
weixin_40101242 2017-11-28 02:35:16
日期 小时 分钟
2016-01-01 1 0
2016-01-01 1 5
2016-01-01 1 10
. . .
. . .
2016-12-31 24 55

也就是2016-08-03 16时 0分数据的前后是缺失的,那么2016-08-03 16时 0分的数据就要被取出存储(称这类数据为A),

727 40 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
40 条回复
weixin_40101242 2017-11-30
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引用 39 楼 superwfei 的回复:
;with tt as (
    select *
	,datediff(minute,'2000-1-1',dateadd(minute,分钟,dateadd(hour,小时,convert(datetime,观测日期))))/5 as tn
    from #t  -- 实际使用吧#t换成自己的表名
),ttt as (
	select *,row_number() over(order by tn) as rid from tt a where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where tn=a.tn-1)
),tttt as (
	select * from ttt a
	cross apply(
		select count(0) as 最大观测次数 from tt where tn>=a.tn and tn<isnull((select tn from ttt where rid=a.rid+1),100000000)
	) b
select * from tttt
文盲老顾 2017-11-29
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;with tt as (
    select *
	,datediff(minute,'2000-1-1',dateadd(minute,分钟,dateadd(hour,小时,convert(datetime,观测日期))))/5 as tn
    from #t  -- 实际使用吧#t换成自己的表名
),ttt as (
	select *,row_number() over(order by tn) as rid from tt a where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where tn=a.tn-1)
),tttt as (
	select * from ttt a
	cross apply(
		select count(0) as 最大观测次数 from tt where tn>=a.tn and tn<isnull((select tn from ttt where rid=a.rid+1),100000000)
	) b
select * from tttt
文盲老顾 2017-11-29
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用完100次递归了?看看数据是否有重复的,也就是日期、小时、分钟这三项,如果有重复的,追加一个其他条件用以区分这些 如果不是因为重复造成的,看看是否有连续超过100次的观测,如果有这种数据,那么递归的写法要调整
weixin_40101242 2017-11-29
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weixin_40101242 2017-11-29
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引用 34 楼 RINK_1 的回复:

if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#T') is null
    drop table #T
Create table #T([日期] Date,[小时] int,[分钟] int)
Insert #T
    select '2016-8-3' ,15,45
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',15,50
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',15,55
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',16,0
    union all
    select '2016-8-19',12,25
    union all
    select '2016-8-19',12,30
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,0
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,5
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,10
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',7,55
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',8,5
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',8,10
with cte_1
(select *,
dateadd(minute,[分钟],dateadd(HOUR,[小时],cast([日期] as datetime))) as [time]
from #T),

(select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select null)) as seq from master..spt_values A,master..spt_values B
 where A.TYPE='P' and B.type='P' and A.number<1000 and B.number<1000)

select *,
count(1) over (partition by rn_1-rn_2) as 最大观察次数,
case when count(1) over (partition by rn_1-rn_2)=1 then 'A'
     when count(1) over (partition by rn_1-rn_2)>3 then 'C' 
     else 'B' 
     end as type 
(select *,
case when isnull(B.time,'')='' then '0' else '1' end as symbol,
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by schedule_time) as rn_1,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by case when isnull(B.time,'')='' then '0' else '1' end order by schedule_time) as rn_2
(select DATEADD(MINUTE,(seq-1)*5,min_time) as schedule_time
from (select MIN(time) as min_time,MAX(time) as max_time from cte_1) as A
join cte_2 as B on (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,min_time,max_time)/5)+1>=B.seq) as A
left join cte_1 as B ON A.schedule_time=B.time) as A
where symbol=1
order by schedule_time

weixin_40101242 2017-11-29
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引用 33 楼 superwfei 的回复:
-- 测试数据
create table #t (id int identity,观测日期 varchar(10),小时 int,分钟 int)

insert into #t(观测日期,小时,分钟)
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟
union all
select '2016-8-3',15,50
union all
select '2016-8-3',15,55
union all
select '2016-8-3',16,0
union all
select '2016-8-19',12,25
union all
select '2016-8-19',12,30
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,0
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,5
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,10
union all
select '2016-10-9',7,55
union all
select '2016-10-9',8,5
union all
select '2016-10-9',8,10
-- 测试数据填充完毕

