
兵腾傲宇 2015-08-14 02:44:32
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;

namespace WebSocketServer
public class Logger
public bool LogEvents { get; set; }

public Logger()
LogEvents = true;

public void Log(string Text)
if (LogEvents) Console.WriteLine(Text);

public enum ServerStatusLevel { Off, WaitingConnection, ConnectionEstablished };

public delegate void NewConnectionEventHandler(string loginName,EventArgs e);
public delegate void DataReceivedEventHandler(Object sender, string message, EventArgs e);
public delegate void DisconnectedEventHandler(Object sender,EventArgs e);
public delegate void BroadcastEventHandler(string message, EventArgs e);

public class WebSocketServer : IDisposable
private bool AlreadyDisposed;
private Socket Listener;
private int ConnectionsQueueLength;
private int MaxBufferSize;
private string Handshake;
private StreamReader ConnectionReader;
private StreamWriter ConnectionWriter;
private Logger logger;
private byte[] FirstByte;
private byte[] LastByte;
private byte[] ServerKey1;
private byte[] ServerKey2;

List<SocketConnection> connectionSocketList = new List<SocketConnection>();

public ServerStatusLevel Status { get; private set; }
public int ServerPort { get; set; }
public string ServerLocation { get; set; }
public string ConnectionOrigin { get; set; }
public bool LogEvents {
get { return logger.LogEvents; }
set { logger.LogEvents = value; }

public event NewConnectionEventHandler NewConnection;
public event DataReceivedEventHandler DataReceived;
public event DisconnectedEventHandler Disconnected;

private void Initialize()
AlreadyDisposed = false;
logger = new Logger();

Status = ServerStatusLevel.Off;
ConnectionsQueueLength = 500;
MaxBufferSize = 1024 * 100;
FirstByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
LastByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
FirstByte[0] = 0x00;
LastByte[0] = 0xFF;
logger.LogEvents = true;

public WebSocketServer()
ServerPort = 4141;
ServerLocation = string.Format("ws://{0}:4141/chat", getLocalmachineIPAddress());

public WebSocketServer(int serverPort, string serverLocation, string connectionOrigin)
ServerPort = serverPort;
ConnectionOrigin = connectionOrigin;
ServerLocation = serverLocation;


public void Dispose()

private void Close()
if (!AlreadyDisposed)
AlreadyDisposed = true;
if (Listener != null) Listener.Close();
foreach (SocketConnection item in connectionSocketList)

public static IPAddress getLocalmachineIPAddress()
string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);

foreach (IPAddress ip in ipEntry.AddressList)
if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
return ip;

return ipEntry.AddressList[0];

public void StartServer()
Char char1 = Convert.ToChar(65533);

Listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
Listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(getLocalmachineIPAddress(), ServerPort));


logger.Log(string.Format("聊天服务器启动。WebSocket服务器地址:{0}, 端口:{1}",getLocalmachineIPAddress(),ServerPort));

while (true)
Socket sc = Listener.Accept();

if (sc != null)
SocketConnection socketConn = new SocketConnection();
socketConn.ConnectionSocket = sc;
socketConn.NewConnection += new NewConnectionEventHandler(socketConn_NewConnection);
socketConn.DataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(socketConn_BroadcastMessage);
socketConn.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(socketConn_Disconnected);

0, socketConn.receivedDataBuffer.Length,
0, new AsyncCallback(socketConn.ManageHandshake),

void socketConn_Disconnected(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// SocketConnection sConn = sender as SocketConnection;
if (sConn != null)
// Send(string.Format("【{0}】离开了聊天室!", sConn.Name));
// connectionSocketList.Remove(sConn);

void socketConn_BroadcastMessage(Object sender, string message, EventArgs e)
if (message.IndexOf("login:") != -1)
SocketConnection sConn = sender as SocketConnection;
sConn.Name = message.Substring(message.IndexOf("login:") + "login:".Length);
// message = string.Format("欢迎【{0}】来到聊天室!",message.Substring(message.IndexOf("login:") + "login:".Length));
// Send(message);

void socketConn_NewConnection(string name, EventArgs e)
if (NewConnection != null)

public void Send(string message)
foreach (SocketConnection item in connectionSocketList)
if (!item.ConnectionSocket.Connected) return;
if (item.IsDataMasked)
DataFrame dr = new DataFrame(message);
catch(Exception ex)

