中有没有类似PHP file_get_contents('php://input'); 的方法

Demon_LHY 2018-01-21 12:47:50 中有没有类似PHP file_get_contents('php://input'); 的方法,

我的场景是,另一个系统 给我这边传一个json 我不指定url 用类似php file_get_contents('php://input') 来接收处理
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正怒月神 版主 2018-01-23
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我查了下 file_get_contents — 将整个文件读入一个字符串 那么就按照2#的方法,读取文件咯。
yaotomo 2018-01-23
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string str = File.ReadAllText("test.txt")
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基本的语句,找本 教程学习即可。
一本不错的C#书,希望对您有帮助,本书目录: C# 3.0 Unleashed 1 Table of Contents 6 Introduction 30 Why This Book Is for You 31 Organization and Goals 32 Part 1 Learning C# Basics 36 1 Introducing the .NET Platform 38 What Is .NET? 38 The Common Language Runtime (CLR) 40 The .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) 43 C# and Other .NET Languages 45 The Common Type System (CTS) 46 The Common Language Specification (CLS) 46 Summary 46 2 Getting Started with C# and Visual Studio 2008 48 Writing a Simple C# Program 48 Creating a Visual Studio 2008 (VS2008) Project 52 Commenting Code 61 Identifiers and Keywords 64 Convention and Style 66 Variables and Types 67 Definite Assignment 73 Interacting with Programs 74 Summary 77 3 Writing C# Expressions and Statements 78 C# Operators 78 Statements 91 Blocks and Scope 92 Labels 92 Operator Precedence and Associativity 93 Selection and Looping Statements 94 Summary 106 4 Understanding Reference Types and Value Types 108 A Quick Introduction to Reference Types and Value Types 108 The Unified Type System 109 Reference Type and Value Type Memory Allocation 114 Reference Type and Value Type Assignment 117 More Differences Between Reference Types and Value Types 121 C# and .NET Framework Types 123 Nullable Types 131 Summary 132 5 Manipulating Strings 134 The C# String Type 134 The StringBuilder Class 151 Regular Expressions 153 Summary 158 6 Arrays and Enums 160 Arrays 160 The System.Array Class 166 Using Enum Types 168 The System.Enum struct 171 Summary 174 7 Debugging Applications with Visual Studio 2008 176 Stepping Through Code 176 Summary 188 Part 2 Object-Oriented Programming with C# 190 8 Designing Objects 192 Object Members 192 Instance and Static Members 193 Fields 194 Methods 195 Properties 196 Indexers 198 Reviewing Where Partial Types Fit In 199 Static Classes 200 The System.Object Class 201 Summary 204 9 Designing Object-Oriented Programs 206 Inheritance 207 Encapsulating Object Internals 213 Polymorphism 219 Summary 229 10 Coding Methods and Custom Operators 230 Methods 231 Overloading Methods 239 Overloading Operators 242 Conversions and Conversion Operator Overloads 247 Partial Methods 256 Extension Methods 257 Summary 259 11 Error and Exception Handling 260 Why Exception Handling? 261 Exception Handler Syntax: The Basic try/catch Block 261 Ensuring Resource Cleanup with finally Blocks 263 Handling Exceptions 264 Designing Your Own Exceptions 272 checked and unchecked Statements 274 Summary 277 12 Event-Based Programming with Delegates and Events 278 Exposing Delegates 279 Implementing Delegate Inference 285 Assigning Anonymous Methods 285 Coding Events 287 Summary 300 13 Naming and Organizing Types with Namespaces 302 Why Namespaces? 303 Namespace Directives 304 Creating Namespaces 307 Namespace Members 310 Scope and Visibility 311 Namespace Alias Qualifiers 312 Extern Namespaces Alias 313 Summary 315 14 Implementing Abstract Classes and Interfaces 316 Abstract Classes 317 Abstract Class and Interface Differences 319 Implementing Interfaces 320 Defining Interface Types 320 Implicit Implementation 322 Explicit Implementation 333 Interface Mapping 339 Interface Inheritance 341 Summary 344 Part 3 Applying Advanced C# Language Features 346 15 Managing Object Lifetime 348 Object Initialization 349 Object Initializers 355 Object Finalization 356 Automatic Memory Management 357 Proper Resource Cleanup 360 Interacting with the Garbage Collector 364 Summary 366 16 Declaring Attributes and Examining Code with Reflection 368 Using Attributes 369 Using Attribute Parameters 371 Attribute Targets 373 Creating Your Own Attributes 374 Using Reflection 378 Reflecting on Attributes 385 Summary 392 17 Parameterizing Type with Generics and Writing Iterators 394 Nongeneric Collections 395 Understanding the Benefits of Generics 395 Building Generic Types 401 Implementing Iterators 417 Summary 425 18 Using Lambda Expressions and Expression Trees 426 Lambda Expressions 427 Expression Trees 433 Summary 435 Part 4 Learning LINQ and .NET Data Access 436 19 Accessing Data with LINQ 438 LINQ to Objects 439 Querying Relational Data with LINQ to SQL 443 Standard Query Operators 456 Summary 468 20 Managing Data with ADO.NET 470 ADO.NET Architecture 470 Making Connections 474 Viewing Data 476 Manipulating Data 479 Calling Stored Procedures 481 Working with Disconnected Data 482 LINQ to DataSet 487 Summary 488 21 Manipulating XML Data 490 Streaming XML Data 491 Writing XML 491 Reading XML 494 Working with the XML DOM 495 Easier Manipulation with LINQ to XML 497 Summary 502 22 Creating Data Abstractions with the ADO.NET Entity