
zhengkuxu 2018-03-16 12:13:58

#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>

#include <mlpack/core.hpp>

//#include <mlpack/methods/ann/ffn.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/gaussian_init.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer.hpp>
//#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/q_learning.hpp>

//#include "veins/base/RLmethod/ffn.hpp"
//#include "veins/base/RLmethod/ann/init_rules/gaussian_init.hpp"
//#include "veins/base/RLmethod/ann/layer/layer.hpp"
#include "veins/base/RLmethod/myffn.hpp"
#include "veins/base/RLmethod/my_q_learning.hpp"
#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/environment/mountain_car.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/environment/cart_pole.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/policy/greedy_policy.hpp>
#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/adam/adam_update.hpp>
#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/rmsprop/rmsprop_update.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/training_config.hpp>

using namespace mlpack;
using namespace mlpack::ann;
using namespace mlpack::optimization;
using namespace mlpack::rl;

class randomdqn {

// FFN tempmodel = new FFN(MeanSquaredError<>(), GaussianInitialization(0, 0.001));
// GreedyPolicy temppolicy = new GreedyPolicy(1.0,1000,0.1);

MYQLearning<CartPole, MYFFN, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy> agent;

randomdqn() {
//! Test Double DQN in Cart Pole task.
// Set up the network.

MYFFN<MeanSquaredError<>, GaussianInitialization> model(MeanSquaredError<>(), GaussianInitialization(0, 0.001));
model.Add<Linear<>>(4, 20);
model.Add<Linear<>>(20, 20);
model.Add<Linear<>>(20, 2);

// Set up the policy and replay method.
GreedyPolicy<CartPole> policy(1.0,1000,0.1);
RandomReplay<CartPole> replayMethod(10, 10000);

TrainingConfig config;
config.StepSize() = 0.01;
config.Discount() = 0.9;
config.TargetNetworkSyncInterval() = 100;
config.ExplorationSteps() = 100;
config.DoubleQLearning() = false;
config.StepLimit() = 200;

// Set up the DQN agent.

// MYQLearning<CartPole, decltype(model), RMSPropUpdate, decltype(policy)> tempagent(
// std::move(config), std::move(model), std::move(policy),
// std::move(replayMethod));
// agent = tempagent;

agent = new MYQLearning<CartPole, decltype(model), RMSPropUpdate, decltype(policy)>(std::move(config), std::move(model), std::move(policy),std::move(replayMethod));


~randomdqn() {



出问题的就是MYFFN这个类,虽然#include "veins/base/RLmethod/myffn.hpp",但是MYFFN这个类实际上并没有被引入进来,不知道为什么会有这种情况?
* Definition of the MYFFN class, which implements feed forward neural networks.

#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>

#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/delete_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/delta_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/output_height_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/output_parameter_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/output_width_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/reset_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/weight_size_visitor.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/visitor/copy_visitor.hpp>

#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/network_init.hpp>

#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer_types.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/random_init.hpp>
#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/rmsprop/rmsprop.hpp>

namespace mlpack {
namespace ann /** Artificial Neural Network. */ {

* Implementation of a standard feed forward network.
* @tparam OutputLayerType The output layer type used to evaluate the network.
* @tparam InitializationRuleType Rule used to initialize the weight matrix.
* @tparam CustomLayers Any set of custom layers that could be a part of the
* feed forward network.
typename OutputLayerType = NegativeLogLikelihood<>,
typename InitializationRuleType = RandomInitialization,
typename... CustomLayers
class MYFFN
//! Convenience typedef for the internal model construction.
using NetworkType = MYFFN<OutputLayerType, InitializationRuleType>;

* Create the MYFFN object with the given predictors and responses set (this is
* the set that is used to train the network).
* Optionally, specify which initialize rule and performance function should
* be used.
* If you want to pass in a parameter and discard the original parameter
* object, be sure to use std::move to avoid unnecessary copy.
* @param outputLayer Output layer used to evaluate the network.
* @param initializeRule Optional instantiated InitializationRule object
* for initializing the network parameter.
MYFFN(OutputLayerType outputLayer = OutputLayerType(),
InitializationRuleType initializeRule = InitializationRuleType());

//! Copy constructor.
MYFFN(const MYFFN&);

//! Move constructor.

