
建筑师 2019-01-03 10:09:25

typedef void (AFX_MSG_CALL CCmdTarget::*AFX_PMSG)(void);


// Declare synonym for pointer to
// function that takes no arguments
// and returns type void.
typedef void (*PVFN)();

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棉猴 2019-01-04
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struct MyStruct
void myFunc() {};
typedef void (MyStruct::*pFunc)(void);
void myFunc_Test()

pFunc fun_test = MyStruct::myFunc;//正确
pFunc fun_test2 = myFunc_Test;//错误

棉猴 2019-01-04
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A typedef declaration introduces a name that, within its scope, becomes a synonym for the type given by the decl-specifiers portion of the declaration.
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引用 3 楼 建筑师 的回复:
[quote=引用 1 楼 zjq9931 的回复:] 消息映射类 https://blog.csdn.net/wincol/article/details/4387499 可以先看看《深入浅出MFC》
引用 2 楼 会思考的草 的回复:
很久不用了但是没记错的话那肯定是一个宏。你可以装一个Visual Studio Assist,光标移到上面按F12就能跳到定义处。
不讨论mfc,只说c语言语法,typedef里面可以加上一个“类名+::”?这又表示什么呢?[/quote] 有点像C语言的位域,这是类域,名字空间域
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引用 4 楼 zjq9931 的回复:
[quote=引用 3 楼 建筑师 的回复:] 不讨论mfc,只说c语言语法,typedef里面可以加上一个“类名+::”?这又表示什么呢?
作用域控制符。 表示使用类(或者名字空间)里面的东西。[/quote] 在没有类对象的时候使用,只限于类/名字空间的static成员。
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引用 3 楼 建筑师 的回复:
作用域控制符。 表示使用类(或者名字空间)里面的东西。
建筑师 2019-01-04
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引用 1 楼 zjq9931 的回复:
消息映射类 https://blog.csdn.net/wincol/article/details/4387499 可以先看看《深入浅出MFC》
引用 2 楼 会思考的草 的回复:
很久不用了但是没记错的话那肯定是一个宏。你可以装一个Visual Studio Assist,光标移到上面按F12就能跳到定义处。
会思考的草 2019-01-04
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很久不用了但是没记错的话那肯定是一个宏。你可以装一个Visual Studio Assist,光标移到上面按F12就能跳到定义处。
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消息映射类 https://blog.csdn.net/wincol/article/details/4387499 可以先看看《深入浅出MFC》
stdafx.h的代码// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related // electronic documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__ #ifndef RC_INVOKED #define __AFXWIN_H__ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make sure 'afx.h' is included first #ifndef __AFX_H__ #include #endif // Note: WINDOWS.H already included from AFXV_W32.H #ifndef _INC_SHELLAPI #include #endif #ifndef __AFXRES_H__ #include // standard resource IDs #endif #ifndef __AFXCOLL_H__ #include // standard collections #endif #ifdef _AFX_MINREBUILD #pragma component(minrebuild, off) #endif #ifndef _AFX_FULLTYPEINFO #pragma component(mintypeinfo, on) #endif #ifndef _AFX_NOFORCE_LIBS #pragma comment(lib, "uuid.lib") #endif #ifdef _INC_WINDOWSX // The following names from WINDOWSX.H collide with names in this header #undef SubclassWindow #undef CopyRgn #endif #ifdef _AFX_PACKING #pragma pack(push, _AFX_PACKING) #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Classes declared in this file class CSize; class CPoint; class CRect; //CObject //CException //CSimpleException class CResourceException;// Win resource failure exception class CUserException; // Message Box alert and stop operation class CGdiObject; // CDC drawing tool class CPen; // a pen / HPEN wrapper class CBrush; // a brush / HBRUSH wrapper class CFont; // a font / HFONT wrapper class CBitmap; // a bitmap / HBITMAP wrapper class CPalette; // a palette / HPALLETE wrapper class CRgn; // a region / HRGN wrapper class CDC; // a Display Context / HDC wrapper class CClientDC; // CDC for client of window class CWindowDC; // CDC for entire window class CPaintDC; // embeddable BeginPaint struct helper class CMenu; // a menu / HMENU wrapper class CCmdTarget; // a target for user commands class CWnd; // a window / HWND wrapper class CDialog; // a dialog // standard windows controls class CStatic; // Static control class CButton; // Button control class CListBox; // ListBox control class CCheckListBox;// special listbox with checks class CComboBox; // ComboBox control class CEdit; // Edit control class CScrollBar; // ScrollBar control // frame windows class CFrameWnd; // standard SDI frame class CMDIFrameWnd; // standard MDI frame class CMDIChildWnd; // standard MDI child class CMiniFrameWnd;// half-height caption frame wnd // views on a document class CView; // a view on a document class CScrollView; // a scrolling view class CWinThread; // thread base class class CWinApp; // application base class class CDocTemplate; // template for document creation class CSingleDocTemplate;// SDI support class CMultiDocTemplate; // MDI support class CDocument; // main document abstraction // Helper classes class CCmdUI; // Menu/button enabling class CDataExchange; // Data exchange and validation context class CCommandLineInfo; // CommandLine parsing helper class CDocManager; // CDocTemplate manager object ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Type modifier for message handlers #ifndef afx_msg #define afx_msg // intentional placeholder #endif #undef AFX_DATA #define AFX_DATA AFX_CORE_DATA ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSize - An extent, similar to Windows SIZE structure. class CSize : public tagSIZE { public: // Constructors // construct an uninitialized size CSize(); // create from two integers CSize(int initCX, int initCY); // create from another size CSize(SIZE initSize); // create from a point CSize(POINT initPt); // create from a DWORD: cx = LOWORD(dw) cy = HIWORD(dw) CSize(DWORD dwSize); // Operations BOOL operator==(SIZE size) const; BOOL operator!=(SIZE size) const; void operator+=(SIZE size); void operator-=(SIZE size); // Operators returning CSize values CSize operator+(SIZE size) const; CSize operator-(SIZE size) const; CSize operator-() const; // Operators returning CPoint values CPoint operator+(POINT point) const; CPoint operator-(POINT point) const; // Operators returning CRect values CRect operator+(const RECT* lpRect) const; CRect operator-(const RECT* lpRect) const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPoint - A 2-D point, similar to Windows POINT structure. class CPoint : public tagPOINT { public: // Constructors // create an uninitialized point CPoint(); // create from two integers CPoint(int initX, int initY); // create from another point CPoint(POINT initPt); // create from a size CPoint(SIZE initSize); // create from a dword: x = LOWORD(dw) y = HIWORD(dw) CPoint(DWORD dwPoint); // Operations // translate the point void Offset(int xOffset, int yOffset); void Offset(POINT point); void Offset(SIZE size); BOOL operator==(POINT point) const; BOOL operator!=(POINT point) const; void operator+=(SIZE size); void operator-=(SIZE size); void operator+=(POINT point); void operator-=(POINT point); // Operators returning CPoint values CPoint operator+(SIZE size) const; CPoint operator-(SIZE size) const; CPoint operator-() const; CPoint operator+(POINT point) const; // Operators returning CSize values CSize operator-(POINT point) const; // Operators returning CRect values CRect operator+(const RECT* lpRect) const; CRect operator-(const RECT* lpRect) const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRect - A 2-D rectangle, similar to Windows RECT structure. typedef const RECT* LPCRECT; // pointer to read/only RECT class CRect : public tagRECT { public: // Constructors // uninitialized rectangle CRect(); // from left, top, right, and bottom CRect(int l, int t, int r, int b); // copy constructor CRect(const RECT& srcRect); // from a pointer to another rect CRect(LPCRECT lpSrcRect); // from a point and size CRect(POINT point, SIZE size); // from two points CRect(POINT topLeft, POINT bottomRight); // Attributes (in addition to RECT members) // retrieves the width int Width() const; // returns the height int Height() const; // returns the size CSize Size() const; // reference to the top-left point CPoint& TopLeft(); // reference to the bottom-right point CPoint& BottomRight(); // const reference to the top-left point const CPoint& TopLeft() const; // const reference to the bottom-right point const CPoint& BottomRight() const; // the geometric center point of the rectangle CPoint CenterPoint() const; // swap the left and right void SwapLeftRight(); static void SwapLeftRight(LPRECT lpRect); // convert between CRect and LPRECT/LPCRECT (no need for &) operator LPRECT(); operator LPCRECT() const; // returns TRUE if rectangle has no area BOOL IsRectEmpty() const; // returns TRUE if rectangle is at (0,0) and has no area BOOL IsRectNull() const; // returns TRUE if point is within rectangle BOOL PtInRect(POINT point) const; // Operations // set rectangle from left, top, right, and bottom void SetRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void SetRect(POINT topLeft, POINT bottomRight); // empty the rectangle void SetRectEmpty(); // copy from another rectangle void CopyRect(LPCRECT lpSrcRect); // TRUE if exactly the same as another rectangle BOOL EqualRect(LPCRECT lpRect) const; // inflate rectangle's width and height without // moving its top or left void InflateRect(int x, int y); void InflateRect(SIZE size); void InflateRect(LPCRECT lpRect); void InflateRect(int l, int t, int r, int b); // deflate the rectangle's width and height without // moving its top or left void DeflateRect(int x, int y); void DeflateRect(SIZE size); void DeflateRect(LPCRECT lpRect); void DeflateRect(int l, int t, int r, int b); // translate the rectangle by moving its top and left void OffsetRect(int x, int y); void OffsetRect(SIZE size); void OffsetRect(POINT point); void NormalizeRect(); // set this rectangle to intersection of two others BOOL IntersectRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2); // set this rectangle to bounding union of two others BOOL UnionRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2); // set this rectangle to minimum of two others BOOL SubtractRect(LPCRECT lpRectSrc1, LPCRECT lpRectSrc2); // Additional Operations void operator=(const RECT& srcRect); BOOL operator==(const RECT& rect) const; BOOL operator!