Framework 504 An Overview of Entities 505 Starting the Entity Data Model in VS2008 505 Querying Entities with Entity SQL 509 Creating Custom Entities 511 Coding with LINQ to Entities 515 Summary 518 23 Working with Data in the Cloud with ADO.NET Data Services 520 Adding ADO.NET Data Services to Your Project 521 Accessing ADO.NET Data Services via HTTP URIs 522 Writing Code with the ADO.NET Data Services Client Library 528 Summary 533 Part 5 Building Desktop User Interfaces 534 24 Taking Console Applications to the Limit 536 Introducing the PasswordGenerator Console Application 537 Interacting with the User 537 Handling Command-Line Input 539 Adding Color and Positioning to Consoles 540 Summary 543 25 Writing Windows Forms Applications 544 Windows Forms Fundamentals 545 VS2008 Support for Windows Forms 548 Using Windows Forms Controls 557 MenuStrip, StatusStrip, and ToolStrip Controls 560 Data Grids and Data Binding 562 GDI+ Essentials 565 Additional Windows and Dialogs 568 Summary 574 26 Creating Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Applications 576 Just Enough XAML 577 Managing Layout 580 WPF Controls 589 Event Handling 602 Data Binding 603 Using Styles 607 Summary 609 Part 6 Designing Web User Interfaces 610 27 Building Web Applications with ASP.NET 612 The Web Application Model 612 Starting an ASP.NET Project with VS2008 615 A Lap Around an ASP.NET Page 617 Controls 622 State Management 625 Navigation 632 Theming a Site 638 Securing a Website 641 Data Binding 643 Summary 646 28 Adding Interactivity to Your Web Apps with ASP.NET AJAX 648 What Is AJAX? 648 Setting Up an ASP.NET AJAX Site 649 The AJAX Page Life Cycle 650 Loading Custom Script Libraries 652 ASP.NET AJAX Controls 654 Accessing Controls via JavaScript 657 Calling Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX 664 Summary 669 29 Crafting Rich Web Applications with Silverlight 670 What Makes Silverlight Tick? 670 Starting a Silverlight Project in VS2008 671 Handling Silverlight Events with C# 677 Playing Media 681 Animating UI Elements 684 Summary 686 Part 7 Communicating with .NET Technologies 688 30 Using .NET Network Communications Technologies 690 Implementing Sockets 690 Working with HTTP 698 Performing FTP File Transfers 700 Sending SMTP Mail 704 Summary 705 31 Building Windows Service Applications 708 Creating Windows Service Projects in VS2008 709 Coding Windows Services 712 Installing a Windows Service 717 Building a Controller to Communicate with a Windows Service 720 Summary 722 32 Remoting 724 Basic Remoting 724 Channels 735 Lifetime Management 738 Summary 741 33 Writing Traditional ASMX Web Services 742 Web Service Basics 742 Using Web Services 748 Summary 752 34 Creating Web and Services with WCF 754 Creating a WCF Application in VS2008 755 Creating a Web Service Contract 756 Implementing Web Service Logic 761 Configuring a Web Service 763 Consuming a Web Service 766 Summary 768 Part 8 Examining .NET Application Architecture and Design 770 35 Using the Visual Studio 2008 Class Designer 772 Visualizing Code 772 Building an Object Model with the Class Designer 778 Summary 783 36 Sampling Design Patterns in C# 784 Overview of Design Patterns 784 The Iterator Pattern 785 Implementing the Proxy Pattern 797 Implementing the Template Pattern 801 Summary 807 37 Building N-Tier/Layer Systems 808 Potential Drag-and-Drop Problems 808 Introducing N-Layer/N-Tier 810 N-Layer Architecture Examples 813 Summary 824 38 Automating Logic with Windows Workflow 826 Starting a Workflow Project 826 Building a Sequential Workflow 827 Building a State Workflow 832 Summary 842 Part 9 Surveying More of the .NET Framework Class Library 844 39 Managing Processes and Threads 846 .NET Process Support 847 Multithreading Overview 852 Thread Synchronization 855 Summary 858 40 Localizing and Globalization 860 Resource Files 860 Multiple Locales 872 Summary 880 41 Performing Interop (P/Invoke and COM) and Writing Unsafe Code 882 Unsafe Code 883 Platform Invoke 893 Communicating with COM from .NET 895 Exposing a .NET Component as a COM Component 898 Introduction to .NET Support for COM+ Services 900 Summary 905 42 Instrumenting Applications with System.Diagnostics Types 908 Simple Debugging 909 Conditional Debugging 910 Runtime Tracing 913 Making Assertions 915 Accessing Built-In Performance Counters 917 Implementing Timers 925 Building a Customized Performance Counter 926 Analyzing Performance with Sampling 937 Summary 946 Part 10 Deploying Code 948 43 Assemblies and Versioning 950 Inside Assemblies 950 Assembly Features 954 Configuration 956 Deployment 959 Summary 959 44 Securing Code 962 Code-Based Security 962 Role-Based Security 971 Security Utilities 973 Summary 974 45 Creating Visual Studio 2008 Setup Projects 976 Running the VS2008 Setup Project Wizard 976 Additional Setup Configuration 979 Summary 983 46 Deploying Desktop Applications 984 Deploying via ClickOnce 984 Configuring ClickOnce 986 Summary 988 47 Publishing Web Applications 990 The Anatomy of a Web Application 990 Web Server Setup 991 Virtual Directory Setup 992 Web Server Deployment 994 Publishing a Web App from VS2008 994 Summary 995 Part 11 Appendixes 996 A: Compiling Programs 998 Advanced 998 Assemblies 1000 B: Getting Help with the .NET Framework 1002 Read This Book 1002 Index 1003 .NET Framework Class Library Documentation 1003 Search Engines 1004 Favorite Websites 1004 Summary 1004
