/quote]不好意思。。服务器不能上网
我上一步是不是错了,gcc路径应该就是/usr/bin 而不是/usr/bin/gcc吧?我已经改过来了。
  • 打赏
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引用 25 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句 export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 并source /etc/profile 路径有了,as命令还是没有 见图:[/quote] then you may want to uninstall binutil and reinstall this time, please do it through yum not rpm...
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 24 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:]
在 /etc/profile 最后加上
export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH

引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?

I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now.

This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine!

刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote]

I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos.

If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file.

The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7.


Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote]

yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote]

you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed!

do you have as under /usr/bin/?

if you do
#ar --version

what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。
ar --version
-bash: ar: command not found[/quote]

sorry, my bad, it should be

#as --version

But I guess it will return nothing as well...

Show me the path:

# echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的[/quote]在etc/profile文件中加入了一句
export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
并source /etc/profile
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 23 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH[/quote][/quote]as --version 跟ar --version结果是一样的
我就是木暮 2014-11-02
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引用 22 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:]
在 /etc/profile 最后加上
export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH

引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?

I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now.

This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine!

刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote]

I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos.

If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file.

The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7.


Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote]

yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote]

you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed!

do you have as under /usr/bin/?

if you do
#ar --version

what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。
ar --version
-bash: ar: command not found[/quote]

sorry, my bad, it should be

#as --version

But I guess it will return nothing as well...

Show me the path:

# echo $PATH[/quote]
  • 打赏
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引用 21 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found[/quote] [/quote] sorry, my bad, it should be #as --version But I guess it will return nothing as well... Show me the path: # echo $PATH
我就是木暮 2014-10-31
  • 打赏
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引用 20 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:]
在 /etc/profile 最后加上
export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH

引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?

I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now.

This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine!

刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote]

I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos.

If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file.

The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7.


Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote]

yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote]

you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed!

do you have as under /usr/bin/?

if you do
#ar --version

what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。
ar --version
-bash: ar: command not found[/quote]
我就是木暮 2014-10-31
  • 打赏
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引用 19 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?[/quote]这几天出差了刚回来。 ar --version -bash: ar: command not found
我就是木暮 2014-10-23
  • 打赏
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引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
[quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:]
在 /etc/profile 最后加上
export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH

引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:]
[quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:]
the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?

I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now.

This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine!

刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH
又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote]

I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos.

If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file.

The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7.


Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote]

yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote]
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引用 18 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 17 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?[/quote] 不行。装好了binutils包,一样是找不到as。 as是哪个包带的? 如图: [/quote] you didn't installed it. The screenshot you pasted says: the package is already installed! do you have as under /usr/bin/? if you do #ar --version what's the output?
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引用 16 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?[/quote] yes, I guess that's another package you removed for oracle, huh?
我就是木暮 2014-10-23
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引用 15 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
引用 14 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
[quote=引用 11 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] [quote=引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:] 在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...[/quote]我重新装了。gcc4.4.7. 可是还是不行 我是小白,有些东西不很明白,还很可能犯一些低级错误,,请您帮忙想想到底是哪里出了问题。谢谢您了。[/quote] Just took a quick peek on the config.log you posted, configure compliant there is no 'as' available. You don't have assembler installed...[/quote]是不是要装binutils包?
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引用 10 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:
引用 5 楼 xuweiwei1860 的回复:
在 /etc/profile 最后加上 export PATH=gcc 路径:$PATH
引用 9 楼 micropentium6 的回复:
[quote=引用 8 楼 Isildur2010 的回复:] [quote=引用 7 楼 micropentium6 的回复:] the default gcc shipped with centos6.5 should be 4.x, how come you have a 3.x gcc?
I am not a oracle DBA, but since whatever oracle component you need, it should be compiled already. You will not need it for now. This is not a production server, isn't it? otherwise, you will not install both oracle and mysql on the same machine! [/quote]部门自己用的服务器。放在公司机房不能上网。 装不上gmp怎么办呢? 刚刚在/etc/profile 里加入了export PATH=/usr/bin/gcc:$PATH 又重新./configure gmp,还是不行。报上面的那个图里的同样的错误。[/quote] I will recommend you to dump this older version gcc and install the latest one coming with centos. If that's not the option, you will have to post the content of your config.log file. The error message on the console could be misleading, I suspect that you have a missing dependency...



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