420 14 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
14 条回复
兵腾傲宇 2015-08-18
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string ClientHandshake = decoder.GetString(receivedDataBuffer, 0, HandshakeLength - 8); string[] ClientHandshakeLines = ClientHandshake.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); logger.Log("新的连接请求来自" + ConnectionSocket.LocalEndPoint + "。正在准备连接 ..."); foreach (string Line in ClientHandshakeLines) { logger.Log(Line); if (Line.Contains("Sec-WebSocket-Key1:")) BuildServerPartialKey(1, Line.Substring(Line.IndexOf(":") + 2)); if (Line.Contains("Sec-WebSocket-Key2:")) BuildServerPartialKey(2, Line.Substring(Line.IndexOf(":") + 2)); if (Line.Contains("Origin:")) try { Handshake = string.Format(Handshake, Line.Substring(Line.IndexOf(":") + 2)); } catch { Handshake = string.Format(Handshake, "null"); } } // Build the response for the client byte[] HandshakeText = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Handshake); byte[] serverHandshakeResponse = new byte[HandshakeText.Length + 16]; byte[] serverKey = BuildServerFullKey(last8Bytes); Array.Copy(HandshakeText, serverHandshakeResponse, HandshakeText.Length); Array.Copy(serverKey, 0, serverHandshakeResponse, HandshakeText.Length, 16); logger.Log("发送握手信息 ..."); ConnectionSocket.BeginSend(serverHandshakeResponse, 0, HandshakeText.Length + 16, 0, HandshakeFinished, null); logger.Log(Handshake); } public static String ComputeWebSocketHandshakeSecurityHash09(String secWebSocketKey) { const String MagicKEY = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; String secWebSocketAccept = String.Empty; // 1. Combine the request Sec-WebSocket-Key with magic key. String ret = secWebSocketKey + MagicKEY; // 2. Compute the SHA1 hash SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] sha1Hash = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ret)); // 3. Base64 encode the hash secWebSocketAccept = Convert.ToBase64String(sha1Hash); return secWebSocketAccept; } private void HandshakeFinished(IAsyncResult status) { ConnectionSocket.EndSend(status); ConnectionSocket.BeginReceive(receivedDataBuffer, 0, receivedDataBuffer.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(Read), null); if (NewConnection != null) NewConnection("", EventArgs.Empty); } } }
兵腾傲宇 2015-08-18
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SocketConnection.cs using System.*; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace WebSocketServer { public class SocketConnection { private Logger logger; private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } private Boolean isDataMasked; public Boolean IsDataMasked { get { return isDataMasked; } set { isDataMasked = value; } } public Socket ConnectionSocket; private int MaxBufferSize; private string Handshake; private string New_Handshake; public byte[] receivedDataBuffer; private byte[] FirstByte; private byte[] LastByte; private byte[] ServerKey1; private byte[] ServerKey2; public event NewConnectionEventHandler NewConnection; public event DataReceivedEventHandler DataReceived; public event DisconnectedEventHandler Disconnected; public SocketConnection() { logger = new Logger(); MaxBufferSize = 1024*100; receivedDataBuffer = new byte[MaxBufferSize]; FirstByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize]; LastByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize]; FirstByte[0] = 0x00; LastByte[0] = 0xFF; Handshake = "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake" + Environment.NewLine; Handshake += "Upgrade: WebSocket" + Environment.NewLine; Handshake += "Connection: Upgrade" + Environment.NewLine; Handshake += "Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " + "{0}" + Environment.NewLine; Handshake += string.Format("Sec-WebSocket-Location: " + "ws://{0}:4141/chat" + Environment.NewLine, WebSocketServer.getLocalmachineIPAddress()); Handshake += Environment.NewLine; New_Handshake = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols" + Environment.NewLine; New_Handshake += "Upgrade: WebSocket" + Environment.NewLine; New_Handshake += "Connection: Upgrade" + Environment.NewLine; New_Handshake += "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: {0}" + Environment.NewLine; New_Handshake += Environment.NewLine; } private void Read(IAsyncResult status) { if (!ConnectionSocket.Connected) return; string messageReceived = string.Empty; DataFrame dr = new DataFrame(receivedDataBuffer); try { if (!this.isDataMasked) { System.Text.UTF8Encoding decoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; while (receivedDataBuffer[startIndex] == FirstByte[0]) startIndex++; // Search for the end byte endIndex = startIndex + 1; while (receivedDataBuffer[endIndex] != LastByte[0] && endIndex != MaxBufferSize - 1) endIndex++; if (endIndex == MaxBufferSize - 1) endIndex = MaxBufferSize; // Get the message messageReceived = decoder.GetString(receivedDataBuffer, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); } else { messageReceived = dr.Text; } if ((messageReceived.Length == MaxBufferSize && messageReceived[0] == Convert.ToChar(65533)) || messageReceived.Length == 0) { logger.Log("接受到的信息 [\"" + string.Format("logout:{0}",this.name) + "\"]"); if (Disconnected != null) Disconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { if (DataReceived != null) { logger.Log("接受到的信息 [\"" + messageReceived + "\"]"); DataReceived(this, messageReceived, EventArgs.Empty); } Array.Clear(receivedDataBuffer, 0, receivedDataBuffer.Length); ConnectionSocket.BeginReceive(receivedDataBuffer, 0, receivedDataBuffer.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(Read), null); } } catch(Exception ex) { logger.Log(ex.Message); logger.Log("Socket连接将会被终止。"); if (Disconnected != null) Disconnected(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } private void BuildServerPartialKey(int keyNum, string clientKey) { string partialServerKey = ""; byte[] currentKey; int spacesNum = 0; char[] keyChars = clientKey.ToCharArray(); foreach (char currentChar in keyChars) { if (char.IsDigit(currentChar)) partialServerKey += currentChar; if (char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar)) spacesNum++; } try { currentKey = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)(Int64.Parse(partialServerKey) / spacesNum)); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(currentKey); if (keyNum == 1) ServerKey1 = currentKey; else ServerKey2 = currentKey; } catch { if (ServerKey1 != null) Array.Clear(ServerKey1, 0, ServerKey1.Length); if (ServerKey2 != null) Array.Clear(ServerKey2, 0, ServerKey2.Length); } } private byte[] BuildServerFullKey(byte[] last8Bytes) { byte[] concatenatedKeys = new byte[16]; Array.Copy(ServerKey1, 0, concatenatedKeys, 0, 4); Array.Copy(ServerKey2, 0, concatenatedKeys, 4, 4); Array.Copy(last8Bytes, 0, concatenatedKeys, 8, 8); // MD5 Hash System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 MD5Service = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); return MD5Service.ComputeHash(concatenatedKeys); } public void ManageHandshake(IAsyncResult status) { string header = "Sec-WebSocket-Version:"; int HandshakeLength = (int)status.AsyncState; byte[] last8Bytes = new byte[8]; System.Text.UTF8Encoding decoder = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); String rawClientHandshake = decoder.GetString(receivedDataBuffer, 0, HandshakeLength); Array.Copy(receivedDataBuffer, HandshakeLength - 8, last8Bytes, 0, 8); //现在使用的是比较新的Websocket协议 if (rawClientHandshake.IndexOf(header) != -1) { this.isDataMasked = true; string[] rawClientHandshakeLines = rawClientHandshake.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string acceptKey = ""; foreach (string Line in rawClientHandshakeLines) { Console.WriteLine(Line); if (Line.Contains("Sec-WebSocket-Key:")) { acceptKey = ComputeWebSocketHandshakeSecurityHash09(Line.Substring(Line.IndexOf(":") + 2)); } } New_Handshake = string.Format(New_Handshake, acceptKey); byte[] newHandshakeText = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(New_Handshake); ConnectionSocket.BeginSend(newHandshakeText, 0, newHandshakeText.Length, 0, HandshakeFinished, null); return; }
兵腾傲宇 2015-08-18
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DataFrame.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace WebSocketServer { public class DataFrame { DataFrameHeader _header; private byte[] _extend = new byte[0]; private byte[] _mask = new byte[0]; private byte[] _content = new byte[0]; public DataFrame(byte[] buffer) { //帧头 _header = new DataFrameHeader(buffer); //扩展长度 if (_header.Length == 126) { _extend = new byte[2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 2, _extend, 0, 2); } else if (_header.Length == 127) { _extend = new byte[8]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 2, _extend, 0, 8); } //是否有掩码 if (_header.HasMask) { _mask = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, _extend.Length + 2, _mask, 0, 4); } //消息体 if (_extend.Length == 0) { _content = new byte[_header.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, _extend.Length + _mask.Length + 2 , _content, 0, _content.Length); } else if (_extend.Length == 2) { int contentLength = (int)_extend[0] * 256 + (int)_extend[1]; _content = new byte[contentLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, _extend.Length + _mask.Length + 2, _content, 0, contentLength > 1024 * 100 ? 