是英文的,全面包含了c#的各方面。是非常好的一本书,绝对值得下载。 Introduction xxvii Part I: The C# Language 1 Chapter 1: .NET Architecture 3 The Relationship of C# to .NET 4 The Common Language Runtime 4 Advantages of Managed Code 4 A Closer Look at Intermediate Language 7 Support for Object Orientation and Interfaces 8 Distinct Value and Reference Types 9 Strong Data Typing 9 Error Handling with Exceptions 16 Use of Attributes 17 Assemblies 17 Private Assemblies 18 Shared Assemblies 19 Reflection 19 .NET Framework Classes 19 Namespaces 21 Creating .NET Applications Using C# 21 Creating ASP.NET Applications 21 Creating Windows Forms 24 Windows Services 24 The Role of C# in the .NET Enterprise Architecture 24 Summary 26 Chapter 2: C# Basics 29 Before We Start 30 Our First C# Program 30 The Code 30 Compiling and Running the Program 31 Contents A Closer Look 31 Variables 34 Initialization of Variables 34 Variable Scope 35 Constants 38 Predefined Data Types 39 Value Types and Reference Types 39 CTS Types 40 Predefined Value Types 41 Predefined Reference Types 44 Flow Control 47 Conditional Statements 47 Loops 51 Jump Statements 54 Enumerations 55 Arrays 57 Namespaces 58 The using Statement 59 Namespace Aliases 60 The Main() Method 61 Multiple Main() Methods 61 Passing Arguments to Main() 62 More on Compiling C# Files 63 Console I/O 65 Using Comments 67 Internal Comments Within the Source Files 67 XML Documentation 68 The C# Preprocessor Directives 70 #define and #undef 70 #if, #elif, #else, and #endif 71 #warning and #error 72 #region and #endregion 72 #line 72 C# Programming Guidelines 73 Rules for Identifiers 73 Usage Conventions 74 Summary 81 Chapter 3: Objects and Types 83 Classes and Structs 84 Class Members 85 Data Members 85 Function Members 85 xi Contents readonly Fields 99 Structs 101 Structs Are Value Types 102 Structs and Inheritance 103 Constructors for Structs 103 The Object Class 104 System.Object Methods 104 The ToString() Method 105 Summary 107 Chapter 4: Inheritance 109 Types of Inheritance 109 Implementation Versus Interface Inheritance 109 Multiple Inheritance 110 Structs and Classes 110 Implementation Inheritance 111 Virtual Methods 112 Hiding Methods 113 Calling Base Versions of Functions 114 Abstract Classes and Functions 115 Sealed Classes and Methods 115 Constructors of Derived Classes 116 Modifiers 122 Visibility Modifiers 122 Other Modifiers 123 Interfaces 123 Defining and Implementing Interfaces 125 Derived Interfaces 128 Summary 130 Chapter 5: Operators and Casts 131 Operators 131 Operator Shortcuts 133 The Ternary Operator 134 The checked and unchecked Operators 134 The is Operator 135 The as Operator 136 The sizeof Operator 136 The typeof Operator 136 Contents Operator Precedence 137 Type Safety 137 Type Conversions 138 Boxing and Unboxing 141 Comparing Objects for Equality 142 Comparing Reference Types for Equality 142 The ReferenceEquals() Method 142 The virtual Equals() Method 143 The static Equals() Method 143 Comparison Operator (==) 143 Comparing Value Types for Equality 143 Operator Overloading 144 How Operators Work 145 Operator Overloading Example: The Vector Struct 146 Which Operators Can You Overload? 153 User-Defined Casts 154 Implementing User-Defined Casts 155 Multiple Casting 161 Summary 165 Chapter 6: Delegates and Events 167 Delegates 167 Using Delegates in C# 169 SimpleDelegate Example 172 BubbleSorter Example 174 Multicast Delegates 177 Events 179 The Receiver’s View of Events 180 Generating Events 182 Summary 186 Chapter 7: Memory Management and Pointers 187 Memory Management under the Hood 187 Value Data Types 188 Reference Data Types 190 Garbage Collection 192 Freeing Unmanaged Resources 193 Destructors 193 The IDisposable Interface 195 xiii Contents Implementing IDisposable and a Destructor 196 Unsafe Code 197 Pointers 198 Pointer Example: PointerPlayaround 207 Using Pointers to Optimize Performance 212 Summary 216 Chapter 8: Strings and Regular Expressions 217 System.String 218 Building Strings 219 Format Strings 223 Regular Expressions 229 Introduction to Regular Expressions 229 The RegularExpressionsPlayaround Example 230 Displaying Results 233 Matches, Groups, and Captures 234 Summary 237 Chapter 9: Collections 239 Examining Groups of Objects 239 Array Lists 240 Collections 241 Dictionaries 245 Summary 256 Chapter 10: Reflection 257 Custom Attributes 258 Writing Custom Attributes 258 Custom Attribute Example: WhatsNewAttributes 262 Reflection 265 The System.Type Class 266 The TypeView Example 268 The Assembly Class 271 Completing the WhatsNewAttributes Sample 272 Summary 276 Contents Chapter 11: Errors and Exceptions 277 Looking into Errors and Exception Handling 277 Exception Classes 278 Catching Exceptions 280 User-Defined Exception Classes 290 Summary 297 Part II: The .NET Environment 299 Chapter 12: Visual Studio .NET 301 Working with Visual Studio .NET 2003 301 Creating a Project 304 Solutions and Projects 311 Windows Application Code 314 Reading in Visual Studio 6 Projects 314 Exploring and Coding a Project 315 Building a Project 326 Debugging 331 Other .NET Tools 334 The ASP.NET Web Matrix Project 335 WinCV 335 Summary 337 Chapter 13: Assemblies 339 What Are Assemblies? 