
yingdao8056 2016-12-23 04:18:50
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yingdao8056 2016-12-23
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yingdao8056 2016-12-23
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<cfcomponent displayname="CF CAS Component" output="no" author="John Watson">
  <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="no" returntype="cas" hint="Initialize the CAS object">
    <cfargument name="cas_server" type="string" required="yes" hint="URL for the CAS server (Ex. https://cas.school.edu/cas)" />
    <cfargument name="service" type="string" required="yes" hint="URL for the service (Ex. http://someapp.school.edu/app)" />
    <cfargument name="final_page" type="string" required="no" default="" hint="If 'direct_forwarding' is disabled, redirect user to this page" />
    <cfargument name="default_page" type="string" required="no" default="/" hint="After successful authentication, redirect user to their originally intended page" />
    <cfargument name="direct_forwarding" type="boolean" required="no" default="no" hint="After successful authentication, redirect user to their originally intended page" />
    <cfargument name="gateway" type="boolean" required="no" default="false" hint="Enable gatewaying" />
    <cfargument name="gateway_page" type="string" required="no" default="/index.cfm" hint="Page to send user to after being gatewayed and not being authenticated" />
    <cfargument name="renew" type="boolean" required="no" default="false" hint="Require primary authentication on CAS (disable single sign on)" />
    <cfargument name="isCAS3" type="boolean" required="no" default="true" hint="Is this a CAS3 server" />

    <cfset Variables.cas_server = Arguments.cas_server & IIF(Right(Arguments.cas_server,1) is not "/",DE('/'),DE('')) />
    <cfset Variables.service = Arguments.service />
    <cfset Variables.final_page = Arguments.final_page />
    <cfset Variables.default_page = Arguments.default_page />
    <cfset Variables.direct_forwarding = Arguments.direct_forwarding />
    <cfset Variables.gateway = Arguments.gateway />
    <cfset Variables.gateway_page = Arguments.gateway_page />
    <cfset Variables.renew = Arguments.renew />
    <cfset Variables.isCAS3 = Arguments.isCAS3 />

    <cfset Variables.username = "" />
    <cfset Variables.requestedPage = "" />
    <cfset Variables.attributes = {} />

    <cfset Variables.gatewayed = false />

    <cfreturn this />

  <!--- Some of the logic in this function is derived from the CFML script by Christian Stuck --->
  <cffunction name="validate" access="public" output="no" returntype="void" hint="Validate user with CAS, if fail, send them to login page">
    <cfargument name="requestedPage" type="string" required="no" default="" hint="Requested page that is asking for CAS validation" />

    <cfset var service_ticket = "" />

    <cfif StructKeyExists(URL,"ticket")>
      <cfset service_ticket = URL.ticket />

    <!--- User is not logged in --->
    <cfif Variables.username is "">
      <!--- Don't have a ST to validate --->
      <cfif service_ticket is "">
        <cfif Variables.gateway>
          <cfif Variables.gatewayed>
            <!--- If the user is on the gateway page and has been gatewayed, let them through --->
            <cfif Arguments.requestedPage is Variables.gateway_page>
              <cfset Variables.gatewayed = false />
              <cfreturn />
            <!--- If not on the right page but have been to CAS send them to the gateway page --->
              <cflocation url="#Variables.gateway_page#" addtoken="no" />
            <cfset Variables.gatewayed = true />
        <!--- Store the page the user requested for when they come back --->
        <cfset Variables.requestedPage = IIf(Variables.direct_forwarding,'Arguments.requestedPage','Variables.default_page') />
        <cfinvoke method="login" />
        <cfinvoke method="serviceTicketValidate">
          <cfinvokeargument name="service_ticket" value="#service_ticket#" />

        <!--- ST Validation failed, get a new one --->
        <cfif Variables.username is "">
          <cfinvoke method="login" />

        <!--- Map the ST to SessionID for Single-Sign-Out --->
        <cflock timeout="0" scope="Application" throwOnTimeout="no" type="exclusive">
          <cfset Application.CASSessions["#service_ticket#"] = Session.sessionId />

        <!--- Clean up if user was gatewayed but were already authenticated --->
        <cfif Variables.gateway>
          <cfset Variables.gatewayed = false />

        <cflocation url="#Variables.requestedPage#" addtoken="no" />

  <cffunction name="serviceTicketValidate" access="public" output="no" returntype="void" hint="Validate the service ticket">
    <cfargument name="service_ticket" type="string" required="yes" hint="The ST to validate" />

