weixin_39821746 2019-09-11 03:00:19
本文是由 The Data Warehousing Institute 撰写的报告,其中很好地阐述了最新的大数据分析工具和技术。
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Data Science and Big Data Analytics is about harnessing the power of data for new insights. The book covers the breadth of activities and methods and tools that Data Scientists use. The content focuses on concepts, principles and practical applications that are applicable to any industry and technology environment, and the learning is supported and explained with examples that you can replicate using open-source software. This book will help you: Become a contributor on a data science team Deploy a structured lifecycle approach to data analytics problems Apply appropriate analytic techniques and tools to analyzing big data Learn how to tell a compelling story with data to drive business action Prepare for EMC Proven Professional Data Science Certification Corresponding data sets are available at Get started discovering, analyzing, visualizing, and presenting data in a meaningful way today! Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Big Data Analytics Chapter 2 Data Analytics Lifecycle Chapter 3 Review of Basic Data Analytic Methods Using R Chapter 4 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Clustering Chapter 5 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Association Rules Chapter 6 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Regression Chapter 7 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Classification Chapter 8 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Time Series Analysis Chapter 9 Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Text Analysis Chapter 10 Advanced Analytics—Technology and Tools: MapReduce and Hadoop Chapter 11 Advanced Analytics—Technology and Tools: In-Database Analytics Chapter 12 The Endgame, or Putting It All Together
Big Data Analytics with Java: Data analysis, visualization & machine learning techniques By 作者: Rajat Mehta ISBN-10 书号: 1787288986 ISBN-13 书号:: 9781787288980 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2017-07-31 pages 页数: (418 ) $49.99 Book Description to Finelybook sorting This book covers case studies such as sentiment analysis on a tweet dataset, recommendations on a movielens dataset, customer segmentation on an ecommerce dataset, and graph analysis on actual flights dataset. This book is an end-to-end guide to implement analytics on big data with Java. Java is the de facto language for major big data environments, including Hadoop. This book will teach you how to perform analytics on big data with production-friendly Java. This book basically divided into two sections. The first part is an introduction that will help the readers get acquainted with big data environments, whereas the second part will contain a hardcore discussion on all the concepts in analytics on big data. It will take you from data analysis and data visualization to the core concepts and advantages of machine learning, real-life usage of regression and classification using Naïve Bayes, a deep discussion on the concepts of clustering,and a review of simple neural networks on big data using deepLearning4j or plain Java Spark code. This book is a must-have book for Java developers who want to start learning big data analytics and want to use it in the real world.



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