
aaqxhaa1979 2016-07-27 09:17:06




6、编辑game over界面


8、在这详细介召如何制作上面用的窗口,包括点击开始按钮[click to start]、数字方块[number 2048]
<1>编辑[click to start]的创建、布局,渲染,事件处理。
在root窗口上点击右键菜单[add child]添加新的窗口, 设置窗口大小和root窗口一样大小,中间再加入一个窗口title来显示“click to start”文字




比如number 2048包含back用于显示背景圆角方块和颜色,number用于显示数字.
back主要是Frame用9宫格的方式渲染圆角图片,number只有EditBox组件,整个number 2048窗口设置disable为true,只是用于显示,不处理事件。

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aaqxhaa1979 2016-07-27
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(接上回复) elseif direction=="right" then for col=4,1,-1 do local w = main:GetChild(col.."x"..v); if w then local pt = grids:GetChild((4-count).."x"..v):GetHotPos(true); w:SetName((4-count).."x"..v); --reset name. w:SetHotPos(pt, true); --reset position count=count+1; end end elseif direction=="top" then for row=1,4,1 do local w = main:GetChild(v.."x"..row); if w then count=count+1; local pt = grids:GetChild(v.."x"..count):GetHotPos(true); w:SetName(v.."x"..count); --reset name. w:SetHotPos(pt, true); --reset position end end elseif direction=="bottom" then for row=4,1,-1 do local w = main:GetChild(v.."x"..row); if w then local pt = grids:GetChild(v.."x"..(4-count)):GetHotPos(true); w:SetName(v.."x"..(4-count)); --reset name. w:SetHotPos(pt, true); --reset position count=count+1; end end end end --滑动融合 local function move(direction) LXZAPI_OutputDebugStr("move:"..direction); if direction=="top" then for col=1,4,1 do tighten_move_line(col, direction); for row=1,4,1 do if merge(col, row, col, row+1) then tighten_move_line(col, direction); end end end elseif direction=="bottom" then for col=1,4,1 do tighten_move_line(col, direction); for row=4,1,-1 do if merge(col, row, col, row-1) then tighten_move_line(col, direction); end end --tighten_move_line(col, direction); end elseif direction=="left" then for row=1,4,1 do tighten_move_line(row, direction); for col=1,4,1 do if merge(col, row, col+1, row) then tighten_move_line(row, direction); end end --tighten_move_line(row, direction); end elseif direction=="right" then for row=1,4,1 do tighten_move_line(row, direction); for col=4,1,-1 do if merge(col, row, col-1, row) then tighten_move_line(row, direction); end end --tighten_move_line(row, direction); end end random_number(); end --是否相同 local function is_equal(dst_col, dst_row, src_col, src_row) local root = HelperGetRoot(); local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); local src = main:GetChild(src_col.."x"..src_row); if src==nil then return false; end local dst = main:GetChild(dst_col.."x"..dst_row); if dst == nil then --目标位置为空 return false; end --数字不同 if src:GetAddData() ~= dst:GetAddData() then return false; end return true; end --是否结束 local function is_game_over() local root = HelperGetRoot(); local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); for col=1,4,1 do for row=1,4,1 do --如果有空格,则未结束。 local w = main:GetChild(col.."x"..row); if w== nil then return false; end --到达最大值,则结束 if w:GetAddData()==2048 then return true; end --如果相邻有同值,则未结束。 if is_equal(col,row,col,row+1) then return false; end if is_equal(col,row,col+1,row) then return false; end end end return true; end local function OnStart(window, msg, sender) game_init(); end local function OnUpdate(window, msg, sender) UpdateWindow(); --LXZAPI_OutputDebugStr("OnUpdate") end IsLClickDown= false; local function OnMainClickDown(window, msg, sender) IsLClickDown=true; end local function OnMainMouseMove(window, msg, sender) local corecfg = ICGuiGetLXZCoreCfg(); if IsLClickDown==false then return; end local x = msg:int (); local y = msg:int (); local origin_x = corecfg.nClickDownX; local origin_y = corecfg.nClickDownY; --计算偏移量 local delta_x=x-origin_x; local delta_y=y-origin_y; --识别滑动方向 if math.abs(delta_x)>math.abs(delta_y) then if math.abs(delta_x)>=8 then if delta_x<0 then move("left"); IsLClickDown= false; else move("right"); IsLClickDown= false; end end else if math.abs(delta_y)>=8 then if delta_y<0 then move("top"); IsLClickDown= false; else move("bottom"); IsLClickDown= false; end end end if is_game_over() then local root = HelperGetRoot(); root:GetLXZWindow("game over"):Show(); if cfg then cfg:save(LXZAPIGetWritePath().."game_info.cfg"); end end end --加载完成触发事件 local function OnLoad(window, msg, sender) local root=HelperGetRoot(); root:GetLXZWindow("game over"):Hide(); root:GetLXZWindow("start"):Show(); local maxcore=cfg:GetInt("maxcore"); HelperSetWindowText(root:GetLXZWindow("head:history:number"), tostring(maxcore)); end --事件绑定 local event_callback = {} event_callback ["OnStart"] = OnStart; event_callback ["OnLoad"] = OnLoad; event_callback ["OnUpdate"] = OnUpdate; event_callback ["OnMainMouseMove"] = OnMainMouseMove; event_callback ["OnMainClickDown"] = OnMainClickDown; --消息派发接口 function main_dispacher(window, cmd, msg, sender) --- LXZAPI_OutputDebugStr("cmd 1:"..cmd); if(event_callback[cmd] ~= nil) then -- LXZAPI_OutputDebugStr("cmd 2:"..cmd); event_callback[cmd](window, msg, sender); end end
