Web login failed: Login failed: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException

zhouyusunquan 2017-02-16 04:04:06
[#|2017-02-16T13:22:00.524+0800|INFO|sun-glassfish-comms-server2.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-8080-15;admin;|SEC5046:审计:拒绝对 [admin] 的验证。|#]

[#|2017-02-16T13:22:00.524+0800|WARNING|sun-glassfish-comms-server2.0|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-8080-15;_RequestID=65a18f42-2640-4d45-a875-9583a9045b2d;|Web login failed: Login failed: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Security Exception|#]

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JAVA开发人员必备是HTML格式的 JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition 6 API 规范 本文档是 Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.0 的 API 规范。 请参见: 描述 Java 2 Platform 软件包 java.applet 提供创建 applet 所必需的类和 applet 用来与其 applet 上下文通信的类。 java.awt 包含用于创建用户界面和绘制图形图像的所有类。 java.awt.color 提供用于颜色空间的类。 java.awt.datatransfer 提供在应用程序之间和在应用程序内部传输数据的接口和类。 java.awt.dnd Drag 和 Drop 是一种直接操作动作,在许多图形用户界面系统中都会遇到它,它提供了一种机制,能够在两个与 GUI 中显示元素逻辑相关的实体之间传输信息。 java.awt.event 提供处理由 AWT 组件所激发的各类事件的接口和类。 java.awt.font 提供与字体相关的类和接口。 java.awt.geom 提供用于在与二维几何形状相关的对象上定义和执行操作的 Java 2D 类。 java.awt.im 提供输入方法框架所需的类和接口。 java.awt.im.spi 提供启用可以与 Java 运行时环境一起使用的输入方法开发的接口。 java.awt.image 提供创建和修改图像的各种类。 java.awt.image.renderable 提供用于生成与呈现无关的图像的类和接口。 java.awt.print 为通用的打印 API 提供类和接口。 java.beans 包含与开发 beans 有关的类,即基于 JavaBeansTM 架构的组件。 java.beans.beancontext 提供与 bean 上下文有关的类和接口。 java.io 通过数据流、序列化和文件系统提供系统输入和输出。 java.lang 提供利用 Java 编程语言进行程序设计的基础类。 java.lang.annotation 为 Java 编程语言注释设施提供库支持。 java.lang.instrument 提供允许 Java 编程语言代理检测运行在 JVM 上的程序的服务。 java.lang.management 提供管理接口,用于监视和管理 Java 虚拟机以及 Java 虚拟机在其上运行的操作系统。 java.lang.ref 提供了引用对象类,支持在某种程度上与垃圾回收器之间的交互。 java.lang.reflect 提供类和接口,以获得关于类和对象的反射信息。 java.math 提供用于执行任意精度整数算法 (BigInteger) 和任意精度小数算法 (BigDecimal) 的类。 java.net 为实现网络应用程序提供类。 java.nio 定义作为数据容器的缓冲区,并提供其他 NIO 包的概述。 java.nio.channels 定义了各种通道,这些通道表示到能够执行 I/O 操作的实体(如文件和套接字)的连接;定义了用于多路复用的、非阻塞 I/O 操作的选择器。 java.nio.channels.spi 用于 java.nio.channels 包的服务提供者类。 java.nio.charset 定义用来在字节和 Unicode 字符之间转换的 charset、解码器和编码器。 java.nio.charset.spi java.nio.charset 包的服务提供者类。 java.rmi 提供 RMI 包。 java.rmi.activation 为 RMI 对象激活提供支持。 java.rmi.dgc 为 RMI 分布式垃圾回收提供了类和接口。 java.rmi.registry 提供 RMI 注册表的一个类和两个接口。 java.rmi.server 提供支持服务器端 RMI 的类和接口。 java.security 为安全框架提供类和接口。 java.security.acl 此包中的类和接口已经被 java.security 包中的类取代。 java.security.cert 提供用于解析和管理证书、证书撤消列表 (CRL) 和证书路径的类和接口。 java.security.interfaces 提供的接口用于生成 RSA Laboratory Technical Note PKCS#1 中定义的 RSA(Rivest、Shamir 和 Adleman AsymmetricCipher 算法)密钥,以及 NIST 的 FIPS-186 中定义的 DSA(数字签名算法)密钥。 java.security.spec 提供密钥规范和算法参数规范的类和接口。 java.sql 提供使用 JavaTM 编程语言访问并处理存储在数据源(通常是一个关系数据库)中的数据的 API。 java.text 提供以与自然语言无关的方式来处理文本、日期、数字和消息的类和接口。 java.text.spi java.text 包中类的服务提供者类。 java.util 包含 collection 框架、遗留的 collection 类、事件模型、日期和时间设施、国际化和各种实用工具类(字符串标记生成器、随机数生成器和位数组)。 java.util.concurrent 在并发编程中很常用的实用工具类。 java.util.concurrent.atomic 类的小工具包,支持在单个变量上解除锁的线程安全编程。 java.util.concurrent.locks 为锁和等待条件提供一个框架的接口和类,它不同于内置同步和监视器。 java.util.jar 提供读写 JAR (Java ARchive) 文件格式的类,该格式基于具有可选清单文件的标准 ZIP 文件格式。 java.util.logging 提供 JavaTM 2 平台核心日志工具的类和接口。 java.util.prefs 此包允许应用程序存储并获取用户和系统首选项和配置数据。 java.util.regex 用于匹配字符序列与正则表达式指定模式的类。 java.util.spi java.util 包中类的服务提供者类。 java.util.zip 提供用于读写标准 ZIP 和 GZIP 文件格式的类。 javax.accessibility 定义了用户界面组件与提供对这些组件进行访问的辅助技术之间的协定。 javax.crypto 为加密操作提供类和接口。 javax.crypto.interfaces 根据 RSA Laboratories' PKCS #3 的定义,提供 Diffie-Hellman 密钥接口。 javax.crypto.spec 为密钥规范和算法参数规范提供类和接口。 javax.imageio Java Image I/O API 的主要包。 javax.imageio.event Java Image I/O API 的一个包,用于在读取和写入图像期间处理事件的同步通知。 javax.imageio.metadata 用于处理读写元数据的 Java Image I/O API 的包。 javax.imageio.plugins.bmp 包含供内置 BMP 插件使用的公共类的包。 javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg 支持内置 JPEG 插件的类。 javax.imageio.spi 包含用于 reader、writer、transcoder 和流的插件接口以及一个运行时注册表的 Java Image I/O API 包。 javax.imageio.stream Java Image I/O API 的一个包,用来处理从文件和流中产生的低级别 I/O。 javax.management 提供 Java Management Extensions 的核心类。 javax.management.loading 提供实现高级动态加载的类。 javax.management.modelmbean 提供了 ModelMBean 类的定义。 javax.management.monitor 提供 monitor 类的定义。 javax.management.openmbean 提供开放数据类型和 Open MBean 描述符类。 javax.management.relation 提供 Relation Service 的定义。 javax.management.remote 对 JMX MBean 服务器进行远程访问使用的接口。 javax.management.remote.rmi RMI 连接器是供 JMX Remote API 使用的一种连接器,后者使用 RMI 将客户端请求传输到远程 MBean 服务器。 javax.management.timer 提供对 Timer MBean(计时器 MBean)的定义。 javax.naming 为访问命名服务提供类和接口。 javax.naming.directory 扩展 javax.naming 包以提供访问目录服务的功能。 javax.naming.event 在访问命名和目录服务时提供对事件通知的支持。 javax.naming.ldap 提供对 LDAPv3 扩展操作和控件的支持。 javax.naming.spi 提供一些方法来动态地插入对通过 javax.naming 和相关包访问命名和目录服务的支持。 javax.net 提供用于网络应用程序的类。 javax.net.ssl 提供用于安全套接字包的类。 javax.print 为 JavaTM Print Service API 提供了主要类和接口。 javax.print.attribute 提供了描述 JavaTM Print Service 属性的类型以及如何分类这些属性的类和接口。 javax.print.attribute.standard 包 javax.print.attribute.standard 包括特定打印属性的类。 javax.print.event 包 javax.print.event 包含事件类和侦听器接口。 javax.rmi 包含 RMI-IIOP 的用户 API。 javax.rmi.CORBA 包含用于 RMI-IIOP 的可移植性 API。 javax.rmi.ssl 通过安全套接字层 (SSL) 或传输层安全 (TLS) 协议提供 RMIClientSocketFactory 和 RMIServerSocketFactory 的实现。 javax.security.auth 此包提供用于进行验证和授权的框架。 javax.security.auth.callback 此包提供与应用程序进行交互所必需的类,以便检索信息(例如,包括用户名和密码的验证数据)或显示信息(例如,错误和警告消息)。 javax.security.auth.kerberos 此包包含与 Kerberos 网络验证协议相关的实用工具类。 javax.security.auth.login 此包提供可插入的验证框架。 javax.security.auth.spi 此包提供用于实现可插入验证模块的接口。 javax.security.auth.x500 此包包含应该用来在 Subject 中存储 X500 Principal 和 X500 Private Crendentials 的类。 javax.security.cert 为公钥证书提供类。 javax.security.sasl 包含用于支持 SASL 的类和接口。 javax.sound.midi 提供用于 MIDI(音乐乐器数字接口)数据的 I/O、序列化和合成的接口和类。 javax.sound.midi.spi 在提供新的 MIDI 设备、MIDI 文件 reader 和 writer、或音库 reader 时提供服务提供者要实现的接口。 javax.sound.sampled 提供用于捕获、处理和回放取样的音频数据的接口和类。 javax.sound.sampled.spi 在提供新音频设备、声音文件 reader 和 writer,或音频格式转换器时,提供将为其创建子类的服务提供者的抽象类。 javax.sql 为通过 JavaTM 编程语言进行服务器端数据源访问和处理提供 API。 javax.sql.rowset JDBC RowSet 实现的标准接口和基类。 javax.sql.rowset.serial 提供实用工具类,允许 SQL 类型与 Java 编程语言数据类型之间的可序列化映射关系。 javax.sql.rowset.spi 第三方供应商在其同步提供者的实现中必须使用的标准类和接口。 javax.swing 提供一组“轻量级”(全部是 Java 语言)组件,尽量让这些组件在所有平台上的工作方式都相同。 javax.swing.border 提供围绕 Swing 组件绘制特殊边框的类和接口。 javax.swing.colorchooser 包含供 JColorChooser 组件使用的类和接口。 javax.swing.event 供 Swing 组件触发的事件使用。 javax.swing.filechooser 包含 JFileChooser 组件使用的类和接口。 javax.swing.plaf 提供一个接口和许多抽象类,Swing 用它们来提供自己的可插入外观功能。 javax.swing.plaf.basic 提供了根据基本外观构建的用户界面对象。 javax.swing.plaf.metal 提供根据 Java 外观(曾经代称为 Metal)构建的用户界面对象,Java 外观是默认外观。 javax.swing.plaf.multi 提供了组合两个或多个外观的用户界面对象。 javax.swing.plaf.synth Synth 是一个可更换皮肤 (skinnable) 的外观,在其中可委托所有绘制。 javax.swing.table 提供用于处理 javax.swing.JTable 的类和接口。 javax.swing.text 提供类 HTMLEditorKit 和创建 HTML 文本编辑器的支持类。 javax.swing.text.html 提供类 HTMLEditorKit 和创建 HTML 文本编辑器的支持类。 javax.swing.text.html.parser 提供默认的 HTML 解析器以及支持类。 javax.swing.text.rtf 提供一个类 (RTFEditorKit),用于创建富文本格式(Rich-Text-Format)的文本编辑器。 javax.swing.tree 提供处理 javax.swing.JTree 的类和接口。 javax.swing.undo 允许开发人员为应用程序(例如文本编辑器)中的撤消/恢复提供支持。 javax.transaction 包含解组期间通过 ORB 机制抛出的三个异常。 javax.transaction.xa 提供定义事务管理器和资源管理器之间的协定的 API,它允许事务管理器添加或删除 JTA 事务中的资源对象(由资源管理器驱动程序提供)。 javax.xml 根据 XML 规范定义核心 XML 常量和功能。 javax.xml.bind 为包含解组、编组和验证功能的客户端应用程序提供运行时绑定框架。 javax.xml.bind.annotation 定义将 Java 程序元素定制成 XML 模式映射的注释。 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters XmlAdapter 及其规范定义的子类允许任意 Java 类与 JAXB 一起使用。 javax.xml.bind.attachment 此包由基于 MIME 的包处理器实现,该处理器能够解释并创建基于 MIME 的包格式的已优化的二进制数据。 javax.xml.bind.helpers 仅由 JAXB 提供者用于: 提供某些 javax.xml.bind 接口的部分默认实现。 javax.xml.bind.util 有用的客户端实用工具类。 javax.xml.crypto 用于 XML 加密的通用类。 javax.xml.crypto.dom javax.xml.crypto 包的特定于 DOM 的类。 javax.xml.crypto.dsig 用于生成和验证 XML 数字签名的类。 javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom javax.xml.crypto.dsig 包特定于 DOM 的类。 javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo 用来解析和处理 KeyInfo 元素和结构的类。 javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec XML 数字签名的参数类。 javax.xml.datatype XML/Java 类型映射关系。 javax.xml.namespace XML 名称空间处理。 javax.xml.parsers 提供允许处理 XML 文档的类。 javax.xml.soap 提供用于创建和构建 SOAP 消息的 API。 javax.xml.stream javax.xml.stream.events javax.xml.stream.util javax.xml.transform 此包定义了用于处理转换指令,以及执行从源到结果的转换的一般 API。 javax.xml.transform.dom 此包实现特定于 DOM 的转换 API。 javax.xml.transform.sax 此包实现特定于 SAX2 的转换 API。 