
EuegneChen 2017-11-16 08:58:28

#define HISDK_API __declspec( dllimport)
#define HISDK_APICALL __stdcall /*用于Release静态库*/

HISDK_API int HISDK_APICALL HI_SDK_SelectPic(long lHandle, CPoint point);
HISDK_API int HISDK_APICALL HI_SDK_MouseMove(long lHandle, UINT nFlags, CPoint point, CRect rcRect);

class CPoint :
public tagPOINT
// Constructors

// create an uninitialized point
CPoint() throw();
// create from two integers
_In_ int initX,
_In_ int initY) throw();
// create from another point
CPoint(_In_ POINT initPt) throw();
// create from a size
CPoint(_In_ SIZE initSize) throw();
// create from an LPARAM: x = LOWORD(dw) y = HIWORD(dw)
CPoint(_In_ LPARAM dwPoint) throw();

// Operations

// translate the point
void Offset(
_In_ int xOffset,
_In_ int yOffset) throw();
void Offset(_In_ POINT point) throw();
void Offset(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void SetPoint(
_In_ int X,
_In_ int Y) throw();

BOOL operator==(_In_ POINT point) const throw();
BOOL operator!=(_In_ POINT point) const throw();
void operator+=(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void operator-=(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void operator+=(_In_ POINT point) throw();
void operator-=(_In_ POINT point) throw();

// Operators returning CPoint values
CPoint operator+(_In_ SIZE size) const throw();
CPoint operator-(_In_ SIZE size) const throw();
CPoint operator-() const throw();
CPoint operator+(_In_ POINT point) const throw();

// Operators returning CSize values
CSize operator-(_In_ POINT point) const throw();

// Operators returning CRect values
CRect operator+(_In_ const RECT* lpRect) const throw();
CRect operator-(_In_ const RECT* lpRect) const throw();

// CRect - A 2-D rectangle, similar to Windows RECT structure.

class CRect :
public tagRECT
// Constructors
// uninitialized rectangle
CRect() throw();
// from left, top, right, and bottom
_In_ int l,
_In_ int t,
_In_ int r,
_In_ int b) throw();
// copy constructor
CRect(_In_ const RECT& srcRect) throw();

// from a pointer to another rect
CRect(_In_ LPCRECT lpSrcRect) throw();
// from a point and size
_In_ POINT point,
_In_ SIZE size) throw();
// from two points
_In_ POINT topLeft,
_In_ POINT bottomRight) throw();

// Attributes (in addition to RECT members)

// retrieves the width
int Width() const throw();
// returns the height
int Height() const throw();
// returns the size
CSize Size() const throw();
// reference to the top-left point
CPoint& TopLeft() throw();
// reference to the bottom-right point
CPoint& BottomRight() throw();
// const reference to the top-left point
const CPoint& TopLeft() const throw();
// const reference to the bottom-right point
const CPoint& BottomRight() const throw();
// the geometric center point of the rectangle
CPoint CenterPoint() const throw();
// swap the left and right
void SwapLeftRight() throw();
static void WINAPI SwapLeftRight(_Inout_ LPRECT lpRect) throw();

// convert between CRect and LPRECT/LPCRECT (no need for &)
operator LPRECT() throw();
operator LPCRECT() const throw();

// returns TRUE if rectangle has no area
BOOL IsRectEmpty() const throw();
// returns TRUE if rectangle is at (0,0) and has no area
BOOL IsRectNull() const throw();
// returns TRUE if point is within rectangle
BOOL PtInRect(_In_ POINT point) const throw();

// Operations

// set rectangle from left, top, right, and bottom
void SetRect(
_In_ int x1,
_In_ int y1,
_In_ int x2,
_In_ int y2) throw();
void SetRect(
_In_ POINT topLeft,
_In_ POINT bottomRight) throw();
// empty the rectangle
void SetRectEmpty() throw();
// copy from another rectangle
void CopyRect(_In_ LPCRECT lpSrcRect) throw();
// TRUE if exactly the same as another rectangle
BOOL EqualRect(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) const throw();

// Inflate rectangle's width and height by
// x units to the left and right ends of the rectangle
// and y units to the top and bottom.
void InflateRect(
_In_ int x,
_In_ int y) throw();
// Inflate rectangle's width and height by
// size.cx units to the left and right ends of the rectangle
// and size.cy units to the top and bottom.
void InflateRect(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
// Inflate rectangle's width and height by moving individual sides.
// Left side is moved to the left, right side is moved to the right,
// top is moved up and bottom is moved down.
void InflateRect(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) throw();
void InflateRect(
_In_ int l,
_In_ int t,
_In_ int r,
_In_ int b) throw();

// deflate the rectangle's width and height without
// moving its top or left
void DeflateRect(
_In_ int x,
_In_ int y) throw();
void DeflateRect(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void DeflateRect(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) throw();
void DeflateRect(
_In_ int l,
_In_ int t,
_In_ int r,
_In_ int b) throw();

// translate the rectangle by moving its top and left
void OffsetRect(
_In_ int x,
_In_ int y) throw();
void OffsetRect(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void OffsetRect(_In_ POINT point) throw();
void NormalizeRect() throw();

// absolute position of rectangle
void MoveToY(_In_ int y) throw();
void MoveToX(_In_ int x) throw();
void MoveToXY(
_In_ int x,
_In_ int y) throw();
void MoveToXY(_In_ POINT point) throw();

// set this rectangle to intersection of two others
BOOL IntersectRect(
_In_ LPCRECT lpRect1,
_In_ LPCRECT lpRect2) throw();

// set this rectangle to bounding union of two others
BOOL UnionRect(
_In_ LPCRECT lpRect1,
_In_ LPCRECT lpRect2) throw();

// set this rectangle to minimum of two others
BOOL SubtractRect(
_In_ LPCRECT lpRectSrc1,
_In_ LPCRECT lpRectSrc2) throw();

// Additional Operations
void operator=(_In_ const RECT& srcRect) throw();
BOOL operator==(_In_ const RECT& rect) const throw();
BOOL operator!=(_In_ const RECT& rect) const throw();
void operator+=(_In_ POINT point) throw();
void operator+=(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void operator+=(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) throw();
void operator-=(_In_ POINT point) throw();
void operator-=(_In_ SIZE size) throw();
void operator-=(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) throw();
void operator&=(_In_ const RECT& rect) throw();
void operator|=(_In_ const RECT& rect) throw();

// Operators returning CRect values
CRect operator+(_In_ POINT point) const throw();
CRect operator-(_In_ POINT point) const throw();
CRect operator+(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) const throw();
CRect operator+(_In_ SIZE size) const throw();
CRect operator-(_In_ SIZE size) const throw();
CRect operator-(_In_ LPCRECT lpRect) const throw();
CRect operator&(_In_ const RECT& rect2) const throw();
CRect operator|(_In_ const RECT& rect2) const throw();
CRect MulDiv(
_In_ int nMultiplier,
_In_ int nDivisor) const throw();

//windef.h 有tagPoint 和tagRect

求指教 这个地方应该这么改 谢谢
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2 条回复
Saleayas 2017-11-30
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[StructLayout(Sequential)] struct CRect { Int32 left; Int32 top; Int32 right; Int32 bottom; } [StructLayout(Sequential)] struct CPoint { Int32 x; Int32 y; } [DllImport(...)] int HI_SDK_SelectPic(int lHandle, CPoint point); [DllImport(...)] int HI_SDK_MouseMove(int lHandle, UInt32 nFlags, CPoint point, CRect rcRect);
gh1223181184 2017-11-30
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像使用函数一样先 声明一下



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