SQL 变量问题 解决立马解帖

happy664618843 2016-08-04 03:36:50
declare @NowMonth int,@CounterName varchar(100)
set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())

insert into #ASB_SQLCountValueInfo(BlockedCounterID,BlockedCounterDateTime,BlockedCounterValue,ServerName)
select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,‘cnjb01 ’ from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+@NowMonth+' T
where CounterID in (
select CounterID from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
where ServerName=‘cnjb01 ’ and CounterName='Processes blocked'
and T.CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<=30
order by CounterDateTime desc

拼接完成表名是 dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM6
481 23 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
23 条回复
道素 2016-08-05
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另一种思路,我没有测试 用outer apply代替in和exists

  declare @NowMonth int
  declare @CounterName varchar(20)
  declare @serverName varchar(500)
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int
  declare @strSql varchar(500)
  select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com'
  set @CounterName='Processes blocked'
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
   set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())
   set @strSql=' select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,'''+@serverName+''' as serverName from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T
                 outer apply ( 
                 	select  top 1 CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] AS p
                    where p.ServerName='''+@serverName+''' and p.CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and p.CounterID=T.CounterID
                 ) a Where a.CounterID is NULL 
                and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
                order by CounterDateTime desc'
      exec (@strSql)
屎涂行者 2016-08-05
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declare @NowMonth varchar(10),@CounterName varchar(100) set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE()); insert into #ASB_SQLCountValueInfo(BlockedCounterID,BlockedCounterDateTime,BlockedCounterValue,ServerName) select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,'cnjb01' from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+@NowMonth T where CounterID in ( select CounterID from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] where ServerName='cnjb01' and CounterName='Processes blocked' ) and T.CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<=30 order by CounterDateTime desc
happy664618843 2016-08-04
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引用 20 楼 roy_88 的回复:
另:你非要用if exists可这样改
 declare @NowMonth int
  set @NowMonth=6
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int 
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
  declare @Flag bit=0
  declare @strSql nvarchar(1000)
    set @strSql=' if exists(select  1 from ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T  where  exists( 
select  1 from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
where  CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and CounterID=T.CounterID 
 and CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
		  set  @Flag=1 
		  set @Flag=0'

          EXEC sp_executesql @strSql, N'@Flag BIT output',@Flag OUTPUT
谢谢你 帮我解决问题
中国风 2016-08-04
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另:你非要用if exists可这样改
 declare @NowMonth int
  set @NowMonth=6
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int 
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
  declare @Flag bit=0
  declare @strSql nvarchar(1000)
    set @strSql=' if exists(select  1 from ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T  where  exists( 
select  1 from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
where  CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and CounterID=T.CounterID 
 and CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
		  set  @Flag=1 
		  set @Flag=0'

          EXEC sp_executesql @strSql, N'@Flag BIT output',@Flag OUTPUT
中国风 2016-08-04
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·又不按上面方法来,把 declare @NowMonth varchar(2) 不需要转换,要转换就要用变量赋值
happy664618843 2016-08-04
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引用 17 楼 roy_88 的回复:
别乱改语句啊 参照#15 没有if exists...
引用 17 楼 roy_88 的回复:
别乱改语句啊 参照#15 没有if exists...
谢谢! declare @NowMonth int set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE()) insert into #ASB_SQLCountValueInfo(UserConnectionCounterID,UserConnectionDateTime,UserConnectionCounterValue,ServerName) exec( 'select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,'''+@serverName+''' from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T where CounterID in ( select CounterID from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] where ServerName='''+CAST(@serverName as varchar)+''' and CounterName=''User Connections'') and T.CounterValue>0 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+' order by CounterDateTime desc') @AlterIntervalTime声明为int 类型 和@serverName 声明为varchar类型 报这句话错误 '+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' 'CAST' 附近有语法错误。 不能这样转换吗?
中国风 2016-08-04
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别乱改语句啊 参照#15 没有if exists...
happy664618843 2016-08-04
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引用 15 楼 roy_88 的回复:
这样判断不行 需要动态去处理 定义变量 改 declare @strSql nvarchar(500)

declare @strSql nvarchar(500)
SET @strSql=' select TOP 1 @Flag=1 from ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T  where  exists( 
select  1 from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
where  CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and CounterID=T.CounterID 
 and CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
            EXEC sp_executesql @strSql, N'@Flag BIT output',@Flag OUTPUT
   IF @Flag=1
		INSERT into tbname....

