error: missing binary operator before token"("

yinzhichan 2019-02-11 12:19:48


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7 条回复
yinzhichan 2019-02-14
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谢谢大家的回答~我放弃了重新下载了qt 就可以了
kerwin liu 2019-02-13
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引用 4 楼 yinzhichan 的回复:
他显示是qmetatype.h 和 qnamespace.h 这两个头文件里有错误

彩阳 2019-02-13
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主要看一看 mainwindow.h 文件。
yinzhichan 2019-02-12
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他显示是qmetatype.h 和 qnamespace.h 这两个头文件里有错误
yinzhichan 2019-02-12
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引用 1 楼 liuyinggui163 的回复:
都是对的哎(这个我没用手写哎 我都是直接在设置画面那里右击那个按钮然后转到槽)
yinzhichan 2019-02-12
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都是对的哎(这个我没用手写哎 我都是直接在设置画面那里右击那个按钮然后转到槽)
kerwin liu 2019-02-12
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r18_ap6330的步骤.txt 2017/2/9 10:47 开始整理 原始SDK默认配置为rtl8723bs,现在要修改为:AP6330。 硬件平台:全志R18。 开发板:DP-18 SDK:Android6.0.1/Linux3.10.65(v2.1版本,发布日期20161008) WIFI测试需要支持5.8G的AP来测试。BT用普通的Android手机发送图片即可。 1、请严重注意全志R18的架构选择:ARCH=arm64 rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/dp18_ap6330/lichee/linux-3.10$ rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/dp18_ap6330/lichee/linux-3.10$ make ARCH=arm64 menuconfig rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/dp18_ap6330/lichee/linux-3.10$ WIFI部分可以关闭realtek: Device Drivers ---> [*] Network device support ---> [*] Wireless LAN ---> Realtek 8723B SDIO or SPI WiFi Realtek 8723BS_VQ0 WiFi Realtek 8189F SDIO WiFi Realtek 8723C SDIO or SPI WiFi 可以配置内核打印级别为18(默认为17?) General setup ---> (18) Kernel log buffer size (16 => 64KB, 17 => 128KB) 2、 Z:\home\wwt\dp18_ap6330\android\device\softwinner\tulip-d1\ 关闭这里: # BOARD_WIFI_VENDOR := realtek 打开这里: BOARD_WIFI_VENDOR := broadcom 蓝牙的修改: ##BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM := true BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_NAME := rtl8723bs_vq0 BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_RTK_COEX := true BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_RTK := true BLUETOOTH_HCI_USE_RTK_H5 := true 修改为: BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM := true BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_NAME := ap6330 #BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_NAME := rtl8723bs_vq0 #BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_RTK_COEX := true #BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_RTK := true #BLUETOOTH_HCI_USE_RTK_H5 := true 3、 Z:\home\wwt\dp18_ap6330\android\device\softwinner\tulip-d1\init.sun50iw1p1.rc 蓝牙部分: #bluesleep insmod /system/vendor/modules/rtl_btlpm.ko 修改为: #bluesleep #insmod /system/vendor/modules/rtl_btlpm.ko #network insmod /system/vendor/modules/bcmdhd.ko insmod /system/vendor/modules/bcm_btlpm.ko WIFI部分: 关闭这里: # 1. realtek & eagle wifi service # 1.1 realtek & eagle wifi sta service service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/wpa_supplicant \ -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf \ -I/system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf \ -O/data/misc/wifi/sockets \ -e
Borland Delphi 2005 Architect Update 3----------Report #: Short Description: Rating: Status12241 IntToHex returns lowercase letters0.00 of 5 Closed11881 TStringStream constructor for .NET sets Position incorrectly0.00 of 5 Closed11787 Access violation using Code Insight when editing the uses clause0.00 of 5 Closed11759 TList instance leaked in DBCommon.pas when using IN operator in Filter expression5.00 of 5 Closed11651 New EllipsisPosition property causes text to be invisible & process to hang5.00 of 5 Closed11471 Cannot manage StarTeam association since applying Update20.00 of 5 Closed11353 (strict) protected nested class become public3.67 of 5 Closed11314 Too much inlining yields unstable compiled code.0.00 of 5 Closed11266 Inline causes compile error : F2084 Internal Error SCR765.00 of 5 Closed11193 Inlined function affects working of the enclosing for loop0.00 of 5 Closed11184 [Fatal Error] F2084 Internal Error: ILLK26340.00 of 5 Closed11069 Compact the TApplication.ProcessMessage code fragment for Unicode handling5.00 of 5 Closed10918 TColorBox control custom color selection causes AV0.00 of 5 Closed10873 Internal error: URW 793 when using constant struct with enums2.00 of 5 Closed10861 Access Violation when compiling code with default index property0.00 of 5 Closed10772 Designer improperly handles controls tagged with [ToolboxItem]0.00 of 5 Closed10669 TWideStrings has no GetEnumerator method0.00 of 5 Closed10661 Switching between form and source view cause long delay4.67 of 5 Closed10567 Ability to create all VCL packages0.00 of 5 Closed10498 D2005: DataSet lots of methods missing in code completion0.00 of 5 Closed10450 The Ellipse is drawn over some of the caption text when a form is docked in IDE0.00 of 5 Closed10381 Constant array of procedural types crashes compiler5.00 of 5 Closed10376 The Delphi 2k5 IDE UpTime & project loading is very SLOW4.00 of 5 Closed10314 Error Insight fails to flag an error4.00 of 