=(const RECT& rect) const; void operator+=(POINT point); void operator+=(SIZE size); void operator+=(LPCRECT lpRect); void operator-=(POINT point); void operator-=(SIZE size); void operator-=(LPCRECT lpRect); void operator&=(const RECT& rect); void operator|=(const RECT& rect); // Operators returning CRect values CRect operator+(POINT point) const; CRect operator-(POINT point) const; CRect operator+(LPCRECT lpRect) const; CRect operator+(SIZE size) const; CRect operator-(SIZE size) const; CRect operator-(LPCRECT lpRect) const; CRect operator&(const RECT& rect2) const; CRect operator|(const RECT& rect2) const; CRect MulDiv(int nMultiplier, int nDivisor) const; }; #ifdef _DEBUG // Diagnostic Output CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, SIZE size); CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, POINT point); CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, const RECT& rect); #endif //_DEBUG // Serialization CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, SIZE size); CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, POINT point); CArchive& AFXAPI operator<>(CArchive& ar, SIZE& size); CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, POINT& point); CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, RECT& rect); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard exceptions class CResourceException : public CSimpleException // resource failure { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CResourceException) public: CResourceException(); // Implementation public: CResourceException(BOOL bAutoDelete); CResourceException(BOOL bAutoDelete, UINT nResourceID); virtual ~CResourceException(); }; class CUserException : public CSimpleException // general user visible alert { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CUserException) public: CUserException(); // Implementation public: CUserException(BOOL bAutoDelete); CUserException(BOOL bAutoDelete, UINT nResourceID); virtual ~CUserException(); }; void AFXAPI AfxThrowResourceException(); void AFXAPI AfxThrowUserException(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGdiObject abstract class for CDC SelectObject class CGdiObject : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CGdiObject) public: // Attributes HGDIOBJ m_hObject; // must be first data member operator HGDIOBJ() const; HGDIOBJ GetSafeHandle() const; static CGdiObject* PASCAL FromHandle(HGDIOBJ hObject); static void PASCAL DeleteTempMap(); BOOL Attach(HGDIOBJ hObject); HGDIOBJ Detach(); // Constructors CGdiObject(); // must Create a derived class object BOOL DeleteObject(); // Operations int GetObject(int nCount, LPVOID lpObject) const; UINT GetObjectType() const; BOOL CreateStockObject(int nIndex); BOOL UnrealizeObject(); BOOL operator==(const CGdiObject& obj) const; BOOL operator!=(const CGdiObject& obj) const; // Implementation public: virtual ~CGdiObject(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; virtual void AssertValid() const; #endif }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGdiObject subclasses (drawing tools) class CPen : public CGdiObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CPen) public: static CPen* PASCAL FromHandle(HPEN hPen); // Constructors CPen(); CPen(int nPenStyle, int nWidth, COLORREF crColor); CPen(int nPenStyle, int nWidth, const LOGBRUSH* pLogBrush, int nStyleCount = 0, const DWORD* lpStyle = NULL); BOOL CreatePen(int nPenStyle, int nWidth, COLORREF crColor); BOOL CreatePen(int nPenStyle, int nWidth, const LOGBRUSH* pLogBrush, int nStyleCount = 0, const DWORD* lpStyle = NULL); BOOL CreatePenIndirect(LPLOGPEN lpLogPen); // Attributes operator HPEN() const; int GetLogPen(LOGPEN* pLogPen); int GetExtLogPen(EXTLOGPEN* pLogPen); // Implementation public: virtual ~CPen(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; class CBrush : public CGdiObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CBrush) public: static CBrush* PASCAL FromHandle(HBRUSH hBrush); // Constructors CBrush(); CBrush(COLORREF crColor); // CreateSolidBrush CBrush(int nIndex, COLORREF crColor); // CreateHatchBrush CBrush(CBitmap* pBitmap); // CreatePatternBrush BOOL CreateSolidBrush(COLORREF crColor); BOOL CreateHatchBrush(int nIndex, COLORREF crColor); BOOL CreateBrushIndirect(const LOGBRUSH* lpLogBrush); BOOL CreatePatternBrush(CBitmap* pBitmap); BOOL CreateDIBPatternBrush(HGLOBAL hPackedDIB, UINT nUsage); BOOL CreateDIBPatternBrush(const void* lpPackedDIB, UINT nUsage); BOOL CreateSysColorBrush(int nIndex); // Attributes operator HBRUSH() const; int GetLogBrush(LOGBRUSH* pLogBrush); // Implementation public: virtual ~CBrush(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; class CFont : public CGdiObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CFont) public: static CFont* PASCAL FromHandle(HFONT hFont); // Constructors CFont(); BOOL CreateFontIndirect(const LOGFONT* lpLogFont); BOOL CreateFont(int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut, BYTE nCharSet, BYTE nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality, BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFacename); BOOL CreatePointFont(int nPointSize, LPCTSTR lpszFaceName, CDC* pDC = NULL); BOOL CreatePointFontIndirect(const LOGFONT* lpLogFont, CDC* pDC = NULL); // Attributes operator HFONT() const; int GetLogFont(LOGFONT* pLogFont); // Implementation public: virtual ~CFont(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; class CBitmap : public CGdiObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CBitmap) public: static CBitmap* PASCAL FromHandle(HBITMAP hBitmap); // Constructors CBitmap(); BOOL LoadBitmap(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName); BOOL LoadBitmap(UINT nIDResource); BOOL LoadOEMBitmap(UINT nIDBitmap); // for OBM_/OCR_/OIC_ BOOL LoadMappedBitmap(UINT nIDBitmap, UINT nFlags = 0, LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap = NULL, int nMapSize = 0); BOOL CreateBitmap(int nWidth, int nHeight, UINT nPlanes, UINT nBitcount, const void* lpBits); BOOL CreateBitmapIndirect(LPBITMAP lpBitmap); BOOL CreateCompatibleBitmap(CDC* pDC, int nWidth, int nHeight); BOOL CreateDiscardableBitmap(CDC* pDC, int nWidth, int nHeight); // Attributes operator HBITMAP() const; int GetBitmap(BITMAP* pBitMap); // Operations DWORD SetBitmapBits(DWORD dwCount, const void* lpBits); DWORD GetBitmapBits(DWORD dwCount, LPVOID lpBits) const; CSize SetBitmapDimension(int nWidth, int nHeight); CSize GetBitmapDimension() const; // Implementation public: virtual ~CBitmap(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; class CPalette : public CGdiObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CPalette) public: static CPalette* PASCAL FromHandle(HPALETTE hPalette); // Constructors CPalette(); BOOL CreatePalette(LPLOGPALETTE lpLogPalette); BOOL CreateHalftonePalette(CDC* pDC); // Attributes operator HPALETTE() const; int GetEntryCount(); UINT GetPaletteEntries(UINT nStartIndex, UINT nNumEntries, LPPALETTEENTRY lpPaletteColors) const; UINT SetPaletteEntries(UINT nStartIndex, UINT nNumEntries, LPPALETTEENTRY lpPaletteColors); // Operations void AnimatePalette(UINT nStartIndex, UINT nNumEntries, LPPALETTEENTRY lpPaletteColors); UINT GetNearestPaletteIndex(COLORREF crColor) const; BOOL ResizePalette(UINT nNumEntries); // Implementation virtual ~CPalette(); }; class CRgn : public CGdiObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CRgn) public: static CRgn* PASCAL FromHandle(HRGN hRgn); operator HRGN() const; // Constructors CRgn(); BOOL CreateRectRgn(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); BOOL CreateRectRgnIndirect(LPCRECT lpRect); BOOL CreateEllipticRgn(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); BOOL CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(LPCRECT lpRect); BOOL CreatePolygonRgn(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount, int nMode); BOOL CreatePolyPolygonRgn(LPPOINT lpPoints, LPINT lpPolyCounts, int nCount, int nPolyFillMode); BOOL CreateRoundRectRgn(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3); BOOL CreateFromPath(CDC* pDC); BOOL CreateFromData(const XFORM* lpXForm, int nCount, const RGNDATA* pRgnData); // Operations void SetRectRgn(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void SetRectRgn(LPCRECT lpRect); int CombineRgn(CRgn* pRgn1, CRgn* pRgn2, int nCombineMode); int CopyRgn(CRgn* pRgnSrc); BOOL EqualRgn(CRgn* pRgn) const; int OffsetRgn(int x, int y); int OffsetRgn(POINT point); int GetRgnBox(LPRECT lpRect) const; BOOL PtInRegion(int x, int y) const; BOOL PtInRegion(POINT point) const; BOOL RectInRegion(LPCRECT lpRect) const; int GetRegionData(LPRGNDATA lpRgnData, int nCount) const; // Implementation virtual ~CRgn(); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The device context class CDC : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CDC) public: // Attributes HDC m_hDC; // The output DC (must be first data member) HDC m_hAttribDC; // The Attribute DC operator HDC() const; HDC GetSafeHdc() const; // Always returns the Output DC CWnd* GetWindow() const; static CDC* PASCAL FromHandle(HDC hDC); static void PASCAL DeleteTempMap(); BOOL Attach(HDC hDC); // Attach/Detach affects only the Output DC HDC Detach(); virtual void SetAttribDC(HDC hDC); // Set the Attribute DC virtual void SetOutputDC(HDC hDC); // Set the Output DC virtual void ReleaseAttribDC(); // Release the Attribute DC virtual void ReleaseOutputDC(); // Release the Output DC BOOL IsPrinting() const; // TRUE if being used for printing CPen* GetCurrentPen() const; CBrush* GetCurrentBrush() const; CPalette* GetCurrentPalette() const; CFont* GetCurrentFont() const; CBitmap* GetCurrentBitmap() const; // for bidi and mirrored localization DWORD GetLayout() const; DWORD SetLayout(DWORD dwLayout); // Constructors CDC(); BOOL CreateDC(LPCTSTR lpszDriverName, LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, LPCTSTR lpszOutput, const void* lpInitData); BOOL CreateIC(LPCTSTR lpszDriverName, LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, LPCTSTR lpszOutput, const void* lpInitData); BOOL CreateCompatibleDC(CDC* pDC); BOOL DeleteDC(); // Device-Context Functions virtual int SaveDC(); virtual BOOL RestoreDC(int nSavedDC); int GetDeviceCaps(int nIndex) const; UINT SetBoundsRect(LPCRECT lpRectBounds, UINT flags); UINT GetBoundsRect(LPRECT lpRectBounds, UINT flags); BOOL ResetDC(const DEVMODE* lpDevMode); // Drawing-Tool Functions CPoint GetBrushOrg() const; CPoint