339 The Answer to DLL Hell 340 Features of Assemblies 341 Application Domains and Assemblies 341 Assembly Structure 344 Assembly Manifests 346 Namespaces, Assemblies, and Components 346 Private and Shared Assemblies 347 Viewing Assemblies 347 Building Assemblies 348 Cross-Language Support 353 The CTS and the CLS 353 Language Independence in Action 354 CLS Requirements 364 xv Contents Global Assembly Cache 366 Native Image Generator 366 Global Assembly Cache Viewer 367 Global Assembly Cache Utility (gacutil.exe) 368 Creating Shared Assemblies 369 Shared Assembly Names 369 Creating a Shared Assembly 371 Configuration 376 Configuration Categories 376 Versioning 377 Configuring Directories 387 Summary 390 Chapter 14: .NET Security 391 Code Access Security 392 Code Groups 393 Code Access Permissions and Permissions Sets 399 Policy Levels: Machine, User, and Enterprise 403 Support for Security in the Framework 405 Demanding Permissions 406 Requesting Permissions 407 Implicit Permission 410 Denying Permissions 411 Asserting Permissions 412 Creating Code Access Permissions 414 Declarative Security 414 Role-Based Security 415 The Principal 415 Windows Principal 416 Roles 417 Declarative Role-Based Security 418 Managing Security Policy 419 The Security Configuration File 419 Managing Code Groups and Permissions 423 Turning Security On and Off 423 Resetting Security Policy 423 Creating a Code Group 423 Deleting a Code Group 424 Changing a Code Group’s Permissions 424 Creating and Applying Permissions Sets 425 Distributing Code Using a Strong Name 427 Contents Distributing Code Using Certificates 429 Managing Zones 435 Summary 437 Chapter 15: Threading 439 Threading 439 Applications with Multiple Threads 441 Manipulating Threads 441 The ThreadPlayaround Sample 444 Thread Priorities 448 Synchronization 449 Summary 453 Chapter 16: Distributed Applications with .NET Remoting 455 What Is .NET Remoting? 456 Application Types and Protocols 456 CLR Object Remoting 457 .NET Remoting Overview 457 Contexts 460 Activation 461 Attributes and Properties 461 Communication between Contexts 462 Remote Objects, Clients, and Servers 462 Remote Objects 462 A Simple Server 464 A Simple Client 465 .NET Remoting Architecture 466 Channels 466 Formatters 470 ChannelServices and RemotingConfiguration 471 Object Activation 472 Message Sinks 476 Passing Objects in Remote Methods 476 Lifetime Management 481 Miscellaneous .NET Remoting Features 484 Configuration Files 484 Hosting Applications 494 Classes, Interfaces, and SoapSuds 495 Asynchronous Remoting 498 Remoting and Events 499 Call Contexts 505 Summary 507 xvii Contents Chapter 17: Localization 509 Namespace System.Globalization 510 Unicode Issues 510 Cultures and Regions 511 Cultures in Action 516 Sorting 520 Resources 522 Creating Resource Files 522 ResGen 523 ResourceWriter 523 Using Resource Files 524 The System.Resources Namespace 527 Localization Example Using Visual Studio .NET 527 Outsourcing Translations 533 Changing the Culture Programmatically 534 Using Binary Resource Files 536 Using XML Resource Files 537 Automatic Fallback for Resources 539 Globalization and Localization with ASP.NET 539 A Custom Resource Reader 540 Creating a DatabaseResourceReader 541 Creating a DatabaseResourceSet 542 Creating a DatabaseResourceManager 543 Client Application for DatabaseResourceReader 544 Summary 544 Chapter 18: Deployment 545 Designing for Deployment 545 Deployment Options 546 Xcopy 546 Copy Project 546 Deployment Projects 546 Deployment Requirements 546 Simple Deployment 547 Xcopy 548 Xcopy and Web Applications 548 Copy Project 550 Installer Projects 551 What Is Windows Installer? 551 Creating Installers 552 Advanced Options 562 Summary 569 Contents Part III: Windows Forms 571 Chapter 19: Windows Forms 573 Creating a Windows Form Application 574 Control Class 579 Size and Location 580 Appearance 580 User Interaction 580 Windows Functionality 582 Miscellaneous Functionality 582 Class Hierarchy 582 Standard Controls and Components 584 Forms 598 Form Class 599 Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 607 Custom Controls 610 Summary 622 Chapter 20: Graphics with GDI+ 623 Understanding Drawing Principles 624 GDI and GDI+ 624 Drawing Shapes 626 Painting Shapes Using OnPaint() 629 Using the Clipping Region 630 Measuring Coordinates and Areas 632 Point and PointF 632 Size and SizeF 634 Rectangle and RectangleF 635 Region 636 A Note about Debugging 637 Drawing Scrollable Windows 638 World, Page, and Device Coordinates 644 Colors 645 Red-Green-Blue (RGB) Values 645 The Named Colors 646 Graphics Display Modes and the Safety Palette 646 The Safety Palette 647 Pens and Brushes 648 Brushes 648 Pens 649 xix Contents Drawing Shapes and Lines 650 Displaying Images 652 Issues When Manipulating Images 655 Drawing Text 655 Simple Text Example 656 Fonts and Font Families 657 Example: Enumerating Font Families 659 Editing a Text Document: The CapsEditor Sample 661 The