
流星-圣殿 2018-07-10 09:42:53

template <class T>
constexpr void test_helper(T&& t) {}

#define IS_CONSTEXPR(...) noexcept(test_helper(__VA_ARGS__))

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学习并掌握C++2.0(11+14+17+20)的新特性,学习线程及线程池的应用 ---------------------------------------------------给小白学员的3年学习路径及计划技术方面分三块:1.纯开发技术方向2.音视频流媒体专业方向3.项目实战---------------------------------------------------1.纯开发技术方向(1) C++必须要过硬(至少学会10本经典好书)(2) 系统级编程(Windows、Linux),必须特别熟练系统API,灵活运用(3) 框架与工具(Qt、MFC):必须精通其中一种。(4) 架构与设计模式:需要提升一个高度,不再是简单的编码,而是思维模式。(5) 驱动级别(如果有兴趣,可以深入到驱动级:包括Windows、Linux)(6) 最好学习点Java+Html+javascript等WEB技术。2.音视频流媒体专业方向(1) 音视频流媒体基础理论:   必须认真学会,否则看代码就是看天书(2) 编解码方向:精通h.264,h.265(hevc), 包括理论和各个开源库(ffmpeg,libx264,libx265,...)。(3) 直播方向:  精通各种直播协议(rtsp,rtmp,hls,http-flv,...), 钻研各个开源库(live555,darwin,srs,zlmediakit,crtmpserver,...)(4) 视频监控:  理论+开源库(onvif+281818)(EasyMonitor、iSpy、ZoneMinder(web)、...) 3.项目实战(1) Qt项目:  至少要亲手练习10个实战项目(网络服务器、多线程、数据库、图像处理、多人聊天、等等)(2)音视频项目:包括编解码、视频监控、直播等各个方向,都需要亲手实战项目,包括视频服务器、后台管理系统、前端播放器(多端)---------------------------------------------------  第1章 C++11新特性 41). nullptr关键字与新语法 42). auto和decltype类型推导 6 auto讲解 6 auto示例 7 decltype 83). for区间迭代 94). 初始化列表 105). 模板增强 11外部模板 11类型别名模板 12默认模板参数 126). 构造函数 13委托构造 13继承构造 147). Lambda 表达式 158). 新增容器 20std::array 20std::forward_list 21无序容器 22元组 std::tuple 239). 正则表达式 2610). 语言级线程支持 28多线程库简介 2811). 右值引用和move语义 31右值引用和move语义 32转移左值 3412). constexpr 35第2章 C++14新特性 36Lambda 函数 36类型推导 37返回值类型推导(Return type deduction) 37泛型lambda 39[[弃用的]]  [[deprecated]]属性 40二进制数字和数字分隔符 41第3章 C++17新特性 42安装GCC10.2 42安装msys2-x86_64-20200720 42更新镜像 42更新软件库 43安装 MinGW64 等必要的软件 43环境变量Path 43编译命令 43constexpr 44typename 45折叠表达式 47结构化绑定 48条件分支语句初始化 49聚合初始化 50嵌套命名空间 52lambda表达式捕获*this的值 53改写/继承构造函数 54用auto作为非类型模板参数 55__has_include 56fallthrough 57nodiscard 57maybe_unused 58第4章 C++20新特性 59编译命令 59concept 59typename 60explicit 61constinit 62位域变量的默认成员初始化 62指定初始化 63基于范围的for循环初始化 64放宽基于范围的for循环,新增自定义范围方法 65嵌套内联命名空间 66允许用圆括弧的值进行聚合初始化 67unicode字符串字面量 68允许转换成未知边界的数组 68likely和unlikely 69第5章 C++2.0(11/14/17/20)总结与分析 705.1 C语言与C++ 715.2 语言可用性的强化 725.2.1 常量 725.2.2 变量及其初始化 735.2.3 类型推导 745.2.4 控制流 765.2.5 模板 775.2.6 面向对象 815.3 语言运行期的强化 835.3.1 Lambda 表达式 835.3.2 右值引用 865.4 容器 885.4.1 线性容器 885.4.2 无序容器 895.4.3 元组 895.5 智能指针与内存管理 905.5.1 RAII 与引用计数 905.5.2 std::shared_ptr 905.5.3 std::unique_ptr 915.5.4 std::weak_ptr 91第6章 C++2.0多线程原理与实战 93什么是并发 93并发的方式 93为什么使用并发 95线程简介 96创建线程的三种方式 971. 通过函数 972.通过类对象创建线程 993.通过lambda表达式创建线程 101thread线程的使用 101互斥量与临界区 105期物Future 111条件变量 112原子操作 114内存模型 118第7章 C++2.0线程池原理与实战 120线程与线程池的基本原理 1201)、线程 1202)、线程的生命周期 1213)、什么是单线程和多线程 1214)、线程池 1225)、四种常见的线程池 123线程池的架构与流程 123线程池代码实战 125    
If you’ve ever asked “what’s in C++17 and what does it mean for me and my code?” — and I hope you have — then this book is for you. Now that the C++ standard is being released regularly every three years, one of the challenges we have as a community is learning and absorbing the new features that are being regularly added to the standard language and library. That means not only knowing what those features are, but also how to use them effectively to solve problems. Bartlomiej Filipek does a great job of this by not just listing the features, but explaining each of them with examples, including a whole Part 3 of the book about how to apply key new C++17 features to modernize and improve existing code — everything from upgrading enable_if to the new if constexpr, to refactoring code by applying the new optional and variant vocabulary types, to writing parallel code using the new standard parallel algorithms. In each case, the result is cleaner code that’s often also significantly faster too. The point of new features isn’t just to know about them for their own sake, but to know about how they can let us express our intent more clearly and directly than ever in our C++ code. That ability to directly “say what we mean” to express our intent, or to express “what” we want to achieve rather than sometimes-tortuous details of “how” to achieve it through indirect mechanisms, is the primary thing that determines how clean and writable and readable — and correct — our code will be. For C++ programmers working on real-world projects using reasonably up-to-date C++ compilers, C++17 is where it’s at in the industry today for writing robust production code. Knowing what’s in C++17 and how to use it well is an important tool that will elevate your day-to-day coding, and more likely than not reduce your day-to-day maintenance and debugging chores. If you’re one of the many who have enjoyed Barteks’s blog (bfilipek.com, frequently cited at isocpp.org), you’ll certainly also enjoy this entertaining and informative book. And if you haven’t enjoyed his blog yet, you should check it out too… and then enjoy the book.



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