javax.xml.transform.stax 提供特定于 StAX 的转换 API。 javax.xml.transform.stream 此包实现特定于流和 URI 的转换 API。 javax.xml.validation 此包提供了用于 XML 文档验证的 API。 javax.xml.ws 此包包含核心 JAX-WS API。 javax.xml.ws.handler 该包定义用于消息处理程序的 API。 javax.xml.ws.handler.soap 该包定义用于 SOAP 消息处理程序的 API。 javax.xml.ws.http 该包定义特定于 HTTP 绑定的 API。 javax.xml.ws.soap 该包定义特定于 SOAP 绑定的 API。 javax.xml.ws.spi 该包定义用于 JAX-WS 2.0 的 SPI。 javax.xml.xpath 此包提供了用于 XPath 表达式的计算和访问计算环境的 object-model neutral API。 org.ietf.jgss 此包提供一个框架,该框架允许应用程序开发人员通过利用统一的 API 使用一些来自各种基础安全机制(如 Kerberos)的安全服务,如验证、数据完整性和和数据机密性。 org.omg.CORBA 提供 OMG CORBA API 到 JavaTM 编程语言的映射,包括 ORB 类,如果已实现该类,则程序员可以使用此类作为全功能对象请求代理(Object Request Broker,ORB)。 org.omg.CORBA_2_3 CORBA_2_3 包定义对 Java[tm] Standard Edition 6 中现有 CORBA 接口所进行的添加。 org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable 提供输入和输出值类型的各种方法,并包含 org/omg/CORBA/portable 包的其他更新。 org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage 提供与 DynAny 接口一起使用的异常(InvalidValue、Invalid、InvalidSeq 和 TypeMismatch)。 org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage 提供由 ORB.resolve_initial_references 方法抛出的异常 InvalidName,以及由 ORB 类中的动态 Any 创建方法抛出的异常 InconsistentTypeCode。 org.omg.CORBA.portable 提供可移植性层,即可以使一个供应商生成的代码运行在另一个供应商 ORB 上的 ORB API 集合。 org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage 提供用户定义的异常 BadKind 和 Bounds,它们将由 TypeCode 类中的方法抛出。 org.omg.CosNaming 为 Java IDL 提供命名服务。 org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage 此包包含以下在 org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt 中使用的类: AddressHelper StringNameHelper URLStringHelper InvalidAddress 包规范 有关 Java[tm] Platform, Standard Edition 6 ORB 遵守的官方规范的受支持部分的明确列表,请参阅 Official Specifications for CORBA support in Java[tm] SE 6。 org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage 此包包含 org.omg.CosNaming 包的 Exception 类。 org.omg.Dynamic 此包包含 OMG Portable Interceptor 规范 http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ptc/2000-08-06 的第 21.9 小节中指定的 Dynamic 模块。 org.omg.DynamicAny 提供一些类和接口使得在运行时能够遍历与 any 有关联的数据值,并提取数据值的基本成分。 org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage 此包包含 DynamicAny 模块的 DynAnyFactory 接口中的类和异常,该模块在 OMG The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/99-10-07 的第 9.2.2 小节中指定。 org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage 此包包含 DynAny 模块的 DynAnyFactory 接口中的类和异常,该模块在 OMG The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/99-10-07 的第 9.2 小节中指定。 org.omg.IOP 此包包含在 OMG 文档 The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/99-10-07 的 13.6.小节中指定的 IOP 模块。 org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage 此包包含 IOP::CodeFactory 接口中指定的异常(作为 Portable Interceptor 规范的一部分)。 org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage 此包根据 IOP::Codec IDL 接口定义生成。 org.omg.Messaging 此包包含 OMG Messaging Interceptor 规范 http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/99-10-07 中指定的 Messaging 模块。 org.omg.PortableInterceptor 提供一个注册 ORB 钩子 (hook) 的机制,通过这些钩子 ORB 服务可以截取执行 ORB 的正常流。 org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage 此包包含 OMG Portable Interceptor 规范 http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ptc/2000-08-06 的第 21.7.2 小节中指定的 PortableInterceptor 模块的 ORBInitInfo 本地接口中的异常和 typedef。 org.omg.PortableServer 提供一些类和接口,用来生成跨多个供应商 ORB 的可移植应用程序的服务器端。 org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage 提供各种方法实现,这些实现能够访问调用方法的对象的身份。 org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage 封装 POA 关联的处理状态。 org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage 允许程序员构造可在不同 ORB 产品间移植的对象实现。 org.omg.PortableServer.portable 提供一些类和接口,用来生成跨多个供应商 ORB 的可移植应用程序的服务器端。 org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage 提供定位 servant 的类和接口。 org.omg.SendingContext 为值类型的编组提供支持。 org.omg.stub.java.rmi 包含用于 java.rmi 包中出现的 Remote 类型的 RMI-IIOP Stub。
Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help PREV NEXT FRAMES NO FRAMES A B C D E F G H I J L P R S U V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call addCookie(Cookie cookie) on the wrapped response object. addCookie(Cookie) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Adds the specified cookie to the response. addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call addDateHeader(String name, long date) on the wrapped response object. addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Adds a response header with the given name and date-value. addHeader(String, String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return addHeader(String name, String value) on the wrapped response object. addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Adds a response header with the given name and value. addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call addIntHeader(String name, int value) on the wrapped response object. addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Adds a response header with the given name and integer value. attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener Notification that an attribute has been added to a session. attributeAdded(ServletContextAttributeEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener Notification that a new attribute was added to the servlet context. attributeAdded(ServletRequestAttributeEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeListener Notification that a new attribute was added to the servlet request. attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener Notification that an attribute has been removed from a session. attributeRemoved(ServletContextAttributeEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener Notification that an existing attribute has been removed from the servlet context. attributeRemoved(ServletRequestAttributeEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeListener Notification that a new attribute was removed from the servlet request. attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener Notification that an attribute has been replaced in a session. attributeReplaced(ServletContextAttributeEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener Notification that an attribute on the servlet context has been replaced. attributeReplaced(ServletRequestAttributeEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeListener Notification that an attribute was replaced on the servlet request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B BASIC_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest String identifier for Basic authentication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C CLIENT_CERT_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest String identifier for Client Certificate authentication. clone() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Overrides the standard java.lang.Object.clone method to return a copy of this cookie. containsHeader(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call containsHeader(String name) on the wrapped response object. containsHeader(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Returns a boolean indicating whether the named response header has already been set. contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContextListener Notification that the servlet context is about to be shut down. contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContextListener Notification that the web application initialization process is starting. Cookie - class javax.servlet.http.Cookie. Creates a cookie, a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web browser, saved by the browser, and later sent back to the server. Cookie(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D destroy() - Method in interface javax.servlet.Filter Called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being taken out of service. destroy() - Method in interface javax.servlet.Servlet Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being taken out of service. destroy() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being taken out of service. DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest String identifier for Digest authentication. doDelete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a DELETE request. doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in interface javax.servlet.FilterChain Causes the next filter in the chain to be invoked, or if the calling filter