
bmbxhit 2018-05-22 03:02:39

现在想把图一的数据结构转换成图二的样子 保留linkid speeddate两个字段 把每一列的列名作为一个新的字段加入,如图二 t2等等照此连接在下方 哪位大神能说一下用哪个函数或是什么操作
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22 条回复
bmbxhit 2018-05-29
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回复 1
引用 18 楼 RINK_1 的回复:
[quote=引用 12 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:] [quote=引用 9 楼 mywisdom88 的回复:] -- 上面的写错了,忘记 from... -- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7 from 你表
太多了 100行 还有点麻烦[/quote] 如果列名是有规则的,都是t为前缀,后面跟数字,而且这数字肯定是从1开始连续递增的,那也可以用下面的试试。

declare @i int
declare @t int
declare @sql varchar(max)
set @i=1
set @t=120 --t开头的列数

while @i<=@t
set @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+'select linkid,speeddate,'+'''t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+''' as t,t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+' from table'
set @i=@i+1

exec('select * from ('+@sql+') as A order by t')

[/quote] 谢谢各位!!!
bmbxhit 2018-05-29
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引用 20 楼 shinger126 的回复:
[quote=引用 18 楼 RINK_1 的回复:] [quote=引用 12 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:] [quote=引用 9 楼 mywisdom88 的回复:] -- 上面的写错了,忘记 from... -- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7 from 你表
太多了 100行 还有点麻烦[/quote] 如果列名是有规则的,都是t为前缀,后面跟数字,而且这数字肯定是从1开始连续递增的,那也可以用下面的试试。

declare @i int
declare @t int
declare @sql varchar(max)
set @i=1
set @t=120 --t开头的列数

while @i<=@t
set @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+'select linkid,speeddate,'+'''t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+''' as t,t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+' from table'
set @i=@i+1

exec('select * from ('+@sql+') as A order by t')

[/quote] print 有长度限制的,但是可以select出来,你试下就知道了 DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @i=1 SET @sql='select linkid,speeddate,t1 t from table' WHILE @i<=94 BEGIN SET @i=@i+1 SET @sql=@sql+N' union all select linkid,speeddate,t'+CAST(@i AS NVARCHAR(2))+' t from table' END SET @sql=@sql+' order by linkid' PRINT @sql SELECT @sql[/quote] 非常好用 大神 非常感谢!!
shinger126 2018-05-23
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引用 18 楼 RINK_1 的回复:
[quote=引用 12 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:] [quote=引用 9 楼 mywisdom88 的回复:] -- 上面的写错了,忘记 from... -- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7 from 你表
太多了 100行 还有点麻烦[/quote] 如果列名是有规则的,都是t为前缀,后面跟数字,而且这数字肯定是从1开始连续递增的,那也可以用下面的试试。

declare @i int
declare @t int
declare @sql varchar(max)
set @i=1
set @t=120 --t开头的列数

while @i<=@t
set @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+'select linkid,speeddate,'+'''t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+''' as t,t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+' from table'
set @i=@i+1

exec('select * from ('+@sql+') as A order by t')

[/quote] print 有长度限制的,但是可以select出来,你试下就知道了 DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @i=1 SET @sql='select linkid,speeddate,t1 t from table' WHILE @i<=94 BEGIN SET @i=@i+1 SET @sql=@sql+N' union all select linkid,speeddate,t'+CAST(@i AS NVARCHAR(2))+' t from table' END SET @sql=@sql+' order by linkid' PRINT @sql SELECT @sql
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SELECT linkid,speeddate,t1,(t2+t3+t4+t5+t6+t7)as speed FROM table_name WHERE 1 LIMIT 10 这样不行吗? 还是我没理解对要求啊?怎么楼上各位写那么长
RINK_1 2018-05-22
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引用 12 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:
[quote=引用 9 楼 mywisdom88 的回复:] -- 上面的写错了,忘记 from... -- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7 from 你表
太多了 100行 还有点麻烦[/quote] 如果列名是有规则的,都是t为前缀,后面跟数字,而且这数字肯定是从1开始连续递增的,那也可以用下面的试试。

declare @i int
declare @t int
declare @sql varchar(max)
set @i=1
set @t=120 --t开头的列数

while @i<=@t
set @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+'select linkid,speeddate,'+'''t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+''' as t,t'+CAST(@i as varchar)+' from table'
set @i=@i+1

exec('select * from ('+@sql+') as A order by t')