SetBrushOrg(int x, int y); CPoint SetBrushOrg(POINT point); int EnumObjects(int nObjectType, int (CALLBACK* lpfn)(LPVOID, LPARAM), LPARAM lpData); // Type-safe selection helpers public: virtual CGdiObject* SelectStockObject(int nIndex); CPen* SelectObject(CPen* pPen); CBrush* SelectObject(CBrush* pBrush); virtual CFont* SelectObject(CFont* pFont); CBitmap* SelectObject(CBitmap* pBitmap); int SelectObject(CRgn* pRgn); // special return for regions CGdiObject* SelectObject(CGdiObject* pObject); // CGdiObject* provided so compiler doesn't use SelectObject(HGDIOBJ) // Color and Color Palette Functions COLORREF GetNearestColor(COLORREF crColor) const; CPalette* SelectPalette(CPalette* pPalette, BOOL bForceBackground); UINT RealizePalette(); void UpdateColors(); // Drawing-Attribute Functions COLORREF GetBkColor() const; int GetBkMode() const; int GetPolyFillMode() const; int GetROP2() const; int GetStretchBltMode() const; COLORREF GetTextColor() const; virtual COLORREF SetBkColor(COLORREF crColor); int SetBkMode(int nBkMode); int SetPolyFillMode(int nPolyFillMode); int SetROP2(int nDrawMode); int SetStretchBltMode(int nStretchMode); virtual COLORREF SetTextColor(COLORREF crColor); BOOL GetColorAdjustment(LPCOLORADJUSTMENT lpColorAdjust) const; BOOL SetColorAdjustment(const COLORADJUSTMENT* lpColorAdjust); // Mapping Functions int GetMapMode() const; CPoint GetViewportOrg() const; virtual int SetMapMode(int nMapMode); // Viewport Origin virtual CPoint SetViewportOrg(int x, int y); CPoint SetViewportOrg(POINT point); virtual CPoint OffsetViewportOrg(int nWidth, int nHeight); // Viewport Extent CSize GetViewportExt() const; virtual CSize SetViewportExt(int cx, int cy); CSize SetViewportExt(SIZE size); virtual CSize ScaleViewportExt(int xNum, int xDenom, int yNum, int yDenom); // Window Origin CPoint GetWindowOrg() const; CPoint SetWindowOrg(int x, int y); CPoint SetWindowOrg(POINT point); CPoint OffsetWindowOrg(int nWidth, int nHeight); // Window extent CSize GetWindowExt() const; virtual CSize SetWindowExt(int cx, int cy); CSize SetWindowExt(SIZE size); virtual CSize ScaleWindowExt(int xNum, int xDenom, int yNum, int yDenom); // Coordinate Functions void DPtoLP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount = 1) const; void DPtoLP(LPRECT lpRect) const; void DPtoLP(LPSIZE lpSize) const; void LPtoDP(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount = 1) const; void LPtoDP(LPRECT lpRect) const; void LPtoDP(LPSIZE lpSize) const; // Special Coordinate Functions (useful for dealing with metafiles and OLE) void DPtoHIMETRIC(LPSIZE lpSize) const; void LPtoHIMETRIC(LPSIZE lpSize) const; void HIMETRICtoDP(LPSIZE lpSize) const; void HIMETRICtoLP(LPSIZE lpSize) const; // Region Functions BOOL FillRgn(CRgn* pRgn, CBrush* pBrush); BOOL FrameRgn(CRgn* pRgn, CBrush* pBrush, int nWidth, int nHeight); BOOL InvertRgn(CRgn* pRgn); BOOL PaintRgn(CRgn* pRgn); // Clipping Functions virtual int GetClipBox(LPRECT lpRect) const; virtual BOOL PtVisible(int x, int y) const; BOOL PtVisible(POINT point) const; virtual BOOL RectVisible(LPCRECT lpRect) const; int SelectClipRgn(CRgn* pRgn); int ExcludeClipRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); int ExcludeClipRect(LPCRECT lpRect); int ExcludeUpdateRgn(CWnd* pWnd); int IntersectClipRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); int IntersectClipRect(LPCRECT lpRect); int OffsetClipRgn(int x, int y); int OffsetClipRgn(SIZE size); int SelectClipRgn(CRgn* pRgn, int nMode); // Line-Output Functions CPoint GetCurrentPosition() const; CPoint MoveTo(int x, int y); CPoint MoveTo(POINT point); BOOL LineTo(int x, int y); BOOL LineTo(POINT point); BOOL Arc(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4); BOOL Arc(LPCRECT lpRect, POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd); BOOL Polyline(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount); BOOL AngleArc(int x, int y, int nRadius, float fStartAngle, float fSweepAngle); BOOL ArcTo(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4); BOOL ArcTo(LPCRECT lpRect, POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd); int GetArcDirection() const; int SetArcDirection(int nArcDirection); BOOL PolyDraw(const POINT* lpPoints, const BYTE* lpTypes, int nCount); BOOL PolylineTo(const POINT* lpPoints, int nCount); BOOL PolyPolyline(const POINT* lpPoints, const DWORD* lpPolyPoints, int nCount); BOOL PolyBezier(const POINT* lpPoints, int nCount); BOOL PolyBezierTo(const POINT* lpPoints, int nCount); // Simple Drawing Functions void FillRect(LPCRECT lpRect, CBrush* pBrush); void FrameRect(LPCRECT lpRect, CBrush* pBrush); void InvertRect(LPCRECT lpRect); BOOL DrawIcon(int x, int y, HICON hIcon); BOOL DrawIcon(POINT point, HICON hIcon); #if (WINVER >= 0x400) BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, HBITMAP hBitmap, UINT nFlags, HBRUSH hBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, CBitmap* pBitmap, UINT nFlags, CBrush* pBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, HICON hIcon, UINT nFlags, HBRUSH hBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, HICON hIcon, UINT nFlags, CBrush* pBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nFlags, BOOL bPrefixText = TRUE, int nTextLen = 0, HBRUSH hBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nFlags, BOOL bPrefixText = TRUE, int nTextLen = 0, CBrush* pBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, DRAWSTATEPROC lpDrawProc, LPARAM lData, UINT nFlags, HBRUSH hBrush = NULL); BOOL DrawState(CPoint pt, CSize size, DRAWSTATEPROC lpDrawProc, LPARAM lData, UINT nFlags, CBrush* pBrush = NULL); #endif // Ellipse and Polygon Functions BOOL Chord(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4); BOOL Chord(LPCRECT lpRect, POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd); void DrawFocusRect(LPCRECT lpRect); BOOL Ellipse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); BOOL Ellipse(LPCRECT lpRect); BOOL Pie(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4); BOOL Pie(LPCRECT lpRect, POINT ptStart, POINT ptEnd); BOOL Polygon(LPPOINT lpPoints, int nCount); BOOL PolyPolygon(LPPOINT lpPoints, LPINT lpPolyCounts, int nCount); BOOL Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); BOOL Rectangle(LPCRECT lpRect); BOOL RoundRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3); BOOL RoundRect(LPCRECT lpRect, POINT point); // Bitmap Functions BOOL PatBlt(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, DWORD dwRop); BOOL BitBlt(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CDC* pSrcDC, int xSrc, int ySrc, DWORD dwRop); BOOL StretchBlt(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CDC* pSrcDC, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, DWORD dwRop); COLORREF GetPixel(int x, int y) const; COLORREF GetPixel(POINT point) const; COLORREF SetPixel(int x, int y, COLORREF crColor); COLORREF SetPixel(POINT point, COLORREF crColor); BOOL FloodFill(int x, int y, COLORREF crColor); BOOL ExtFloodFill(int x, int y, COLORREF crColor, UINT nFillType); BOOL MaskBlt(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CDC* pSrcDC, int xSrc, int ySrc, CBitmap& maskBitmap, int xMask, int yMask, DWORD dwRop); BOOL PlgBlt(LPPOINT lpPoint, CDC* pSrcDC, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBitmap& maskBitmap, int xMask, int yMask); BOOL SetPixelV(int x, int y, COLORREF crColor); BOOL SetPixelV(POINT point, COLORREF crColor); // Text Functions virtual BOOL TextOut(int x, int y, LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount); BOOL TextOut(int x, int y, const CString& str); virtual BOOL ExtTextOut(int x, int y, UINT nOptions, LPCRECT lpRect, LPCTSTR lpszString, UINT nCount, LPINT lpDxWidths); BOOL ExtTextOut(int x, int y, UINT nOptions, LPCRECT lpRect, const CString& str, LPINT lpDxWidths); virtual CSize TabbedTextOut(int x, int y, LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount, int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions, int nTabOrigin); CSize TabbedTextOut(int x, int y, const CString& str, int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions, int nTabOrigin); virtual int DrawText(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount, LPRECT lpRect, UINT nFormat); int DrawText(const CString& str, LPRECT lpRect, UINT nFormat); CSize GetTextExtent(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount) const; CSize GetTextExtent(const CString& str) const; CSize GetOutputTextExtent(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount) const; CSize GetOutputTextExtent(const CString& str) const; CSize GetTabbedTextExtent(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount, int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions) const; CSize GetTabbedTextExtent(const CString& str, int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions) const; CSize GetOutputTabbedTextExtent(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount, int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions) const; CSize GetOutputTabbedTextExtent(const CString& str, int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions) const; virtual BOOL GrayString(CBrush* pBrush, BOOL (CALLBACK* lpfnOutput)(HDC, LPARAM, int), LPARAM lpData, int nCount, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight); UINT GetTextAlign() const; UINT SetTextAlign(UINT nFlags); int GetTextFace(int nCount, LPTSTR lpszFacename) const; int GetTextFace(CString& rString) const; BOOL GetTextMetrics(LPTEXTMETRIC lpMetrics) const; BOOL GetOutputTextMetrics(LPTEXTMETRIC lpMetrics) const; int SetTextJustification(int nBreakExtra, int nBreakCount); int GetTextCharacterExtra() const; int SetTextCharacterExtra(int nCharExtra); // Advanced Drawing #if (WINVER >= 0x400) BOOL DrawEdge(LPRECT lpRect, UINT nEdge, UINT nFlags); BOOL DrawFrameControl(LPRECT lpRect, UINT nType, UINT nState); #endif // Scrolling Functions BOOL ScrollDC(int dx, int dy, LPCRECT lpRectScroll, LPCRECT lpRectClip, CRgn* pRgnUpdate, LPRECT lpRectUpdate); // Font Functions BOOL GetCharWidth(UINT nFirstChar, UINT nLastChar, LPINT lpBuffer) const; BOOL GetOutputCharWidth(UINT nFirstChar, UINT nLastChar, LPINT lpBuffer) const; DWORD SetMapperFlags(DWORD dwFlag); CSize