aaqxhaa1979 2016-07-27
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(接上贴) <3> LXZDoFile("LXZHelper.lua"); LXZDoFile("serial.lua"); --记录分数文件 local cfg = ILXZCoreCfg:new_local(); cfg:load(LXZAPIGetWritePath().."game_info.cfg"); local function create_number(name,number) local root = HelperGetRoot(); local grids = root:GetLXZWindow("game:back grids") local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); local dictions = root:GetLXZWindow("dictions") local pt = grids:GetChild(name):GetHotPos(true); --获取背景格坐标 local w=dictions:GetChild("number "..number):Clone();--从字典中克隆数字窗口 w:SetName(name); --名字改成和背景格一致 main:AddChild(w); --加入面板容器窗口 w:SetHotPos(pt,true); --位置和背景格保持一致 w:SetAddData(number); --指定是数字 AddWndUpdateFunc(w, EffectEase,{type=tween.CIRC, fn=tween.easeOut, begin=0, offset=-0.5, change=0.5, duration=500,reset=true,attribute="CLXZWindow:Scale:fScaleX"},nil, 1); AddWndUpdateFunc(w, EffectEase,{type=tween.CIRC, fn=tween.easeOut, begin=0, offset=-0.5, change=0.5, duration=500,reset=true,attribute="CLXZWindow:Scale:fScaleY"},nil, 2); end --随机出2、4 local function random_number() local root = HelperGetRoot(); local grids = root:GetLXZWindow("game:back grids") local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); local dictions = root:GetLXZWindow("dictions") --获取空位置 local tiles = {}; for col=1,4,1 do for row=1,4,1 do local number=main:GetChild(col.."x"..row); if number == nil then table.insert(tiles, col.."x"..row); end end end --随机一个空位 local index = math.random(1,table.getn(tiles)); if tiles[index]==nil then return; end --80%的概率出2, 20%的概率出4 local number = 2; local random = math.random(1,100); if random>80 then number=4; end --test --克隆一个数字窗口,加到面板中,位置和背景格重叠 create_number(tiles[index],number); end --游戏开始初始化,随机出两个数 local function game_init() --清除 local root = HelperGetRoot(); local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); main:ClearChilds(); -- root:GetLXZWindow("start"):Hide(); root:GetLXZWindow("game over"):Hide(); --随机数字 random_number(); random_number(); --[[create_number("1x1",2); create_number("2x1",2); create_number("3x1",2); create_number("4x1",2);--]] local bonus_w = root:GetLXZWindow("head:bonus:number"); HelperSetWindowText(bonus_w, tostring(0)); HelperSetWindowText(root:GetLXZWindow("game over:bonus:bonus"), tostring(0)); local maxcore=cfg:GetInt("maxcore"); HelperSetWindowText(root:GetLXZWindow("head:history:number"), tostring(maxcore)); end local function merge(dst_col, dst_row, src_col, src_row) local root = HelperGetRoot(); local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); local grids = root:GetLXZWindow("game:back grids") local dictions = root:GetLXZWindow("dictions") local src = main:GetChild(src_col.."x"..src_row); if src==nil then return false; end local dst = main:GetChild(dst_col.."x"..dst_row); if dst == nil then --目标位置为空 local pt = grids:GetChild(dst_col.."x"..dst_row):GetHotPos(true); src:SetName(dst_col.."x"..dst_row); --reset name. src:SetHotPos(pt, true); --reset position return false; end --数字不同 if src:GetAddData() ~= dst:GetAddData() then return false; end --相同数字则翻倍, local number = src:GetAddData()*2; src:Delete(); --删除原数字 dst:Delete(); --删除目标数字 --克隆新数字 local clone = dictions:GetChild("number "..number):Clone(); main:AddChild(clone); --放置目标格子位置 local pt = grids:GetChild(dst_col.."x"..dst_row):GetHotPos(true); --获得位置 clone:SetName(dst_col.."x"..dst_row); --reset name. clone:SetHotPos(pt, true); --reset position clone:SetAddData(number); --set number AddWndUpdateFunc(clone, EffectEase,{type=tween.CIRC, fn=tween.easeOut, begin=0, offset=-0.5, change=0.5, duration=500,reset=true,attribute="CLXZWindow:Scale:fScaleX"},nil, 1); AddWndUpdateFunc(clone, EffectEase,{type=tween.CIRC, fn=tween.easeOut, begin=0, offset=-0.5, change=0.5, duration=500,reset=true,attribute="CLXZWindow:Scale:fScaleY"},nil, 2); AddWndUpdateFunc(clone, EffectEase,{type=tween.CIRC, fn=tween.easeOut, begin=0, offset=-200, change=200, duration=500,reset=true,attribute="CLXZWindow:Mask:alpha"},nil, 3); --分数 local bonus_w = root:GetLXZWindow("head:bonus:number"); local bonus = tonumber(HelperGetWindowText(bonus_w)); bonus = bonus+number; HelperSetWindowText(bonus_w, tostring(bonus)); HelperSetWindowText(root:GetLXZWindow("game over:bonus:bonus"), tostring(bonus)); local maxcore=cfg:GetInt("maxcore"); if bonus>maxcore then cfg:SetInt("maxcore", -1, bonus); end return true; end local function tighten_move_line(v,direction) local root = HelperGetRoot(); local main = root:GetLXZWindow("game:main"); local grids = root:GetLXZWindow("game:back grids") local count=0; if direction=="left" then for col=1,4,1 do local w = main:GetChild(col.."x"..v); if w then count=count+1; local pt = grids:GetChild(count.."x"..v):GetHotPos(true); w:SetName(count.."x"..v); --reset name. w:SetHotPos(pt, true); --reset position end end



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