;with tt as (
select *
,dateadd(minute,分钟,dateadd(hour,小时,convert(datetime,观测日期))) as tm -- 对实际数据追加一个 datetime 类型的字段,用来描述每次观测的时间
from #t -- 实际使用吧#t换成自己的表名
),ttt as (
select *,tm as 观测开始时间,1 as 第几次观测 -- 将当前时间追加为观测开始时间,并记录为第一次观测
from tt a -- 从追加完观测时间的cte表中获取数据
where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where datediff(minute,tm,a.tm)=5) -- 获取条件为不存在比当前观测时间少5分钟的记录,也就是每次观测的第一次观测记录
union all -- 对cte表 ttt 进行递归查询
select a.*,b.观测开始时间,b.第几次观测+1 -- 将ttt表中的观测开始时间作为当前记录的观测开始时间,将ttt表中的观测次数加1作为当前观测记录的观测次数
from tt a,ttt b -- 从tt表和ttt表中获取数据
where datediff(minute,b.tm,a.tm)=5 -- 获取条件为在ttt表中存在比当前观测时间少5分钟的数据
select b.*,最大观测次数
from (
select 观测开始时间,max(第几次观测) as 最大观测次数
from ttt a
group by 观测开始时间 -- 根据观测开始时间分组,取每个观测开始时间对应的最大观测次数
) a
cross apply (
select * from ttt where 观测开始时间=a.观测开始时间 -- 根据观测开始时间补全数据
) b
order by tm

drop table #t -- 删除测试数据临时表


RINK_1 2017-11-28
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if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#T') is null
    drop table #T
Create table #T([日期] Date,[小时] int,[分钟] int)
Insert #T
    select '2016-8-3' ,15,45
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',15,50
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',15,55
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',16,0
    union all
    select '2016-8-19',12,25
    union all
    select '2016-8-19',12,30
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,0
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,5
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,10
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',7,55
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',8,5
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',8,10
with cte_1
(select *,
dateadd(minute,[分钟],dateadd(HOUR,[小时],cast([日期] as datetime))) as [time]
from #T),

(select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select null)) as seq from master..spt_values A,master..spt_values B
 where A.TYPE='P' and B.type='P' and A.number<1000 and B.number<1000)

select *,
count(1) over (partition by rn_1-rn_2) as 最大观察次数,
case when count(1) over (partition by rn_1-rn_2)=1 then 'A'
     when count(1) over (partition by rn_1-rn_2)>3 then 'C' 
     else 'B' 
     end as type 
(select *,
case when isnull(B.time,'')='' then '0' else '1' end as symbol,
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by schedule_time) as rn_1,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by case when isnull(B.time,'')='' then '0' else '1' end order by schedule_time) as rn_2
(select DATEADD(MINUTE,(seq-1)*5,min_time) as schedule_time
from (select MIN(time) as min_time,MAX(time) as max_time from cte_1) as A
join cte_2 as B on (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,min_time,max_time)/5)+1>=B.seq) as A
left join cte_1 as B ON A.schedule_time=B.time) as A
where symbol=1
order by schedule_time

