win7,VS2015怎样使用Windows 7 SDK V7.1?

善良超锅锅 2016-04-23 09:30:51
我在Windows 7上使用vs2015, 本来好好的。昨天想写一个播放mp3的程序,要用到Windows 7 SDK中的core Audio API。
于是安装了Windows 7 SDK V7.1。配置好环境,打开sdk自带的sample,发现编译不了。期间安装了VC-Compiler-KB2519277也不管用。

实在无耐,安装了vs2010。 经过一番折腾。。。,其中有一次用vs2010编译成功。我还以为成了。后来不知怎么的,我用vs2015和vs2010都编译不了。都是一堆链接错误。用VS2015打开之前写好的程序也编译不了。

现在我打算重装系统,但是我在纠结,到底vs2015能不能搭配Windows 7 SDK V7.1使用?

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赵4老师 2016-04-25
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在你电脑上搜索文件VCVarsQueryRegistry.bat并查看其内容 ?
善良超锅锅 2016-04-23
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引用 4 楼 qq423399099 的回复:
项目-属性-配置属性-连接器-输入-附加依赖项 这里加了吗
小灸舞 2016-04-23
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项目-属性-配置属性-连接器-输入-附加依赖项 这里加了吗
善良超锅锅 2016-04-23
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引用 1 楼 paschen 的回复:
善良超锅锅 2016-04-23
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以下是各种错误,不看也可 用vs2015打开前几天用vs2015写好的程序,该程序么有用Windows 7 SDK V7.1中的api,并且在平台工具集里也是选的v140 1>c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.1\include\sal_supp.h(57): error C2220: 警告被视为错误 - 没有生成“object”文件。 用vs2010打开sdk中的例子,x86 1>Link: 1> 正在创建库 D:\VS2010project\RenderExclusiveEventDriven\Debug\WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.lib 和对象 D:\VS2010project\RenderExclusiveEventDriven\Debug\WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.exp 1>WASAPIRenderer.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoTaskMemFree@4,该符号在函数 "public: void __thiscall CWASAPIRenderer::Shutdown(void)" (?Shutdown@CWASAPIRenderer@@QAEXXZ) 中被引用 1>WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoTaskMemFree@4 1>WASAPIRenderer.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoUninitialize@0,该符号在函数 "private: unsigned long __thiscall CWASAPIRenderer::DoRenderThread(void)" (?DoRenderThread@CWASAPIRenderer@@AAEKXZ) 中被引用 1>WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoUninitialize@0 1>WASAPIRenderer.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoInitializeEx@8,该符号在函数 "private: unsigned long __thiscall CWASAPIRenderer::DoRenderThread(void)" (?DoRenderThread@CWASAPIRenderer@@AAEKXZ) 中被引用 1>WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoInitializeEx@8 1>WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__PropVariantClear@4,该符号在函数 "wchar_t * __cdecl GetDeviceName(struct IMMDeviceCollection *,unsigned int)" (?GetDeviceName@@YAPA_WPAUIMMDeviceCollection@@I@Z) 中被引用 1>WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.obj : error LNK2019: 无法解析的外部符号 __imp__CoCreateInstance@20,该符号在函数 "bool __cdecl PickDevice(struct IMMDevice * *,bool *,enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_mmdeviceapi_0000_0000_0002 *)" (?PickDevice@@YA_NPAPAUIMMDevice@@PA_NPAW4__MIDL___MIDL_itf_mmdeviceapi_0000_0000_0002@@@Z) 中被引用 1>D:\VS2010project\RenderExclusiveEventDriven\Debug\WASAPIRenderExclusiveEventDriven.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 5 个无法解析的外部命令 平台改为x64 fatal error LNK1120: 100 个无法解析的外部命令 每次我都确认了VC++包含目录,库目录,确实正确的设置了sdk的对应目录。
paschen 2016-04-23
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dustpg 2016-04-23
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SDK都是向前兼容的,用最新的Win10 SDK也一样,不用Win8/10的部分就行啊.
赵4老师 2016-04-23
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将错误信息中出现的标识符放在百度里面搜一下,看其在哪个.lib中,然后在本地硬盘上搜索该.lib,如果没有,在网上搜索相关库或模块下载安装,然后将其所在目录填写到“附加依赖库所在目录”中,将其名字添加到“附加依赖库”中,重新连接。 项目、属性、链接器、常规、附加库目录:填写附加依赖库所在目录 分号间隔多项 项目、属性、链接器、输入、附加依赖项:填写附加依赖库的名字.lib 空格或分号间隔多项
ynsenyu 2016-04-23
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wasapi好像只要ole32 oleaut32两个库就可以了
WTL版本为v9.0 (build 4060 @ 3-1-2014),并做了以下的改动: 1. 编辑了.rc文件,使控件具有原生的中文字符支持 2. 增加了UICC及VS2010安装脚本(环境变量添加,UICC拷贝及.props文件路径添加),在SDK v7.0A的v100工具链下也可以编译.xml文件并使用ribbon, 脚本执行后默认工程可自动包含WTL include 目录。 3. 美化了.ico图标和toolbar.bmp,新图标和位图具有Alpha通道。 4. 为winCE和winMobile添加setup100.js安装文件,使其支持VS2010。 5. VS2010外其它平台需要手工修改InstallWTL.bat。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes ======================================== 1. Add InstallWTL.bat and 'setup100.js'(for CE & Mobile) 2. Add 'uicc' for ribbon compilation. 3. Replace the old icon and bitmap resources. 