    <!--- Contact the CAS server to validate the ticket --->
    <cfhttp url="#Variables.cas_server#serviceValidate" method="get">
      <cfhttpparam name="ticket" value="#Arguments.service_ticket#" type="url" />
      <cfhttpparam name="service" value="#Variables.service#" type="url" />
    <!--- Received a valid XML response --->
    <cfif IsXML(cfhttp.FileContent)>
      <cfset XMLobj = XmlParse(cfhttp.fileContent)>
      <!--- Check for the cas:user tag --->
      <cfset CASuser = XmlSearch(XMLobj, "cas:serviceResponse/cas:authenticationSuccess/cas:user")>
      <!--- Set the username to the value --->
      <cfif ArrayLen(CASuser)>
        <cfset Variables.username = CASuser[1].XmlText />
      <!--- Search for cas:attributes --->
      <cfset CASattributes = XmlSearch(XMLobj, "cas:serviceResponse/cas:authenticationSuccess/cas:attributes")>
      <!--- Go through all the attributes and add them to the attributes struct --->
      <cfif ArrayLen(CASattributes)>
        <cfloop array=#CASattributes[1].XmlChildren# index="attribute">
          <cfset StructInsert(Variables.attributes,RemoveChars(attribute.XmlName,1,Find(":",attribute.XmlName)),attribute.XmlText)/>
  <cffunction name="login" access="public" output="no" returntype="void" hint="Call CAS login page">
    <cfargument name="forceRenew" required="no" type="boolean" default="false" hint="Force them to provide primary authentication" />
    <cflocation url="#Variables.cas_server#login?service=#Variables.service##Iif(Variables.renew OR Arguments.forceRenew,DE('&renew=true'),DE(''))##Iif(Variables.gateway,DE('&gateway=true'),DE(''))#" addtoken="no" />
  <cffunction name="logout" access="public" output="no" returntype="void" hint="Call CAS logout page">
    <cfif Variables.isCAS3>
      <cflocation url="#Variables.cas_server#logout#IIf(Len(Variables.final_page),DE('?url=#Variables.final_page#'),DE(''))#" addtoken="no" />
      <cflocation url="#Variables.cas_server#logout#IIf(Len(Variables.final_page),DE('?destination=#Variables.final_page#'),DE(''))#" addtoken="no" />
  <cffunction name="isLogoutRequest" access="public" output="no" returntype="boolean" hint="Check if it's a single sign out request">
    <cfset var endRequest = StructKeyExists(Form,"logoutrequest") AND IsXML(Form.logoutrequest) />
    <cfset var sessionTracker = CreateObject("java","coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker") />
    <cfif endRequest>
        <cfset xmlDoc = XmlParse(Form.logoutrequest) />
        <cfset xmlRes = XmlSearch(xmlDoc,"samlp:LogoutRequest/samlp:SessionIndex") />
        <cfcatch type="any">
          <cflog text="#cfcatch#" file="saml" />
          <cfreturn false />
        <cflock timeout="0" scope="Application" throwOnTimeout="no" type="exclusive">
          <!--- Check to see if we know this ST --->
          <cfif StructKeyExists(Application.CASSessions,xmlRes[1].xmlText)>
            <!--- Attempt to retrieve the Session  --->
            <cfset sessionToKill = sessionTracker.getSession("#Application.applicationName#_#Application.CASSessions['#xmlRes[1].xmlText#']#") />
            <!--- If it does, clear it out --->
            <cfif IsDefined("sessionToKill")>
              <cfset StructClear(sessionToKill) />
            <!--- Forget the ST --->
            <cfset StructDelete(Application.CASSessions,xmlRes[1].xmlText) />
        <!--- Problem with destroying the session, doesn't exist? --->
        <cfcatch type="any">
          <cfreturn true />
    <cfreturn endRequest />
  <cffunction name="invalidate" access="public" output="no" returntype="void" hint="Invalidate the CAS Session">
      <cfset Variables.username = "" />
  <cffunction name="getUsername" access="public" output="no" returntype="string" hint="Get the authenticated CAS username">
    <cfreturn Variables.username />
  <cffunction name="getAttribute" access="public" output="no" returntype="any" hint="Get an attribute that was returned by CAS (if it doesn't exist returns "")">
    <cfargument name="key" type="string" required="yes" hint="The attribute to retrieve" />
    <cfreturn IIf(StructKeyExists(Variables.attributes,Arguments.key),'Variables.attributes.#Arguments.key#',DE('')) />
  <cffunction name="getAllAttributes" access="public" output="no" returntype="struct" hint="Get the whole attributes struct">
    <cfreturn Variables.attributes />
yingdao8056 2016-12-23
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<!--- Application.cfc implementing the ColdFusion CAS Client Component v1.0
      By: John Watson
          University of California, Merced
<cfcomponent output="false">
  <cfset THIS.name = "CFCASEx" />
  <cfset THIS.sessionManagement = true />

