A varName is any valid JavaScript variable name.
A listExpr is a JavaScript expression which should evaluate to an Array, an Object, or to null. The listExpr is evaluated only once.
Two variables are bound in the main body of the loop:
__LIST__varName - holds the result of evaluating listExpr.
varName_index - this is the key or counter used during iteration.
{for x in customer.getRecentOrders()}
${x_index} : ${x.orderNumber} <br/>
You have no recent orders.
Converted pseudo-code for the above...
var __LIST__x = customer.getRecentOrders();
if (__LIST__x != null && __LIST__x.length > 0) {
for (var x_index in __LIST__x) {
var x = __LIST__x[x_index];
${x_index} : {$x.orderNumber} <br/>
} else {
You have no recent orders.