is the last filter in the chain, causes the resource at the end of the chain to be invoked. doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in interface javax.servlet.Filter The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the container each time a request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a resource at the end of the chain. doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a GET request. doHead(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Receives an HTTP HEAD request from the protected service method and handles the request. doOptions(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a OPTIONS request. doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a POST request. doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a PUT request. doTrace(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a TRACE request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return encodeRedirectUrl(String url) on the wrapped response object. encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Deprecated. As of version 2.1, use encodeRedirectURL(String url) instead encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return encodeRedirectURL(String url) on the wrapped response object. encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Encodes the specified URL for use in the sendRedirect method or, if encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged. encodeUrl(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call encodeUrl(String url) on the wrapped response object. encodeUrl(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Deprecated. As of version 2.1, use encodeURL(String url) instead encodeURL(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call encodeURL(String url) on the wrapped response object. encodeURL(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Encodes the specified URL by including the session ID in it, or, if encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F Filter - interface javax.servlet.Filter. A filter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the request to a resource (a servlet or static content), or on the response from a resource, or both. Filters perform filtering in the doFilter method. FilterChain - interface javax.servlet.FilterChain. A FilterChain is an object provided by the servlet container to the developer giving a view into the invocation chain of a filtered request for a resource. FilterConfig - interface javax.servlet.FilterConfig. A filter configuration object used by a servlet container to pass information to a filter during initialization. flushBuffer() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the client. flushBuffer() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call flushBuffer() on the wrapped response object. FORM_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest String identifier for Form authentication. forward(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in interface javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher Forwards a request from a servlet to another resource (servlet, JSP file, or HTML file) on the server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G GenericServlet - class javax.servlet.GenericServlet. Defines a generic, protocol-independent servlet. GenericServlet() - Constructor for class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Does nothing. getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the servlet container attribute with the given name, or null if there is no attribute by that name. getAttribute(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call getAttribute(String name) on the wrapped request object. getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the value of the named attribute as an Object, or null if no attribute of the given name exists. getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name. getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns an Enumeration containing the attribute names available within this servlet context. getAttributeNames() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getAttributeNames() on the wrapped request object. getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns an Enumeration containing the names of the attributes available to this request. getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session. getAuthType() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the name of the authentication scheme used to protect the servlet. getAuthType() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getAuthType() on the wrapped request object. getBufferSize() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns the actual buffer size used for the response. getBufferSize() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getBufferSize() on the wrapped response object. getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns the name of the character encoding (MIME charset) used for the body sent in this response. getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getCharacterEncoding() on the wrapped request object. getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request. getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getCharacterEncoding() on the wrapped response object. getComment() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the comment describing the purpose of this cookie, or null if the cookie has no comment. getContentLength() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getContentLength() on the wrapped request object. getContentLength() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body and made available by the input stream, or -1 if the length is not known. getContentType() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns the content type used for the MIME body sent in this response. getContentType() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getContentType() on the wrapped request object. getContentType() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the MIME type of the body of the request, or null if the type is not known. getContentType() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getContentType() on the wrapped response object. getContext(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a ServletContext object that corresponds to a specified URL on the server. getContextPath() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request. getContextPath() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getContextPath() on the wrapped request object. getCookies() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns an array containing all of the Cookie objects the client sent with this request. getCookies() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getCookies() on the wrapped request object. getCreationTime() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns the time when this session was created, measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT. getDateHeader(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the value of the specified request header as a long value that represents a Date object. getDateHeader(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getDateHeader(String name) on the wrapped request object. getDomain() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the domain name set for this cookie. getFilterName() - Method in interface javax.servlet.FilterConfig Returns the filter-name of this filter as defined in the deployment descriptor. getHeader(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the value of the specified request header as a String. getHeader(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getHeader(String name) on the wrapped request object. getHeaderNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns an enumeration of all the header names this request contains. getHeaderNames() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getHeaderNames() on the wrapped request object. getHeaders(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns all the values of the specified request header as an Enumeration of String objects. getHeaders(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getHeaders(String name) on the wrapped request