GetAspectRatioFilter() const; BOOL GetCharABCWidths(UINT nFirstChar, UINT nLastChar, LPABC lpabc) const; DWORD GetFontData(DWORD dwTable, DWORD dwOffset, LPVOID lpData, DWORD cbData) const; int GetKerningPairs(int nPairs, LPKERNINGPAIR lpkrnpair) const; UINT GetOutlineTextMetrics(UINT cbData, LPOUTLINETEXTMETRIC lpotm) const; DWORD GetGlyphOutline(UINT nChar, UINT nFormat, LPGLYPHMETRICS lpgm, DWORD cbBuffer, LPVOID lpBuffer, const MAT2* lpmat2) const; BOOL GetCharABCWidths(UINT nFirstChar, UINT nLastChar, LPABCFLOAT lpABCF) const; BOOL GetCharWidth(UINT nFirstChar, UINT nLastChar, float* lpFloatBuffer) const; // Printer/Device Escape Functions virtual int Escape(int nEscape, int nCount, LPCSTR lpszInData, LPVOID lpOutData); int Escape(int nEscape, int nInputSize, LPCSTR lpszInputData, int nOutputSize, LPSTR lpszOutputData); int DrawEscape(int nEscape, int nInputSize, LPCSTR lpszInputData); // Escape helpers int StartDoc(LPCTSTR lpszDocName); // old Win3.0 version int StartDoc(LPDOCINFO lpDocInfo); int StartPage(); int EndPage(); int SetAbortProc(BOOL (CALLBACK* lpfn)(HDC, int)); int AbortDoc(); int EndDoc(); // MetaFile Functions BOOL PlayMetaFile(HMETAFILE hMF); BOOL PlayMetaFile(HENHMETAFILE hEnhMetaFile, LPCRECT lpBounds); BOOL AddMetaFileComment(UINT nDataSize, const BYTE* pCommentData); // can be used for enhanced metafiles only // Path Functions BOOL AbortPath(); BOOL BeginPath(); BOOL CloseFigure(); BOOL EndPath(); BOOL FillPath(); BOOL FlattenPath(); BOOL StrokeAndFillPath(); BOOL StrokePath(); BOOL WidenPath(); float GetMiterLimit() const; BOOL SetMiterLimit(float fMiterLimit); int GetPath(LPPOINT lpPoints, LPBYTE lpTypes, int nCount) const; BOOL SelectClipPath(int nMode); // Misc Helper Functions static CBrush* PASCAL GetHalftoneBrush(); void DrawDragRect(LPCRECT lpRect, SIZE size, LPCRECT lpRectLast, SIZE sizeLast, CBrush* pBrush = NULL, CBrush* pBrushLast = NULL); void FillSolidRect(LPCRECT lpRect, COLORREF clr); void FillSolidRect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, COLORREF clr); void Draw3dRect(LPCRECT lpRect, COLORREF clrTopLeft, COLORREF clrBottomRight); void Draw3dRect(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, COLORREF clrTopLeft, COLORREF clrBottomRight); // Implementation public: virtual ~CDC(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif // advanced use and implementation BOOL m_bPrinting; HGDIOBJ SelectObject(HGDIOBJ); // do not use for regions protected: // used for implementation of non-virtual SelectObject calls static CGdiObject* PASCAL SelectGdiObject(HDC hDC, HGDIOBJ h); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDC Helpers class CPaintDC : public CDC { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CPaintDC) // Constructors public: CPaintDC(CWnd* pWnd); // BeginPaint // Attributes protected: HWND m_hWnd; public: PAINTSTRUCT m_ps; // actual paint struct! // Implementation public: virtual ~CPaintDC(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; class CClientDC : public CDC { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CClientDC) // Constructors public: CClientDC(CWnd* pWnd); // Attributes protected: HWND m_hWnd; // Implementation public: virtual ~CClientDC(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; class CWindowDC : public CDC { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CWindowDC) // Constructors public: CWindowDC(CWnd* pWnd); // Attributes protected: HWND m_hWnd; // Implementation public: virtual ~CWindowDC(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMenu class CMenu : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMenu) public: // Constructors CMenu(); BOOL CreateMenu(); BOOL CreatePopupMenu(); BOOL LoadMenu(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName); BOOL LoadMenu(UINT nIDResource); BOOL LoadMenuIndirect(const void* lpMenuTemplate); BOOL DestroyMenu(); // Attributes HMENU m_hMenu; // must be first data member HMENU GetSafeHmenu() const; operator HMENU() const; static CMenu* PASCAL FromHandle(HMENU hMenu); static void PASCAL DeleteTempMap(); BOOL Attach(HMENU hMenu); HMENU Detach(); // CMenu Operations BOOL DeleteMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags); BOOL TrackPopupMenu(UINT nFlags, int x, int y, CWnd* pWnd, LPCRECT lpRect = 0); BOOL operator==(const CMenu& menu) const; BOOL operator!=(const CMenu& menu) const; // CMenuItem Operations BOOL AppendMenu(UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem = 0, LPCTSTR lpszNewItem = NULL); BOOL AppendMenu(UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem, const CBitmap* pBmp); UINT CheckMenuItem(UINT nIDCheckItem, UINT nCheck); UINT EnableMenuItem(UINT nIDEnableItem, UINT nEnable); UINT GetMenuItemCount() const; UINT GetMenuItemID(int nPos) const; UINT GetMenuState(UINT nID, UINT nFlags) const; int GetMenuString(UINT nIDItem, LPTSTR lpString, int nMaxCount, UINT nFlags) const; int GetMenuString(UINT nIDItem, CString& rString, UINT nFlags) const; BOOL GetMenuItemInfo(UINT nIDItem, LPMENUITEMINFO lpMenuItemInfo, BOOL fByPos = FALSE); CMenu* GetSubMenu(int nPos) const; BOOL InsertMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem = 0, LPCTSTR lpszNewItem = NULL); BOOL InsertMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem, const CBitmap* pBmp); BOOL ModifyMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem = 0, LPCTSTR lpszNewItem = NULL); BOOL ModifyMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem, const CBitmap* pBmp); BOOL RemoveMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags); BOOL SetMenuItemBitmaps(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags, const CBitmap* pBmpUnchecked, const CBitmap* pBmpChecked); BOOL CheckMenuRadioItem(UINT nIDFirst, UINT nIDLast, UINT nIDItem, UINT nFlags); BOOL SetDefaultItem(UINT uItem, BOOL fByPos = FALSE); UINT GetDefaultItem(UINT gmdiFlags, BOOL fByPos = FALSE); // Context Help Functions BOOL SetMenuContextHelpId(DWORD dwContextHelpId); DWORD GetMenuContextHelpId() const; // Overridables (must override draw and measure for owner-draw menu items) virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct); virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct); // Implementation public: virtual ~CMenu(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif static CMenu* PASCAL CMenu::FromHandlePermanent(HMENU hMenu); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Window message map handling struct AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY; // declared below after CWnd struct AFX_MSGMAP { #ifdef _AFXDLL const AFX_MSGMAP* (PASCAL* pfnGetBaseMap)(); #else const AFX_MSGMAP* pBaseMap; #endif const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY* lpEntries; }; #ifdef _AFXDLL #define DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_MSGMAP messageMap; \ static const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseMessageMap(); \ virtual const AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() const; \ #else #define DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_MSGMAP messageMap; \ virtual const AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() const; \ #endif #ifdef _AFXDLL #define BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(theClass, baseClass) \ const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL theClass::_GetBaseMessageMap() \ { return &baseClass;::messageMap; } \ const AFX_MSGMAP* theClass::GetMessageMap() const \ { return &theClass;::messageMap; } \ AFX_COMDAT AFX_DATADEF const AFX_MSGMAP theClass::messageMap = \ { &theClass;::_GetBaseMessageMap, &theClass;::_messageEntries[0] }; \ AFX_COMDAT const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY theClass::_messageEntries[] = \ { \ #else #define BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(theClass, baseClass) \ const AFX_MSGMAP* theClass::GetMessageMap() const \ { return &theClass;::messageMap; } \ AFX_COMDAT AFX_DATADEF const AFX_MSGMAP theClass::messageMap = \ { &baseClass;::messageMap, &theClass;::_messageEntries[0] }; \ AFX_COMDAT const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY theClass::_messageEntries[] = \ { \ #endif #define END_MESSAGE_MAP() \ {0, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_end, (AFX_PMSG)0 } \ }; \ // Message map signature values and macros in separate header #include ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dialog data exchange (DDX_) and validation (DDV_) // CDataExchange - for data exchange and validation class CDataExchange { // Attributes public: BOOL m_bSaveAndValidate; // TRUE => save and validate data CWnd* m_pDlgWnd; // container usually a dialog // Operations (for implementors of DDX and DDV procs) HWND PrepareCtrl(int nIDC); // return HWND of control HWND PrepareEditCtrl(int nIDC); // return HWND of control void Fail(); // will throw exception #ifndef _AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT CWnd* PrepareOleCtrl(int nIDC); // for OLE controls in dialog #endif // Implementation CDataExchange(CWnd* pDlgWnd, BOOL bSaveAndValidate); HWND m_hWndLastControl; // last control used (for validation) BOOL m_bEditLastControl; // last control was an edit item }; #include // standard DDX_ and DDV_ routines ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OLE types typedef LONG HRESULT; struct IUnknown; typedef IUnknown* LPUNKNOWN; struct IDispatch; typedef IDispatch* LPDISPATCH; struct IConnectionPoint; typedef IConnectionPoint* LPCONNECTIONPOINT; struct IEnumOLEVERB; typedef IEnumOLEVERB* LPENUMOLEVERB; typedef struct _GUID GUID; typedef GUID IID; typedef GUID CLSID; #ifndef _REFCLSID_DEFINED #define REFCLSID const CLSID & #endif typedef long DISPID; typedef unsigned short VARTYPE; typedef long SCODE; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(OLE2ANSI) typedef WCHAR OLECHAR; #else typedef char OLECHAR; #endif typedef OLECHAR* BSTR; struct tagDISPPARAMS; typedef tagDISPPARAMS DISPPARAMS; struct tagVARIANT; typedef tagVARIANT VARIANT; struct ITypeInfo; typedef ITypeInfo* LPTYPEINFO; struct ITypeLib; typedef ITypeLib* LPTYPELIB; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCmdTarget // private structures struct AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO; // info about where the command is handled struct AFX_EVENT; // info about an event class CTypeLibCache; // cache for OLE type libraries ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OLE interface map handling (more in AFXDISP.H) #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT struct AFX_INTERFACEMAP_ENTRY { const void* piid; // the interface id (IID) (NULL for aggregate) size_t nOffset; // offset of the interface vtable from m_unknown }; struct AFX_INTERFACEMAP { #ifdef _AFXDLL const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* (PASCAL* pfnGetBaseMap)(); // NULL is root class #else const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* pBaseMap; #endif const AFX_INTERFACEMAP_ENTRY* pEntry; // map for this class }; #ifdef _AFXDLL #define DECLARE_INTERFACE_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_INTERFACEMAP_ENTRY _interfaceEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_INTERFACEMAP interfaceMap; \ static const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseInterfaceMap(); \ virtual const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* GetInterfaceMap() const; \ #else #define DECLARE_INTERFACE_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_INTERFACEMAP_ENTRY _interfaceEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_INTERFACEMAP interfaceMap; \ virtual const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* GetInterfaceMap() const; \ #endif #endif //!_AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OLE dispatch map handling (more in AFXDISP.H) #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT struct AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY; struct AFX_DISPMAP { #ifdef _AFXDLL const AFX_DISPMAP* (PASCAL* pfnGetBaseMap)(); #else const AFX_DISPMAP* pBaseMap; #endif const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY* lpEntries; UINT* lpEntryCount; DWORD* lpStockPropMask; }; #ifdef _AFXDLL #define DECLARE_DISPATCH_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY _dispatchEntries[]; \ static UINT _dispatchEntryCount; \ static DWORD _dwStockPropMask; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_DISPMAP dispatchMap; \ static const AFX_DISPMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseDispatchMap(); \ virtual const AFX_DISPMAP* GetDispatchMap() const; \ #else #define DECLARE_DISPATCH_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY _dispatchEntries[]; \ static UINT _dispatchEntryCount; \ static DWORD _dwStockPropMask; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_DISPMAP dispatchMap; \ virtual const AFX_DISPMAP* GetDispatchMap() const; \ #endif #endif //!_AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OLE Document Object command target handling #ifndef _AFX_NO_DOCOBJECT_SUPPORT struct AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY { const GUID* pguid; // id of the command group ULONG cmdID; // OLECMD ID UINT nID; // corresponding WM_COMMAND message ID }; struct AFX_OLECMDMAP { #ifdef _AFXDLL const AFX_OLECMDMAP* (PASCAL* pfnGetBaseMap)(); #else const AFX_OLECMDMAP* pBaseMap; #endif const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY* lpEntries; }; #ifdef _AFXDLL #define DECLARE_OLECMD_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY _commandEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_OLECMDMAP commandMap; \ static const AFX_OLECMDMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseCommandMap(); \ virtual const AFX_OLECMDMAP* GetCommandMap() const; \ #else #define DECLARE_OLECMD_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY _commandEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_OLECMDMAP commandMap; \ virtual const AFX_OLECMDMAP* GetCommandMap() const; \ #endif #ifdef _AFXDLL #define BEGIN_OLECMD_MAP(theClass, baseClass) \ const AFX_OLECMDMAP* PASCAL theClass::_GetBaseCommandMap() \ { return &baseClass;::commandMap; } \ const AFX_OLECMDMAP* theClass::GetCommandMap() const \ { return &theClass;::commandMap; } \ AFX_COMDAT AFX_DATADEF const AFX_OLECMDMAP theClass::commandMap = \ { &theClass;::_GetBaseCommandMap, &theClass;::_commandEntries[0] }; \ AFX_COMDAT const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY theClass::_commandEntries[] = \ { \ #else #define BEGIN_OLECMD_MAP(theClass, baseClass) \ const AFX_OLECMDMAP* theClass::GetCommandMap() const \ { return &theClass;::commandMap; } \ AFX_COMDAT AFX_DATADEF const AFX_OLECMDMAP theClass::commandMap = \ { &baseClass;::commandMap, &theClass;::_commandEntries[0] }; \ AFX_COMDAT const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY theClass::_commandEntries[] = \ { \ #endif #define END_OLECMD_MAP() \ {NULL, 0, 0} \ }; \ class COleCmdUI; #endif //!_AFX_NO_DOCOBJECT_SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OLE event sink map handling (more in AFXDISP.H) #ifndef _AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT struct AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY; struct AFX_EVENTSINKMAP { #ifdef _AFXDLL const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* (PASCAL* pfnGetBaseMap)(); #else const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* pBaseMap; #endif const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY* lpEntries; UINT* lpEntryCount; }; #ifdef _AFXDLL #define DECLARE_EVENTSINK_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY _eventsinkEntries[]; \ static UINT _eventsinkEntryCount; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP eventsinkMap; \ static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseEventSinkMap(); \ virtual const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* GetEventSinkMap() const; \ #else #define DECLARE_EVENTSINK_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY _eventsinkEntries[]; \ static UINT _eventsinkEntryCount; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP eventsinkMap; \ virtual const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* GetEventSinkMap() const; \ #endif #endif //!_AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OLE connection map handling (more in AFXDISP.H) #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT struct AFX_CONNECTIONMAP_ENTRY { const void* piid; // the interface id (IID) size_t nOffset; // offset of the interface vtable from m_unknown }; struct AFX_CONNECTIONMAP { #ifdef _AFXDLL const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* (PASCAL* pfnGetBaseMap)(); // NULL is root class #else const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* pBaseMap; #endif const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP_ENTRY* pEntry; // map for this class }; #ifdef _AFXDLL #define DECLARE_CONNECTION_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP_ENTRY _connectionEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP connectionMap; \ static const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseConnectionMap(); \ virtual const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* GetConnectionMap() const; \ #else #define DECLARE_CONNECTION_MAP() \ private: \ static const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP_ENTRY _connectionEntries[]; \ protected: \ static AFX_DATA const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP connectionMap; \ virtual const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* GetConnectionMap() const; \ #endif #endif //!_AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCmdTarget proper #ifndef _AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT class COccManager; // forward reference (see ..\src\occimpl.h) #endif #ifdef _AFXDLL class CCmdTarget : public CObject #else class AFX_NOVTABLE CCmdTarget : public CObject #endif { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CCmdTarget) protected: public: // Constructors CCmdTarget(); // Attributes LPDISPATCH GetIDispatch(BOOL bAddRef); // retrieve IDispatch part of CCmdTarget static CCmdTarget* PASCAL FromIDispatch(LPDISPATCH lpDispatch); // map LPDISPATCH back to CCmdTarget* (inverse of GetIDispatch) BOOL IsResultExpected(); // returns TRUE if automation function should return a value // Operations void EnableAutomation(); // call in constructor to wire up IDispatch void EnableConnections(); // call in constructor to wire up IConnectionPointContainer void BeginWaitCursor(); void EndWaitCursor(); void RestoreWaitCursor(); // call after messagebox #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT // dispatch OLE verbs through the message map BOOL EnumOleVerbs(LPENUMOLEVERB* ppenumOleVerb); BOOL DoOleVerb(LONG iVerb, LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hWndParent, LPCRECT lpRect); #endif // Overridables // route and dispatch standard command message types // (more sophisticated than OnCommand) virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo); #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT // called when last OLE reference is released virtual void OnFinalRelease(); #endif #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT // called before dispatching to an automation handler function virtual BOOL IsInvokeAllowed(DISPID dispid); #endif #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT // support for OLE type libraries void EnableTypeLib(); HRESULT GetTypeInfoOfGuid(LCID lcid, const GUID& guid, LPTYPEINFO* ppTypeInfo); virtual BOOL GetDispatchIID(IID* pIID); virtual UINT GetTypeInfoCount(); virtual CTypeLibCache* GetTypeLibCache(); virtual HRESULT GetTypeLib(LCID lcid, LPTYPELIB* ppTypeLib); #endif // Implementation public: virtual ~CCmdTarget(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; virtual void AssertValid() const; #endif #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT void GetNotSupported(); void SetNotSupported(); #endif protected: friend class CView; CView* GetRoutingView(); CFrameWnd* GetRoutingFrame(); static CView* PASCAL GetRoutingView_(); static CFrameWnd* PASCAL GetRoutingFrame_(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() // base class - no {{ }} macros #ifndef _AFX_NO_DOCOBJECT_SUPPORT DECLARE_OLECMD_MAP() friend class COleCmdUI; #endif #ifndef _AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT DECLARE_DISPATCH_MAP() DECLARE_CONNECTION_MAP() DECLARE_INTERFACE_MAP() #ifndef _AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT DECLARE_EVENTSINK_MAP() #endif // !_AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT // OLE interface map implementation public: // data used when CCmdTarget is made OLE aware long m_dwRef; LPUNKNOWN m_pOuterUnknown; // external controlling unknown if != NULL DWORD m_xInnerUnknown; // place-holder for inner controlling unknown public: // advanced operations void EnableAggregation(); // call to enable aggregation void ExternalDisconnect(); // forcibly disconnect LPUNKNOWN GetControllingUnknown(); // get controlling IUnknown for aggregate creation // these versions do not delegate to m_pOuterUnknown DWORD InternalQueryInterface(const void*, LPVOID* ppvObj); DWORD InternalAddRef(); DWORD InternalRelease(); // these versions delegate to m_pOuterUnknown DWORD ExternalQueryInterface(const void*, LPVOID* ppvObj); DWORD ExternalAddRef(); DWORD ExternalRelease(); // implementation helpers LPUNKNOWN GetInterface(const void*); LPUNKNOWN QueryAggregates(const void*); // advanced overrideables for implementation virtual BOOL OnCreateAggregates(); virtual LPUNKNOWN GetInterfaceHook(const void*); // OLE automation implementation protected: struct XDispatch { DWORD m_vtbl; // place-holder for IDispatch vtable #ifndef _AFX_NO_NESTED_DERIVATION size_t m_nOffset; #endif } m_xDispatch; BOOL m_bResultExpected; // member variable-based properties void GetStandardProp(const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY* pEntry, VARIANT* pvarResult, UINT* puArgErr); SCODE SetStandardProp(const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY* pEntry, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, UINT* puArgErr); // DISPID to dispatch map lookup static UINT PASCAL GetEntryCount(const AFX_DISPMAP* pDispMap); const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY* PASCAL GetDispEntry(LONG memid); static LONG PASCAL MemberIDFromName(const AFX_DISPMAP* pDispMap, LPCTSTR lpszName); // helpers for member function calling implementation static UINT PASCAL GetStackSize(const BYTE* pbParams, VARTYPE vtResult); #ifdef _PPC_ SCODE PushStackArgs(BYTE* pStack, const BYTE* pbParams, void* pResult, VARTYPE vtResult, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, UINT* puArgErr, VARIANT* rgTempVars, UINT nSizeArgs); #else SCODE PushStackArgs(BYTE* pStack, const BYTE* pbParams, void* pResult, VARTYPE vtResult, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, UINT* puArgErr, VARIANT* rgTempVars); #endif SCODE CallMemberFunc(const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY* pEntry, WORD wFlags, VARIANT* pvarResult, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, UINT* puArgErr); friend class COleDispatchImpl; #ifndef _AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT public: // OLE event sink implementation BOOL OnEvent(UINT idCtrl, AFX_EVENT* pEvent, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo); protected: const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY* PASCAL GetEventSinkEntry(UINT idCtrl, AFX_EVENT* pEvent); #endif // !_AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT // OLE connection implementation struct XConnPtContainer { DWORD m_vtbl; // place-holder for IConnectionPointContainer vtable #ifndef _AFX_NO_NESTED_DERIVATION size_t m_nOffset; #endif } m_xConnPtContainer; #ifdef _AFXDLL AFX_MODULE_STATE* m_pModuleState; friend class CInnerUnknown; friend UINT APIENTRY _AfxThreadEntry(void* pParam); #endif virtual BOOL GetExtraConnectionPoints(CPtrArray* pConnPoints); virtual LPCONNECTIONPOINT GetConnectionHook(const IID& iid); friend class COleConnPtContainer; #endif //!_AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT }; class CCmdUI // simple helper class { public: // Attributes UINT m_nID; UINT m_nIndex; // menu item or other index // if a menu item CMenu* m_pMenu; // NULL if not a menu CMenu* m_pSubMenu; // sub containing menu item // if a popup sub menu - ID is for first in popup // if from some other window CWnd* m_pOther; // NULL if a menu or not a CWnd // Operations to do in ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI virtual void Enable(BOOL bOn = TRUE); virtual void SetCheck(int nCheck = 1); // 0, 1 or 2 (indeterminate) virtual void SetRadio(BOOL bOn = TRUE); virtual void SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText); // Advanced operation void ContinueRouting(); // Implementation CCmdUI(); BOOL m_bEnableChanged; BOOL m_bContinueRouting; UINT m_nIndexMax; // last + 1 for iterating m_nIndex CMenu* m_pParentMenu; // NULL if parent menu not easily determined // (probably a secondary popup menu) BOOL DoUpdate(CCmdTarget* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler); }; // special CCmdUI derived classes are used for other UI paradigms // like toolbar buttons and status indicators // pointer to afx_msg member function #ifndef AFX_MSG_CALL #define AFX_MSG_CALL #endif typedef void (AFX_MSG_CALL CCmdTarget::*AFX_PMSG)(void); enum AFX_DISPMAP_FLAGS { afxDispCustom = 0, afxDispStock = 1 }; struct AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY { LPCTSTR lpszName; // member/property name long lDispID; // DISPID (may be DISPID_UNKNOWN) LPCSTR lpszParams; // member parameter description WORD vt; // return value type / or type of property AFX_PMSG pfn; // normal member On or, OnGet AFX_PMSG pfnSet; // special member for OnSet size_t nPropOffset; // property offset AFX_DISPMAP_FLAGS flags;// flags (e.g. stock/custom) }; struct AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY { AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY dispEntry; UINT nCtrlIDFirst; UINT nCtrlIDLast; }; // DSC Sink state/reason codes passed to MFC user event handlers enum DSCSTATE { dscNoState = 0, dscOKToDo, dscCancelled, dscSyncBefore, dscAboutToDo, dscFailedToDo, dscSyncAfter, dscDidEvent }; enum DSCREASON { dscNoReason = 0, dscClose, dscCommit, dscDelete, dscEdit, dscInsert, dscModify, dscMove }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWnd implementation // structures (see afxext.h) struct CCreateContext; // context for creating things struct CPrintInfo; // print preview customization info struct AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY { UINT nMessage; // windows message UINT nCode; // control code or WM_NOTIFY code UINT nID; // control ID (or 0 for windows messages) UINT nLastID; // used for entries specifying a range of control id's UINT nSig; // signature type (action) or pointer to message # AFX_PMSG pfn; // routine to call (or special value) }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWnd - a Microsoft Windows application window class COleDropTarget; // for more information see AFXOLE.H class COleControlContainer; class COleControlSite; // CWnd::m_nFlags (generic to CWnd) #define WF_TOOLTIPS 0x0001 // window is enabled for tooltips #define WF_TEMPHIDE 0x0002 // window is temporarily hidden #define WF_STAYDISABLED 0x0004 // window should stay disabled #define WF_MODALLOOP 0x0008 // currently in modal loop #define WF_CONTINUEMODAL 0x0010 // modal loop should continue running #define WF_OLECTLCONTAINER 0x0100 // some descendant is an OLE control #define WF_TRACKINGTOOLTIPS 0x0400 // window is enabled for tracking tooltips // CWnd::m_nFlags (specific to CFrameWnd) #define WF_STAYACTIVE 0x0020 // look active even though not active #define WF_NOPOPMSG 0x0040 // ignore WM_POPMESSAGESTRING calls #define WF_MODALDISABLE 0x0080 // window is disabled #define WF_KEEPMINIACTIVE 0x0200 // stay activate even though you are deactivated // flags for CWnd::RunModalLoop #define ML
#ifndef _BTNST_H #define _BTNST_H // Uncomment the following line to enable support for sound effects #define BTNST_USE_SOUND #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 // Return values #ifndef BTNST_OK #define BTNST_OK 0 #endif #ifndef BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE #define BTNST_INVALIDRESOURCE 1 #endif #ifndef BTNST_FAILEDMASK #define BTNST_FAILEDMASK 2 #endif #ifndef BTNST_INVALIDINDEX #define BTNST_INVALIDINDEX 3 #endif #ifndef BTNST_INVALIDALIGN #define BTNST_INVALIDALIGN 4 #endif #ifndef BTNST_BADPARAM #define BTNST_BADPARAM 5 #endif #ifndef BTNST_INVALIDPRESSEDSTYLE #define BTNST_INVALIDPRESSEDSTYLE 6 #endif // Dummy identifier for grayscale icon #ifndef BTNST_AUTO_GRAY #define BTNST_AUTO_GRAY (HICON)(0xffffffff - 1L) #endif class CXPButton : public CButton { public: CXPButton(); ~CXPButton(); enum { ST_ALIGN_HORIZ = 0, // Icon/bitmap on the left, text on the right ST_ALIGN_VERT, // Icon/bitmap on the top, text on the bottom ST_ALIGN_HORIZ_RIGHT, // Icon/bitmap on the right, text on the left ST_ALIGN_OVERLAP // Icon/bitmap on the same space as text }; enum { BTNST_COLOR_BK_IN = 0, // Background color when mouse is INside BTNST_COLOR_FG_IN, // Text color when mouse is INside BTNST_COLOR_BK_OUT, // Background color when mouse is OUTside BTNST_COLOR_FG_OUT, // Text color when mouse is OUTside BTNST_COLOR_BK_FOCUS, // Background color when the button is focused BTNST_COLOR_FG_FOCUS, // Text color when the button is focused BTNST_MAX_COLORS }; enum { BTNST_PRESSED_LEFTRIGHT = 0, // Pressed style from left to right (as usual) BTNST_PRESSED_TOPBOTTOM // Pressed style from top to bottom }; // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CXPButton) public: virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct); virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg); protected: virtual void PreSubclassWindow(); //}