Invalidate() Method 666 Calculating Item Sizes and Document Size 667 OnPaint() 668 Coordinate Transforms 670 Responding to User Input 671 Printing 675 Implementing Print and Print Preview 676 Summary 680 Part IV: Data 683 Chapter 21: Data Access with .NET 685 ADO.NET Overview 685 Namespaces 686 Shared Classes 686 Database-Specific Classes 687 Using Database Connections 688 Using Connections Efficiently 689 Transactions 692 Commands 693 Executing Commands 694 Calling Stored Procedures 698 Fast Data Access: The Data Reader 701 Managing Data and Relationships: The DataSet Class 704 Data Tables 704 Data Columns 705 Data Relationships 711 Data Constraints 713 XML Schemas 715 Generating Code with XSD 716 Populating a DataSet 721 Populating a DataSet Class with a Data Adapter 722 Populating a DataSet from XML 723 xx Contents Persisting DataSet Changes 723 Updating with Data Adapters 724 Writing XML Output 726 Working with ADO.NET 728 Tiered Development 728 Key Generation with SQL Server 730 Naming Conventions 732 Summary 734 Chapter 22: Viewing .NET Data 735 The DataGrid Control 735 Displaying Tabular Data 735 Data Sources 738 DataGrid Class Hierarchy 746 Data Binding 750 Simple Binding 750 Data-Binding Objects 751 Visual Studio.NET and Data Access 757 Creating a Connection 758 Selecting Data 759 Generating a DataSet 762 Updating the Data Source 763 Building a Schema 764 Other Common Requirements 770 Summary 778 Chapter 23: Manipulating XML 781 XML Standards Support in .NET 782 Introducing the System.Xml Namespace 782 Using MSXML in .NET 783 Using System.Xml Classes 786 Reading and Writing Streamed XML 786 Using the XmlTextReader Class 787 Using the XmlValidatingReader Class 791 Using the XmlTextWriter Class 794 Using the DOM in .NET 795 Using the XmlDocument Class 797 Using XPath and XSLT in .NET 802 The System.Xml.XPath Namespace 803 The System.Xml.Xsl Namespace 807 Contents XML and ADO.NET 812 Converting ADO.NET Data to XML 812 Converting XML to ADO.NET Data 820 Reading and Writing a DiffGram 822 Serializing Objects in XML 825 Serialization without Source Code Access 833 Summary 836 Chapter 24: Working with Active Directory 837 The Architecture of Active Directory 838 Features 838 Active Directory Concepts 839 Characteristics of Active Directory Data 843 Schema 843 Administration Tools for Active Directory 845 Active Directory Users and Computers 845 ADSI Edit 846 Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) 847 Programming Active Directory 848 Classes in System.DirectoryServices 849 Binding 849 Getting Directory Entries 854 Object Collections 855 Cache 857 Creating New Objects 857 Updating Directory Entries 858 Accessing Native ADSI Objects 859 Searching in Active Directory 860 Searching for User Objects 864 User Interface 864 Get the Schema Naming Context 864 Get the Property Names of the User Class 866 Search for User Objects 867 Summary 869 Part V: Web Programming 871 Chapter 25: ASP.NET Pages 873 ASP.NET Introduction 874 State Management in ASP.NET 875 xxii Contents ASP.NET Web Forms 875 ASP.NET Server Controls 880 ADO.NET and Data Binding 892 Updating the Event-Booking Application 893 More on Data Binding 901 Application Configuration 906 Summary 907 Chapter 26: Web Services 909 SOAP 910 WSDL 911 Web Services 913 Exposing Web Services 913 Consuming Web Services 916 Extending the Event-Booking Example 918 The Event-Booking Web Service 919 The Event-Booking Client 922 Exchanging Data Using SOAP Headers 924 Summary 929 Chapter 27: User Controls and Custom Controls 931 User Controls 932 A Simple User Control 932 Custom Controls 939 Custom Control Project Configuration 940 Basic Custom Controls 944 Creating a Composite Custom Control 949 A Straw Poll Control 951 The Candidate Controls 953 The StrawPoll Control Builder 954 Straw Poll Style 955 The Straw Poll Control 956 Summary 962 Part VI: Interop 963 Chapter 28: COM Interoperability 965 .NET and COM 966 Metadata 966 Freeing Memory 966 xxiii Contents Interfaces 967 Method Binding 969 Data Types 969 Registration 969 Threading 969 Error Handling 971 Event Handling 972 Marshaling 972 Using a COM Component from a .NET Client 973 Creating a COM Component 973 Creating a Runtime Callable Wrapper 977 Threading Issues 980 Adding Connection Points 980 Using ActiveX Controls in Windows Forms 982 Using COM Objects from within ASP.NET 985 Using a .NET Component from a COM Client 985 COM Callable Wrapper 986 Creating a .NET Component 986 Creating a Type Library 987 COM Interop Attributes 989 COM Registration 992 Creating a COM Client 993 Adding Connection Points 995 Creating a Client with a Sink Object 996 Running Windows Forms Controls in Internet Explorer 997 Summary 998 Chapter 29: Enterprise Services 999 Overview 999 History 999 Where to Use Enterprise Services? 