
hbqc_zh 2016-08-01 11:35:14
SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create();
byte[] bytResult = sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strPassword));
string PwdAfter = Convert.ToBase64String(bytResult);

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hbqc_zh 2016-08-02
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引用 5 楼 Chen8013 的回复:
hbqc_zh 2016-08-02
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引用 5 楼 Chen8013 的回复:
舉杯邀明月 2016-08-01
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先没注意,它的“摘要算法”不是MD5而是SHA1。 不过能得到你的那个结果。 BASE64模块是我自己的模块,我没使用你贴的那个。
舉杯邀明月 2016-08-01
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hbqc_zh 2016-08-01
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引用 3 楼 Chen8013 的回复:
MD5、BASE64编码转换。 MD5模块,我发过一个帖子,推荐你使用那个。 网上MD5和BASE64的源码,一搜一大把。
不行,你试试【A0000000】 转换结果为【xVEeYHGq32Bda0Pch5cBRtZwa84=】,谢谢了!
舉杯邀明月 2016-08-01
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MD5、BASE64编码转换。 MD5模块,我发过一个帖子,推荐你使用那个。 网上MD5和BASE64的源码,一搜一大把。
hbqc_zh 2016-08-01
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'VB Enc - Base64位加密程序源代码上 '创建一个新类,即可调用该类的加密和解密方法 'Option Explicit 'Base64编码函数:Base64Encode 'Instr1 编码前字符串 'Outstr1 编码后字符串 Public Function Base64Encode(InStr1 As String) As String Dim mInByte(3) As Byte, mOutByte(4) As Byte Dim myByte As Byte Dim i As Integer, LenArray As Integer, j As Integer Dim myBArray() As Byte Dim OutStr1 As String myBArray() = StrConv(InStr1, vbFromUnicode) LenArray = UBound(myBArray) + 1 For i = 0 To LenArray Step 3 If LenArray - i = 0 Then Exit For End If If LenArray - i = 2 Then mInByte(0) = myBArray(i) mInByte(1) = myBArray(i + 1) Base64EncodeByte mInByte, mOutByte, 2 ElseIf LenArray - i = 1 Then mInByte(0) = myBArray(i) Base64EncodeByte mInByte, mOutByte, 1 Else mInByte(0) = myBArray(i) mInByte(1) = myBArray(i + 1) mInByte(2) = myBArray(i + 2) Base64EncodeByte mInByte, mOutByte, 3 End If For j = 0 To 3 OutStr1 = OutStr1 & Chr(mOutByte(j)) Next j Next i Base64Encode = OutStr1 End Function Private Sub Base64EncodeByte(mInByte() As Byte, mOutByte() As Byte, Num As Integer) Dim tByte As Byte Dim i As Integer If Num = 1 Then mInByte(1) = 0 mInByte(2) = 0 ElseIf Num = 2 Then mInByte(2) = 0 End If tByte = mInByte(0) And &HFC mOutByte(0) = tByte / 4 tByte = ((mInByte(0) And &H3) * 16) + (mInByte(1) And &HF0) / 16 mOutByte(1) = tByte tByte = ((mInByte(1) And &HF) * 4) + ((mInByte(2) And &HC0) / 64) mOutByte(2) = tByte tByte = (mInByte(2) And &H3F) mOutByte(3) = tByte For i = 0 To 3 If mOutByte(i) >= 0 And mOutByte(i) <= 25 Then ' 00-25 --> A-Z mOutByte(i) = mOutByte(i) + Asc("A") ElseIf mOutByte(i) >= 26 And mOutByte(i) <= 51 Then ' 26-51 --> a-z mOutByte(i) = mOutByte(i) - 26 + Asc("a") ElseIf mOutByte(i) >= 52 And mOutByte(i) <= 61 Then ' 52-61 --> 0-9 mOutByte(i) = mOutByte(i) - 52 + Asc("0") ElseIf mOutByte(i) = 62 Then ' 62 --> + mOutByte(i) = Asc("+") Else mOutByte(i) = Asc("/") ' 63 --> / End If Next i If Num = 1 Then ' 其它后补 = mOutByte(2) = Asc("=") mOutByte(3) = Asc("=") ElseIf Num = 2 Then