
DBOYSET 2018-10-23 12:46:21

Project 1 Abstract Data Type(ADT) Bag
What to submit?
 All source files
 UML class diagram(s)
 Supporting files if any (For example, files containing all testing data)
The ADT Bag is a group of items, much like what you might have with a bag of groceries. In a software development
cycle, specification, design, implementation, test/debug, and documentation are typical activities. The details are provided
in the rest of the document.
ADT Bag Specification: (Note: You should not change the names of the operations in your program.)
Specify operations to
 create an empty bag,
 put an item in the bag (insert(item)),
 remove the last item put in the bag ( removeLast()),
 remove a random item from the bag (removeRandom()),
 get an item from the bag( get(item)),
 get an item at index from the bag( get(index)),
 check how many items are in the bag (size()),
 check to see if the bag is full (isFull()),
 check to see if the bag is empty( isEmpty()),
 and completely empty the bag (makeEmpty()).
ADT Bag Design:
Complete a UML diagram to include all classes that are needed to meet the specifications. An interface class is
usually defined to include all operations. A class implementing this interface provides implementation details.
Exceptions should to be considered when operations are designed.
Java has two types of exceptions: checked exceptions and runtime exceptions.
Checked exceptions are instances of classes that are sub classes of java.lang.Exception class. They must be handled
locally or explicitly thrown from the method. They are typically used when the method encounters a serious problem. In
some cases, the error may be considered serious enough that the program should be terminated.
Runtime exceptions occur when the error is not considered as serious. These types of exceptions can often be
prevented by fail-safe programming. For example, it is fairly easy to avoid allowing an array index to go out of range, a
situation that causes the runtime exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException to be thrown. Runtime exceptions are
instances of classes that are subclasses of the java.lang.RuntimeException class. RuntimeException is a subclass of
java.lang.Exception that relaxes the requirement forcing the exception to be either handled or explicitly thrown by the
In general, some operations of an ADT list can be provided with an index value. If the index value is out of range, an
exception should be thrown. Therefore, a subclass of IndexOutOfBoundException needs to be defined.
Also, an exception is needed when the list storing the items becomes full. A subclass of java.lang.RuntimeException
should be defined for this erroneous situation. A full ADT bag should throw an exception when a new item is inserted.
ADT Bag Implementation:
Data structure array must be used to store all items in an ADT Bag list. The element type of the array should be
Object type. Implement all classes included in the design. Javadoc comments should be written during this activity.
ADT Bag Test/Debug:
Note: It is required to store all testing data in a file. No credit will be given if not.
It is required to use decomposition design technique. No credit will be given if not.
To test ADT bag design, all operations in the design must be tested. In general, an empty ADT Bag is created, and
then, fill the bag list with items read from a text file, invoke any operations via the list, and always display the list after it
is changed. It is not efficient to let main to do all. Method main should be very small and should be the only method in
the class. It should invoke a method (for example, start) that is decomposed into more methods (for example, fillList,
displayList) in a separate class. Every method should be designed as a single-minded method. For example, Class
ADTBagTest contains method main; class ADTBagUtility is a helper class. Both classes are used for testing purposes.
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