文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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-- 测试数据
create table #t (id int identity,观测日期 varchar(10),小时 int,分钟 int)
insert into #t(观测日期,小时,分钟)
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟
union all
select '2016-8-3',15,50
union all
select '2016-8-3',15,55
union all
select '2016-8-3',16,0
union all
select '2016-8-19',12,25
union all
select '2016-8-19',12,30
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,0
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,5
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,10
union all
select '2016-10-9',7,55
union all
select '2016-10-9',8,5
union all
select '2016-10-9',8,10
-- 测试数据填充完毕
;with tt as (
    select *
	,dateadd(minute,分钟,dateadd(hour,小时,convert(datetime,观测日期))) as tm -- 对实际数据追加一个 datetime 类型的字段,用来描述每次观测的时间
	from #t  -- 实际使用吧#t换成自己的表名
),ttt as (
    select *,tm as 观测开始时间,1 as 第几次观测 -- 将当前时间追加为观测开始时间,并记录为第一次观测
	from tt a -- 从追加完观测时间的cte表中获取数据
	where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where datediff(minute,tm,a.tm)=5) -- 获取条件为不存在比当前观测时间少5分钟的记录,也就是每次观测的第一次观测记录
    union all -- 对cte表 ttt 进行递归查询
    select a.*,b.观测开始时间,b.第几次观测+1 -- 将ttt表中的观测开始时间作为当前记录的观测开始时间,将ttt表中的观测次数加1作为当前观测记录的观测次数
	from tt a,ttt b -- 从tt表和ttt表中获取数据
	where datediff(minute,b.tm,a.tm)=5 -- 获取条件为在ttt表中存在比当前观测时间少5分钟的数据
select b.*,最大观测次数 
from (
	select 观测开始时间,max(第几次观测) as 最大观测次数
	from ttt a 
	group by 观测开始时间	-- 根据观测开始时间分组,取每个观测开始时间对应的最大观测次数
) a
cross apply (
	select * from ttt where 观测开始时间=a.观测开始时间 -- 根据观测开始时间补全数据
) b
order by tm
drop table #t   -- 删除测试数据临时表
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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比如,你一个指令 select * from 观测记录 可以列出6万数据,但你粘贴出来的数据没有这么多 我们只能根据你粘贴出来的数据创建临时表,并把你的数据填充进去 insert into #t(a,b,c) select 1,2,3 union all select 2,4,6 和 insert into #t(a,b,c) values(1,2,3),(2,4,6) 的效果是一致的,写法不同而已
weixin_40101242 2017-11-28
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引用 29楼文盲老顾 的回复:
with t as (... union all ...) 这个写法仅仅是生成一个无表名的cte临时表,这部分可以忽略 就和我 27楼的写法那样,仅仅是因为别人没有你的实际表,只能靠建立临时表、表变量,或者cte表这样的方式来存放测试数据 然后才是根据测试数据写的实际指令,你在实际应用中应该忽略测试数据部分,把这个换成你自己的实际内容
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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例如你粘贴了一部分数据,没有提到表名 那么别人测试的时候就会自己随意起个临时名代替 例如 create table #t(...),用#t来代替你的实际表参与运算 或者像 with t as () 这样的,用 t 来代替你的实际表参与运算 也可以declare @t table(...),用@t来代替实际表 这些测试数据基本上都可以忽略,直接换成你自己的实际数据即可
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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with t as (... union all ...) 这个写法仅仅是生成一个无表名的cte临时表,这部分可以忽略 就和我 27楼的写法那样,仅仅是因为别人没有你的实际表,只能靠建立临时表、表变量,或者cte表这样的方式来存放测试数据 然后才是根据测试数据写的实际指令,你在实际应用中应该忽略测试数据部分,把这个换成你自己的实际内容
weixin_40101242 2017-11-28
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引用 26 楼 superwfei 的回复:
[quote=引用 24 楼 weixin_40101242 的回复:] [quote=引用 22 楼 superwfei 的回复:] ..... 你的表名叫什么?直接把
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟 union all select '2016-8-3',15,50 union all select '2016-8-3',15,55 union all select '2016-8-3',16,0 union all select '2016-8-19',12,25 union all select '2016-8-19',12,30 union all select '2016-10-1',1,0 union all select '2016-10-1',1,5 union all select '2016-10-1',1,10 union all select '2016-10-9',7,55 union all select '2016-10-9',8,5 union all select '2016-10-9',8,10
这个部分换成你自己的select 指令
我一个表里六万多条数据,都需要比对一下[/quote] 这个是你表里有多少数据没关系。。。。把别人测试的指令正确的替换成实际指令比较重要[/quote] 我的意思是所有数据都需要union all 吗,那样工作量太大了。原谅我是个小白,大神。
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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-- 测试数据
create table #t (id int identity,观测日期 varchar(10),小时 int,分钟 int)

insert into #t(观测日期,小时,分钟)
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟
union all
select '2016-8-3',15,50
union all
select '2016-8-3',15,55
union all
select '2016-8-3',16,0
union all
select '2016-8-19',12,25
union all
select '2016-8-19',12,30
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,0
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,5
union all
select '2016-10-1',1,10
union all
select '2016-10-9',7,55
union all
select '2016-10-9',8,5
union all
select '2016-10-9',8,10
-- 测试数据填充完毕

;with tt as (
    select *,dateadd(minute,分钟,dateadd(hour,小时,convert(datetime,观测日期))) as tm from #t  -- 实际使用吧#t换成自己的表名
),ttt as (
    --select * from tt a 
    --cross apply (select count(0) as 观测次数 from tt where 观测日期=a.观测日期) b
    --where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where 观测日期=a.观测日期 and tm<a.tm)
    select *,tm as 观测开始时间,1 as 第几次观测 from tt a where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where datediff(minute,tm,a.tm)=5)
    union all
    select a.*,b.观测开始时间,b.第几次观测+1 from tt a,ttt b where datediff(minute,b.tm,a.tm)=5
select b.*,最大观测次数 from (select 观测开始时间,max(第几次观测) as 最大观测次数 from ttt a group by 观测开始时间) a
cross apply (select * from ttt where 观测开始时间=a.观测开始时间) b
order by tm

