怎样手动装插件_Indent Guides

fjzml 2016-12-07 04:17:18
我用vs2012 在工具--扩展与更新中找搜不倒"Indent Guides",于是手动下载了一针对2012的版本,文件是“IndentGuide v14.vsix”,不晓得怎么装进VS2012中,请朋友们告之,谢谢先。
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5 条回复
oceanwindcd 2016-12-07
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找到答案了http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25906944/visual-studio-does-not-install-vsix-files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 down vote accepted I faced the same issue. Just use the VSIXInstaller to install the extension. You can open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2012" tool in Start -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 -> Visual Studio Tools. On the console, run the below command: VSIXInstaller <path to vsix file> shareimprove this answer answered Sep 22 '14 at 3:51 nguyen190887 175112 It installed the VSIX file, not how do I work with it in Visual Studio? Do I open a new project? If so, where do I find it? Thanks. – SearchForKnowledge Aug 11 '15 at 18:57 This worked, but what a pain to have to use the command prompt to do this. Thanks for the tip! – Landon Poch Nov 2 '15 at 18:16 add a comment up vote 3 down vote I got into a weird situation where in a fresh install of W10 and VS2015 Community, the Player Framework vsix installation won't start, either by dbl click or from command prompt using VSIxInstaller.exe, and would show no message at all. The solution was to open an elevated command prompt (run Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 as administrator) and then type VSIXInstaller.exe worked. shareimprove this answer answered Oct 3 '15 at 12:16 user2693908 814 Same issue. This worked for me too. – Erwin Rooijakkers Oct 20 '15 at 19:01 This fixed my problem too. – avidProgrammer Jun 12 at 13:32 add a comment up vote 0 down vote I am not clear whether you want to install or just view the contents of VSIX. If you want to install the extension, you just need to double click it and it will install (Do not try to open it with VS Version selector). If you want to see what is inside VSIX, it is basically an archive. So either try to use program like 7-zip to open it else, rename .vsix to .zip and then unzip it. Further, there is also a chance that you have wrongly associated vsix files to be opened with Visual Studio. In such a case it will open in Visual Studio any case. Finally, if you have wrongly associated the vsix to open with Visual Studio, try installing the extension using VSIXInstaller.exe found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe shareimprove this answer answered Sep 18 '14 at 20:04 utkarsh 443614 I installed it but how do I work on the template? – SearchForKnowledge Aug 11 '15 at 18:57 add a comment up vote 0 down vote Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015" as administrator. Type VSIXInstaller.exe vsixFilePath Note that this way wouldn't work with me and gives me "Path to vsix file 'G:\Roslyn' is invaild or you don't have required access permissions". To solve this you need to put the path in a double quote like this: VSIXInstaller.exe "G:\Roslyn SDK.vsix" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 安装时提示无权或是没写完整,照提示加了“/a”后搞定。 最后在控制台输入如下解决: VSIXInstaller.exe /a "E:\sw\sw\VS\sw\addin\indent guides\IndentGuide v14.vsix"
fjzml 2016-12-07
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搜不到"Indent Guides",输入“Indent Guides”跳出来的是来的是"Productivity power tool".
fjzml 2016-12-07
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引用 1 楼 swwllx 的回复:
http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/e75057f2c6e3eaebc91a89e0.html 百度的 你看看
三岁、就很帅 2016-12-07
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我自己用的 VAssistX
三岁、就很帅 2016-12-07
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http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/e75057f2c6e3eaebc91a89e0.html 百度的 你看看



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