declare @NowMonth int set @NowMonth=6 declare @AlterIntervalTime int set @AlterIntervalTime=30 declare @Flag bit=0 declare @strSql nvarchar(800) set @strSql=' if exists(select TOP 1 @Flag=1 from ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T where exists( select 1 from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] where CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and CounterID=T.CounterID ) and CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+' )' EXEC sp_executesql @strSql, N'@Flag BIT output',@Flag OUTPUT @中国风 非常感谢,但还有错误 消息 102,级别 15,状态 1,第 1 行 '=' 附近有语法错误。 消息 156,级别 15,状态 1,第 5 行 关键字 'and' 附近有语法错误。
中国风 2016-08-04
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这样判断不行 需要动态去处理 定义变量 改 declare @strSql nvarchar(500)

declare @strSql nvarchar(500)
SET @strSql=' select TOP 1 @Flag=1 from ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T  where  exists( 
select  1 from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
where  CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and CounterID=T.CounterID 
 and CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
            EXEC sp_executesql @strSql, N'@Flag BIT output',@Flag OUTPUT
   IF @Flag=1
		INSERT into tbname....

happy664618843 2016-08-04
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引用 12 楼 roy_88 的回复:

  declare @NowMonth int
  declare @CounterName varchar(20)
  declare @serverName varchar(500)
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int
  declare @strSql varchar(500)
  select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com'
  set @CounterName='Processes blocked'
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
  set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())
  set @strSql='SELECT CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T
       where CounterID  in  (
          select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
          where ServerName='''+CAST(@serverName as varchar)+''' and CounterName='''+@CounterName+'''
      and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
      order by CounterDateTime DESC'
	exec (@strSql)
@中国风 谢谢! 请教下 set @strSql=' if exists(select 1 from ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T where exists( select 1 from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] where CounterName=''Processes blocked'' and CounterID=T.CounterID ) and CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+' )' exec (@strSql) begin insert into tbname.... end 这样可以吗? 我想判断表中是否有满足的条件再做插入
Ginnnnnnnn 2016-08-04
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declare @NowMonth int,@CounterName varchar(100) set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE()) DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR(max) = ' select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,''cnjb01'' from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+@NowMonth+' T where CounterID in ( select CounterID from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] where ServerName=''cnjb01'' and CounterName=''Processes blocked'' ) and T.CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<=30 order by CounterDateTime ' insert into #ASB_SQLCountValueInfo(BlockedCounterID,BlockedCounterDateTime,BlockedCounterValue,ServerName) EXEC @Sql
中国风 2016-08-04
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  declare @NowMonth int
  declare @CounterName varchar(20)
  declare @serverName varchar(500)
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int
  declare @strSql varchar(500)
  select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com'
  set @CounterName='Processes blocked'
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
  set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())
  set @strSql='SELECT CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T
       where CounterID  in  (
          select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
          where ServerName='''+CAST(@serverName as varchar)+''' and CounterName='''+@CounterName+'''
      and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
      order by CounterDateTime DESC'
	exec (@strSql)
happy664618843 2016-08-04
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  declare @NowMonth int
  declare @CounterName varchar(20)
  declare @serverName varchar(500)
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int
  declare @strSql varchar(500)
  select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com'
  set @CounterName='Processes blocked'
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
  set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())
  set @strSql='SELECT CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM'+ CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T
       where CounterID  in  (
          select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
          where ServerName='+CAST(@serverName as varchar)+' and CounterName=''Processes blocked''
      and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
      order by CounterDateTime DESC'
	exec (@strSql)
消息 4104,级别 16,状态 1,第 4 行 无法绑定由多个部分组成的标识符 "cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com"。
引用 9 楼 roy_88 的回复:
declare @NowMonth VARCHAR(2),@CounterName varchar(100)
  set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())

   insert into #ASB_SQLCountValueInfo(BlockedCounterID,BlockedCounterDateTime,BlockedCounterValue,ServerName)
	  EXEC( 'SELECT CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,''cnjb01'' from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+@NowMonth+' T
	   where CounterID  in  (
		  select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
		  where ServerName=''cnjb01'' and CounterName=''Processes blocked''
	  and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<=30
	  order by CounterDateTime DESC')