什么是句柄? 句柄,是整个Windows编程的基础。一个句柄是指使用的一个唯一的整数值,即一个4字节(64位程序中为8字节)长的数值,来标识应用程序中的不同对象和同类对象中的不同的实例,诸如,一个窗口,按钮,图标,滚动条,输出设备,控件或者文件等。应用程序能够通过句柄访问相应的对象的信息,但是句柄不是一个指针,程序不能利用句柄来直接阅读文件中的信息。如果句柄不用在I/O文件中,它是毫无用处的。 句柄是Windows用来标志应用程序中建立的或是使用的唯一整数,Windows使用了大量的句柄来标志很多对象。 一、MFC AppWizard 1、MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class,微软基础类库)是微软为了简化程序员的开发工作所开发的一套C++ 类的集合,是一套面向对象的函数库,以类的方式提供给用户使用 2、MFC AppWizard是一个辅助我们生成源代码的向导工具,它可以助我们自动生成基于MFC框架的源代码 二、基于MFC的程序框架剖析 1、MFC程序的ClassView标签页(图) 2、继承关系 (1)CMainFrame继承于CFrameWnd (2)CTestApp继承于CWinApp (3)CTestDoc继承于CDocument (4)CTestView继承于CView 注:CFrameWnd和CView都继承于CWnd 3、CWnd类是MFC中一个非常重要的类,它封装了与窗口相关的操作 4、MFC类的简化组织结构图(图) 5、MFC程序也有一个WinMain函数,程序是在编译时,由链接器将它链接到程序中 6、MFC程序具有一个CTestApp类的全局对象theApp,在MFC程序运行时,程序执行的顺序为:theApp全局对象定义 处->CTestApp构造函数->WinMain函数 7、对于普通的VC++控制台程序,无论全局变量还是全局对象,程序运行时,在加载main函数之前,就已经为它们 分配了内存空间。对于一个全局对象来说,此时就会调用该对象的构造函数,构造该对象,并进行初始化操作 8、实例句柄与全局对象 (1)对于Win32 SDK程序,应用程序的实例是由实例句柄(WinMain函数的hInstance参数)来标识的 (2)对于MFC程序,应用程序的实例是由全局对象(每一个MFC程序有且仅有一个从应用程序类CWinApp派生的类, 如CTestApp,它实例化theApp全局对象)来标识的 9、基类构造函数中this指针的指向问题 在构造子类对象时,会自动调用父类的构造函数,此时在父类的构造函数中的this指针所指向的是子类对象地址 10、AfxWinMain函数 MFC程序的WinMain函数是通过调用AfxWinMain函数来完成它的功能的 注:Afx前缀的函数代表应用程序框架(Application Framework)函数,它们可以在程序的任何地方被调用 11、CTestApp::InitInstance函数 在AfxWinMain函数中,通过调用InitInstance函数来完成MFC内部管理方面的工作 12、AfxEndDeferRegisterClass函数 MFC提供了一些默认的标准窗口类,我们只需要选择所需的窗口类就行。然后,调用AfxEndDeferRegisterClass 函数来注册窗口类 13、CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow函数 MFC程序具有两个窗口(框架窗口和视类窗口),在框架窗口产生之前会调用PreCreateWindow函数 14、CWnd::CreateEx函数 在MFC程序中,窗口的创建是由CreateEx函数实现的 15、CWnd::CreateWindowEx函数 主要作用是当修改了CreateEx函数的CREATESTRUCT参数时,CreateWindowEx函数会根据参数发生的相应变化来创 建一个符合我们要求的窗口 注:MFC中后缀名为Ex的函数都是扩展函数 16、CMainFrame::ShowWindow函数和CMainFrame::UpdateWindow函数 用于显示应用程序框架窗口和更新这个窗口 17、CWinThread::Run函数和CWinThread::PumpMessage函数 用于完成消息循环 18、DefWindowProc函数 默认的窗口过程,但MFC程序对消息的处理实际上是通过消息映射机制来完成的 19、MFC程序的运行过程 (1)首先利用全局应用程序对象theApp启动应用程序 (2)调用全局应用程序对象的构造函数,从而就会调用其基类CWinApp的构造函数,以完成应用程序的一些初始化 (3)进入WinMain函数 (4)进入消息循环 20、MFC程序的主要过程 theApp-> CTestApp::CTestApp构造函数-> CWinApp::CWinApp构造函数-> _tWinMain(WinMain函数的宏)-> AfxWinMain函数-> CTestApp::InitInstance函数-> AfxEndDeferRegisterClass函数-> CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow函数-> CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow函数-> AfxDeferRegisterClass(AfxEndDeferRegisterClass函数的宏)-> CFrameWnd::Create函数-> CWnd::CreateEx函数-> CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow函数-> CWnd::CreateEx函数-> CMainFrame::ShowWindow函数-> CMainFrame::UpdateWindow函数-> CWinThread::Run函数-> CWinThread::PumpMessage函数 21、框架窗口(整个应用程序外框所包括的部分)是视类窗口(框架窗口中空白的地方)的一个父窗口 22、MFC提供了一个文档/视类的结构,文档是指CDocument类,视类是指CView类。前者用于数据的存储和加载, 后者用于数据的显示和修改 23、框架对象、文档对象和视类对象是通过一个单文档模板指针来有机地组织在一起,并利用AddDocTemplate函数 把这个单文档模板添加到文档模板中,从而把这三个类组织成为一个整体 24、MFC程序的CAboutDlg类继承于CDialog类,用于为用户提供一些与程序相关的助信息 三、窗口类、窗口类对象与窗口 1、以“::”开始的函数是一个全局函数,表示调用的是Platform SDK的函数 2、如果我们关闭了一个窗口,这个窗口就销毁了,那么该窗口对应的C++窗口类对象销毁了吗? (1)当一个窗口销毁时,它会调用CWnd::DestroyWindow函数,该函数销毁窗口后,将CWnd::m_hWnd设为NULL (2)窗口的生命周期和C++窗口类对象的声明周期不是一致的。当一个窗口销毁时,与C++窗口类对象没有关系,它 们之间的纽带仅仅在于这个C++窗口类内部的成员变量m_hWnd,该变量保存了与这个C++窗口类对象相关的哪个窗口 的句柄 (3)但是,当C++窗口类对象销毁时,与之相关的窗口也将销毁,因为它们之间的纽带m_hWnd已经断了 3、示例---在窗口中显示按钮 (1)CButton按钮类继承于CWnd (2)对于一个CButton对象,在定义之后就可以使用了;但是,如果要显示这个按钮的话,还需调用 CButton::Create函数,把按钮窗口与CButton对象关联起来 (3)MFC程序的窗口创建时都会产生WM_CREATE消息,该消息通过OnCreate函数来捕获。对于框架窗口来说,MFC直 接把OnCreate函数提供到了CMainFrame中;而在视类窗口中没有提供该函数,如需使用,要用户自行添加 (4)通常对MFC程序的操作,都是在CTestView视类窗口中进行的 (5)在窗口创建之后,要显示该窗口可以通过调用ShowWindow函数或指定窗口风格为WS_VISIBLE来实现 (6)实现过程 A:在CTestView类中,添加CButton类型的私有成员m_btn B:在CTestView类中,添加WM_CREATE消息的OnCreate处理函数 C:在CTestView类中,通过GetParent函数可以获得CMainFrame框架窗口对象的指针 D:实现一(在视类窗口中通过ShowWindow函数显示按钮) int CTestView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { ... m_btn.Create("按钮",WS_CHILD|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,CRect(0,0,100,100),this,123); m_btn.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); return 0: } E:实现二(在视类窗口中通过WS_VISIBLE风格显示窗口) int CTestView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { ... m_btn.Create("按钮",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,CRect(0,0,100,100),this,123); return 0: } F:实现三(在框架窗口中显示按钮) int CTestView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { ... m_btn.Create("按钮",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,CRect(0,0,100,100),GetParent(),123); return 0: } 即便是基于MFC的应用程序,建立窗口类也是会遵循如下的过程: 设计窗口类->注册窗口类->生成窗口->显示窗口->更新窗口->消息循环->消息路由到窗口过程函数处理。下面就剖析一下在MFC中是如何完成上述过程的。 (1)每个应用程序都有且仅有一个应用类的全局变量theApp,全局变量先于WinMain函数进行处理。 (2)WinMain函数体在APPMODUL.CPP文件中,定义如下: extern "C" int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // call shared/exported WinMain return AfxWinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow); } 其中#define _tWinMain WinMain (3)AfxWinMain函数体在WINMAIN.CPP文件中,面有如下两句话: CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread(); CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); 其实这得到的这两个指针都是指向全局的对象theApp的; 接下来有函数调用pThread->InitInstance(),根据多态性,会调用CXXXApp类中的InitInstance()函数。该函数很重要,在对该函数的调用中就会完成:设计窗口类->注册窗口类->生成窗口->显示窗口->更新窗口。 接下来,该函数中会继续调用pThread->Run(),这就完成了:消息循环->消息路由到窗口过程函数处理。 (4)进入CXXXApp::InitInstance()函数体中,对于单文档应用程序,调用ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo),通过调用该函数就会完成:设计窗口类->注册窗口类->生成窗口。 再接下来就会调用m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();这就完成了:显示窗口->更新窗口。 (5)在函数CWinApp::ProcessShellCommand(CCommandLineInfo& rCmdInfo)中会进入到如下的case分支:case CCommandLineInfo::FileNew: if (!AfxGetApp()->OnCmdMsg(ID_FILE_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL)) (6)进入函数CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo),调用_AfxDispatchCmdMsg(this, nID, nCode, lpEntry->pfn, pExtra, lpEntry->nSig, pHandlerInfo); (7)进入函数AFXAPI _AfxDispatchCmdMsg(CCmdTarget* pTarget, UINT nID, int nCode, AFX_PMSG pfn, void* pExtra, UINT nSig, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo),调用 case AfxSig_vv: // normal command or control notification ASSERT(CN_COMMAND == 0); // CN_COMMAND same as BN_CLICKED ASSERT(pExtra == NULL); (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_COMMAND)(); (8)进入CWinApp::OnFileNew(),调用m_pDocManager->OnFileNew();这个函数很特殊,它本身是个消息响应函数,当我们点击ID为ID_FILE_NEW的菜单时,会产生一个命令消息,由于命令消息可以被CCmdTarget类及其派生类来捕获,而CWinApp是从CCmdTarget派生出来的,因此可以捕获这个消息。当应用程序创建完成并成功显示后,当我们点击文件菜单下的新建菜单项时,就会首先进入这个函数,然后再依次执行下去,最后就会执行到pDocument->OnNewDocument()中,往往我们会对这个函数不解,不知道它为什么会响应ID_FILE_NEW的命令消息,至此真相大白了。顺便说一句,为什么程序在刚启动的时候,我们并没有点击菜单项,为什么会自动的产生这个消息呢?这是因为在CXXXXApp::InitInstance()函数中有“CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;”这个类的构造函数是这样的:CCommandLineInfo::CCommandLineInfo() { m_bShowSplash = TRUE; m_bRunEmbedded = FALSE; m_bRunAutomated = FALSE; m_nShellCommand = FileNew; },因此就会在第(5)步骤的时候进入到“case CCommandLineInfo::FileNew:”这个分支中,就相当于产生了这样一个FileNew的消息。同理对于ID为ID_FILE_OPEN(在CWinApp::OnFileOpen()中响应)、ID_FILE_SAVE(在CDocument::OnFileSave()中响应)等等在MFC向导为我们生成的单文档类中找不到消息响应的入口时,其实都是在基类CWinApp或者CDocument类中进行了响应。对于CXXXXDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)函数也是通过ID_FILE_SAVE和ID_FILE_OPEN产生命令消息后就行响应从而才调用该函数的。 (9)进入CDocManager::OnFileNew(),CDocManager类有一个成员变量是CPtrList m_templateList;该变量保存了一个文档模版链表指针,在CDocManager::OnFileNew()函数体中会调用CDocTemplate* pTemplate = (CDocTemplate*)m_templateList.GetHead();得到链表中的头,也就是第一个文档模版,后面就会用得到的这个指针去调用pTemplate->OpenDocumentFile(NULL);紧接着就会有一个判断,用来确定该链表中是否只有一项,如果链表中保存了多个文档模版,则会弹出一个对话框,来让我们选择到底是使用哪一套文档模版来构建应用程序,相信大家也都见到过这种情况吧。对了,还有一点要说明的是:pTemplate是一个CDocTemplate的指针,但接下来程序为什么会进入到CSingleDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile的函数体内呢,这是因为CDocTemplate类中的OpenDocumentFile函数被定义为纯虚函数,而CSingleDocTemplate类又是从CDocTemplate类派生出来的,并且实现了该函数,因此就会进入到子类的函数体中了。 (10)进入CDocument* CSingleDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bMakeVisible),先调用CreateNewDocument()创建文档类,再调用pFrame = CreateNewFrame(pDocument, NULL);创建框架类和视图类,从这也可以看出MFC体系结构中文档、框架、视图“三位一体”的模式,在这一个函数中同时创建三个类;再会调用pDocument->OnNewDocument();因此就会进入到子类的文档类中的pDocument->OnNewDocument()中了。 (11)进入CFrameWnd* CDocTemplate::CreateNewFrame(CDocument* pDoc, CFrameWnd* pOther),调用if (!pFrame->LoadFrame(m_nIDResource, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | FWS_ADDTOTITLE, // default frame styles NULL, &context)) (12)进入BOOL CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext),调用VERIFY(AfxDeferRegisterClass(AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG)); (13)进入BOOL AFXAPI AfxEndDeferRegisterClass(LONG fToRegister),该函数内部就完成了:设计窗口类->注册窗口类。MFC通过给我们提供好一些已经订制好的窗口类,我们不需要自己再设计窗口类,只需要到那些订制好的窗口类“仓库”中寻找一种适合我们需要的窗口类就可以了,然后通过AfxRegisterClass函数注册窗口类。还需要说明的是,再后续的跟踪过程中,我们会发现还会进入到AfxEndDeferRegisterClass函数中进行设计和注册窗口类,这主要是因为单文档应用程序比较特殊,它提前通过这样的一种途径进行了窗口类的设计和注册步骤,其实是应该在BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)函数的调用中完成窗口类的设计和注册的,这一点我们要清楚,也就是说设计和注册窗口类的正宗发源地应该是PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)。此外,我们还会注意到在该函数体的前部分有一语句为“wndcls.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc;”因此所有窗口类的窗口过程函数都是DefWindowProc,这一点在后面的跟踪中可以看到,每次生成窗口之后都会调用几次DefWindowProc函数。也就是说MFC都是让我们采用默认的窗口过程函数,这并不是说我们因此就不能使用自己的窗口过程函数实现个性化的消息处理了,MFC采用了一种基于消息映射的机制完成了消息个性化处理。 (14)回到BOOL CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext)中,调用LPCTSTR lpszClass = GetIconWndClass(dwDefaultStyle, nIDResource); (15)进入LPCTSTR CFrameWnd::GetIconWndClass(DWORD dwDefaultStyle, UINT nIDResource),调用PreCreateWindow(cs); (16)进入BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs),调用CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) (17)进入BOOL CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs),调用VERIFY(AfxDeferRegisterClass(AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG));又一次设计和注册窗口类 (18)回到BOOL CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext)中,调用if (!Create(lpszClass, lpszTitle, dwDefaultStyle, rectDefault, pParentWnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource), 0L, pContext)) (19)进入BOOL CFrameWnd::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, LPCTSTR lpszMenuName, DWORD dwExStyle, CCreateContext* pContext),调用if (!CreateEx(dwExStyle, lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, pParentWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), hMenu, (LPVOID)pContext)) (20)BOOL CWnd::CreateEx(DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU nIDorHMenu, LPVOID lpParam),调用if (!PreCreateWindow(cs)) ,接下来调用HWND hWnd = ::CreateWindowEx(cs.dwExStyle, cs.lpszClass, cs.lpszName, cs.style, cs.x, cs.y, cs.cx, cs.cy, cs.hwndParent, cs.hMenu, cs.hInstance, cs.lpCreateParams);好了,终于让我们找到生成窗口的地方了——函数::CreateWindowEx! (21)进入int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct),调用if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) (22)进入int CFrameWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs),调用return OnCreateHelper(lpcs, pContext); (23)进入int CFrameWnd::OnCreateHelper(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext),调用if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpcs) == -1) (24)进入_AFXWIN_INLINE int CWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT),调用return (int)Default(); (25)进入LRESULT CWnd::Default(),调用return DefWindowProc(pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.message, pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.wParam, pThreadState->m_lastSentMsg.lParam); (26)进入LRESULT CWnd::DefWindowProc(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam),调用return ::CallWindowProc(m_pfnSuper, m_hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam); (27)回到int CFrameWnd::OnCreateHelper(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext),调用if (!OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext)) (28)进入BOOL CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT, CCreateContext* pContext),调用if (CreateView(pContext, AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST) == NULL) (29)进入CWnd* CFrameWnd::CreateView(CCreateContext* pContext, UINT nID),调用if (!pView->Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, nID, pContext)) (30)进入BOOL CWnd::Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, CCreateContext* pContext),调用return CreateEx(0, lpszClassName, lpszWindowName, dwStyle | WS_CHILD, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, pParentWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), (HMENU)nID, (LPVOID)pContext); (31)进入BOOL CWnd::CreateEx(DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpszClassName, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU nIDorHMenu, LPVOID lpParam),重复生成框架类CMainFrame的过程来生成CXXXView,因为它也是一个窗口类,因此也需要进行那一系列过程才能最终显示更新出来。 调用的顺序是这个样子的:PreCreateWindow(cs)->BOOL CXXXView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)->CView::PreCreateWindow(cs)->VERIFY(AfxDeferRegisterClass(AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG));->::CreateWindowEx(...)->CWnd::DefWindowProc->::CallWindowProc(...)->...->CXXXView::OnCreate->CView::OnCreate->CWnd::OnCreate->... 写到这,基本上就清楚了,中间的省略号表示的部分大多数都是在与窗口过程函数有关的,因为在生成窗口的时候需要响应一些消息,因此需要调用一些窗口过程函数,每次在调用::CreateWindowEx(...)函数后都会调用一些窗口过程函数,然后再去调用该窗口类对应的OnCreate函数,其实在调用OnCreate函数之前调用CreateWindowEx只是生成了一个窗口,至于这个窗口面要放置些什么东西,以及该如何装饰该窗口,则就需要由OnCreate来完成了,往往我们都会在OnCreate函数的后面(这样做是为了不影响窗口本身应该布置的格局)添加一些代码,创建我们自己的东西,比如我们通常会在CMainFrame类的OnCreate函数后面放置一些Create代码,来创建我们自己的可停靠的工具栏或者按钮之类的东西,当然我们也可以在CXXXView类的OnCreate函数的后面添加一些代码,来创建我们需要的东西,比如按钮之类的东西。在完成了从设计、注册到生成窗口的过程之后,往往还需要显示更新,有些时候,我们不必要每次都显示的调用CWnd的ShowWindow和UpdateWindow两个函数,我们可以在创建的时候,给窗口风格中添加WS_VISIBLE即可,因此有些时候会跟踪不到ShowWindow和UpdateWindow两个函数这两个函数,因为窗口在创建的时候就可见了。 总的来说,先初始化应用类,然后注册生成框架类,然后再注册生成视图类,然后注册生成视图类OnCreate函数后面用户添加的、用Create来准备创建的窗口,然后再注册生成框架类的OnCreate函数后面需要生成的m_wndToolBar、m_wndStatusBar以及我们自己添加的要创建的窗口类,最后在回到应用类的初始化的函数体中,调用框架类的显示和更新函数,然后再进入由框架类定义的窗口的消息循环中。 消息循环的过程是这个样子的: (1)调用int AFXAPI AfxWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)函数中的pThread->Run() (2)进入int CWinApp::Run(),调用return CWinThread::Run(); (3)进入int CWinThread::Run(),调用if (!PumpMessage()) (4)进入BOOL CWinThread::PumpMessage(),调用if (!::GetMessage(&m_msgCur, NULL, NULL, NULL)) (5)回到BOOL CWinThread::PumpMessage(),调用::TranslateMessage(&m_msgCur);::DispatchMessage(&m_msgCur); (6)回到int CWinThread::Run(),调用while (::PeekMessage(&m_msgCur, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE)); (7)再重复(4)-(6)的步骤 下面给出int CWinThread::Run()中消息循环的部分代码: do { // pump message, but quit on WM_QUIT if (!PumpMessage()) return ExitInstance(); // reset "no idle" state after pumping "normal" message if (IsIdleMessage(&m_msgCur)) { bIdle = TRUE; lIdleCount = 0; } } while (::PeekMessage(&m_msgCur, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE)); 这段代码其实本质上与我们基于Win32 SDK手写的代码: //消息循环 MSG msg; while(GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0)) { //简单的说,函数TranslateMessage就是把WM_KEYDOWN和WM_KEYUP翻译成WM_CHAR消息,没有该函数就不能产生WM_CHAR消息。 TranslateMessage(&msg); ::DispatchMessage(&msg); } 是一致的。 1,寻找WinMain人口: 在安装目录下找到MFC文件夹下的SRC文件夹,SRC下是MFC源代码。 路径:MFC|SRC|APPMODUL.CPP: _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // call shared/exported WinMain return AfxWinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow); } 注意:(#define _tWinMain WinMain) 2,对于全局对象或全局变量来说,在程序运行即WINMAIN函数加载的时候,已经为全局对象或全局变量分配了内存和赋初值。 所以:CTEApp theApp;->CTEApp ::CTEApp(){}->_tWinMain(){} 说明:每一个MFC程序,有且只有一个从WinApp类派生的类(应用程序类),也只有一个从应用程序类所事例化的对象,表示应用程序本身。在WIN32程序当中,表示应用程序是通过WINMAIN入口函数来表示的(通过一个应用程序的一个事例号这一个标识来表示的)。在基于MFC应用程序中,是通过产生一个应用程序对象,用它来唯一的表示了应用程序。 3,通过构造应用程序对象过程中调用基类CWinApp的构造函数,在CWinApp的构造函数中对程序包括运行时一些初始化工作完成了。 CWinApp构造函数:MFC|SRC|APPCORE.CPP CWinApp::CWinApp(LPCTSTR lpszAppName){...}//带参数,而CTEApp构造函数没有显式向父类传参,难道CWinApp()有默认参数?见下: (在CWinApp类定义中, CWinApp(LPCTSTR lpszAppName = NULL); ) 注意:CWinApp()函数中: pThreadState->m_pCurrentWinThread = this; pModuleState->m_pCurrentWinApp = this (this指向的是派生类CTEApp对象,即theApp) 调试:CWinApp::CWinApp();->CTEApp theApp;(->CTEApp ::CTEApp())->CWinApp::CWinApp()->CTEApp ::CTEApp()->_tWinMain(){} 4,_tWinMain函数中通过调用AfxWinMain()函数来完成它要完成的功能。(Afx*前缀代表这是应用程序框架函数,是一些全局函数,应用程序框架是一套辅助生成应用程序的框架模型,把一些类做一些有机的集成,我们可根据这些类函数来设计自己的应用程序)。 AfxWinMain()函数路径:MFC|SRC|WINMAIN.CPP: 在AfxWinMain()函数中: CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); 说明:pApp存储的是指向WinApp派生类对象(theApp)的指针。 //_AFXWIN_INLINE CWinApp* AFXAPI AfxGetApp() // { return afxCurrentWinApp; } 调用pThread->InitInstance() 说明:pThread也指向theApp,由于基类中virtual BOOL InitApplication()定义为虚函数,所以调用pThread->InitInstance()时候,调用的是派生类CTEApp的InitInstance()函数。 nReturnCode = pThread->Run(); 说明:pThread->Run()完成了消息循环。 5,注册窗口类:AfxEndDeferRegisterClass(); AfxEndDeferRegisterClass()函数所在文件:MFC|SRC|APPCORE.CPP BOOL AFXAPI AfxEndDeferRegisterClass(LONG fToRegister){...} 说明:设计窗口类:在MFC中事先设计好了几种缺省的窗口类,根据不同的应用程序的选择,调用AfxEndDeferRegisterClass()函数注册所选择的窗口类。 调试:CWinApp::CWinApp();->CTEApp theApp;(->CTEApp ::CTEApp())->CWinApp::CWinApp()->CTEApp ::CTEApp()->_tWinMain(){}//进入程序 ->AfxWinMain();->pApp->InitApplication();->pThread->InitInstance()//父类InitInstance虚函数;->CTEApp::InitInstance()//子类实现函数;->AfxEndDeferRegisterClass(LONG fToRegister)//注册所选择的窗口类(出于文档管理,注册提前,正常的应在PreCreateWindow中进行注册)//之后进入创建窗口阶段(以下再不做调试) 6,PreCreateWindow()://主要是注册窗口类 BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { if( !CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } 说明: CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow()函数所在文件:MFC|SRC|WINFRM.CPP BOOL CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { if (cs.lpszClass == NULL) { VERIFY(AfxDeferRegisterClass(AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG)); //判断AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG型号窗口类是否注册,如果没有注册则注册 cs.lpszClass = _afxWndFrameOrView; // COLOR_WINDOW background //把注册后的窗口类名赋给cs.lpszClass } if ((cs.style & FWS_ADDTOTITLE) && afxData.bWin4) cs.style |= FWS_PREFIXTITLE; if (afxData.bWin4) cs.dwExStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; return TRUE; } 其中: virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);//PreCreateWindow()是个虚函数,如果子类有则调用子类的。 #define VERIFY(f) ASSERT(f) #define AfxDeferRegisterClass(fClass) AfxEndDeferRegisterClass(fClass) define AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG 0x00008 const TCHAR _afxWndFrameOrView[] = AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW;//WINCORE.CPP文件中,定义为全局数组。 //#define AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW AFX_WNDCLASS("FrameOrView") 7,创建窗口: Create()函数路径:MFC|SRC|WINFRM.CPP: CFrameWnd::Create(...){ ... CreateEx(...);//从父类继承来的,调用CWnd::CreateEx(). ... } CWnd::CreateEx()函数路径:MFC|SRC|WINCORE.CPP BOOL CWnd::CreateEx(...){ ... if (!PreCreateWindow(cs))//虚函数,如果子类有调用子类的。 { PostNcDestroy(); return FALSE; } ... HWND hWnd = ::CreateWindowEx(cs.dwExStyle, cs.lpszClass, cs.lpszName, cs.style, cs.x, cs.y, cs.cx, cs.cy, cs.hwndParent, cs.hMenu, cs.hInstance, cs.lpCreateParams); ... } 说明:CreateWindowEx()函数与CREATESTRUCT结构体参数的对应关系,使我们在创建窗口之前通过可PreCreateWindow(cs)修改cs结构体成员来修改所要的窗口外观。PreCreateWindow(cs))//是虚函数,如果子类有调用子类的。 HWND CreateWindowEx( DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam ); typedef struct tagCREATESTRUCT { // cs LPVOID lpCreateParams; HINSTANCE hInstance; HMENU hMenu; HWND hwndParent; int cy; int cx; int y; int x; LONG style; LPCTSTR lpszName; LPCTSTR lpszClass; DWORD dwExStyle; } CREATESTRUCT; 8,显示和更新窗口: CTEApp类,TEApp.cpp中 m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);//显示窗口,m_pMainWnd指向框架窗口 m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();//更新窗口 说明: class CTEApp : public CWinApp{...} class CWinApp : public CWinThread{...} class CWinThread : public CCmdTarget { ... public: CWnd* m_pMainWnd; ... ... } 9,消息循环: int AFXAPI AfxWinMain() { ... // Perform specific initializations if (!pThread->InitInstance()){...} //完成窗口初始化工作,完成窗口的注册,完成窗口的创建,显示和更新。 nReturnCode = pThread->Run(); //继承基类Run()方法,调用CWinThread::Run()来完成消息循环 ... } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CWinThread::Run()方法路径:MFC|SRC|THRDCORE.CPP int CWinThread::Run() { ... // phase2: pump messages while available do//消息循环 { // pump message, but quit on WM_QUIT if (!PumpMessage())//取消息并处理 return ExitInstance(); ... } while (::PeekMessage(&m_msgCur, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE)); ... } 说明: BOOL PeekMessage(,,,,)函数说明 The PeekMessage function checks a thread message queue for a message and places the message (if any) in the specified structure. If a message is available, the return value is nonzero. If no messages are available, the return value is zero. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CWinThread::PumpMessage() { ... if (!::GetMessage(&m_msgCur, NULL, NULL, NULL))//取消息 {...} ... // process this message if (m_msgCur.message != WM_KICKIDLE && !PreTranslateMessage(&m_msgCur)) { ::TranslateMessage(&m_msgCur);//进行消息(如键盘消息)转换 ::DispatchMessage(&m_msgCur);//分派消息到窗口的回调函数处理(实际上分派的消息经过消息映射,交由消息响应函数进行处理。) } return TRUE; } 9,文档与视结构: 可以认为View类窗口是CMainFram类窗口的子窗口。 DOCument类是文档类。 DOC-VIEW结构将数据本身与它的显示分离开。 文档类:数据的存储,加载 视类:数据的显示,修改 10,文档类,视类,框架类的有机结合: 在CTEApp类CTEApp::InitInstance()函数中通过文档模板将文档类,视类,框架类的有机组织一起。 ... CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate; pDocTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate( IDR_MAINFRAME, RUNTIME_CLASS(CTEDoc), RUNTIME_CLASS(CMainFrame), // main SDI frame window RUNTIME_CLASS(CTEView)); AddDocTemplate(pDocTemplate);//增加到模板



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