Using Cloud with Data Visualization for Better Business Decision-making

龚游乾 2017-06-28 11:12:59
Definitions of Big Data and Cloud Services
Understanding what are Cloud Services and the advantages of Cloud service will facilitate us to know why we choose Cloud Services to implement Real-time Interactive Data Visualization. Cloud Services appear with Big Data. Cloud Services include Cloud Storage and Cloud Computing. They enable a researcher to collect current data from sectors and take advantage of as many computers as needed to complete an analysis in a short time, which means that a lot of computers are constantly collecting real-time data and analysis data simultaneously. [7]Thus, with the help of Cloud Services, Real-time Interactive Data Visualization System will be more scalable and stable when facing heterogeneous and large volume data sets. [5]
2.1 Cloud from Big Data
To have a better understand of what aspects that data visualization need to be improved, we ought to know what is Big Data. The research conducted by Mauro, Greco and Grimaldi collected thousands of articles from business and academic fields concluded a consensual definition for Big Data: “Big Data represents the Information assets characterized by such a High Volume, Velocity, and Variety to require specific Technology and Analytical Methods for its transformation into Value.” [8]In other word, Big Data makes the volume of data become large; the type of data become heterogeneous and the range of data usage become wider. Therefore, modern Data Visualization should improve to cope with high Volume, Velocity, and Variety data sets. Our plan is to apply Cloud service on Data visualization to implement Real-time Data Visualization that helps upper management make smarter decisions.
2.2 Cloud Storage
Cloud Storage is a new technique based on NoSQL and aims to store heterogeneous and large volume data collected from many sectors and websites. [9]There are many benefits of storing data in the Cloud. For example, Cloud storage is effortless and secure for personal, enterprise and institutional data backups and real-time transforming as well as for highly scalable access from software applications running on attached compute servers. Many technology companies provide integrated platforms for users, so to manage their data warehouse users only need to click a few buttons which make users feel effortless. Besides, the data is usually well protected, encrypted and having back-up in other Cloud depending on the security and scalability needs which mean users don’t need to worry about loss data or Hackers. Thus, Cloud storage becomes more and more popular in recent years. [10]A cloud-based visualization service would also offer simpler cross-platform support, allowing consistent shading results to be delivered to multiple clients, which otherwise would use different hardware. In addition, the client software can be simple, and therefore easy to port to many devices. Such a service also offers scalable resource capacity in terms of GPU, CPU, and memory. A desktop system can only deliver its own capacity, whereas a cloud solution can scale to respond to immediate needs. For example, in dynamic Internet of Things (IoT) data streaming applications, this scalability could be critical for responding to one-off data-intensive events. [9]
2.3 Cloud Computing
According to an adaptation of the definition proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA [11], Cloud Computing is “a method of availing computing resources from a provider, on demand, by a customer using a computer connected to a network (usually the Internet).” [12] For this study, the reason I choose Cloud computing is because Cloud Computing is flexible and always-on availability. In the business field, the elements in Business Intelligence Data Visualization are unpredictable as the market changes constantly. By adopting Cloud Computing, people don’t need to think about the capacity and valuables at the beginning of the projects, because Cloud Computing allow users to add and drop data elements anytime. [13] What’s more, the always-on availability of Cloud Computing also very suitable for the global economy environment, and it can run 24 hours to analysis, collect and visualization data from all over the world. [7] By reviewing articles about Cloud services and Interactive Data Visualization, we find some existed challenges for applying Cloud on Data Visualization.

[1] T. Flanders, "Speakers Give Sound Advice," Syracuse Post Standard, p. 18, 1911.
[2] H. C. R. H. L. Chiang and V. C. Storey, "BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYTICS: FROM BIG DATA TO BIG IMPACT," MIS Quarterly, vol. 36:4, pp. 1165-1188, 2012.
[3] D. Stodder, "Data Visualization and Discorvery for Better Business Decision," TDWI best practi ces Report, vol. 3, pp. 1-32, 2013.
[4] M. A. Waller and S. E. Fawcett, "Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and Big Data: A Revolution," Business Logistics, vol. 34, pp. 77-85, 2013.
[5] P. Godfrey, J. Gryz and P. Lasek, "Interactive Visualization of Large Data Sets," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 2142-2156, 2016.
[6] G. Kolata, "Computer Graphics Comes to Statistics," Science, pp. 919-20, 1982.
[7] E. B. Dudin and Y. G. Smetanin, "A Review of Cloud Computing," Scientific and Technical Information Processing, vol. 38, pp. 280-284, 2011.
[8] A. D. Mauro, M. Greco and M. Grimaldi, "What is Big Data? A Consensual Definition and a Review of Key Research Topics," AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 97-104, 2015.
[9] N. Holliman and P. Watson, "Scalable Real-Time Visualization Using the Cloud," BLUE SKIES, vol. 15, pp. 90-97, 2015.
[10] P. J. Sackett, M. F. Al-Gaylani, A. Tiwari and D. Williams, "A review of data visualization: opportunities in manufacturing sequence management," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 19:7, pp. 689-704, 2007.

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