object. getId() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this session. getIds() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContext Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1 with no replacement. This method must return an empty Enumeration and will be removed in a future version of this API. getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.FilterConfig Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist. getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletConfig Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist. getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a String containing the value of the named context-wide initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist. getInitParameter(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist. getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.FilterConfig Returns the names of the filter's initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the filter has no initialization parameters. getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletConfig Returns the names of the servlet's initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the servlet has no initialization parameters. getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the names of the context's initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the context has no initialization parameters. getInitParameterNames() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Returns the names of the servlet's initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the servlet has no initialization parameters. getInputStream() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getInputStream() on the wrapped request object. getInputStream() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Retrieves the body of the request as binary data using a ServletInputStream. getIntHeader(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the value of the specified request header as an int. getIntHeader(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getIntHeader(String name) on the wrapped request object. getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT, and marked by the time the container received the request. getLastModified(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Returns the time the HttpServletRequest object was last modified, in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT. getLocalAddr() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getLocalAddr() on the wrapped request object. getLocalAddr() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the interface on which the request was received. getLocale() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns the locale specified for this response using the ServletResponse.setLocale(java.util.Locale) method. getLocale() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getLocale() on the wrapped request object. getLocale() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the preferred Locale that the client will accept content in, based on the Accept-Language header. getLocale() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getLocale() on the wrapped response object. getLocales() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getLocales() on the wrapped request object. getLocales() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns an Enumeration of Locale objects indicating, in decreasing order starting with the preferred locale, the locales that are acceptable to the client based on the Accept-Language header. getLocalName() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getLocalName() on the wrapped request object. getLocalName() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the host name of the Internet Protocol (IP) interface on which the request was received. getLocalPort() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getLocalPort() on the wrapped request object. getLocalPort() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) port number of the interface on which the request was received. getMajorVersion() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the major version of the Java Servlet API that this servlet container supports. getMaxAge() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the maximum age of the cookie, specified in seconds, By default, -1 indicating the cookie will persist until browser shutdown. getMaxInactiveInterval() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns the maximum time interval, in seconds, that the servlet container will keep this session open between client accesses. getMethod() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT. getMethod() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getMethod() on the wrapped request object. getMimeType(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the MIME type of the specified file, or null if the MIME type is not known. getMinorVersion() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the minor version of the Servlet API that this servlet container supports. getName() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeEvent Return the name of the attribute that changed on the ServletContext. getName() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeEvent Return the name of the attribute that changed on the ServletRequest getName() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent Returns the name with which the attribute is bound to or unbound from the session. getName() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the name of the cookie. getNamedDispatcher(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the named servlet. getOutputStream() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns a ServletOutputStream suitable for writing binary data in the response. getOutputStream() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getOutputStream() on the wrapped response object. getParameter(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getParameter(String name) on the wrapped request object. getParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the parameter does not exist. getParameterMap() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getParameterMap() on the wrapped request object. getParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request. getParameterNames() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getParameterNames() on the wrapped request object. getParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of the parameters contained in this request. getParameterValues(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getParameterValues(String name) on the wrapped request object. getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist. getPath() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the path on the server to which the browser returns this cookie. getPathInfo() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent when it made this request. getPathInfo() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getPathInfo() on the wrapped request object. getPathTranslated() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns any extra path information after the servlet name but before the query string, and translates it to a real path. getPathTranslated() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getPathTranslated() on the wrapped request object. getProtocol() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getProtocol() on the wrapped request object. getProtocol() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the name and version of the protocol the request uses in the form protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion, for example, HTTP/1.1. getQueryString() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the query string that is contained in the request URL after the path. getQueryString() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getQueryString() on the wrapped request object. getReader() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getReader() on the wrapped request object. getReader() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Retrieves the body of the request as character data using a