如何进行 多线程本地磁盘写操作 ?

独钓137 2017-01-04 10:14:12
各位大大,请教个问题 ,一个程序,需要快速保存4个传感器的数据到本地文件。如果我对每个传感器添加一个线程,这样使用4个线程来进行本地文件的写操作。这样会不会有什么问题,多线程的磁盘写操作有什么需要注意的事项没?
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sevancheng 2017-01-04
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孤客天涯 2017-01-04
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赵4老师 2017-01-04
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在文件大小相同的前提下: 读刚读过的文件比头次读没读过的文件快 读转速快的硬盘上的文件比读转速慢的硬盘上的文件快 读没有磁盘碎片的文件比读有磁盘碎片的文件快 读文件不处理比边读边处理快 单线程从头到尾一次读文件比多线程分别读文件各部分快(非固态硬盘上) 读固态硬盘上的文件比读普通硬盘上的文件快 写类似。
赵4老师 2017-01-04
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_locking Locks or unlocks bytes of a file. int _locking( int handle, int mode, long nbytes ); Routine Required Header Optional Headers Compatibility _locking <io.h> and <sys/locking.h> <errno.h> Win 95, Win NT For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction. Libraries LIBC.LIB Single thread static library, retail version LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version Return Value _locking returns 0 if successful. A return value of –1 indicates failure, in which case errno is set to one of the following values: EACCES Locking violation (file already locked or unlocked). EBADF Invalid file handle. EDEADLOCK Locking violation. Returned when the _LK_LOCK or _LK_RLCK flag is specified and the file cannot be locked after 10 attempts. EINVAL An invalid argument was given to _locking. Parameters handle File handle mode Locking action to perform nbytes Number of bytes to lock Remarks The _locking function locks or unlocks nbytes bytes of the file specified by handle. Locking bytes in a file prevents access to those bytes by other processes. All locking or unlocking begins at the current position of the file pointer and proceeds for the next nbytes bytes. It is possible to lock bytes past end of file. mode must be one of the following manifest constants, which are defined in LOCKING.H: _LK_LOCK Locks the specified bytes. If the bytes cannot be locked, the program immediately tries again after 1 second. If, after 10 attempts, the bytes cannot be locked, the constant returns an error. _LK_NBLCK Locks the specified bytes. If the bytes cannot be locked, the constant returns an error. _LK_NBRLCK Same as _LK_NBLCK. _LK_RLCK Same as _LK_LOCK. _LK_UNLCK Unlocks the specified bytes, which must have been previously locked. Multiple regions of a file that do not overlap can be locked. A region being unlocked must have been previously locked. _locking does not merge adjacent regions; if two locked regions are adjacent, each region must be unlocked separately. Regions should be locked only briefly and should be unlocked before closing a file or exiting the program. Example /* LOCKING.C: This program opens a file with sharing. It locks * some bytes before reading them, then unlocks them. Note that the * program works correctly only if the file exists. */ #include <io.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/locking.h> #include <share.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void main( void ) { int fh, numread; char buffer[40]; /* Quit if can't open file or system doesn't * support sharing. */ fh = _sopen( "locking.c", _O_RDWR, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ); if( fh == -1 ) exit( 1 ); /* Lock some bytes and read them. Then unlock. */ if( _locking( fh, LK_NBLCK, 30L ) != -1 ) { printf( "No one can change these bytes while I'm reading them\n" ); numread = _read( fh, buffer, 30 ); printf( "%d bytes read: %.30s\n", numread, buffer ); lseek( fh, 0L, SEEK_SET ); _locking( fh, LK_UNLCK, 30L ); printf( "Now I'm done. Do what you will with them\n" ); } else perror( "Locking failed\n" ); _close( fh ); } Output No one can change these bytes while I'm reading them 30 bytes read: /* LOCKING.C: This program ope Now I'm done. Do what you will with them File Handling Routines See Also _creat, _open



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