
weixin_39821228 2019-07-29 09:00:28
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Optimize Windows system reliability and performance with Sysinternals IT pros and power users consider the free Windows Sysinternals tools indispensable for diagnosing, troubleshooting, and deeply understanding the Windows platform. In this extensively updated guide, Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Windows expert Aaron Margosis help you use these powerful tools to optimize any Windows system’s reliability, efficiency, performance, and security. The authors first explain Sysinternals’ capabilities and help you get started fast. Next, they offer in-depth coverage of each major tool, from Process Explorer and Process Monitor to Sysinternals’ security and file utilities. Then, building on this knowledge, they show the tools being used to solve real-world cases involving error messages, hangs, sluggishness, malware infections, and much more. Windows Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Aaron Margosis show you how to: Use Process Explorer to display detailed process and system information Use Process Monitor to capture low-level system events, and quickly filter the output to narrow down root causes List, categorize, and manage software that starts when you start or sign in to your computer, or when you run Microsoft Office or Internet Explorer Verify digital signatures of files, of running programs, and of the modules loaded in those programs Use Autoruns, Process Explorer, Sigcheck, and Process Monitor features that can identify and clean malware infestations Inspect permissions on files, keys, services, shares, and other objects Use Sysmon to monitor security-relevant events across your network Generate memory dumps when a process meets specified criteria Execute processes remotely, and close files that were opened remotely Manage Active Directory objects and trace LDAP API calls Capture detailed data about processors, memory, and clocks Troubleshoot unbootable devices, file-in-use errors, unexplained communication, and many other problems Understand Windows core concepts that aren’t well-documented elsewhere Table of Contents PART I: GETTING STARTED Chapter 1 Getting started with the Sysinternals utilities Chapter 2 Windows core concepts Chapter 3 Process Explorer Chapter 4 Autoruns PART II: USAGE GUIDE Chapter 5 Process Monitor Chapter 6 ProcDump Chapter 7 PsTools Chapter 8 Process and diagnostic utilities Chapter 9 Security utilities Chapter 10 Active Directory utilities Chapter 11 Desktop utilities Chapter 12 File utilities Chapter 13 Disk utilities Chapter 14 Network and communication utilities Chapter 15 System information utilities Chapter 16 Miscellaneous utilities PART III: TROUBLESHOOTING—“THE CASE OF THE UNEXPLAINED…” Chapter 17 Error messages Chapter 18 Crashes Chapter 19 Hangs and sluggish performance Chapter 20 Malware Chapter 21 Understanding system behavior Chapter 22 Developer troubleshooting
课程基础概述本门课程,大喵将会打着大家从零打造一款属于大家自己的 CLI命令行脚手架工具,本课程主要面向新手同学,对命令行工具开发,前端工具开发感兴趣的同学,可以通过本门课程学习到如何使用Node.JS开发一款适配自身项目特色的脚手架命令行工具。并且也会带着大家推送自己开发完成的CLI工具到NPM线上仓库,供所有人下载安装使用。整个课程,大喵会详细讲解所需要依赖的第三方模块包的具体使用,让同学们可以举一反三开发具备自身特色的CLI工具,最终大喵会运用到前面所讲解的基础内容,独立自主开发一个具备 damiao [ add | delete | list | init ] 四种子命令的CLI脚手架工具。CLI命令行工具命令行工具(Cmmand Line Interface)简称cli,顾名思义就是在命令行终端中使用的工具。我们常用的 git 、npm、vim 等都是 cli 工具,比如我们可以通过 git clone 等命令简单把远程代码复制到本地。在目前前端工程大流行的环境下,vue-cli、create-reate-app、angular-cli 等等方便快捷的命令行脚手架工具诞生,极大的提升了我们的开发效率与质量,我们可以通过这些脚手架工具在本地快速构建我们的开发项目。 课程目录结构1、CLI课程介绍   2、CLI课程纲领和讲师介绍3、CLI课程内容概述    4、CLI命令行工具及场景应用5、CLI课程准备工具和技术   6、CLI课程收获和收益  7、CLI课程实战案例介绍   8、npm CLI 命令行工具发展现状9、创建第一个命令行自定义命令   10、process.argv 接收命令行参数11、commander 工具使用介绍一   12、commander 工具使用介绍二13、inquirer 工具使用介绍   14、ora 加载工具使用介绍15、chalk 颜色工具使用介绍   16、download-git-repo 仓库工具介绍17、创建脚手架命令   18、创建命令可执行文件19、damiao add 命令行指令开发   20、damiao add 模板录入校验21、damiao delete 命令行指令开发   22、damiao list 命令行指令开发23、damiao init 初始化项目指令开发   24、damiao init 指令参数输入校验25、damiao 命令行指令测试.mp4  26、创建npm个人账号及发布npm仓库27、全局安装脚手架工具



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