  <!--- Require the use of CAS --->
  <cfset Variables.require_CAS = true />
   <!--- Required information for CAS
          cas_server - URL for the cas server
          service - URL for this application
        Optional arguments [default]
          final_page [''] - Final redirection page after CAS logout, '' means no redirection
          direct_forwarding [false] - After successful authentication, redirect user to their originally intended page
          default_page ['/'] - If "direct_forwarding" is disabled, redirect user to this page
          gateway [false] - Enable gatewaying
          gateway_page ['/index.cfm'] - Page to send user to after being gatewayed and not being authenticated
          renew [false] - Require primary authentication on CAS (disable single sign on) --->
  <cfset Variables.CAS_arguments = { cas_server = "",
                                     service = "http://localhost:8500/ows",
                                     direct_forwarding = true } />

  <!--- Following is not for CAS, but an improvement of security --->
  <!--- Is this a secure site (HTTPS) -
        In CF Administrator -> Memory Variables
          "Use J2EE Session Variables" needs to be enabled --->
  <cfset Variables.secureSite = false />
  <!--- This prevents CFID and CFTOKEN being sent as cookies --->
  <cfset THIS.setClientCookies = false />

  <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returnType="boolean" output="false">
    <!--- Initialize ST to SessionID struct in Application scope for Single-Sign-Out --->
    <cfif Variables.require_CAS>
      <cfset Application.CASSessions = StructNew() />
    <cfreturn true />

  <cffunction name="onMissingTemplate" returnType="boolean">
    <cfargument name="targetpage" required="true" type="string" />

    <cfswitch expression="#ListLast(targetpage,'/')#">
      <!--- No actual logout.cfm page, instead perform CAS logout --->
      <cfcase value="logout.cfm">
        <cfif StructKeyExists(Session,"CFCAS") AND IsInstanceOf(Session.CFCAS,"cas")>
          <!--- Copy the object so we can run the logout method after ending the session --->
          <cfset CAS = Session.CFCAS />
          <cfinvoke method="onSessionEnd">
            <cfinvokeargument name="sessionScope" value="#Session#" />
            <cfinvokeargument name="appScope" value="#Application#" />
          <cfinvoke component="#CAS#" method="logout" />
          <!--- If there was not a CAS object, just display page not found error --->
          <cfinclude template="resources/pages/page_not_found.cfm" />
        <cfinclude template="resources/pages/page_not_found.cfm" />

    <cfreturn true />

  <cffunction name="onRequestStart" returnType="boolean">
    <cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true" />

    <cfif Variables.require_CAS>
      <cflock timeout="30" throwontimeout="no" type="exclusive" scope="session">
        <!--- Make sure the CAS object is initialized --->
        <cfif not StructKeyExists(Session,"CFCAS") OR not IsInstanceOf(Session.CFCAS,"cas")>
          <cfinvoke method="onSessionStart" />
        <!--- Check if it is a Single-Sign-Out request --->
        <cfif Session.CFCAS.isLogoutRequest()>
          <cfabort />
        <!--- Validate the CAS session --->
        <cfinvoke component="#Session.CFCAS#" method="validate">
          <cfinvokeargument name="requestedPage" value="#Arguments.thePage#" />

        <!--- Authorization code here
              Session.CFCAS.getUsername() will return the value of cas:user --->

    <cfreturn true />

  <cffunction name="onSessionStart" returnType="void" output="false">
    <!--- Make the cookie secure since CF doesn't do it (applies only to HTTPS sites)
          Firefox will keep the session cookie if "Show my  windows and tabs from last time" is enabled
            So even if the user closes the browser, they are techinically still logged into the application
            This makes the cookie secure, thus Firefox will destroy it appropriately --->
    <cfif Variables.secureSite>
      <cfcookie name="JSESSIONID" expires="NOW" />
      <cfcookie name="JSESSIONID" value="#Session.sessionid#" secure="yes" />

    <!--- Initialize the CAS object --->
    <cfif Variables.require_CAS>
      <cfset Session.CFCAS = CreateObject("component","cas").init(argumentcollection = Variables.CAS_arguments) />

  <cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returnType="void" output="false">
    <cfargument name="sessionScope" type="struct" required="true" />
    <cfargument name="appScope" type="struct" required="false" />

    <!--- Expire the cookie and clear the session scope --->
    <cfcookie name="JSESSIONID" expires="NOW" />
    <cfset StructClear(Arguments.sessionScope) />



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