//! Copy/move assignment operator.
MYFFN& operator = (MYFFN);

MYFFN(arma::mat predictors,
arma::mat responses,
OutputLayerType outputLayer = OutputLayerType(),
InitializationRuleType initializeRule = InitializationRuleType());

//! Destructor to release allocated memory.

template<typename OptimizerType>
void Train(arma::mat predictors,
arma::mat responses,
OptimizerType& optimizer);

template<typename OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::RMSProp>
void Train(arma::mat predictors, arma::mat responses);

void Predict(arma::mat predictors, arma::mat& results);

double Evaluate(const arma::mat& parameters);

double Evaluate(const arma::mat& parameters,
const size_t begin,
const size_t batchSize,
const bool deterministic);

double Evaluate(const arma::mat& parameters,
const size_t begin,
const size_t batchSize)
return Evaluate(parameters, begin, batchSize, true);

void Gradient(const arma::mat& parameters,
const size_t begin,
arma::mat& gradient,
const size_t batchSize);

void Shuffle();

template <class LayerType, class... Args>
void Add(Args... args) { network.push_back(new LayerType(args...)); }

void Add(LayerTypes<CustomLayers...> layer) { network.push_back(layer); }

//! Return the number of separable functions (the number of predictor points).
size_t NumFunctions() const { return numFunctions; }

//! Return the initial point for the optimization.
const arma::mat& Parameters() const { return parameter; }
//! Modify the initial point for the optimization.
arma::mat& Parameters() { return parameter; }

* Reset the module infomration (weights/parameters).
void ResetParameters();

//! Serialize the model.
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */);

void Forward(arma::mat inputs, arma::mat& results);

double Backward(arma::mat targets, arma::mat& gradients);


void Forward(arma::mat&& input);

void ResetData(arma::mat predictors, arma::mat responses);

void Backward();

void Gradient(arma::mat&& input);

void ResetDeterministic();

* Reset the gradient for all modules that implement the Gradient function.
void ResetGradients(arma::mat& gradient);

* Swap the content of this network with given network.
* @param network Desired source network.
void Swap(MYFFN& network);

//! Instantiated outputlayer used to evaluate the network.
OutputLayerType outputLayer;

//! Instantiated InitializationRule object for initializing the network
//! parameter.
InitializationRuleType initializeRule;

//! The input width.
size_t width;

//! The input height.
size_t height;

//! Indicator if we already trained the model.
bool reset;

//! Locally-stored model modules.
std::vector<LayerTypes<CustomLayers...> > network;

//! The matrix of data points (predictors).
arma::mat predictors;

//! The matrix of responses to the input data points.
arma::mat responses;

//! Matrix of (trained) parameters.
arma::mat parameter;

//! The number of separable functions (the number of predictor points).
size_t numFunctions;

//! The current error for the backward pass.
arma::mat error;

//! THe current input of the forward/backward pass.
arma::mat currentInput;

//! Locally-stored delta visitor.
DeltaVisitor deltaVisitor;

//! Locally-stored output parameter visitor.
OutputParameterVisitor outputParameterVisitor;

//! Locally-stored weight size visitor.
WeightSizeVisitor weightSizeVisitor;

//! Locally-stored output width visitor.
OutputWidthVisitor outputWidthVisitor;

//! Locally-stored output height visitor.
OutputHeightVisitor outputHeightVisitor;

//! Locally-stored reset visitor.
ResetVisitor resetVisitor;

//! Locally-stored delete visitor.
DeleteVisitor deleteVisitor;

//! The current evaluation mode (training or testing).
bool deterministic;

//! Locally-stored delta object.
arma::mat delta;

//! Locally-stored input parameter object.
arma::mat inputParameter;

//! Locally-stored output parameter object.
arma::mat outputParameter;

//! Locally-stored gradient parameter.
arma::mat gradient;

//! Locally-stored copy visitor
CopyVisitor<CustomLayers...> copyVisitor;
}; // class MYFFN

} // namespace ann
} // namespace mlpack

// Include implementation.
#include "myffn_impl.hpp"

