
kenshin0_0 2015-06-23 10:15:38
如题 C语言怎么读取UKEY信息 比如UKEY里的证书、公钥这些信息?
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赵4老师 2015-06-23
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Common Certificate Functions These Win32® functions help you to manage the storage and retrieval of certificates and manage the certificate store. Function Description CertAddCertificateContextToStore Adds a certificate context to the certificate store. CertAddCertificateLinkToStore Adds a link in a certificate store to a certificate context in a different store. CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore Converts the encoded certificate to a certificate context and then adds the context to the certificate store. CertAddSerializedElementToStore Adds the serialized certificate, CRL, or CTL element to the store. CertAddStoreToCollection Adds a sibling certificate store to a collection store. CertCloseStore Closes a certificate store handle. CertControlStore Notifies application when a change has been made to the persisted store, re-syncs the cached store with the persisted store and commits changes made in the cached store. CertCreateCertificateContext Creates a certificate context from an encoded certificate. The created context is not put in a certificate store. CertCreateContext Creates the specified context from the encoded bytes. The new context is not put into a store. CertDeleteCertificateFromStore Deletes a certificate from the certificate store. CertDuplicateCertificateContext Duplicates a certificate context by incrementing the reference count. CertDuplicateStore Duplicates a store context by incrementing reference count. CertEnumCertificateContextProperties Enumerates the properties for the specified certificate context. CertEnumCertificatesInStore Enumerates the certificate contexts in the certificate store. CertEnumPhysicalStore Enumerates the physical stores for a specified system store. CertEnumSystemStore Enumerates all available system stores. CertEnumSystemStoreLocation Enumerates all of the locations that have an available system store. CertFindCertificateInStore Finds the first or next, certificate context in the certificate store matching a given criteria. CertFreeCertificateContext Frees a certificate context. CertGetCertificateContextProperty Gets a property for the specified certificate context. CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore Gets a certificate context from the certificate store for the fist, or next, issuer of the specified subject certificate. CertGetStoreProperty Gets a certificate store property CertGetSubjectCertificateFromStore Gets the subject certificate context, uniquely identified by its issuer and serial number, from the certificate store. CertOpenStore Opens a certificate store using the specified store provider. CertOpenSystemStore Opens a system certificate store based on a system name. CertRegisterPhysicalStore Adds a physical store to a system store collection. CertRegisterSystemStore Registers a system store. CertRemoveStoreFromCollection Removes a sibling certificate store from a collection store. CertSaveStore Saves a certificate store. CertSerializeCertificateStoreElement Serializes the certificate context's encoded certificate and its properties. CertSetCertificateContextProperty Sets a property for the specified certificate context. CertSetStoreProperty Sets a store property. CertUnregisterPhysicalStore Removes a physical store from a system store collection. CertUnregisterSystemStore Unregisters a system store. CertVerifySubjectCertificateContext Performs the enabled verification checks on the subject certificate using the issuer.
此后三年 2015-06-23
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