mOutByte(3) = Asc("=") End If End Sub Public Function Base64Decode(InStr1 As String) As String Dim mInByte(4) As Byte, mOutByte(3) As Byte Dim i As Integer, LenArray As Integer, j As Integer Dim myBArray() As Byte Dim OutStr1 As String Dim tmpArray() As Byte myBArray() = StrConv(InStr1, vbFromUnicode) LenArray = UBound(myBArray) ReDim tmpArray(((LenArray + 1) / 4) * 3) j = 0 For i = 0 To LenArray Step 4 If LenArray - i = 0 Then Exit For Else mInByte(0) = myBArray(i) mInByte(1) = myBArray(i + 1) mInByte(2) = myBArray(i + 2) mInByte(3) = myBArray(i + 3) Base64DecodeByte mInByte, mOutByte, 4 End If tmpArray(j * 3) = mOutByte(0) tmpArray(j * 3 + 1) = mOutByte(1) tmpArray(j * 3 + 2) = mOutByte(2) j = j + 1 Next i Base64Decode = BinaryToString(tmpArray) End Function Private Sub Base64DecodeByte(mInByte() As Byte, mOutByte() As Byte, ByteNum As Integer) Dim tByte As Byte Dim i As Integer ByteNum = 0 For i = 0 To 3 '4 byte If mInByte(i) >= Asc("A") And mInByte(i) <= Asc("Z") Then mInByte(i) = mInByte(i) - Asc("A") ' A-Z--> 0-25 ElseIf mInByte(i) >= Asc("a") And mInByte(i) <= Asc("z") Then mInByte(i) = mInByte(i) - Asc("a") + 26 ' a-z-->26-51 ElseIf mInByte(i) >= Asc("0") And mInByte(i) <= Asc("9") Then mInByte(i) = mInByte(i) - Asc("0") + 52 ' 0-9-->52-61 ElseIf mInByte(i) = Asc("+") Then ' + --> 62 mInByte(i) = 62 ElseIf mInByte(i) = Asc("/") Then ' / --> 63 mInByte(i) = 63 Else '"=" ' = --> 0 ByteNum = ByteNum + 1 mInByte(i) = 0 End If Next i '取前六位 tByte = (mInByte(0) And &H3F) * 4 + (mInByte(1) And &H30) / 16 '0的六位和1的前两位 mOutByte(0) = tByte tByte = (mInByte(1) And &HF) * 16 + (mInByte(2) And &H3C) / 4 '1的后四位和2的前四位 mOutByte(1) = tByte tByte = (mInByte(2) And &H3) * 64 + (mInByte(3) And &H3F) mOutByte(2) = tByte '2的后两位和3的六位 End Sub Private Function BinaryToString(ByVal BinaryStr As Variant) As String '二进制转换为字符串 Dim lnglen As Long Dim tmpBin As Variant Dim strC As String Dim skipflag As Long Dim i As Long skipflag = 0 strC = "" If Not IsNull(BinaryStr) Then lnglen = LenB(BinaryStr) For i = 1 To lnglen If skipflag = 0 Then tmpBin = MidB(BinaryStr, i, 1) If AscB(tmpBin) > 127 Then strC = strC & Chr(AscW(MidB(BinaryStr, i + 1, 1) & tmpBin)) skipflag = 1 Else strC = strC & Chr(AscB(tmpBin)) End If Else skipflag = 0 End If Next End If BinaryToString = strC End Function Private Function StringToBinary(ByVal VarString As String) As Variant '字符串转成二进制 Dim strBin As Variant Dim varchar As Variant Dim varasc As Long Dim varlow, varhigh Dim i As Long strBin = "" For i = 1 To Len(VarString) varchar = Mid(VarString, i, 1) varasc = Asc(varchar) If varasc < 0 Then varasc = varasc + 65535 End If If varasc > 255 Then varlow = Left(Hex(Asc(varchar)), 2) varhigh = Right(Hex(Asc(varchar)), 2) strBin = strBin & ChrB("&H" & varlow) & ChrB("&H" & varhigh) Else strBin = strBin & ChrB(AscB(varchar)) End If Next StringToBinary = strBin End Function
hbqc_zh 2016-08-01