BufferedReader. getRealPath(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a String containing the real path for a given virtual path. getRealPath(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRealPath(String path) on the wrapped request object. getRealPath(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Deprecated. As of Version 2.1 of the Java Servlet API, use ServletContext.getRealPath(java.lang.String) instead. getRemoteAddr() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRemoteAddr() on the wrapped request object. getRemoteAddr() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request. getRemoteHost() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRemoteHost() on the wrapped request object. getRemoteHost() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request. getRemotePort() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRemotePort() on the wrapped request object. getRemotePort() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) source port of the client or last proxy that sent the request. getRemoteUser() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated. getRemoteUser() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRemoteUser() on the wrapped request object. getRequest() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper Return the wrapped request object. getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path. getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestDispatcher(String path) on the wrapped request object. getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path. getRequestedSessionId() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the session ID specified by the client. getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestedSessionId() on the wrapped request object. getRequestURI() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP request. getRequestURI() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestURI() on the wrapped request object. getRequestURL() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request. getRequestURL() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getRequestURL() on the wrapped request object. getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils Deprecated. Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request, using information in the HttpServletRequest object. getResource(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a URL to the resource that is mapped to a specified path. getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the resource located at the named path as an InputStream object. getResourcePaths(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns a directory-like listing of all the paths to resources within the web application whose longest sub-path matches the supplied path argument. getResponse() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper Return the wrapped ServletResponse object. getRootCause() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletException Returns the exception that caused this servlet exception. getScheme() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getScheme() on the wrapped request object. getScheme() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request, for example, http, https, or ftp. getSecure() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns true if the browser is sending cookies only over a secure protocol, or false if the browser can send cookies using any protocol. getServerInfo() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the name and version of the servlet container on which the servlet is running. getServerName() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getServerName() on the wrapped request object. getServerName() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the host name of the server to which the request was sent. getServerPort() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getServerPort() on the wrapped request object. getServerPort() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns the port number to which the request was sent. getServlet() - Method in class javax.servlet.UnavailableException Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.2, with no replacement. Returns the servlet that is reporting its unavailability. getServlet(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no direct replacement. This method was originally defined to retrieve a servlet from a ServletContext. In this version, this method always returns null and remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method will be permanently removed in a future version of the Java Servlet API. In lieu of this method, servlets can share information using the ServletContext class and can perform shared business logic by invoking methods on common non-servlet classes. getServletConfig() - Method in interface javax.servlet.Servlet Returns a ServletConfig object, which contains initialization and startup parameters for this servlet. getServletConfig() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Returns this servlet's ServletConfig object. getServletContext() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestEvent Returns the ServletContext of this web application. getServletContext() - Method in interface javax.servlet.FilterConfig Returns a reference to the ServletContext in which the caller is executing. getServletContext() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletConfig Returns a reference to the ServletContext in which the caller is executing. getServletContext() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent Return the ServletContext that changed. getServletContext() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Returns a reference to the ServletContext in which this servlet is running. getServletContext() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns the ServletContext to which this session belongs. getServletContextName() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns the name of this web application corresponding to this ServletContext as specified in the deployment descriptor for this web application by the display-name element. getServletInfo() - Method in interface javax.servlet.Servlet Returns information about the servlet, such as author, version, and copyright. getServletInfo() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Returns information about the servlet, such as author, version, and copyright. getServletName() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletConfig Returns the name of this servlet instance. getServletName() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Returns the name of this servlet instance. getServletNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no replacement. This method was originally defined to return an Enumeration of all the servlet names known to this context. In this version, this method always returns an empty Enumeration and remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method will be permanently removed in a future version of the Java Servlet API. getServletPath() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the part of this request's URL that calls the servlet. getServletPath() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getServletPath() on the wrapped request object. getServletRequest() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestEvent Returns the ServletRequest that is changing. getServlets() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.0, with no replacement. This method was originally defined to return an Enumeration of all the servlets known to this servlet context. In this version, this method always returns an empty enumeration and remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method will be permanently removed in a future version of the Java Servlet API. getSession() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent Return the session that changed. getSession() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent Return the session that changed. getSession() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the current session associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates one. getSession() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getSession() on the wrapped request object. getSession(boolean) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns the current HttpSession associated with this request or, if there is no current session and create is true, returns a new session. getSession(boolean) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getSession(boolean create) on the wrapped request object. getSession(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContext Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1 with no replacement. This method must return null and will be removed in a future version of this API. getSessionContext() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Deprecated. As of Version 2.1, this method is deprecated and has no replacement. It will be removed in a future version of the Java Servlet API. getUnavailableSeconds() - Method in class javax.servlet.UnavailableException Returns the number of seconds the servlet expects to be temporarily unavailable. getUserPrincipal() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns a java.security.Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user. getUserPrincipal() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getUserPrincipal() on the wrapped request object. getValue() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeEvent Returns the value of the attribute that has been added, removed, or replaced. getValue() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeEvent Returns the value of the attribute that has been added, removed or replaced. getValue() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent Returns the value of the attribute that has been added, removed or replaced. getValue() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the value of the cookie. getValue(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Deprecated. As of Version 2.2, this method is replaced by HttpSession.getAttribute(java.lang.String). getValueNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Deprecated. As of Version 2.2, this method is replaced by HttpSession.getAttributeNames() getVersion() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.Cookie Returns the version of the protocol this cookie complies with. getWriter() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns a PrintWriter object that can send character text to the client. getWriter() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return getWriter() on the wrapped response object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H HttpServlet - class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet. Provides an abstract class to be subclassed to create an HTTP servlet suitable for a Web site. HttpServlet() - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Does nothing, because this is an abstract class. HttpServletRequest - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. Extends the ServletRequest interface to provide request information for HTTP servlets. HttpServletRequestWrapper - class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper. Provides a convenient implementation of the HttpServletRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request to a Servlet. HttpServletRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper Constructs a request object wrapping the given request. HttpServletResponse - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse. Extends the ServletResponse interface to provide HTTP-specific functionality in sending a response. HttpServletResponseWrapper - class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper. Provides a convenient implementation of the HttpServletResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response from a Servlet. HttpServletResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse) - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper Constructs a response adaptor wrapping the given response. HttpSession - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession. Provides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a Web site and to store information about that user. HttpSessionActivationListener - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionActivationListener. Objects that are bound to a session may listen to container events notifying them that sessions will be passivated and that session will be activated. HttpSessionAttributeListener - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener. This listener interface can be implemented in order to get notifications of changes to the attribute lists of sessions within this web application. HttpSessionBindingEvent - class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent. Events of this type are either sent to an object that implements HttpSessionBindingListener when it is bound or unbound from a session, or to a HttpSessionAttributeListener that has been configured in the deployment descriptor when any attribute is bound, unbound or replaced in a session. HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession, String) - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent Constructs an event that notifies an object that it has been bound to or unbound from a session. HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession, String, Object) - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent Constructs an event that notifies an object that it has been bound to or unbound from a session. HttpSessionBindingListener - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener. Causes an object to be notified when it is bound to or unbound from a session. HttpSessionContext - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionContext. Deprecated. As of Java(tm) Servlet API 2.1 for security reasons, with no replacement. This interface will be removed in a future version of this API. HttpSessionEvent - class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent. This is the class representing event notifications for changes to sessions within a web application. HttpSessionEvent(HttpSession) - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent Construct a session event from the given source. HttpSessionListener - interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener. Implementations of this interface are notified of changes to the list of active sessions in a web application. HttpUtils - class javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils. Deprecated. As of Java(tm) Servlet API 2.3. These methods were only useful with the default encoding and have been moved to the request interfaces. HttpUtils() - Constructor for class javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils Deprecated. Constructs an empty HttpUtils object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I include(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in interface javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher Includes the content of a resource (servlet, JSP page, HTML file) in the response. init() - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet A convenience method which can be overridden so that there's no need to call super.init(config). init(FilterConfig) - Method in interface javax.servlet.Filter Called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being placed into service. init(ServletConfig) - Method in interface javax.servlet.Servlet Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being placed into service. init(ServletConfig) - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being placed into service. invalidate() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Invalidates this session then unbinds any objects bound to it. isCommitted() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Returns a boolean indicating if the response has been committed. isCommitted() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isCommitted() on the wrapped response object. isNew() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Returns true if the client does not yet know about the session or if the client chooses not to join the session. isPermanent() - Method in class javax.servlet.UnavailableException Returns a boolean indicating whether the servlet is permanently unavailable. isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Checks