1024 * 100 : contentLength); } else { long len = 0; int n = 1; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { len += (int)_extend[i] * n; n *= 256; } _content = new byte[len]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, _extend.Length + _mask.Length + 2, _content, 0, _content.Length); } if (_header.HasMask) _content = Mask(_content, _mask); } public DataFrame(string content) { _content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); int length = _content.Length; if (length < 126) { _extend = new byte[0]; _header = new DataFrameHeader(true, false, false, false, 1, false, length); } else if (length < 65536) { _extend = new byte[2]; _header = new DataFrameHeader(true, false, false, false, 1, false, 126); _extend[0] = (byte)(length / 256); _extend[1] = (byte)(length % 256); } else { _extend = new byte[8]; _header = new DataFrameHeader(true, false, false, false, 1, false, 127); int left = length; int unit = 256; for (int i = 7; i > 1; i--) { _extend[i] = (byte)(left % unit); left = left / unit; if (left == 0) break; } } } public byte[] GetBytes() { byte[] buffer = new byte[2 + _extend.Length + _mask.Length + _content.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(_header.GetBytes(), 0, buffer, 0, 2); Buffer.BlockCopy(_extend, 0, buffer, 2, _extend.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(_mask, 0, buffer, 2 + _extend.Length, _mask.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(_content, 0, buffer, 2 + _extend.Length + _mask.Length, _content.Length); return buffer; } public string Text { get { if (_header.OpCode != 1) return string.Empty; return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_content); } } private byte[] Mask(byte[] data, byte[] mask) { for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { data[i] = (byte)(data[i] ^ mask[i % 4]); } return data; } } } DataFrameHeader.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace WebSocketServer { public class DataFrameHeader { private bool _fin; private bool _rsv1; private bool _rsv2; private bool _rsv3; private sbyte _opcode; private bool _maskcode; private sbyte _payloadlength; public bool FIN { get { return _fin; } } public bool RSV1 { get { return _rsv1; } } public bool RSV2 { get { return _rsv2; } } public bool RSV3 { get { return _rsv3; } } public sbyte OpCode { get { return _opcode; } } public bool HasMask { get { return _maskcode; } } public sbyte Length { get { return _payloadlength; } } public DataFrameHeader(byte[] buffer) { if(buffer.Length<2) throw new Exception("无效的数据头."); //第一个字节 _fin = (buffer[0] & 0x80) == 0x80; _rsv1 = (buffer[0] & 0x40) == 0x40; _rsv2 = (buffer[0] & 0x20) == 0x20; _rsv3 = (buffer[0] & 0x10) == 0x10; _opcode = (sbyte)(buffer[0] & 0x0f); //第二个字节 _maskcode = (buffer[1] & 0x80) == 0x80; _payloadlength = (sbyte)(buffer[1] & 0x7f); } //发送封装数据 public DataFrameHeader(bool fin,bool rsv1,bool rsv2,bool rsv3,sbyte opcode,bool hasmask,int length) { _fin = fin; _rsv1 = rsv1; _rsv2 = rsv2; _rsv3 = rsv3; _opcode = opcode; //第二个字节 _maskcode = hasmask; _payloadlength = (sbyte)length; } //返回帧头字节 public byte[] GetBytes() { byte[] buffer = new byte[2]{0,0}; if (_fin) buffer[0] ^= 0x80; if (_rsv1) buffer[0] ^= 0x40; if (_rsv2) buffer[0] ^= 0x20; if (_rsv3) buffer[0] ^= 0x10; buffer[0] ^= (byte)_opcode; if (_maskcode) buffer[1] ^= 0x80; buffer[1] ^= (byte)_payloadlength; return buffer; } } } MainProgram.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace WebSocketServer { public class MainProgram { public static void Main(string[] args) { WebSocketServerTest WSServerTest = new WebSocketServerTest(); WSServerTest.Start(); } } } WebSocketServerTest.cs using System; using System.IO; using System.Timers; namespace WebSocketServer { class WebSocketServerTest : IDisposable { private WebSocketServer WSServer; public WebSocketServerTest() { //使用默认的设置 WSServer = new WebSocketServer(); } public void Dispose() { Close(); } private void Close() { WSServer.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } ~WebSocketServerTest() { Close(); } public void Start() { WSServer.NewConnection += new NewConnectionEventHandler(WSServer_NewConnection); WSServer.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(WSServer_Disconnected); WSServer.StartServer(); } void WSServer_Disconnected(Object sender, EventArgs e) { } void WSServer_NewConnection(string loginName, EventArgs e) { } } }
夕阳孤寒 2015-08-18
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好像只有人工照着写一遍吧,如果可以转换的话那还学那么多语言干什么,只学一种需要用到其他语言的时候直接转换就好了。 别天真了
兵腾傲宇 2015-08-17
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转成java 就一个类? 一个方法,你能用么? 就只能把代码看一遍,直接用java写
ri_aje 2015-08-15
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发到 c# 版更有希望
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	public class Logger
		private boolean LogEvents;
		public final boolean getLogEvents()
			return LogEvents;
		public final void setLogEvents(boolean value)
			LogEvents = value;