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'模块: '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Attribute VB_Name = "SHA1" Option Explicit ' TITLE: ' Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1 ' AUTHORS: ' Adapted by Iain Buchan from Visual Basic code posted at Planet-Source-Code by Peter Girard ' http://www.planetsourcecode.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.13565/lngWId.1/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm ' PURPOSE: ' Creating a secure identifier from person-identifiable data ' The function SecureHash generates a 160-bit (20-hex-digit) message digest for a given message (String). ' It is computationally infeasable to recover the message from the digest. ' The digest is unique to the message within the realms of practical probability. ' The only way to find the source message for a digest is by hashing all possible messages and comparison of their digests. ' REFERENCES: ' For a fuller description see FIPS Publication 180-1: ' http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip180-1.htm ' SAMPLE: ' Message: "abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq" ' Returns Digest: "84983E441C3BD26EBAAE4AA1F95129E5E54670F1" ' Message: "abc" ' Returns Digest: "A9993E364706816ABA3E25717850C26C9CD0D89D" Private Type Word B0 As Byte B1 As Byte B2 As Byte B3 As Byte End Type 'Public Function idcode(cr As Range) As String ' Dim tx As String ' Dim ob As Object ' For Each ob In cr ' tx = tx & LCase(CStr(ob.Value2)) ' Next ' idcode = sha1(tx) 'End Function Private Function AndW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word AndW.B0 = w1.B0 And w2.B0 AndW.B1 = w1.B1 And w2.B1 AndW.B2 = w1.B2 And w2.B2 AndW.B3 = w1.B3 And w2.B3 End Function Private Function OrW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word OrW.B0 = w1.B0 Or w2.B0 OrW.B1 = w1.B1 Or w2.B1 OrW.B2 = w1.B2 Or w2.B2 OrW.B3 = w1.B3 Or w2.B3 End Function Private Function XorW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word XorW.B0 = w1.B0 Xor w2.B0 XorW.B1 = w1.B1 Xor w2.B1 XorW.B2 = w1.B2 Xor w2.B2 XorW.B3 = w1.B3 Xor w2.B3 End Function Private Function NotW(w As Word) As Word NotW.B0 = Not w.B0 NotW.B1 = Not w.B1 NotW.B2 = Not w.B2 NotW.B3 = Not w.B3 End Function Private Function AddW(w1 As Word, w2 As Word) As Word Dim i As Long, w As Word i = CLng(w1.B3) + w2.B3 w.B3 = i Mod 256 i = CLng(w1.B2) + w2.B2 + (i \ 256) w.B2 = i Mod 256 i = CLng(w1.B1) + w2.B1 + (i \ 256) w.B1 = i Mod 256 i = CLng(w1.B0) + w2.B0 + (i \ 256) w.B0 = i Mod 256 AddW = w End Function Private Function CircShiftLeftW(w As Word, n As Long) As Word Dim d1 As Double, d2 As Double d1 = WordToDouble(w) d2 = d1 d1 = d1 * (2 ^ n) d2 = d2 / (2 ^ (32 - n)) CircShiftLeftW = OrW(DoubleToWord(d1), DoubleToWord(d2)) End Function Private Function WordToHex(w As Word) As String WordToHex = Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B0), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B1), 2) _ & Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B2), 2) & Right$("0" & Hex$(w.B3), 2) End Function Private Function HexToWord(H As String) As Word HexToWord = DoubleToWord(Val("&H" & H & "#")) End Function Private Function DoubleToWord(n As Double) As Word DoubleToWord.B0 