
zjuujz 2017-07-31 03:43:40
4位十进制计算器verilogHDL设计该怎么在xilinxSpartan上实现?要求如下:Implement a decimal calculator,
operate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for two 16 bits
numbers and display the results in 7-segment LED display.Using decimal numbers as the
inputs/outputs. Each input is 4 decimals (16 bits).Display an error message (ERR)
when the divisor is 0.Please make your own user interact
design to control the calculation operation, to display the operation results,
and provide the clear user manual. Build Behavioral Simulation and
submit the simulation results.
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zjuujz 2017-08-17
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主模块修改为以下代码是否正确? module caculator(clk, btn_in,sw, led,digit_anode, segment); input clk; input [2:0] sw; input [3:0] btn_in; output led; output [3:0] digit_anode; output [ 7:0] segment; wire clk_1ms; wire [3:0] btn_in; wire [3:0] digit_anode; wire [7:0] segment; reg [15:0] result=16’b0; reg [15:0] t=16’b0; wire [3:0] btn_out; reg [15:0] A,B,a,b; reg m=0; initial begin A<=16'b0; B<=16'b0; a<=16’b0; b<=16’b0; end Timer_1ms I2 (clk,clk_1ms); anti_jitter I1 (clk,clk_1ms,btn_in,btn_out); always@(posedge clk)begin if(sw[2:0]==3’b001)begin always@(posedge btn_out[0]) begin A[3:0]<=A[3:0] + 4'd1; if(A[3:0]>4’d9) A[3:0]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[1]) begin A[7:4]<=A[7:4] + 4'd1; if(A[7:4])>4’d9) A[7:4]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[2]) begin A[11:8]<=A[11:8] + 4'd1; if(A[11:8]>4’d9) A[11:8]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[3]) begin A[15:12]<=A[15:12]+4'd1; if(A[15:12]>4’d9) A[15:12]<=4’b0; end end else if(sw[2:0]==3’b010) begin always@(posedge btn_out[0]) begin B[3:0]<=B[3:0] + 4'd1; if(B[3:0]>4’d9) B[3:0]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[1]) begin B[7:4]<=B[7:4] + 4'd1; if(B[7:4])>4’d9) B[7:4]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[2]) begin B[11:8]<=B[11:8] + 4'd1; if(B[11:8]>4’d9) B[11:8]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[3]) begin B[15:12]<=B[15:12]+4'd1; if(B[15:12]>4’d9) B[15:12]<=4’b0; end end else begin a[15:0]=A[3:0]+4’d10*A[7:4]+4’d100*A[11:8]+4’d1000*A[15:12]; b[15:0]=B[3:0]+4’d10*B[7:4]+4’d100*B[11:8]+4’d1000*B[15:12]; case(sw[2:0]) 011:begin m=0;t=a+b;tobcd(t,result);end 100:begin if(a<b)begin t=b-a;tobcd(t,result);m=1;end else begin t=a-b;tobcd(t,result);m=0; end end 101:begin m=0;t=a*b;tobcd(t,result); end 110:begin if(b!=0)begin m=0;t=a/b; tobcd(t,result);end else result=16’bxxxx101010111011;end 111:begin A=16’b0;B=16’b0;a=16’b0;b=16’b0;t=16’b0;m=0;result=16’b0;end default: ; endcase end end assign led[0]=m; display DISPLAY_0(clk, result,digit_anode, segment); endmodule
zjuujz 2017-08-15
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下面代码错误在哪里?应如何修改满足题目要求?代码: module caculator(clk, btn_in,sw, led,digit_anode, segment); input clk; input [2:0] sw; input [3:0] btn_in; output led; output [3:0] digit_anode; output [ 7:0] segment; wire clk_1ms; wire [3:0] btn_in; wire [3:0] digit_anode; wire [7:0] segment; reg [15:0] result=16’b0; reg [15:0] t=16’b0; wire [3:0] btn_out; reg [15:0] A,B,a,b; reg m=0; initial begin A<=16'b0; B<=16'b0; a<=16’b0; b<=16’b0; end Timer_1ms I2 (clk,clk_1ms); anti_jitter I1 (clk,clk_1ms,btn_in,btn_out); if(sw[2:0]==3’b001)begin always@(posedge btn_out[0]) begin A[3:0]<=A[3:0] + 4'd1; if(A[3:0]>4’d9) A[3:0]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[1]) begin A[7:4]<=A[7:4] + 4'd1; if(A[7:4])>4’d9) A[7:4]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[2]) begin A[11:8]<=A[11:8] + 4'd1; if(A[11:8]>4’d9) A[11:8]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[3]) begin A[15:12]<=A[15:12]+4'd1; if(A[15:12]>4’d9) A[15:12]<=4’b0; end end else if(sw[2:0]==3’b010) begin