		public Logger()

		public final void Log(String Text)
			if (getLogEvents())

	 public enum ServerStatusLevel

	 public int getValue()
		 return this.ordinal();

	 public static ServerStatusLevel forValue(int value)
		 return values()[value];

	public interface NewConnectionEventHandler
		void invoke(String loginName, EventArgs e);
	public interface DataReceivedEventHandler
		void invoke(Object sender, String message, EventArgs e);
	public interface DisconnectedEventHandler
		void invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e);
	public interface BroadcastEventHandler
		void invoke(String message, EventArgs e);

	public class WebSocketServer implements java.io.Closeable
		private boolean AlreadyDisposed;
		private Socket Listener;
		private int ConnectionsQueueLength;
		private int MaxBufferSize;
		private String Handshake;
		private StreamReader ConnectionReader;
		private StreamWriter ConnectionWriter;
		private Logger logger;

		private byte[] FirstByte;

		private byte[] LastByte;

		private byte[] ServerKey1;

		private byte[] ServerKey2;

		private java.util.ArrayList<SocketConnection> connectionSocketList = new java.util.ArrayList<SocketConnection>();

		private ServerStatusLevel Status;
		public final ServerStatusLevel getStatus()
			return Status;
		private void setStatus(ServerStatusLevel value)
			Status = value;
		private int ServerPort;
		public final int getServerPort()
			return ServerPort;
		public final void setServerPort(int value)
			ServerPort = value;
		private String ServerLocation;
		public final String getServerLocation()
			return ServerLocation;
		public final void setServerLocation(String value)
			ServerLocation = value;
		private String ConnectionOrigin;
		public final String getConnectionOrigin()
			return ConnectionOrigin;
		public final void setConnectionOrigin(String value)
			ConnectionOrigin = value;
		public final boolean getLogEvents()
			return logger.LogEvents;
		public final void setLogEvents(boolean value)
			logger.LogEvents = value;

	public event NewConnectionEventHandler NewConnection;

	public event DataReceivedEventHandler DataReceived;

    public event DisconnectedEventHandler Disconnected;

		private void Initialize()
			AlreadyDisposed = false;
			logger = new Logger();