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28 条回复
zhengkuxu 2020-01-07
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鄢老 2018-03-21
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类MYFFN写的有问题,且不说里面的模板没有独立出来 既然是hpp文件,那么类函数有声明必须得有实现,没见到你的实现,比如析构函数~MYFFN() 建议楼主,这种类比较大的,就分为.h和.cpp吧
赵4老师 2018-03-19
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模板是语法糖。 语法糖越甜,编译调试查错越苦! 把有限的生命浪费在品尝/品鉴无穷多种的语法糖中,我认为不值当。 模板技术比不上代码生成技术。我觉得。
赵4老师 2018-03-19
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引用 27 楼 kobehahaha 的回复:
[quote=引用 25 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:] 模板是语法糖。 语法糖越甜,编译调试查错越苦! 把有限的生命浪费在品尝/品鉴无穷多种的语法糖中,我认为不值当。 模板技术比不上代码生成技术。我觉得。
啥叫代码生成技术 举个栗子?[/quote] 比如google protobuf
百合杰 2018-03-19
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引用 25 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
模板是语法糖。 语法糖越甜,编译调试查错越苦! 把有限的生命浪费在品尝/品鉴无穷多种的语法糖中,我认为不值当。 模板技术比不上代码生成技术。我觉得。
啥叫代码生成技术 举个栗子?
zhengkuxu 2018-03-19
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引用 24 楼 Saleayas 的回复:
那你就像一楼的程序那样使用 new 来创建,这样使用指针。 MYQLearning< CartPole, MYFFN< MeanSquaredError< >, GaussianInitialization >, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy<CartPole> > *agent; 在析构函数里面添加 delete 就可以了。
太神奇了,按照你的办法真的就不报错了 大神收下我的膝盖,分数全部给你! 大神能不能告诉我为什么这样就行了呢?
Saleayas 2018-03-18
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你的构造呢? 样例里面的构造是带参数的,你有吗?
zhengkuxu 2018-03-18
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引用 18 楼 xiaoxiao123jun 的回复:
[quote=引用 16 楼 Saleayas 的回复:] MYQLearning< CartPole, MYFFN< MeanSquaredError< >, GaussianInitialization >, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy<CartPole> > agent;
我感觉只要在 MYFFN的泛型列表里表示出CustomLayers的类型就好了,但我实在不知道该怎么表示。。。 大神教教我![/quote] 我感觉搞这个mlpack下的reinforcement_learning项目的人写的这个test程序真是个大坑啊,他直接用的decltype表示了这个神奇的MYFFN的类型。。。 C++虽然可以让你在头文件里建一个MYFFN,但是不可能实现.Add操作呀。。。。 烦死我了
zhengkuxu 2018-03-18
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引用 16 楼 Saleayas 的回复:
MYQLearning< CartPole, MYFFN< MeanSquaredError< >, GaussianInitialization >, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy<CartPole> > agent;
我感觉只要在 MYFFN的泛型列表里表示出CustomLayers的类型就好了,但我实在不知道该怎么表示。。。 大神教教我!
zhengkuxu 2018-03-18
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引用 16 楼 Saleayas 的回复:
MYQLearning< CartPole, MYFFN< MeanSquaredError< >, GaussianInitialization >, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy<CartPole> > agent;

Saleayas 2018-03-18
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那你就像一楼的程序那样使用 new 来创建,这样使用指针。 MYQLearning< CartPole, MYFFN< MeanSquaredError< >, GaussianInitialization >, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy<CartPole> > *agent; 在析构函数里面添加 delete 就可以了。
zhengkuxu 2018-03-18
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引用 22 楼 Saleayas 的回复:
randomdqn::randomdqn() : agent(std::move(config), std::move(model), std::move(policy),std::move(replayMethod)) // 类似这样的构造。 // 看看 agent 的构造函数。 {}
Saleayas 2018-03-18
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randomdqn::randomdqn() : agent(std::move(config), std::move(model), std::move(policy),std::move(replayMethod)) // 类似这样的构造。 // 看看 agent 的构造函数。 {}
zhengkuxu 2018-03-18
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引用 20 楼 Saleayas 的回复:
你的构造呢? 样例里面的构造是带参数的,你有吗?
Saleayas 2018-03-17
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MYQLearning< CartPole, MYFFN< MeanSquaredError< >, GaussianInitialization >, RMSPropUpdate, GreedyPolicy<CartPole> > agent;
Saleayas 2018-03-17
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MYQLearning<CartPole, MYFFN<MeanSquaredError<>, GaussianInitialization>, RMSPropUpdate, decltype(policy)> agent
Saleayas 2018-03-17
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你的 MYFN 是一个模板,而你用的时候,却需要一个类。 使用 MYFN<...> 代替 MYFN
zhengkuxu 2018-03-17
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自顶!!! 现在最关键的就是怎么在randomdqn的C++头文件里表示出MYFFN这个坑爹的类的类型(加了Add之后的),有谁知道怎么实现呀?这个randomdqn里的agent是我要分布式建立对象的,所以必须得是成员变量才行。。。 论坛大神帮帮忙呀!!!
zhengkuxu 2018-03-17
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引用 12 楼 Saleayas 的回复:
你的 MYFN 是一个模板,而你用的时候,却需要一个类。 使用 MYFN<...> 代替 MYFN
zhengkuxu 2018-03-16
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 * @file q_learning.hpp
 * @author Shangtong Zhang
 * This file is the definition of MYQLearning class,
 * which implements Q-Learning algorithms.
 * mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the 3-clause BSD license.  You should have received a copy of the
 * 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack.  If not, see
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for more information.