whether the requested session ID came in as a cookie. isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() on the wrapped request object. isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Deprecated. As of Version 2.1 of the Java Servlet API, use HttpServletRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() instead. isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() on the wrapped request object. isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Checks whether the requested session ID came in as part of the request URL. isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() on the wrapped request object. isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Checks whether the requested session ID is still valid. isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isRequestedSessionIdValid() on the wrapped request object. isSecure() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isSecure() on the wrapped request object. isSecure() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS. isUserInRole(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest Returns a boolean indicating whether the authenticated user is included in the specified logical "role". isUserInRole(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return isUserInRole(String role) on the wrapped request object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J javax.servlet - package javax.servlet This chapter describes the javax.servlet package. javax.servlet.http - package javax.servlet.http This chapter describes the javax.servlet.http package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L log(Exception, String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1, use ServletContext.log(String message, Throwable throwable) instead. This method was originally defined to write an exception's stack trace and an explanatory error message to the servlet log file. log(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Writes the specified message to a servlet log file, usually an event log. log(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Writes the specified message to a servlet log file, prepended by the servlet's name. log(String, Throwable) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable exception to the servlet log file. log(String, Throwable) - Method in class javax.servlet.GenericServlet Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable exception to the servlet log file, prepended by the servlet's name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P parsePostData(int, ServletInputStream) - Static method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils Deprecated. Parses data from an HTML form that the client sends to the server using the HTTP POST method and the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type. parseQueryString(String) - Static method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils Deprecated. Parses a query string passed from the client to the server and builds a HashTable object with key-value pairs. print(boolean) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a boolean value to the client, with no carriage return-line feed (CRLF) character at the end. print(char) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a character to the client, with no carriage return-line feed (CRLF) at the end. print(double) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a double value to the client, with no carriage return-line feed (CRLF) at the end. print(float) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a float value to the client, with no carriage return-line feed (CRLF) at the end. print(int) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes an int to the client, with no carriage return-line feed (CRLF) at the end. print(long) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a long value to the client, with no carriage return-line feed (CRLF) at the end. print(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a String to the client, without a carriage return-line feed (CRLF) character at the end. println() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a carriage return-line feed (CRLF) to the client. println(boolean) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a boolean value to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF). println(char) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a character to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF). println(double) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a double value to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF). println(float) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a float value to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF). println(int) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes an int to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF) character. println(long) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a long value to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF). println(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream Writes a String to the client, followed by a carriage return-line feed (CRLF). putValue(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Deprecated. As of Version 2.2, this method is replaced by HttpSession.setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R readLine(byte[], int, int) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletInputStream Reads the input stream, one line at a time. removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Removes the attribute with the given name from the servlet context. removeAttribute(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call removeAttribute(String name) on the wrapped request object. removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest Removes an attribute from this request. removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Removes the object bound with the specified name from this session. removeValue(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession Deprecated. As of Version 2.2, this method is replaced by HttpSession.removeAttribute(java.lang.String) requestDestroyed(ServletRequestEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener The request is about to go out of scope of the web application. RequestDispatcher - interface javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher. Defines an object that receives requests from the client and sends them to any resource (such as a servlet, HTML file, or JSP file) on the server. requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent) - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener The request is about to come into scope of the web application. reset() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Clears any data that exists in the buffer as well as the status code and headers. reset() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call reset() on the wrapped response object. resetBuffer() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse Clears the content of the underlying buffer in the response without clearing headers or status code. resetBuffer() - Method in class javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call resetBuffer() on the wrapped response object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S SC_ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (202) indicating that a request was accepted for processing, but was not completed. SC_BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (502) indicating that the HTTP server received an invalid response from a server it consulted when acting as a proxy or gateway. SC_BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (400) indicating the request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect. SC_CONFLICT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (409) indicating that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. SC_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (100) indicating the client can continue. SC_CREATED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (201) indicating the request succeeded and created a new resource on the server. SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (417) indicating