1000 Contexts 1001 Automatic Transactions 1001 Distributed Transactions 1001 Object Pooling 1002 Role-based Security 1002 Queued Components 1002 Loosely Coupled Events 1002 Creating a Simple COM+ Application 1003 Class ServicedComponent 1003 Application Attributes 1003 Creating the Component 1004 Contents Deployment 1005 Automatic Deployment 1005 Manual Deployment 1005 Component Services Admin Tool 1006 Client Application 1008 Transactions 1009 ACID Properties 1009 Transaction Attributes 1009 Transaction Results 1010 Sample Application 1011 Summary 1021 Part VII: Windows Base Services 1023 Chapter 30: File and Registry Operations 1025 Managing the File System 1026 .NET Classes That Represent Files and Folders 1027 The Path Class 1029 Example: A File Browser 1030 Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files 1035 Example: FilePropertiesAndMovement 1035 Reading and Writing to Files 1039 Streams 1040 Reading and Writing to Binary Files 1042 Reading and Writing to Text Files 1047 Reading and Writing to the Registry 1054 The Registry 1055 The .NET Registry Classes 1057 Example: SelfPlacingWindow 1059 Summary 1066 Chapter 31: Accessing the Internet 1067 The WebClient Class 1068 Downloading Files 1068 Basic Web Client Example 1068 Uploading Files 1070 WebRequest and WebResponse Classes 1070 Other WebRequest and WebResponse Features 1071 Displaying Output as an HTML Page 1074 The Web Request and Web Response Hierarchy 1075 xxv Contents Utility Classes 1077 URIs 1077 IP Addresses and DNS Names 1079 Lower-Level Protocols 1082 Lower-Level Classes 1083 Summary 1088 Chapter 32: Windows Services 1091 What Is a Windows Service? 1091 Windows Services Architecture 1093 Service Program 1093 Service Control Program 1095 Service Configuration Program 1095 System.ServiceProcess Namespace 1095 Creating a Windows Service 1096 A Class Library Using Sockets 1096 TcpClient Example 1100 Windows Service Project 1102 Threading and Services 1107 Service Installation 1107 Installation Program 1108 Monitoring and Controlling the Service 1113 MMC Computer Management 1114 net.exe 1114 sc.exe 1115 Visual Studio .NET Server Explorer 1116 ServiceController Class 1116 Troubleshooting 1122 Interactive Services 1123 Event Logging 1123 Performance Monitoring 1130 Power Events 1135 Summary 1135 At Appendix A: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming 1137 Appendix B: C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers 1177 Appendix C: C# for Java Developers 1225 Appendix D: C# for C++ Developers 1253 Index 1307
1,animate.zipThis ActiveX DLL (Source Included) shows how to create animated dialogs in VB5. 2,MetricConversionDLL.zip34 Metric conversion routines in a VB5 DLL. Callible directly or just call the nice front end.3,ControlP.zipWith help of this OCX you can call 39 control panels in windows!4,RemBuilderplus.zipActiveX that allows the ability to add comment blocks with ease.5,VertMenu.zipThis is a free active ocx with full source code for a vertical menu with the look and feel of Outlook 97. 6,dm10e.zipDevMailer adds SMTP email sending abilities to your VB, ASP, VBA, Delphi, or Perl program in just seconds! Features 7,HideAway.zipAn alignable tool bar which can be hidden. Also includes smooth scrolling for hiding/unhiding.8,tlsGUI.zipTILISOFT GUI ActiveX Controls - ImageLabel, ScrollPanel, SplitPanel, Brief9,recordsetEng.zipThis application shows how a DLLActiveX queries a Database and returns the recordset to the Standard EXE application.10,THtml.ZipShow Page Title for file selected with ".HTM" or ".ASP" extension11,Fancy_Button.zipFancy Button12,TransFX.zipTransitionFX is an ActiveX control that allows you to make professional quality slide shows, picture presentations or screen savers13,Roman.zipThis activeX control convert Decimal numbers to Roman numerals and back 14,pgBar.zipCarrick Progress Bar 1.0 - replacement for standard progress bar with customizable colors and styles15,JPGMaker.zipJPGMaker is an ActiveX control designed to compress bitmap images and save them in JPG format16,pictuner.zipPicTuner is an ActiveX control designed to adjust contrast, brightness and color balance of bitmap images. It supports the following file formats: *.jpg, *.bmp, *.dib. 17,Hyperlink.zipHyperlink ActiveX control allows you to include hypertext links on your forms18,shortcut.zipShortcut is an ActiveX control designed to create shortcuts to programs and documents and place them on windows desktop.19,PicOpener.zipPicOpener is an ActiveX control that allows you to read image files in over 50 formats and convert them to BMP bitmaps20,PicConverter.zipRead over 50 and write 15 image file formats.21,labelblink.zipBlinks The Caption In A Label Box22,UnZipper.zipActiveX control designed to easily manipulate ZIP archives from within your application. 23,gurhancoolbuttonocx.zipGurhanCoolButton is a free ActiveX Control that Acts as a Flat Button. Background Pictures and Icons can be added with ease24,pktextline.zipTextbox with modern design25,DirScanner.zipDirScanner is a free ActiveX control designed to scan directory/drive and save results to a file26,activeEjecutor.zipThis control launches a program and waits until it has finished or27,REGASP.zipDLL which provides access to the Windows 2000 registry through Active Server Pages (ASP) code. 28,ColorProgressBar.zipReplaces the standard progress bar with one that is on the order of O(n^2) times faster, with color options, and directional options.29,MDITaskBarDemo.zipThis zip file contains all the code and procedures necessary to create and implement an MDI TaskBar control. 