mywisdom88 2018-05-22
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-- 打印出来后,我这里也包错误,到T56这里,就不行了,我查长度才4011长 --测试数据 if not object_id(N'T') is null drop table T declare @s1 varchar(8000),@i int,@s2 varchar(8000) set @i=1 set @s1 = 'Create table T([linkid] int,[speeddate] Datetime' while @i<99 begin set @s1= @s1 + ',[t' + cast(@i as varchar(2)) +'] int' set @i=@i+1 end set @s1=@s1+')' exec(@s1) print @s1 set @s2 = 'insert into T ' + char(10) set @s2 = @s2 + 'select 1,'+''''+'2017-09-20'+'''' set @i=1 while @i<99 begin set @s2=@s2+','+cast(@i as varchar(2)) set @i=@i+1 end exec(@s2) print @s2 select * from t --测试数据结束 DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000) SELECT @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+char(10)+' select linkid,speeddate, [t]=' +quotename(Name,'''')+' , [speed] = '+quotename(Name)+' from T' FROM syscolumns WHERE Name!='linkid' AND Name!='speeddate' AND ID=object_id('T') ORDER BY colid print @sql --EXEC(@sql+' order by t') select len(@sql+' order by t')
mywisdom88 2018-05-22
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select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t1' , [speed] = [t1] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t2' , [speed] = [t2] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t3' , [speed] = [t3] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t4' , [speed] = [t4] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t5' , [speed] = [t5] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t6' , [speed] = [t6] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t7' , [speed] = [t7] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t8' , [speed] = [t8] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t9' , [speed] = [t9] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t10' , [speed] = [t10] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t11' , [speed] = [t11] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t12' , [speed] = [t12] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t13' , [speed] = [t13] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t14' , [speed] = [t14] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t15' , [speed] = [t15] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t16' , [speed] = [t16] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t17' , [speed] = [t17] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t18' , [speed] = [t18] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t19' , [speed] = [t19] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t20' , [speed] = [t20] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t21' , [speed] = [t21] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t22' , [speed] = [t22] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t23' , [speed] = [t23] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t24' , [speed] = [t24] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t25' , [speed] = [t25] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t26' , [speed] = [t26] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t27' , [speed] = [t27] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t28' , [speed] = [t28] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t29' , [speed] = [t29] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t30' , [speed] = [t30] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t31' , [speed] = [t31] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t32' , [speed] = [t32] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t33' , [speed] = [t33] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t34' , [speed] = [t34] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t35' , [speed] = [t35] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t36' , [speed] = [t36] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t37' , [speed] = [t37] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t38' , [speed] = [t38] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t39' , [speed] = [t39] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t40' , [speed] = [t40] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t41' , [speed] = [t41] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t42' , [speed] = [t42] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t43' , [speed] = [t43] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t44' , [speed] = [t44] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t45' , [speed] = [t45] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t46' , [speed] = [t46] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t47' , [speed] = [t47] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t48' , [speed] = [t48] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t49' , [speed] = [t49] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t50' , [speed] = [t50] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t51' , [speed] = [t51] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t52' , [speed] = [t52] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t53' , [speed] = [t53] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t54' , [speed] = [t54] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t55' , [speed] = [t55] from T union all select linkid,speeddate, [t]='t56' , [speed] = [t56] fro
二月十六 版主 2018-05-22
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把EXEC(@sql+' order by t') 改成PRINT(@sql+' order by t') ,看看拼接完的语句有什么问题
Hello World, 2018-05-22
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bmbxhit 2018-05-22
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引用 8 楼 sinat_28984567 的回复:
[quote=引用 3 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:] 老提示order附近有错误
这个order前边得有空格,还有错误继续截图[/quote] 我如果t1到t96一起弄 就会报错 t1到t40一起做也会报错 但是我从t1到t32一起弄就可以了
bmbxhit 2018-05-22
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引用 8 楼 sinat_28984567 的回复:
[quote=引用 3 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:]


还是报错 是不是列数太多 就不能这么弄 t一直从1到96
RINK_1 2018-05-22
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select linkid,speeddate,'t1' as t,t1 from table
union all
select linkid,speeddate,'t2' as t,t2 from table
union all
select linkid,speeddate,'t3' as t,t2 from table
union all
select linkid,speeddate,'tn' as t,tn from table
bmbxhit 2018-05-22
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引用 9 楼 mywisdom88 的回复:
-- 上面的写错了,忘记 from... -- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7 from 你表
太多了 100行 还有点麻烦
mywisdom88 2018-05-22
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-- 上面的写错了,忘记 from... -- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 from 你表 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7 from 你表
mywisdom88 2018-05-22
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-- 直接连接来不可以吗? select linkid,speeddate,t='t1',speed=t1 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t2',speed=t2 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t3',speed=t3 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t4',speed=t4 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t5',speed=t5 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t6',speed=t6 union all select linkid,speeddate,t='t7',speed=t7
bmbxhit 2018-05-22
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引用 5 楼 apollokk 的回复:
二月十六 版主 2018-05-22
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引用 3 楼 bmbxhit 的回复:
Hello World, 2018-05-22
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bmbxhit 2018-05-22
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引用 2 楼 sinat_28984567 的回复:
if not object_id(N'T') is null
	drop table T
Create table T([linkid] int,[speeddate] Date,[t1] int,[t2] int,[t3] int)
Insert T
select 1,'2017-09-20',0,10,1 union all
select 2,'2017-09-21',28,0,15 union all
select 3,'2017-09-22',100,10,1
DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)  
SELECT @sql=isnull(@sql+' union all ','')+' select linkid,speeddate, [t]='  
+quotename(Name,'''')+' , [speed] = '+quotename(Name)+' from T'  
FROM syscolumns  
WHERE Name!='linkid' AND Name!='speeddate' AND ID=object_id('T')
ORDER BY colid  
EXEC(@sql+' order by t')  
老提示order附近有错误 是不是因为数据太长了 98列
bmbxhit 2018-05-22
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