
qq_43102504 2020-05-03 07:05:27

一、 开发环境:
OS:windows 10企业版
DEV:PB 2019 build 2082


Database profiles中连接数据库,出现:
java exception:Fatal error. Unable to initialize databasemetadata class.

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946 2020-05-05
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你选择错了开发工具和数据库,开发工具是PB9.0,数据库是sqlserver 2008
数据库系统原理大程序 (1)基本数据对象 对象名称 包含属性 书 书号, 类别, 书名, 出版社, 年份, 作者, 价格, 总藏书量, 库存 借书证 卡号, 姓名, 单位, 类别 (教师 学生等) 管理员 管理员ID, 密码, 姓名, 联系方式 借书记录 书号, 卡号 ,借期, 还期, 经手人 (管理员ID) (2)基本功能模块 模块名称 功能描述 管理员登陆 输入管理员ID, 密码; 登入系统 或 返回ID/密码 错误. 图书入库 单本入库 批量入库 (方便最后测试) 图书信息存放在文件中, 每条图书信息为一行. 一行中的内容如下 ( 书号, 类别, 书名, 出版社, 年份, 作者, 价格, 数量 ) Note: 其中 年份、数量是整数类型; 价格是两位小数类型; 其余为字符串类型 Sample: ( book_no_1, Computer Science, Computer Architecture, xxx, 2004, xxx, 90.00, 2 ) 图书查询 要求可以对书的 类别, 书名, 出版社, 年份(年份区间), 作者, 价格(区间) 进行查询. 每条图书信息包括以下内容: ( 书号, 类别, 书名, 出版社, 年份, 作者, 价格, 总藏书量, 库存 ) 可选要求: 可以按用户指定属性对图书信息进行排序. (默认是书名) 借书 1.输入借书证卡号 显示该借书证所有已借书籍 (返回, 格式同查询模块) 2.输入书号 如果该书还有库存,则借书成功,同时库存数减一。 否则输出该书无库存,且输出最近归还的时间。 还书 1.输入借书证卡号 显示该借书证所有已借书籍 (返回, 格式同查询模块) 2.输入书号 如果该书在已借书籍列表内, 则还书成功, 同时库存加一. 否则输出出错信息. 借书证管理 增加或删除一个借书证. 除图书查询功能外,其余功能模块都应该由图书管理员操作。 (3)用户界面 可采用图形界面或字符界面。如果采用图形或网页界面,酌情加分。 (4)数据库平台 SQL Server或MySQL MySql APIs: MySql ODBC 3.51 MySql JDBC 5.0 MySql PHP APIs 有关MySql的安装,请参看有关参考书。 (5)开发工具 任选(如C#,VC++, Java, Delphi, PowerBuilder等)
ZeosDBO is a database middleware components for Borland development tools, including Delphi, C++ Builder and Kylix. The following compilers are supported: Delphi 5 - 7C++ Builder 5 - 6Kylix 2 - 3ZeosDBO supports direct connectivity to the following databases using the vendor provided, native interface: MySQL 3.20 - 4.1PostgreSQL 6.5 - 7.4Firebird 1.0 - 1.5Interbase 5.0 - 7.5Microsoft SQL Server 7, 2000Sybase ASE 12.0, 12.5Oracle 9iSQLite 2.8For other databases we propose to use implemented Active Data Objects (ADO) Bridge. Advantages of using ZeosDBO: Platform independance. The ZeosDBO is highly generic. Applications written in ZeosDBO can be migrated across databases without major changes. ZeosDBO is open source, written for usability and extensibility. ZeosDBO leverages the amazing power of the Delphi development environment without relying on a performance killing middleware. ZeosDBO is an extremely thin abstraction layer, unlike ‘thick‘ layered protocols like ADO and BDE. Package contents: ZCore - Core classes and interfaces. Contains Java style objects and collections as well as compatibility types and functions. ZParseSql - SQL specific for syntax and lexical analysis. ZPlain - Native plain API to supported SQL servers. ZDbc - Port of Java Database Connectivity API (JDBC 2.0). DBC API acts as intermediate layer between Plain API and highlevel TDataset or DBExpress components. ZComponent - visual components descended from TDataset. Installed components: TZConnection: This component encapsulates the database connection and transaction management. TZReadOnlyQuery: TDataset component to execute SQL queries and process data in read-only mode. TZQuery: TDataset component which allows data modifications in regular and cached mode. TZUpdateSQL: Analog of standard TUpdateSQL component to explicite definition of Insert/Update/Delete SQL statements for TDataset modifications. TZStoredProc: The component to execute SQL stored procedures. TZSQLProcessor: The component to execute SQL scripts for different SQL and various delimiter types. TZSQLMonitor: The component to monitor all outgoing SQL queries and other logging information. TZSQLMetadata: Specialized TDataset component which provides an access to database metadata such as tables, columns, indices, etc.



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