4. Modify 'rc' file to use default 'Chinese (Simplified)' resources. About the Files Added ======================================== a> IntallWTL.bat (must be runned as administrator; install in current folder) O- Create environment variable 'WTL_INC', integrating it into the include directory of VS2010 default project. O- Place 'uicc.exe' into 'Windows SDK 7.0A' folder. O- Execute setup.js & setup100.js. b> uicc.exe (dispense the need for installing 'Windows SDK 7.1' on visual studio 2010) O- Extracted from 'Windows SDK 7.1' O- Enable 'Ribbon' compilation using VS2010 'v100' platform toolset. Issues (Questions & Answers) ======================================== Q: Error in 'VS2010' saying “An error has occurred in the script on the page" A: This is a security problem. The wizard files are marked as unsecure. Solution: compress the wtl zip, unzip it (e.g. 7zip) and install the AppWiz again. Do not copy & paste the "*.js" files to the new destination. This will mark the file as unsecure. You see this with right-click properties on the file. At the bottom of the first page you see “The file came from another computer. Access is blocked possibly for security reasons”.
支持的编译器: Assembly language: MASM, FASM, POASM, TASM Basic: Visual Basic, Pure Basic, Power Basic C/C++: Visual C/C++, Borland C++ builder, Intel C++, Dev C++, Digital Mars C++, MinGW Pascal: Delphi, Free Pascal D Programming language: DMD 其他编译器 支持的操作系统: 32 位 NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7/2008 Server 及其对应 64 位版本。 保护功能: 一键授权系统,无需写一行代码就可以给您的软件添加高安全性注册授权系统 原创虚拟机保护引擎(什么是虚拟机保护参考帮助文档) 原创深度虚拟化保护(深度虚拟化保护和普通保护区别参考帮助文档) 随机指令集 随机填充代码 代码乱序执行 外壳保护 反内存转储存 区段合并 资源加密 反调试 防修改 自校验 输入表加密 软件特色: 加密强度 使用目前最先进的虚拟机乱序等引擎,可以阻止绝大多数人逆向分析。 执行效率 软件使用SDK,进行重点加密(如:注册逻辑,关键算法,详细信息参考帮助文档)。 所以基本上不影响程序运行效率 兼容性 全面支持主流的 32/64(*) 位 Windows 操作系统,能够稳定运行于 Intel/AMD 各种 32/64 位及多核处理器;绝大多数加密后的程序均可正确运行。 注意:目前软件不支持原生的64位可执行程序加密。 实用性 自带授权系统,正常用户管理系统,黑名单,加密SDK,授权API等实用功能 分析使用Vprotect保护后的程序,将不仅仅是一项技术活,同时也会成为高强度的体力活。
---------------------------------------------------------------- Canon Digital Camera SDK README file Version 7.3.0 July 2005 Windows edition ---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c)1997-2005 Canon Inc. ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for developing software for Canon digital cameras. This README file contains some information which may be helpful in diagnosing problems with the Canon Digital Camera SDK or Canon digital cameras. ________________________________________________________________ -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. Supported Cameras 2. Windows 2000/XP Specific Notes 3. Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP Specific Notes 4. Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK 5. Un-Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK 6. Caution relating to Remote Release Control Function 7. RAW Developmet Function 1. Supported Cameras ================================================================ This version of the Canon Digital Camera SDK supports the cameras shown below. PowerShot A10, PowerShot A20, PowerShot A30, PowerShot A40, PowerShot A60, PowerShot A70, PowerShot A75, PowerShot A80, PowerShot A85, PowerShot A95 PowerShot A100, PowerShot A200, PowerShot A300, PowerShot A310, PowerShot A400, PowerShot A510, PowerShot A520 PowerShot S10, PowerShot S20, PowerShot S30, PowerShot S40, PowerShot S45, PowerShot S50, PowerShot S60, PowerShot S70 PowerShot S100, IXY DIGITAL, DIGITAL IXUS, PowerShot S110, IXY DIGITAL 200, DIGITAL IXUS v, PowerShot S200, IXY DIGITAL 200a, DIGITAL IXUS v2, PowerShot S230, IXY DIGITAL 320, DIGITAL IXUS v3, PowerShot S300, IXY DIGITAL 300, DIGITAL IXUS 300, PowerShot S330, IXY DIGITAL 300a, DIGITAL IXUS 330, PowerShot S400, IXY DIGITAL 400, DIGITAL IXUS 400, PowerShot SD100, IXY DIGITAL 30, DIGITAL IXUS II, PowerShot SD10, IXY DIGITAL L, DIGITAL IXUS i, PowerShot SD110, IXY DIGITAL 30a, DIGITAL IXUS IIs, PowerShot S410, IXY DIGITAL 450, DIGITAL IXUS 430, PowerShot S500, IXY DIGITAL 500, DIGITAL IXUS 500, PowerShot SD20, IXY DIGITAL L2, DIGITAL IXUS I5, PowerShot SD200, IXY DIGITAL 40, DIGITAL IXUS 30, PowerShot SD300, IXY DIGITAL 50, DIGITAL IXUS 40, PowerShot SD400, IXY DIGITAL 55, DIGITAL IXUS 50, PowerShot SD500, IXY DIGITAL 600, DIGITAL IXUS 700 PowerShot G1, PowerShot G2, PowerShot G3, PowerShot G5, PowerShot G6, PowerShot Pro90 IS, PowerShot S1 IS, PowerShot Pro1 The EOS class of digital cameras are not supported. 