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 32) / (2 ^ 24)) DoubleToWord.B1 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 24) / (2 ^ 16)) DoubleToWord.B2 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 16) / (2 ^ 8)) DoubleToWord.B3 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 8)) End Function Private Function WordToDouble(w As Word) As Double WordToDouble = (w.B0 * (2 ^ 24)) + (w.B1 * (2 ^ 16)) + (w.B2 * (2 ^ 8)) _ + w.B3 End Function Private Function DMod(value As Double, divisor As Double) As Double DMod = value - (Int(value / divisor) * divisor) If DMod < 0 Then DMod = DMod + divisor End Function Private Function F(t As Long, B As Word, C As Word, D As Word) As Word Select Case t Case Is <= 19 F = OrW(AndW(B, C), AndW(NotW(B), D)) Case Is <= 39 F = XorW(XorW(B, C), D) Case Is <= 59 F = OrW(OrW(AndW(B, C), AndW(B, D)), AndW(C, D)) Case Else F = XorW(XorW(B, C), D) End Select End Function Public Function StringSHA1(inMessage As String) As String ' 计算字符串的SHA1摘要 Dim StringSHA1_str As String Dim inLen As Long Dim inLenW As Word Dim padMessage As String Dim numBlocks As Long Dim w(0 To 79) As Word Dim blockText As String Dim wordText As String Dim i As Long, t As Long Dim temp As Word Dim K(0 To 3) As Word Dim H0 As Word Dim H1 As Word Dim H2 As Word Dim H3 As Word Dim H4 As Word Dim A As Word Dim B As Word Dim C As Word Dim D As Word Dim E As Word inMessage = StrConv(inMessage, vbFromUnicode) inLen = LenB(inMessage) inLenW = DoubleToWord(CDbl(inLen) * 8) padMessage = inMessage & ChrB(128) & StrConv(String((128 - (inLen Mod 64) - 9) Mod 64 + 4, Chr(0)), 128) & ChrB(inLenW.B0) & ChrB(inLenW.B1) & ChrB(inLenW.B2) & ChrB(inLenW.B3) numBlocks = LenB(padMessage) / 64 ' initialize constants K(0) = HexToWord("5A827999") K(1) = HexToWord("6ED9EBA1") K(2) = HexToWord("8F1BBCDC") K(3) = HexToWord("CA62C1D6") ' initialize 160-bit (5 words) buffer H0 = HexToWord("67452301") H1 = HexToWord("EFCDAB89") H2 = HexToWord("98BADCFE") H3 = HexToWord("10325476") H4 = HexToWord("C3D2E1F0") ' each 512 byte message block consists of 16 words (W) but W is expanded For i = 0 To numBlocks - 1 blockText = MidB$(padMessage, (i * 64) + 1, 64) ' initialize a message block For t = 0 To 15 wordText = MidB$(blockText, (t * 4) + 1, 4) w(t).B0 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 1, 1)) w(t).B1 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 2, 1)) w(t).B2 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 3, 1)) w(t).B3 = AscB(MidB$(wordText, 4, 1)) Next ' create extra words from the message block For t = 16 To 79 ' W(t) = S^1 (W(t-3) XOR W(t-8) XOR W(t-14) XOR W(t-16)) w(t) = CircShiftLeftW(XorW(XorW(XorW(w(t - 3), w(t - 8)), _ w(t - 14)), w(t - 16)), 1) Next ' make initial assignments to the buffer A = H0 B = H1 C = H2 D = H3 E = H4 ' process the block For t = 0 To 79 temp = AddW(AddW(AddW(AddW(CircShiftLeftW(A, 5), F(t, B, C, D)), E), w(t)), K(t \ 20)) E = D D = C C = CircShiftLeftW(B, 30) B = A A = temp Next H0 = AddW(H0, A) H1 = AddW(H1, B) H2 = AddW(H2, C) H3 = AddW(H3, D) H4 = AddW(H4, E) Next StringSHA1_str = WordToHex(H0) & WordToHex(H1) & WordToHex(H2) & WordToHex(H3) & WordToHex(H4) StringSHA1 = Base64Encode(StringSHA1_str) End Function Public Function SHA1(inMessage() As Byte) As String ' 计算字节数组的SHA1摘要 Dim inLen As Long Dim inLenW As Word Dim numBlocks As Long Dim w(0 To 79) As Word Dim blockText As String Dim wordText As String Dim t As Long Dim temp As Word Dim K(0 To 3) As Word Dim H0 As Word Dim H1 As Word Dim H2 As Word Dim H3 As Word Dim H4 As Word Dim A As Word Dim B As Word Dim C As Word Dim D As Word Dim E As Word Dim i As Long Dim lngPos As Long Dim lngPadMessageLen As Long Dim padMessage() As Byte inLen = UBound(inMessage) + 1 inLenW = DoubleToWord(CDbl(inLen) * 8) lngPadMessageLen = inLen + 1 + (128 - (inLen Mod 64) - 9) Mod 64 + 8 ReDim padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 1) As Byte For i = 0 To inLen - 1 padMessage(i) = inMessage(i) Next i padMessage(inLen) = 128 padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 4) = inLenW.B0 padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 3) = inLenW.B1 padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 2) = inLenW.B2 padMessage(lngPadMessageLen - 1) = inLenW.B3 numBlocks = lngPadMessageLen / 64 ' initialize constants K(0) = HexToWord("5A827999") K(1) = HexToWord("6ED9EBA1") K(2) = HexToWord("8F1BBCDC") K(3) = HexToWord("CA62C1D6") ' initialize 160-bit (5 words) buffer H0 = HexToWord("67452301") H1 = HexToWord("EFCDAB89") H2 = HexToWord("98BADCFE") H3 = HexToWord("10325476") H4 = HexToWord("C3D2E1F0") ' each 512 byte message block consists of 16 words (W) but W is expanded ' to 80 words For i = 0 To numBlocks - 1 ' initialize a message block For t = 0 To 15 w(t).B0 = padMessage(lngPos) w(t).B1 = padMessage(lngPos + 1) w(t).B2 = padMessage(lngPos + 2) w(t).B3 = padMessage(lngPos + 3) lngPos = lngPos + 4 Next ' create extra words from the message block For t = 16 To 79 ' W(t) = S^1 (W(t-3) XOR W(t-8) XOR W(t-14) XOR W(t-16)) w(t) = CircShiftLeftW(XorW(XorW(XorW(w(t - 3), w(t - 8)), _ w(t - 14)), w(t - 16)), 1) Next ' make initial assignments to the buffer A = H0 B = H1 C = H2 D = H3 E = H4 ' process the block For t = 0 To 79 temp = AddW(AddW(AddW(AddW(CircShiftLeftW(A, 5), _ F(t, B, C, D)), E), w(t)), K(t \ 20)) E = D D = C C = CircShiftLeftW(B, 30) B = A A = temp Next H0 = AddW(H0, A) H1 = AddW(H1, B) H2 = AddW(H2, C) H3 = AddW(H3, D) H4 = AddW(H4, E) Next SHA1 = WordToHex(H0) & WordToHex(H1) & WordToHex(H2) _ & WordToHex(H3) & WordToHex(H4) End Function Public Function FileSHA1(strFilename As String) As String ' 计算文件的SHA1摘要 Dim lngFileNo As Long Dim bytData() As Byte If Dir(strFilename) = "" Then GoTo PROC_EXIT End If lngFileNo = FreeFile On Error GoTo PROC_ERR ' 打开文件 Open strFilename For Binary As lngFileNo ' 读取文件内容 ReDim bytData(LOF(lngFileNo) - 1) As Byte Get #lngFileNo, 1, bytData ' 关闭文件 Close lngFileNo ' 计算文件的SHA1摘要 FileSHA1 = SHA1(bytData) PROC_EXIT: Erase bytData Exit Function PROC_ERR: Close GoTo PROC_EXIT End Function



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