drop table #t   -- 删除测试数据临时表
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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引用 24 楼 weixin_40101242 的回复:
[quote=引用 22 楼 superwfei 的回复:] ..... 你的表名叫什么?直接把
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟 union all select '2016-8-3',15,50 union all select '2016-8-3',15,55 union all select '2016-8-3',16,0 union all select '2016-8-19',12,25 union all select '2016-8-19',12,30 union all select '2016-10-1',1,0 union all select '2016-10-1',1,5 union all select '2016-10-1',1,10 union all select '2016-10-9',7,55 union all select '2016-10-9',8,5 union all select '2016-10-9',8,10
这个部分换成你自己的select 指令
我一个表里六万多条数据,都需要比对一下[/quote] 这个是你表里有多少数据没关系。。。。把别人测试的指令正确的替换成实际指令比较重要
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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with t as (
	-- 测试数据开始
    select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',15,50
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',15,55
    union all
    select '2016-8-3',16,0
    union all
    select '2016-8-19',12,25
    union all
    select '2016-8-19',12,30
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,0
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,5
    union all
    select '2016-10-1',1,10
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',7,55
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',8,5
    union all
    select '2016-10-9',8,10
	-- 测试数据结束
	-- 实际应用将测试数据删除,换成 “select * from yourTable” 即可,yourTable为表名
),tt as (
    select *,dateadd(minute,分钟,dateadd(hour,小时,convert(datetime,观测日期))) as tm from t
),ttt as (
    --select * from tt a 
    --cross apply (select count(0) as 观测次数 from tt where 观测日期=a.观测日期) b
    --where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where 观测日期=a.观测日期 and tm<a.tm)
    select *,tm as 观测开始时间,1 as 第几次观测 from tt a where not exists(select top 1 1 from tt where datediff(minute,tm,a.tm)=5)
    union all
    select a.*,b.观测开始时间,b.第几次观测+1 from tt a,ttt b where datediff(minute,b.tm,a.tm)=5
select b.*,最大观测次数 from (select 观测开始时间,max(第几次观测) as 最大观测次数 from ttt a group by 观测开始时间) a
cross apply (select * from ttt where 观测开始时间=a.观测开始时间) b
order by tm
weixin_40101242 2017-11-28
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引用 22 楼 superwfei 的回复:
..... 你的表名叫什么?直接把
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟 union all select '2016-8-3',15,50 union all select '2016-8-3',15,55 union all select '2016-8-3',16,0 union all select '2016-8-19',12,25 union all select '2016-8-19',12,30 union all select '2016-10-1',1,0 union all select '2016-10-1',1,5 union all select '2016-10-1',1,10 union all select '2016-10-9',7,55 union all select '2016-10-9',8,5 union all select '2016-10-9',8,10
这个部分换成你自己的select 指令
文盲老顾 2017-11-28
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..... 你的表名叫什么?直接把
select '2016-8-3' as 观测日期,15 as 小时,45 as 分钟 union all select '2016-8-3',15,50 union all select '2016-8-3',15,55 union all select '2016-8-3',16,0 union all select '2016-8-19',12,25 union all select '2016-8-19',12,30 union all select '2016-10-1',1,0 union all select '2016-10-1',1,5 union all select '2016-10-1',1,10 union all select '2016-10-9',7,55 union all select '2016-10-9',8,5 union all select '2016-10-9',8,10
这个部分换成你自己的select 指令
weixin_40101242 2017-11-28
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引用 20 楼 superwfei 的回复:
看我14楼的代码啊,然后追加一个 order by tm
引用 18 楼 sinat_28984567 的回复:
[quote=引用 17 楼 weixin_40101242 的回复:] [quote=引用 16 楼 sinat_28984567 的回复:] [quote=引用 13 楼 weixin_40101242 的回复:]
引用 16 楼 sinat_28984567 的回复:
[quote=引用 13 楼 weixin_40101242 的回复:]
表中都有数据吗?数据类型什么样的?有没有特殊的数据[/quote] 有数据,有nvarchar,float,int,date类型 [/quote] 应该是数据转账成时间格式出了问题,但是具体我看不到,也不知道是哪条数据的问题[/quote] 好吧,那也谢谢您。
weixin_40101242 2017-11-28
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引用 20 楼 superwfei 的回复:
看我14楼的代码啊,然后追加一个 order by tm




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