2. Windows 2000/XP Specific Notes ================================================================ (1) NTFS (NT File System) not supported on memory card installed in camera. Memory card must be formatted with the FAT File System before camera will recognize it. (2) Removing a memory card from the card reader when system is running results in system lockup. Be sure that Windows is completely shut down before removing or inserting a memory card. (3) Not all Memory Card Readers have Windows 2000/XP support. Check with your PC Card vendor for details. 3. Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP Specific Notes ================================================================ (1) Cautions relating to USB connection Please do not place your computer into standby mode while the Canon digital camera is connected to its USB port. If the computer is placed into standby mode while the camera is connected to the USB port, do NOT disconnect the USB cable from the camera or computer. Try to revive the computer. Instead, restore the computer to normal operation mode with the cable still connected. Unplugging the cable with the computer in standby mode may cause some computers to not recover correctly from standby mode. For details on standby mode, refer to your computer's manual. (2) Cautions relating to communication between the SDK and a Canon digital camera When the SDK is running and is connected to a camera, the driver makes communications with the camera periodically. Do not operate the camera controls, remove the memory card or battery, disconnect the communication cable, or otherwise interfere with the communications. Such actions may cause misoperation on some PCs. Wait until the driver has shut down before doing such actions. 4. Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK ================================================================ To start the installation program, double-click on the SETUP.EXE program on the first installation disk. The program will prompt you for further actions. Once you have started the Installation program, remove an installation diskette from your diskette drive only under the following circumstances: (1) The Canon Digital Camera SDK installation program prompts you to do so. (2) You have completed the installation successfully. (3) You have Canceled out of the Installation program (pressed "Cancel" button) before successful completion. 5. Un-Installing the Canon Digital Camera SDK ================================================================ To uninstall Canon Digital Camera SDK, please carry out the following procedure: (1) Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. (2) Double-click the "Add/Remove Programs" icon. (3) On the Install/Uninstall tab, click "Canon Digital Camera SDK 7.1", and then click the "Add/Remove..." button. (4) The uninstaller may ask you about removing shared files. Click on "Yes" to remove the specified file, or click on "Yes To All" to simply remove all of these files. 6. Caution relating to Remote Release Control Function ================================================================ The processing of CDRelease() and CDGetReleasedData() cannot be canceled. Therefore, never return cdOPERATION_CANCELLED in the callback function specified by pCallbackFunc parameter. 7. RAW Developmet Function ================================================================ CD-SDK 7 and later do not support the RAW development function. To use the development function for RAW data captured using a PowerShot digital camera, use the RD-SDK(RAW Development SDK).
Build: ffprobe-20190623-bc3306f-win64-static Configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libdav1d --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-amf --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth --enable-libopenmpt Libraries: SDL 2.0.9 Fontconfig 2.13.0 GnuTLS libiconv 1.15 libass 0.14.0 dav1d 20190620-4a2ea99 libbluray 20180913-2d18c70 FreeType 2.10.0 LAME 3.100 OpenCORE AMR 20170731-07a5be4 OpenJPEG 20190402-d0dd894 Opus 20190604-ad8fe90 shine 3.1.1 Snappy 1.1.7 libsoxr 20180224-945b592 Theora 20171023-e5d205b TwoLAME 0.3.13 vpx 20190620-7d9288f WavPack 5.1.0 WebP 1.0.2 x264 20190314-5493be8 x265 20190618-b36c03e libxml2 2.9.8 z.lib 20190324-89fad4b XZ Utils 5.2.4 zlib 1.2.11 vid.stab 20190213-aeabc8d Vorbis 20180705-46e70fa VisualOn AMR-WB 20141107-3b3fcd0 libmysofa 20181220-50ee637 Speex 20181021-6e04bfa Xvid 1.3.5 aom 20190621-661552d libmfx 1.27 sdk> AMF 1.4.7 nv-codec-headers 20190311-96a6db0 OpenMPT 20190424-2863742 Copyright (C) 2019 Kyle Schwarz This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .



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