			ConnectionsQueueLength = 500;
			MaxBufferSize = 1024 * 100;

			FirstByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];

			LastByte = new byte[MaxBufferSize];
			FirstByte[0] = 0x00;

			LastByte[0] = (byte)0xFF;
			logger.LogEvents = true;

		public WebSocketServer()
			setServerLocation(String.format("ws://%1$s:4141/chat", getLocalmachineIPAddress()));

		public WebSocketServer(int serverPort, String serverLocation, String connectionOrigin)

		protected void finalize() throws Throwable

		public final void close() throws java.io.IOException

		private void Close()
			if (!AlreadyDisposed)
				AlreadyDisposed = true;
				if (Listener != null)
				for (SocketConnection item : connectionSocketList)

		public static IPAddress getLocalmachineIPAddress()
			String strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
			IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName);

			for (IPAddress ip : ipEntry.AddressList)
				if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
					return ip;

			return ipEntry.AddressList[0];

	public final void StartServer()
			char char1 = (char)65533;

			Listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
			Listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(getLocalmachineIPAddress(), getServerPort()));


			logger.Log(String.format("聊天服务器启动。WebSocket服务器地址:%1$s, 端口:%2$s",getLocalmachineIPAddress(),getServerPort()));

			while (true)
				Socket sc = Listener.Accept();

				if (sc != null)
					SocketConnection socketConn = new SocketConnection();
					socketConn.ConnectionSocket = sc;

					socketConn.NewConnection += new NewConnectionEventHandler(socketConn_NewConnection);

					socketConn.DataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(socketConn_BroadcastMessage);

					socketConn.Disconnected += new DisconnectedEventHandler(socketConn_Disconnected);

					socketConn.ConnectionSocket.BeginReceive(socketConn.receivedDataBuffer, 0, socketConn.receivedDataBuffer.getLength(), 0, new AsyncCallback(socketConn.ManageHandshake), socketConn.ConnectionSocket.Available);

		private void socketConn_Disconnected(Object sender, EventArgs e)
			// SocketConnection sConn = sender as SocketConnection;
			if (sConn != null)
				// Send(string.Format("【{0}】离开了聊天室!", sConn.Name));
				// connectionSocketList.Remove(sConn);

 private void socketConn_BroadcastMessage(Object sender, String message, EventArgs e)
			if (message.indexOf("login:") != -1)
				SocketConnection sConn = (SocketConnection)((sender instanceof SocketConnection) ? sender : null);
				sConn.Name = message.substring(message.indexOf("login:") + "login:".length());
				// message = string.Format("欢迎【{0}】来到聊天室!",message.Substring(message.IndexOf("login:") + "login:".Length));
		   // Send(message);

		private void socketConn_NewConnection(String name, EventArgs e)
			if (NewConnection != null)

		public final void Send(String message)
			for (SocketConnection item : connectionSocketList)
				if (!item.ConnectionSocket.Connected)
					if (item.IsDataMasked)
						DataFrame dr = new DataFrame(message);
				catch (RuntimeException ex)

707wk 2015-08-14
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引用 5 楼 lovesmiles 的回复:
一段c#代码,要译成java, 你居然贴到c++板块 来,你也是个人才。
勤奋的小游侠 2015-08-14
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一段c#代码,要译成java, 你居然贴到c++板块 来,你也是个人才。
兵腾傲宇 2015-08-14
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兵腾傲宇 2015-08-14
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JiangWenjie2014 2015-08-14
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兵腾傲宇 2015-08-14
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