
LFF525 2016-11-25 04:50:21
求助oculus rift 和 kinect结合怎样控制机器人的 有没有相应论文
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Virtual reality (VR) is changing the world of gaming and entertainment as we know it. VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift immerse players in a virtual world by tracking their head movements and simulating depth, giving them the feeling that they are actually present in the environment. We will first use the Oculus SDK in the book and will then move on to the widely popular Unity Engine, showing you how you can add that extra edge to your VR games using the power of Unity. In this book, you’ll learn how to take advantage of this new medium by designing around each of its unique features. This book will demonstrate the Unity 5 game engine, one of most widely-used engines for VR development, and will take you through a comprehensive project that covers everything necessary to create and publish a complete VR experience for the Oculus Rift. You will also be able to identify the common perils and pitfalls of VR development to ensure that your audience has the most comfortable experience possible. By the end of the book, you will be able to create an advanced VR game for the Oculus Rift, and you’ll have everything you need to bring your ideas into a new reality. What You Will Learn Increase immersion with 3D audio and intuitive interfaces Create group VR experiences using multi-player networking Design fun and engaging mechanics that utilize VR principles Explore the best ways to navigate and interact using the Oculus Rift Design intuitive ways to navigate and interact with scenes in VR Add stunning realism to a scene with three-dimensional audio Invent mechanics and features that take full advantage of VR hardware Table of Contents Chapter 1. Exploring a New Reality with the Oculus Rift Chapter 2. Stepping into Virtual Reality Chapter 3. Improving Performance and Avoiding Discomfort Chapter 4. Interacting with Virtual Worlds Chapter 5. Establishing Presence Chapter 6. Adding Depth and Intuition to a User Interface Chapter 7. Hearing and Believing with 3D Audio Chapter 8. Adding Tone and Realism with Graphics Chapter 9. Bringing Players Together in VR Chapter 10. Publishing on the Oculus Store
Virtual reality has long been the domain of researchers and developers with access to specialized hardware and proprietary tools. With the appearance of the Oculus Rift VR headset, the game has changed. Using standard programming tools and the intuitive Oculus SDKs, you can deliver powerful immersive games, simulations, and other virtual experiences that finally nail the feeling of being in the middle of the action. Oculus Rift in Action teaches you how to create 3D games and other virtual reality experiences for the Oculus Rift. You'll explore the Rift hardware through examples of real applications using the Oculus SDK and both the Oculus C API and the Unity 3D graphics engine. Along the way, you'll get practical guidance on how to use the Rift's sensors to produce fluid VR experiences. Experience with C++, C#, or another OO language is assumed. Table of Contents Part 1 Getting started Chapter 1 Meet the Oculus Rift Part 2 Using the Oculus C API Chapter 2 Creating your first Rift interactions Chapter 3 Pulling data out of the Rift: working with the head tracker Chapter 4 Sending output to the Rift: working with the display Chapter 5 Putting it all together: integrating head tracking and 3D rendering Chapter 6 Performance and quality Part 3 Using Unity Chapter 7 Unity: creating applications that run on the Rift Chapter 8 Unity: tailoring your application for the Rift Part 4 The VR user experience Chapter 9 UI design for VR Chapter 10 Reducing motion sickness and discomfort Part 5 Advanced Rift integrations Chapter 11 Using the Rift with Java and Python Chapter 12 Case study: a VR shader editor Chapter 13 Augmenting virtual reality Appendix A Setting up the Rift in a development environment Appendix B Mathematics and software patterns for 3D graphics Appendix C Suggested books and resources Appendix D Glossary



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