that the server could not meet the expectation given in the Expect request header. SC_FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request but refused to fulfill it. SC_FOUND - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (302) indicating that the resource reside temporarily under a different URI. SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (504) indicating that the server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy. SC_GONE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (410) indicating that the resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (505) indicating that the server does not support or refuses to support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message. SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (500) indicating an error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request. SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (411) indicating that the request cannot be handled without a defined Content-Length. SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (405) indicating that the method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (301) indicating that the resource has permanently moved to a new location, and that future references should use a new URI with their requests. SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (302) indicating that the resource has temporarily moved to another location, but that future references should still use the original URI to access the resource. SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (300) indicating that the requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location. SC_NO_CONTENT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (204) indicating that the request succeeded but that there was no new information to return. SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (203) indicating that the meta information presented by the client did not originate from the server. SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (406) indicating that the resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request. SC_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (404) indicating that the requested resource is not available. SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (501) indicating the HTTP server does not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request. SC_NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (304) indicating that a conditional GET operation found that the resource was available and not modified. SC_OK - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (200) indicating the request succeeded normally. SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (206) indicating that the server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource. SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (402) reserved for future use. SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (412) indicating that the precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server. SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (407) indicating that the client MUST first authenticate itself with the proxy. SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (413) indicating that the server is refusing to process the request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (408) indicating that the client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (414) indicating that the server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (416) indicating that the server cannot serve the requested byte range. SC_RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (205) indicating that the agent SHOULD reset the document view which caused the request to be sent. SC_SEE_OTHER - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (303) indicating that the response to the request can be found under a different URI. SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (503) indicating that the HTTP server is temporarily overloaded, and unable to handle the request. SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (101) indicating the server is switching protocols according to Upgrade header. SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (307) indicating that the requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. SC_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (401) indicating that the request requires HTTP authentication. SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (415) indicating that the server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. SC_USE_PROXY - Static variable in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Status code (305) indicating that the requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy given by the Location field. sendError(int) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call sendError(int sc) on the wrapped response object. sendError(int) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Sends an error response to the client using the specified status code and clearing the buffer. sendError(int, String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to call sendError(int sc, String msg) on the wrapped response object. sendError(int, String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Sends an error response to the client using the specified status. sendRedirect(String) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper The default behavior of this method is to return sendRedirect(String location) on the wrapped response object. sendRedirect(String) - Method in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse Sends a temporary redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL. service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet Receives standard HTTP requests from the public service method and dispatches them to the doXXX methods defined in this class. service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in interfac
​ 博主介绍:✌在职Java研发工程师、专注于程序设计、源码分享、技术交流、专注于Java技术领域和毕业设计✌项目名称基于Web的酒店客房管理系统的设计与实现系统说明3.2.1  用户模块功能分析前台模块应主要包括用户登录模块、用户注册模块、查看客房信息模块、客房预定 模块、用户留言模块、充值模块和个人信息维护模块。用户登录模块:用户通过输入注册的的账号和密码,然后进行身份验证,匹配成功 后实现登录功能。用户注册模块:用户输入合法的账号和密码可以实现注册功能。 查看客房信息模块:用户可以通过首页查看客房的价格,图片,详情等信息,从而   可以选择想要预定的房间。 客房预定模块:用户选择自己想要预定的客房后,可以通过输入相关信息进行订房操作。用户留言模块:用户可以向管理员发送留言。 充值模块:用户可以通过添加银行卡再为自己进行充值操作。 个人信息维护模块:用户可以修改自己的姓名、密码、身份证号等信息,还可以查看自己的订单。3.2.2  管理员模块功能分析对于管理员而言,一个好的管理系统总是能让酒店的管理工作事半功倍[7]。管理员 能够通过这个系统对自己的酒店情况一目了然,应该包括客户留言模块、客房管理模 块、订房信息管理模块、入住信息管理模块、统计分析模块、酒店新闻管理模块、会 员信息管理模块、员工信息管理模块、系统用户管理模块、个人信息维护模块。客户留言模块:管理员可以查看并回复用户的留言。客房管理模块:管理员可以管理客房信息,可以添加新的客房,删除已经停用的客房信息,还可以修改现有的客房信息。订房信息管理模块:管理员可以处理用户的订房请求,为用户办理入住手续。入住信息管理模块:对于没有注册的线下客户,也可以办理入住手续。统计分析模块:可以对酒店所有的入住信息进行记录和总结分析。酒店新闻管理模块:管理员可以更新网站上的新闻公告,展示图片等信息。会员信息管理模块:管理员可以查看到所有的注册会员信息,可以对会员信息进行删除,修改,添加操作。员工信息管理模块:管理员可以查看到自己公司所有的员工信息,而且还可以对员工的相关信息进行管理。系统用户管理模块:管理员可以查看到所有的系统管理员信息并对管理员信息进行管理。个人信息维护模块:管理员可以更改自己的登录密码或者是姓名、性别、手机号等 相关个人信息。​编辑 环境需要1.运行环境:最好是java jdk 1.8,我们在这个平台上运行的。其他版本理论上也可以。2.IDE环境:IDEA,Eclipse,Myeclipse都可以。推荐IDEA;3.tomcat环境:Tomcat 7.x,8.x,9.x版本均可4.硬件环境:windows 7/8/10 1G内存以上;或者 Mac OS; 5.数据库:MySql 5.7版本;6.是否Maven项目:否;技术栈1. 后端:Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis2. 前端:JSP+CSS+JavaScript+jQuery使用说明1. 使用Navicat或者其它工具,在mysql中创建对应名称的数据库,并导入项目的sql文件;2. 使用IDEA/Eclipse/MyEclipse导入项目,Eclipse/MyEclipse导入时,若为maven项目请选择maven;若为maven项目,导入成功后请执行maven clean;maven install命令,然后运行;3. 将项目中springmvc-servlet.xml配置文件中的数据库配置改为自己的配置;4. 运行项目,在浏览器中输入http://localhost:8080/ 登录运行截图​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑​编辑 用户管理控制层:package com.houserss.controller;import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;import com.houserss.common.Const;import com.houserss.common.Const.Role;import com.houserss.common.ServerResponse;import com.houserss.pojo.User;import com.houserss.service.IUserService;import com.houserss.service.impl.UserServiceImpl;import com.houserss.util.MD5Util;import com.houserss.util.TimeUtils;import com.houserss.vo.DeleteHouseVo;import com.houserss.vo.PageInfoVo;/** * Created by admin */@Controller@RequestMapping(/user/)public class UserController if (ip != null && ip.length() > 0) String[] ips = ip.split(,);for (int i = 0; i  



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