5 Closed10248 Alignment Palette in VCL form designer malfunctions5.00 of 5 Closed10190 List view selected item no longer selected5.00 of 5 Closed10009 Double-click in the Search Results window0.00 of 5 Closed9912 Press Enter on Component crashes Delphi 20050.00 of 5 Closed9847 Transactional Object Wizard Missing0.00 of 5 Closed9712 The XML documentation feature doesn't associate comments with the correct symbols5.00 of 5 Closed9690 "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" in IDE0.00 of 5 Closed9666 Code Completion doesn't show all available items when using overload5.00 of 5 Closed9639 Active Form wizard not available in Delphi 2005 but mentioned in online help5.00 of 5 Closed9634 IDE response too SLOW4.63 of 5 Closed9578 TXPManifest + TFrame + TLabel + TRadioGroup = bad5.00 of 5 Closed9477 Delphi .NET assembly references with strong names5.00 of 5 Closed9254 Incorrect reference public key token included into Delphi8 strong-named assembly metadata4.00 of 5 Closed9021 Memory Leak in TreeView0.00 of 5 Closed8866 Assigning long string values (greater than 8192 characters) to TStringFields results in access violation.5.00 of 5 Closed8785 Filter or Ranges on Nested Dataset's should restrict master as well.0.00 of 5 Closed8417 TCustomSQLDataSet.GetFieldData implementation0.00 of 5 Closed8229 Error in code when database doesn't support schema/owner names5.00 of 5 Closed8032 Show modified code in the scrollbar0.00 of 5 Closed8021 TIndexDef.Assign Doesn't copy DescFiels and CaseInsFields5.00 of 5 Closed8001 SQLDataset doesn't call .Close on dbExpress driver cursor when closing5.00 of 5 Closed7912 TCustomClientdataset: properties "IndexDefs" and "IndexName" should be public0.00 of 5 Closed7872 double exception in method TDataSetProvider.InternalGetRecords5.00 of 5 Closed7809 SetOptionalParam don't work0.00 of 5 Closed7768 An Easy Feature Request: TDataset.CopyFields4.00 of 5 Closed7290 Grid's functionality enhancement5.00 of 5 Closed7199 Class Completion erroneously adds fields to a complete class if the getter functions starts with F5.00 of 5 Closed7082 Add SSE3 / PNI instructions to the BASM5.00 of 5 Closed7005 New control request - TDBStaticText - Add possibility to have Edge Borders0.00 of 5 Closed6985 Add node for unit name in Find in Files results in Message Window0.00 of 5 Closed6803 WebToolBar problem with buttons0.00 of 5 Closed6558 AV in DBGrid when destroying DataSet0.00 of 5 Closed6428 Labels disappear with XPManifest5.00 of 5 Closed6368 Resolving lookup- & calculated fields to datafields4.00 of 5 Closed6238 DBNavigator and DBGrid compliant with Federal Section 5080.00 of 5 Closed6021 Labels not visible in Windows XP0.00 of 5 Closed5951 Internal error: SY5764.44 of 5 Closed5812 TComboBox.Focused method does not always return good results.1.00 of 5 Closed5803 Unable to delete component if code editor minimized in saved desktop5.00 of 5 Closed5763 Cannot debug datamodule containing many objects0.00 of 5 Closed5699 Apache shared modules do not work with Apache 2.0.4x5.00 of 5 Closed5592 New event OnValidate that is fired before applying updates2.00 of 5 Closed5336 fatal error: Internal Error: L6812.33 of 5 Closed5283 Cannot read complete compiler error message.0.00 of 5 Closed5280 MessageDlg returns mrNone instead of mrCancel when aborted5.00 of 5 Closed5248 Assert fails to break and leaves FPU invalid op exception set.4.50 of 5 Closed4627 Cannot assign -2147483648 into INTEGER Variable4.00 of 5 Closed4624 A way to set both Width and Height of TBitmap (speed reason)4.85 of 5 Closed4581 Field description and Label3.00 of 5 Closed4444 IncMilliSeconds...IncHour with DateTime<0 wrong0.00 of 5 Closed4343 Proposal of modification of the TDataSet.Post method in DB.pas unit1.00 of 5 Closed4184 Delphi DLL using sharemem called from VC++ exe AV on exit3.25 of 5 Closed4172 tFrames and XPMan hiding controls5.00 of 5 Closed3850 TGraphicControl descendants invisible in frames with XP Manifest4.60 of 5 Closed3792 TryEncodeDateTime not correct for dates before Dec. 30, 18995.00 of 5 Closed3776 Add full IDL support0.00 of 5 Closed3718 Automatic Required setting of TField not consistent with SQL3.71 of 5 Closed3542 Strange limits in property CommandText2.40 of 5 Closed2881 DBGrid doesn't repaint when Enabled changed.5.00 of 5 Closed2625 Impossible to open a .TLB into the TLB Editor if missing uses reference3.50 of 5 Closed2608 Compiler crashes, dcc70.dll Read of address 000000004.00 of 5 Closed2572 Unable to sort on columns in module view3.00 of 5 Closed2382 TListView doesn't update correctly in OwnerData mode.4.00 of 5 Closed2276 'deprecated' warning appears when it shouldn't4.31 of 5 Closed2258 Failure to parse/compile integer constant --2147483648 and lower4.86 of 5 Closed2236 Delphi converts Text DFM's to binary with these steps4.71 of 5 Closed1685 Compiler error message refers to HIGH when it should be LOW3.43 of 5 Closed1455 GetRange method3.38 of 5 Closed1209 Context help does not work for TComboboxEx3.67 of 5 Closed1177 ResourceString limitation of 1024 characters3.89 of 5 Closed(出处



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