make project 和 rebuild project 有什么区别

谁学逆向工程 2016-09-27 02:04:31
Android studio 的 Build 菜单下的 make project 和 rebuild project 有什么区别
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ddssingsong 2016-09-27
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The utility simply known as make is one of the most enduring features of both Unix and other operating systems. First invented in the 1970s, make still turns up to this day as the central engine in most programming projects; it even builds the Linux kernel. In the third edition of the classic Managing Projects with GNU make, readers will learn why this utility continues to hold its top position in project build software, despite many younger competitors.The premise behind make is simple: after you change source files and want to rebuild your program or other output files, make checks timestamps to see what has changed and rebuilds just what you need, without wasting time rebuilding other files. But on top of this simple principle, make layers a rich collection of options that lets you manipulate multiple directories, build different versions of programs for different platforms, and customize your builds in other ways.This edition focuses on the GNU version of make, which has deservedly become the industry standard. GNU make contains powerful extensions that are explored in this book. It is also popular because it is free software and provides a version for almost every platform, including a version for Microsoft Windows as part of the free Cygwin project. Managing Projects with GNU make, 3rd Edition provides guidelines on meeting the needs of large, modern projects. Also added are a number of interesting advanced topics such as portability, parallelism, and use with Java.Robert Mecklenburg, author of the third edition, has used make for decades with a variety of platforms and languages. In this book he zealously lays forth how to get your builds to be as efficient as possible, reduce maintenance, avoid errors, and thoroughly understand what make is doing. Chapters on C++ and Java provide makefile entries optimized for projects in those languages. The author even includes a discussion of the makefile used to build the book.
A tutorial about effectively building Scala projects, sbt in Action introduces the sbt tool with a simple project that establishes the fundamentals of running commands and tasks. Next, it shows you how to use the peripheral libraries in sbt to make common tasks simpler. Finally, it covers how to deploy software effectively. You’ll learn to appreciate how sbt improves the process of developing software, not just running builds. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology sbt is a build tool native to Scala that can transform any build scenario into a streamlined, automated, and repeatable process. Its interactive shell lets you customize your builds on the fly, and with sbt’s unique incremental compilation feature, you can update only the parts of your project that change, without having to rebuild everything. Mastering sbt, along with the right patterns and best practices, is guaranteed to save you time and trouble on every project. About the Book sbt in Action, first and foremost, teaches you how to build Scala projects effectively. It introduces the sbt tool with a simple project that establishes the fundamentals of running commands and tasks. Next, it shows you how to use the peripheral libraries in sbt to make common tasks simpler. Along the way, you’ll work through real projects that demonstrate how to build and deploy your projects regardless of development methodology or process.
Key Features Achieve your goals in a fun-filled way by creating gamification projects from scratch Leverage the Unity 5.X toolkit to create stunning and appealing projects Make your transition towards a pro project manager/ developer by learning tricks and techniques Book Description Are you looking at implementing gamification techniques for your business and wondering where to get a complete rundown of all the tricks and techniques? Well, you have come to the right place! This book will start right from the basics such as gameplay elements and their functionalities before gradually moving onto creating your first gamification project from scratch. You'll be given the tools and shown how to perform various techniques in the creation of gamified applications in different contexts. Finally, you will implement various game elements into Unity, publish your own customer reward application, and get to know the best practices and approaches when designing gamified experiences. What you will learn Assess your learners' abilities by setting up challenges and quests Implement the game elements that relate to the project into Unity Publish your own customer reward application to better engage readers Improve your design using methods of playtesting and iteration Issue Open Badges to recognize achievements and set up an online backpack to share digital badges Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Anatomy of Games Chapter 2. Who or What Am I? Understanding the Player Chapter 3. An Engaged Player is a Happy Player Chapter 4. Organized Chaos - Getting Ideas Out of Your Head and on to Paper Chapter 5. Sculpting the Conceptual Beast Chapter 6. Breathing Life into Your First Creation - Creating and Importing Assets for Your Application Chapter 7. Get Your Motor Running Chapter 8. Break, Destroy, and Rebuild - the Art of Playtesting and Iteration Chapter 9. Graduating Your Project to Completion Chapter 10. Being the Best That You Can Be!



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