
uxux007 2018-09-10 03:58:12


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舞时尚 2018-11-30
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那你需在子节点执行, #添加节点 curl -sSL | ACTION=node DISCOVERY=etcd://主节点IP:4001 bash -s
uxux007 2018-09-10
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Chapter 1, Welcome to Docker Swarm, introduces Swarm, and explains why you need a clustering solution for your containers. It illustrates the Swarm features, giving a high-level description of its architecture. We define some use cases and describe how Swarm is different from Fleet, Kubernetes and Mesos. The chapter proceeds with the Docker tools installation and finally with two Swarms provisionings: A local Swarm Standalone and a remote Swarm Mode cluster on DigitalOcean. Chapter 2, Discover the Discovery Services, is a descriptive and mostly abstract chapter. We’ll learn what discovery mechanisms and consensus algorithms are, and why they are crucial for distributed systems. We’ll describe in detail Raft and its implementation Etcd, the consensus mechanism included in Swarm Mode. We will also show the limitations of the discovery mechanism used in Chapter 1, Welcome to Docker Swarm, by extending the local tiny example with Consul, re deploying it. Chapter 3, Meeting Docker Swarm Mode, is about the new Docker kit that allows to create task clusters of any size. We will introduce Swarmit, the foundation of Docker Swarm Mode, showing how it works in Docker 1.12+, discuss its architecture, its concepts, how it’s different from the “old” Swarm, and how it organizes workloads by abstracting services and tasks. Chapter 4, Creating a Production-Grade Swarm, shows and discusses the community-driven projects Swarm2k and Swarm3k, our 2,300 and 4,800 nodes Swarm clusters experiments, which ran hundreds of thousands of containers. We demonstrate how such huge clusters were planned, provisioned, and summarize the lessons we learned. Chapter 5, Administer a Swarm Cluster, is a chapter about infrastructure. We will show how to increase or decrease Swarms sizes, how to promote and demote nodes, and how to update clusters and nodes properties. We’ll introduce Shipyard and as graphical UIs for Swarm. Chapter 6, Deploy Real Applications on Swarm, is where we will put real applications in motion on Swarm and where we add to the discussion some notes about Compose, Docker Stacks and Docker Application Bundles. We will show the typical deployment workflow, how to filter and schedule containers over the cluster, launch them as services, handle containers as tasks. We’ll start defining a web service with Nginx, then we’ll deploy a mandatory Wordpress with MySQL example. We’ll finally move on with a more realistic app: Apache Spark. Chapter 7, Scale Up Your Platform, will develop new topics from the previous chapter. Here we’ll introduce Flocker to add storage capacity to Spark on Swarm, and we’ll show how to install and use it automatically at a scale in conjunction with Swarm. We’ll refine our Spark example by running some real big data jobs and setting up a basic monitoring system for this infrastructure. Chapter 8, Exploring Additional Features to Swarm, discusses some advanced topics important to Swarm, such as Libnetwork and Libkv. Chapter 9, Securing a Swarm Cluster and Docker Software Supply Chain, will focus on security considerations for Swarm clusters. Among the arguments, certificates, firewalling concepts for platform, and a mention to Notary. Chapter 10, Swarm and the Cloud, is a chapter illustrating the most popular options for running Swarm on cloud providers. We’ll install Swarm on AWS and Azure before introducing the Docker Datacenter, and we’ll finally move to OpenStack showing how to install and manage Swarms on the top of Magnum, the Container as a Service solution for OpenStack. Chapter 11, What is Next?, concludes the discussion with an overview on the next Docker orchestration trends, such as software defined infrastructures, Infrakit, unikernels, Containers as a Service. The adventure continues!
本套课程涵盖Kubernetes生态圈涉及到的所有知识点,包括K8S、Docker、harbor、Gitlab、Sonarqube、Nexus、Gogs、Prometheus、EFK、Istio、SpringCloud等,含有大量企业实战项目,项目均来自老师多年工作经验总结出的真实项目,让你学完之后,实现薪资增加。 课程知识点如下1、docker容器虚拟化平台的安装和配置-dockerfile构建企业级镜像2、docker资源配额和数据持久化3、docker实战-创建私有镜像仓库和加密认证4、containerd和podman容器的安装和使用5、kubernetes深度解读-架构-组件-资源对象6、使用kubeadm搭建生产环境的多master节点k8s高可用集群7、使用kubeadm搭建生产环境的单master节点k8s集群8、Pod入门到高级-Pod资源清单编写技巧9、Pod高级实战-pod亲和性和反亲和性10、Pod高级实战-pod生命周期和健康检测11、使用kubectl管理Kubernetes容器平台12、k8s控制器-Replicaset-Deployment13、k8s控制器-Daemonset-Job14、kubernetes四层代理Service-使用技巧和使用场景15、k8s持久化存储-常见的存储卷介绍16、kubernetes控制器-Statefulset详解-管理有状态的应用17、Apiserver安全机制之RBAC授权18、基于Ingress实现k8s七层调度和负载均衡19、k8s结合Prometheus构建企业级监控告警系统 本课程可以帮助从事运维工作的同学,和需要相关知识的人,推荐从事相关工作人员,提升提升自己的同学。



Docker是一个开源的应用容器引擎,让开发者可以打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的Linux 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。
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