@中国风 咱解决 谢谢
giftsf 2016-08-04
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declare @NowMonth int declare @CounterName varchar(20) declare @serverName varchar(500) declare @AlterIntervalTime int declare @strSql varchar(500) select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com' set @CounterName='Processes blocked' set @AlterIntervalTime=30 set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE()) set @strSql=' select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,@serverName from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T where CounterID in ( select CounterID from [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList] where ServerName='''+@serverName+''' and CounterName=''Processes blocked'' ) and T.CounterValue>=20 and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+' order by CounterDateTime desc' print @strSql exec (@strSql)
中国风 2016-08-04
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declare @NowMonth VARCHAR(2),@CounterName varchar(100)
  set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())

   insert into #ASB_SQLCountValueInfo(BlockedCounterID,BlockedCounterDateTime,BlockedCounterValue,ServerName)
	  EXEC( 'SELECT CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,''cnjb01'' from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+@NowMonth+' T
	   where CounterID  in  (
		  select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
		  where ServerName=''cnjb01'' and CounterName=''Processes blocked''
	  and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())<=30
	  order by CounterDateTime DESC')

happy664618843 2016-08-04
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引用 7 楼 galenkeny 的回复:
[quote=引用 3 楼 happy664618843 的回复:]
 declare @NowMonth int
  declare @CounterName varchar(20)
  declare @serverName varchar(500)
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int
  declare @strSql varchar(500)
  select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com'
  set @CounterName='Processes blocked'
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
   set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())
    set @strSql=' select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,@serverName from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T
	   where CounterID  in  (
		  select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
		  where ServerName='+@serverName+' and CounterName=Processes blocked
	  and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
	  order by CounterDateTime desc'
	  exec (@strSql)
消息 137,级别 15,状态 2,第 1 行 必须声明标量变量 "@serverName"。 消息 102,级别 15,状态 1,第 4 行 'blocked' 附近有语法错误。
CounterName=Processes blocked改为[CounterName=Processes blocked][/quote] 不行 消息 137,级别 15,状态 2,第 1 行 必须声明标量变量 "@serverName"。 消息 4145,级别 15,状态 1,第 5 行 在应使用条件的上下文(在 ')' 附近)中指定了非布尔类型的表达式。
以学习为目的 2016-08-04
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引用 3 楼 happy664618843 的回复:
 declare @NowMonth int
  declare @CounterName varchar(20)
  declare @serverName varchar(500)
  declare @AlterIntervalTime int
  declare @strSql varchar(500)
  select @serverName='cnshjssql14.ad4.ad.alcatel.com'
  set @CounterName='Processes blocked'
  set @AlterIntervalTime=30
   set @NowMonth=month(GETDATE())
    set @strSql=' select CounterID,CounterDateTime, CounterValue,@serverName from dbo.ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterDetailM+'+CAST(@NowMonth as varchar)+' T
	   where CounterID  in  (
		  select  CounterID from  [SQLMonitor].[dbo].[ASBSQL_PerformanceCounterList]
		  where ServerName='+@serverName+' and CounterName=Processes blocked
	  and  T.CounterValue>=20  and   DATEDIFF(MINUTE,CounterDateTime,GETDATE())>='+ cast(@AlterIntervalTime as varchar)+'
	  order by CounterDateTime desc'
	  exec (@strSql)
消息 137,级别 15,状态 2,第 1 行 必须声明标量变量 "@serverName"。 消息 102,级别 15,状态 1,第 4 行 'blocked' 附近有语法错误。
CounterName=Processes blocked改为[CounterName=Processes blocked]
Ny-6000 2016-08-04
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动态表名要先拼接 这是必需的.
Ny-6000 2016-08-04
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以学习为目的 2016-08-04
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动态表名要先拼接,然后exec('')或者 sp_exectuesql



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