30,AnimatedAgent.zipTwo VBScripts which allow the users to INSTANTLY create MS Agent EMAIL and MS AGENT Web pages or add MS Agent to web pages31,label3d.zipThis ActiveX Control creates a 3D Label. 32,Shcmbbox1.zipShComboBox ActiveX Control v1.0 behaves exactly like the Combo box in Windows Explorer showing all the folders and even files in the Shell's namespace33,fldrvw21.zipFolderView ActiveX Control 2.1 allows you to add a Windows Explorer-like treeview in your application.34,controlcenterlefttrans.zipControl that centers text right, left or in the middle.35,BetaDBToolBar.zipDBToolBar (Database ToolBar) for Add, Edit, Delete, etc...36,CodeDll.zipMiniCalculator DLL that allows input keys/Calculation results directly into a TextBox, ComboBox, etc.37,hyperlink082800.zipThis Hyperlink ActiveX Control will allow you to insert an Hyperlink which will be very useful if you want to give a link to your website from your program. 38,DropdownCalculator.zipNice Drop-Down ActiveX Control Calculator. It is like a combo box, but it will drop down a calculator, which you can use for calculation39,ColorPicker1.zipIt is a color picker control, which is almost similar to those you find in MS Office 2000 applications.40,PowerPrint.zipEasiest way to print. This Will Print Left Align, Right Align, Center Align. OCX. Full demonstration easy to use.41,fb.zipFolder Browser lets you select the directories the easy and elegant way.42,TimeLed.zipThis simple ActiveX control shows a graphic clock with led simulation43,MouseHook.zipThis control provides a nice, elegant way of reacting to the movement of the mouse wheel and other mouse functionality44,rscomm.zipSerial Comm control that provides the ability to send and receive 5 bit baudot with its built in ASCII to baudo and baudo to ASCII converter. Also can tx and rx any baudrate 45 to 115k!45,Mouse.zipVery useful mouse events, such as MouseMove, MousePosition, ClickRightButton, ClickLeftButton and etc.46,cdwriter.zipThis is a relatively simple cd writer code, comes with a freeware ocx. 47,converter.zipThis example project shows you how to use my binary.ocx. 48,autoreg.zipAuto easy, fast super Register/Unregister ocx/dll files at the same time!49,EasterEgg.zipthis is an EasterEgg OCX that you can drop on to your about form. 50,imgedit.zipImgEdit is an image-processing tool. It allows you to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation. 51,xshow.zipA control to create screensavers and/or slideshows. Choose from more than 120 transition effects between bitmap images.52,mp3enc.zipMP3 encoder. Source code for OCX not included.53,opendialog.zipAn extended Dialog Box like VB dialog style, with New, open, Recent files and preview. 54,SJIni.zipShareware OCX for manipulating INI files. Fast, easy, effective way to manipulate INI files.55,SoundSource.zipBrainFusion Presents The Dancer.Ocx Which is capable of reading The Sound Peak Form Sound Card When Mp3 or Wav File Is Played 56,SysUSATimeZONE.zipGet's Time From Anywhere In USA. Just By Typing In The State Abbreviation. 57,adbevel.zipVisual Basic now has a bevel control like Delphi. 58,RebootPlus.zipHere Is Another OCX File That Logs Off, Shutdown, Restart, Displays Device Manage, And Display Properties.59,RetCal10.zipThis Activex control creates retail calendars on the fly. very useful if you are in the retail, accounting, merchandising industries. Very cool check it out60,SysErrorOCX.zipOCX file that handles Database Errors. Contents Of This File Include.SysError.OCX 61,Appearence.zipSystem OCX allows you to change certain system display settings. 62,textbox1.zipSyntax highlighting text editor ... not based on the RTF box... supports drawing of external graphics on the text area...useful for html editors etc63,Player.zipA multimedia ocx to replace mediaplayer ocx64,Audio.zipThis ActiveX Control will play all kinds of MPEG-Layer3(MP3) files with ease of use. 65,HLiteDemo.zipHlite.Ocx When Placed On A Form And Called From A Textbox When It Has Focus It Will Highlight The Text Very Usefull In Data Entry Application66,SysBacUpDemo.zipThis Is A Demo Application Using A Ocx File To Backup Files. 67,OCXButton1.zipAn ActiveX control (OCX) for creating Buttons with attributes unavailable in the intrinsic CommandButton control of VB68,transferTV.zipTransfers values from one treeview to another recursively.69,createctrl.zipA float button control70,SysPCase.zipThis Is An OCX File That Will Allow a user to start typing and when textbox loses focus the OCX will make all text that user typed in into Proper Text Format71,SysErrorLogWriter.zipHere is an OCX file that will log all errors when placed under an event On Error Goto72,Pbar.zipThis is an OCX that has the nice Progress Bar that has the Percent in the middle It's nice and easy to use73,metawizardv101.zipMeta Wizard a small Meta Tag creation tool that takes advantage of the system toolbar and ontop properties. With this tool you can easily create Meta Tags74,Counter.zipFormatted number, long number counter, Thousand seperator75,barcode128.zipDBToolBar (Database ToolBar), to Add, Edit, Delete, etc...76,SwitchOCX.zipActiveX control.77,djmeter.zipA control (with VB