
leon51 2018-10-29 05:02:00
要求从下表中找出step列同时存在"Step乙" 和"Step丙"、并且"Step乙" 在"Step丙"前面的PartNumber,下表的结果应该返回PartA
请问SQL 应该怎么写?谢谢!

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11 条回复
whb00120012 2019-10-09
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create or replace view v8 as
SELECT partnumber,listagg(step) within group(order by rowid) tt
FROM tab1 group by partnumber;
weixin_44200964 2018-12-21
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with tmp as (
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '甲' step, 1 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '乙' step, 2 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '丙' step, 3 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '丁' step, 4 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartB' PartNum, '甲' step, 1 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartB' PartNum, '丙' step, 2 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartB' PartNum, '乙' step, 3 ording from dual 
 select  *
   from(select PartNum,
               listagg(step) within group(order by ording) tt
          from tmp
         group by PartNum)t
   where t.tt like '%乙丙%';
 with tmp as (
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '甲' step, 1 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '乙' step, 2 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '丙' step, 3 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartA' PartNum, '丁' step, 4 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartB' PartNum, '甲' step, 1 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartB' PartNum, '丙' step, 2 ording from dual union all
 select 'PartB' PartNum, '乙' step, 3 ording from dual 
 select PartNum
   from (select PartNum,
                listagg(step) within group (order by ording) l
           from tmp
          where step in ('乙','丙')
          group by PartNum)
  where l in '乙丙']
wildwolv 2018-11-20
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select distinct c.partnumber from (select distinct partnumber,ording from table where step='Step乙') c,(select distinct partnumber,ording from table where step='Step丙') b where c.partnumber=b.partnumber
and c.ording > b.ording
wildwolv 2018-11-20
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select distinct c.partnumber from
(select partnumber from table where step='Step乙') c,(select partnumber from table where step='Step丙') b where c.partnumber=b.partnumber
and c.ording > b.ording
leon51 2018-11-17
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引用 1 楼 nayi_224 的回复:
with tab1 as (
select 'a' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'yi' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'bing' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'ding' typ, 4 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'yi' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual 
select t1.num
  from tab1 t1, tab1 t2
 where 1 = 1
   and t1.num = t2.num
   and t1.typ = decode(t2.typ, 'yi', 'bing', '')
   and t1.ord > t2.ord
whb00120012 2018-11-13
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with tab2 as (
select 1 ording , 'STEP乙' SETP FROM DUAL union all
select 2 ording , 'STEP丙' STEP FROM DUAL

select t1.PARTNUMBER
from (select distinct partnumber from tab1 ) t1
where EXISTS SELECT * FROM tab1 t2 , TAB2 t3 where t1.partnumber=t2.partnumber and t2.pt2.setp=t3.step and t2.order <t3.ording having count(*)=2 ;
nayi_224 2018-11-13
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引用 4 楼 leon51 的回复:
[quote=引用 1 楼 nayi_224 的回复:] 假设你这里没有重复的step
with tab1 as (
select 'a' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'yi' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'bing' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'ding' typ, 4 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'yi' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual 
select t1.num
  from tab1 t1, tab1 t2
 where 1 = 1
   and t1.num = t2.num
   and t1.typ = decode(t2.typ, 'yi', 'bing', '')
   and t1.ord > t2.ord
非常感谢你的回复,不过17、18行没有看懂,可否解释下,谢谢![/quote] 就是很正常的表链接条件,没什么特别的意思
leon51 2018-11-12
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引用 1 楼 nayi_224 的回复:
with tab1 as (
select 'a' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'yi' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'bing' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'ding' typ, 4 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'yi' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual 
select t1.num
  from tab1 t1, tab1 t2
 where 1 = 1
   and t1.num = t2.num
   and t1.typ = decode(t2.typ, 'yi', 'bing', '')
   and t1.ord > t2.ord
万匹羊驼 2018-11-05
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with tab1 as (
select 'parta' num, '甲' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'parta' num, '乙' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'parta' num, '丙' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'parta' num, '丁' typ, 4 ord from dual union all
select 'partb' num, '甲' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'partb' num, '丙' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'partb' num, '乙' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'partc' num, '甲' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'partc' num, '丙' typ, 2 ord from dual
select *
select num,listagg(typ) within group(order by ord)tt
from tab1
group by num)t
where t.tt like '%乙丙%';
chuwaqin 2018-11-03
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请把他考虑成2个表 用2个表结合做 结合key是 partnumber 表A抽的是乙 表B抽的是丙 并且表A的order 小于表B的order
nayi_224 2018-10-29
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with tab1 as (
select 'a' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'yi' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'bing' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'a' num, 'ding' typ, 4 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual union all
select 'b' num, 'yi' typ, 3 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'jia' typ, 1 ord from dual union all
select 'c' num, 'bing' typ, 2 ord from dual 
select t1.num
  from tab1 t1, tab1 t2
 where 1 = 1
   and t1.num = t2.num
   and t1.typ = decode(t2.typ, 'yi', 'bing', '')
   and t1.ord > t2.ord



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