
OPT_lezhehao 2015-02-27 05:58:33

m_hDcMeta = CreateEnhMetaFile(m_hDcPrinter, NULL, NULL, NULL);//创建增强型图元FER支持双缓冲
int ret = GetLastError(); // ret = 2000


ret = 2000表示: 无效的像素格式。
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worldy 2015-02-28
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CreateEnhMetaFile The CreateEnhMetaFile function creates a device context for an enhanced-format metafile. This device context can be used to store a device-independent picture. HDC CreateEnhMetaFile( HDC hdcRef, // handle to a reference device context LPCTSTR lpFilename, // pointer to a filename string CONST RECT *lpRect, // pointer to a bounding rectangle LPCTSTR lpDescription // pointer to an optional description string ); Parameters hdcRef Handle to a reference device for the enhanced metafile. lpFilename Pointer to the filename for the enhanced metafile to be created. If this parameter is NULL, the enhanced metafile is memory based and its contents are lost when it is deleted by using the DeleteEnhMetaFile function. lpRect Pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the dimensions (in .01-millimeter units) of the picture to be stored in the enhanced metafile. lpDescription Pointer to a string that specifies the name of the application that created the picture, as well as the picture's title. Return Values If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the device context for the enhanced metafile. If the function fails, the return value is NULL. Windows NT: To get extended error information, callGetLastError. Remarks Where text arguments must use Unicode characters, use the CreateEnhMetaFile function as a wide-character function. Where text arguments must use characters from the Windows character set, use this function as an ANSI function. The system uses the reference device identified by the hdcRef parameter to record the resolution and units of the device on which a picture originally appeared. If the hdcRef parameter is NULL, it uses the current display device for reference. The left and top members of the RECT structure pointed to by the lpRect parameter must be less than the right and bottom members, respectively. Points along the edges of the rectangle are included in the picture. If lpRect is NULL, the graphics device interface (GDI) computes the dimensions of the smallest rectangle that surrounds the picture drawn by the application. The lpRect parameter should be provided where possible. The string pointed to by the lpDescription parameter must contain a null character between the application name and the picture name and must terminate with two null characters — for example, "XYZ Graphics Editor\0Bald Eagle\0\0", where \0 represents the null character. If lpDescription is NULL, there is no corresponding entry in the enhanced-metafile header. Applications use the device context created by this function to store a graphics picture in an enhanced metafile. The handle identifying this device context can be passed to any GDI function. After an application stores a picture in an enhanced metafile, it can display the picture on any output device by calling the PlayEnhMetaFile function. When displaying the picture, the system uses the rectangle pointed to by the lpRect parameter and the resolution data from the reference device to position and scale the picture. The device context returned by this function contains the same default attributes associated with any new device context. Applications must use the GetWinMetaFileBits function to convert an enhanced metafile to the older Windows metafile format. The filename for the enhanced metafile should use the .EMF extension.
OPT_lezhehao 2015-02-28
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谢谢lsq19871207 我用打印机的区域应该是可以的吧,就是把屏幕换成打印机吧。 其实我不知道这样行不行
OPT_lezhehao 2015-02-28
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谢谢worldy的回答 CreateEnhMetaFile中的参数lpRect为NULL是表示在内存中画图吧,然后我把NULL改为了纸张的大小,还是返回2000呐
信阳毛尖 2015-02-28
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worldy 2015-02-28
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CONST RECT *lpRect,一个不能使用NULL吧
OPT_lezhehao 2015-02-28
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API之网络函数1. API之网络函数 WNetAddConnection 创建同一个网络资源的永久性连接 WNetAddConnection2 创建同一个网络资源的连接 WNetAddConnection3 创建同一个网络资源的连接 WNetCancelConnection 结束一个网络连接 WNetCancelConnection2 结束一个网络连接 WNetCloseEnum 结束一次枚举操作 WNetConnectionDialog 启动一个标准对话框,以便建立同网络资源的连接 WNetDisconnectDialog 启动一个标准对话框,以便断开同网络资源的连接 WNetEnumResource 枚举网络资源 WNetGetConnection 获取本地或已连接的一个资源的网络名称 WNetGetLastError 获取网络错误的扩展错误信息 WNetGetUniversalName 获取网络中一个文件的远程名称以及/或者UNC(统一命名规范)名称 WNetGetUser 获取一个网络资源用以连接的名字 WNetOpenEnum 启动对网络资源进行枚举的过程 2. API之消息函数 BroadcastSystemMessage 将一条系统消息广播给系统中所有的顶级窗口 GetMessagePos 取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的鼠标指针屏幕位置 GetMessageTime 取得消息队列中上一条消息处理完毕时的时间 PostMessage 将一条消息投递到指定窗口的消息队列 PostThreadMessage 将一条消息投递给应用程序 RegisterWindowMessage 获取分配给一个字串标识符的消息编号 ReplyMessage 答复一个消息 SendMessage 调用一个窗口的窗口函数,将一条消息发给那个窗口 SendMessageCallback 将一条消息发给窗口 SendMessageTimeout 向窗口发送一条消息 SendNotifyMessage 向窗口发送一条消息 3. API之文件处理函数 CloseHandle 关闭一个内核对象。其中包括文件、文件映射、进程、线程、安全和同步对象等 CompareFileTime 对比两个文件的时间 CopyFile 复制文件 CreateDirectory 创建一个新目录 CreateFile 打开和创建文件、管道、邮槽、通信服务、设备以及控制台 CreateFileMapping 创建一个新的文件映射对象 DeleteFile 删除指定文件 DeviceIoControl 对设备执行指定的操作 DosDateTimeToFileTime 将DOS日期和时间值转换成一个 win32 FILETIME 值 FileTimeToDosDateTime 将一个 win32 FILETIME 值转换成DOS日期和时间值 FileTimeToLocalFileTime 将一个FILETIME结构转换成本地时间 FileTimeToSystemTime 根据一个FILETIME结构的内容,装载一个SYSTEMTIME结构 FindClose 关闭由FindFirstFile函数创建的一个搜索句柄 FindFirstFile 根据文件名查找文件 FindNextFile 根据调用FindFirstFile函数时指定的一个文件名查找下一个文件 FlushFileBuffers 针对指定的文件句柄,刷新内部文件缓冲区 FlushViewOfFile 将写入文件映射缓冲区的所有数据都刷新到磁盘 GetBinaryType 判断文件是否可以执行 GetCompressedFileSize 判断一个压缩文件在磁盘上实际占据的字节数 GetCurrentDirectory 在一个缓冲区中装载当前目录 GetDiskFreeSpace 获取与一个磁盘的组织有关的信息,以及了解剩余空间的容量 GetDiskFreeSpaceEx 获取与一个磁盘的组织以及剩余空间容量有关的信息 GetDriveType 判断一个磁盘驱动器的类型 GetExpandedName 取得一个压缩文件的全名 GetFileAttributes 判断指定文件的属性 GetFileInformationByHandle 这个函数提供了获取文件信息的一种机制 GetFileSize 判断文件长度 GetFileTime 取得指定文件的时间信息 GetFileType 在给出文件句柄的前提下,判断文件类型 GetFileVersionInfo 从支持版本标记的一个模块里获取文件版本信息



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