always@(posedge btn_out[0]) begin B[3:0]<=B[3:0] + 4'd1; if(B[3:0]>4’d9) B[3:0]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[1]) begin B[7:4]<=B[7:4] + 4'd1; if(B[7:4])>4’d9) B[7:4]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[2]) begin B[11:8]<=B[11:8] + 4'd1; if(B[11:8]>4’d9) B[11:8]<=4’b0; end always@(posedge btn_out[3]) begin B[15:12]<=B[15:12]+4'd1; if(B[15:12]>4’d9) B[15:12]<=4’b0; end end else begin a[15:0]=A[3:0]+4’d10*A[7:4]+4’d100*A[11:8]+4’d1000*A[15:12]; b[15:0]=B[3:0]+4’d10*B[7:4]+4’d100*B[11:8]+4’d1000*B[15:12]; case(sw[2:0]) 011:begin m=0;t=a+b;tobcd(t,result);end 100:begin if(a<b)begin t=b-a;tobcd(t,result);m=1;end else begin t=a-b;tobcd(t,result);m=0; end end 101:begin m=0;t=a*b;tobcd(t,result); end 110:begin if(b!=0)begin m=0;t=a/b; tobcd(t,result);end else result=16’bxxxx101010111011;end 111:begin A=16’b0;B=16’b0;a=16’b0;b=16’b0;t=16’b0;m=0;result=16’b0;end default: ; endcase end assign led[0]=m; display DISPLAY_0(clk, result,digit_anode, segment); endmodule module tobcd(in,result); input [15:0] in; output [15:0] result; reg [15:0] result; result[3:0]=in%4’d10; result[7:4]=(in/4’d10)%4’d10; result[11:8]=(in/4’d100)%4’d10; result[15:12]=(in/4’d1000)%4’d10; endmodule module display(clk,digit,node,segment); input wire clk; input wire [15:0] digit; output reg [ 3:0] node; output reg [ 7:0] segment; reg [3:0] code = 4'b0; reg [15:0] count = 16'b0; always @(posedge clk)begin case (count[15:14]) 2'b00 : begin node <= 4'b1110; code <= digit[3:0]; end 2'b01 : begin node <= 4'b1101; code <= digit[7:4]; end 2'b10 : begin node <= 4'b1011; code <= digit[11:8]; end 2'b11 : begin node <= 4'b0111; code <= digit[15:12]; end endcase case (code) 4'b0000: segment <= 8'b11000000; 4'b0001: segment <= 8'b11111001; 4'b0010: segment <= 8'b10100100; 4'b0011: segment <= 8'b10110000; 4'b0100: segment <= 8'b10011001; 4'b0101: segment <= 8'b10010010; 4'b0110: segment <= 8'b10000010; 4'b0111: segment <= 8'b11111000; 4'b1000: segment <= 8'b10000000; 4'b1001: segment <= 8'b10010000; 4’b1010: segment <= 8’b10000110; 4’b1011: segment <= 8’b10001000; default: segment <= 8'b11111111; endcase count <= count + 1; end endmodule module anti_jitter(clk, clk_1ms, btn, btn_out); input clk; input clk_1ms; input [3:0] btn; output [3:0] btn_out; wire clk, clk_1ms; wire [3:0] btn; reg [3:0] btn_out; reg [3:0] cnt_aj; reg [3:0] btn_old; initial begin cnt_aj <= 0; btn_out <= 4'b0000; btn_old <= 4'b0000; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (btn != btn_old) begin cnt_aj <= 4'b0000; btn_old <= btn; end else begin if (clk_1ms) begin if (cnt_aj == 4'b1111) begin cnt_aj <= 4'b0000; btn_out <= btn; end cnt_aj <= cnt_aj + 1; end end end endmodule module Timer_1ms(clk, clk_1ms); //1ms timer input clk; output clk_1ms; wire clk; reg clk_1ms; reg [15:0] cnt; initial begin cnt [15:0] <= 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin if (cnt >= 49999) begin cnt <= 0; clk_1ms <= 1; end else begin cnt <= cnt + 1; clk_1ms <= 0; end end endmodule UCF: Net "clk" loc = "T9"; net "segment[0]" loc = "E14"; net "segment[1]" loc = "G13"; net "segment[2]" loc = "N15"; net "segment[3]" loc = "P15"; net "segment[4]" loc = "R16"; net "segment[5]" loc = "F13"; net "segment[6]" loc = "N16"; net "segment[7]" loc = "P16"; net "digit_anode[0]" loc = "D14"; net "digit_anode[1]" loc = "G14"; net "digit_anode[2]" loc = "F14"; net "digit_anode[3]" loc = "E13"; net "btn_in[0]" loc = "L14"; net "btn_in[1]" loc = "L13"; net "btn_in[2]" loc = "M14"; net "btn_in[3]" loc = "M13"; net "sw[0]" loc = "F12"; net "sw[1]" loc = "G12"; net "sw[2]" loc = "H14"; net "led[0]" loc = "K12";
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灌水号 2017-07-31
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qq_39671057 2017-07-31
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