Source) that is an implementation of a progress bar78,BtnGraphic.zipAn OCX someone made that allows you to easily create command buttons on forms, that act like an IE coolbar 79,HSoft11.zipThis is an OCX someone wrote that acts and looks almost identical to the IE3 toolbar80,MsgScroll.zipThis is a control (VB5 with source) that scrolls text81,mtymse.zipThis is a control (VB5 with source) that controls every aspect of the mouse82,progbar.zipUses a picture box to emulate a progress bar83,axcool.zipA toolbar control someone wrote84,axgrid.zipA Grid control someone wrote85,axpanel.zipA Panel, 3D Fram, Progress meter control someone wrote.86,browsef.zipA text box type control, that allows you to select a folder.87,browsfil.zipA text box type control, that allows you to select a file..88,colbrwse.zipA colour select control.89,colorsel.zipA drop down colour select control.90,FileOps.zipA VB5/6 control that allows you to easily copy, rename, put in trash, move files on your computer91,formmenu.zipA VB5/6 control that allows you to add menus to any place on a form you like92,hlitactx2.zipA VB5/6 control that shows you how to do code to see if the mouse is over a control on the screen. This one will highlight itself when the mouse id over it93,progbar2.zipA VB5/6 control that is a progress bar. Very good, allows lots of 94,spinedit.zipA spin control95,tilepuz.zipA control that simulates the tiled puzzle game96,urllabel2.zipA label control, but when you click on it, it starts up the default browser to a specified URL97,crdsrc.zipA whole deck of cards in a control, usfull for using in your own program98,ode.zipA control that spins numbers around99,TaskBar_v0_5.zipA control that creates a task bar, onto which you can add other controls100,vbalilsc.zipA pure VB control, that is a replacment for the image list control101,DBControl.zipA control that has many usefull database functions within it, like add field, add column, compact, restore, create primary key etc..102,OvalButton.zipA control that is an oval command button103,VBocx002.zipDas Scroll Wheel kann als Scrollbar oder einfach nur zur graphischen Versch?nerung verwendet werden 104,VBocx003o.zipDiese Leuchtdiode l?sst sich rund oder viereckig anzeigen, und erzeugt dadurch einen grafisch aufmachenderen Eindruck!!!105,VBocx004o.zipBlendet einen Text von wei? nach schwarz ein!106,VBocx005o.zipWie hier sichtbar, zeigt diese OCX-Datei nur Ziffern an. Der Counter oben besteht aus 2, die Uhrzeit unten aus 6 LED-Ziffern. Bei der Uhr werden desweiteren 2 Labels als Trennung verwendet.107,VBocx006o.zipEine Progressbar, der einfach anzusteuernd die Farbe und den Text ausgibt.108,vbocx008o.zipEinfach zu bedienen, sieht gut aus, und lockert das Bild der Benutzeroberfl?che etwas auf! 109,VBocx007o.zipEin einfach zu bedienendes OCX, um dateien von Servern hoch oder runterzuladen!110,VBocx001.zipVerschlüsseler werden meist zum Schutz von Daten angewandt.111,SuperPack.zipSuper Fill is an OCX designed to extend VB Fill Style property. You can create user patterns andprocess the scan-lines coordinate returned from the control. This is a shareware control by Fabio Guerrazzi.112,supDraw.zipAnother control by Fabio Guerrazzi. Shareware.113,LEDBULB.zipThis OCX will represent strings in the form of led bulbs. By H.M.IMTHIAZ RAFIQ.114,delaunay.zipPerforms constrained triangulation, curve level and 3d mesh.115,Wolf.zipAnother ocx make example.116,OCXRegCode.zipThis will register your ocx.Comes with the complete source. Made by Neil Cuttriss.117,DDCalc.zipThis OCX Control is simple enough not to describe its use.118,Flash3D.zipThis shows you how to use the macromedia flash/shockwave ocx. Also demonstrates 3D animation in a vector based environment with Flash119,EnhPrint.zipOCX which creates a EMF-metafile dc class, which can be used by the vb programmer to create, print and/or preview a metafile120,hoverbutton.zipThis is an enhancement of the standard command button.121,scbox10.zipThis ActiveX control lets you add a shadow that falls behind a control.122,getfile.zipControl consisting of a text box and a button. User clicks the button, dialog shown 123,ftpActiveX.zipThis control shows how to use the Inet control for downloading files, uploading files, listing directories, renaming files, deleting files, creating directories and more!!124,TextBoxControl.zipThis text box control allows you to limit input based on datatype or numeric range. Validation occurs within the lost focus event.125,systray.zipAdd icons to the system tray with ease. The caption and icon can be set. 126,asRuler.zipThis is a basic Custom Contrl, which displayes a ruler.127,playing_card.zipSimple to use playing card activeX control with additional container with auto arrange function. 128,XPlayer.zipThis control functions much like windows media player and supports the following file formats: Dat, Avi, Mp3, Wav, Mpg & Wma files.129,DBImage.zipThis one is component that allows you to populate image data from a ADO field to the component just like you would populate a text field with text data from a text field.130,ellipctl.zipMake an elliptical ActiveX picture control



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