#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>

//#include "replay/random_replay.hpp"
//#include "training_config.hpp"
#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/replay/random_replay.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/training_config.hpp>

namespace mlpack {
namespace rl {

 * Implementation of various Q-Learning algorithms, such as DQN, double DQN.
 * For more details, see the following:
 * @code
 * @article{Mnih2013,
 *  author    = {Volodymyr Mnih and
 *               Koray Kavukcuoglu and
 *               David Silver and
 *               Alex Graves and
 *               Ioannis Antonoglou and
 *               Daan Wierstra and
 *               Martin A. Riedmiller},
 *  title     = {Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning},
 *  journal   = {CoRR},
 *  year      = {2013},
 *  url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.5602}
 * }
 * @endcode
 * @tparam EnvironmentType The environment of the reinforcement learning task.
 * @tparam NetworkType The network to compute action value.
 * @tparam UpdaterType How to apply gradients when training.
 * @tparam PolicyType Behavior policy of the agent.
 * @tparam ReplayType Experience replay method.
template <
  typename EnvironmentType,
  typename NetworkType,
  typename UpdaterType,
  typename PolicyType,
  typename ReplayType = RandomReplay<EnvironmentType> >
class MYQLearning
  //! Convenient typedef for state.
  using StateType = typename EnvironmentType::State;

  //! Convenient typedef for action.
  using ActionType = typename EnvironmentType::Action;

   * Create the MYQLearning object with given settings.
   * If you want to pass in a parameter and discard the original parameter
   * object, be sure to use std::move to avoid unnecessary copy.
   * @param config Hyper-parameters for training.
   * @param network The network to compute action value.
   * @param policy Behavior policy of the agent.
   * @param replayMethod Experience replay method.
   * @param updater How to apply gradients when training.
   * @param environment Reinforcement learning task.
  MYQLearning(TrainingConfig config,
            NetworkType network,
            PolicyType policy,
            ReplayType replayMethod,
            UpdaterType updater = UpdaterType(),
            EnvironmentType environment = EnvironmentType());

   * Execute a step in an episode.
   * @return Reward for the step.
  double Step();

   * Execute an episode.
   * @return Return of the episode.
  double Episode();

   * @return Total steps from beginning.
  const size_t& TotalSteps() const { return totalSteps; }

  //! Modify the training mode / test mode indicator.
  bool& Deterministic() { return deterministic; }
  //! Get the indicator of training mode / test mode.
  const bool& Deterministic() const { return deterministic; }

   * Select the best action based on given action value.
   * @param actionValues Action values.
   * @return Selected actions.
  arma::Col<size_t> BestAction(const arma::mat& actionValues);

  //! Locally-stored hyper-parameters.
  TrainingConfig config;

  //! Locally-stored learning network.
  NetworkType learningNetwork;

  //! Locally-stored target network.
  NetworkType targetNetwork;

  //! Locally-stored updater.
  UpdaterType updater;

  //! Locally-stored behavior policy.
  PolicyType policy;

  //! Locally-stored experience method.
  ReplayType replayMethod;

  //! Locally-stored reinforcement learning task.
  EnvironmentType environment;

  //! Total steps from the beginning of the task.
  size_t totalSteps;

  //! Locally-stored current state of the agent.
  StateType state;

  //! Locally-stored flag indicating training mode or test mode.
  bool deterministic;

} // namespace rl
} // namespace mlpack

// Include implementation
#include <veins/base/RLmethod/my_q_learning_impl.hpp>



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