jdk6.0 set up下载

weixin_39821746 2020-10-28 03:30:55
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AppFuse - Providing integration and style to open source Java. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developer notes on setting up your IDE to work with AppFuse are contained below. Instructions currently existing for Eclipse and IDEA. Netbeans is on the roadmap; you're more than welcome to create them in the meantime. To begin, download Maven 2.0.9, install it, and add $M2_HOME/bin to your $PATH. Create a MAVEN_OPTS environment variable and set its value to: -Xms512M -Xmx512M All issues should be logged in JIRA at http://issues.appfuse.org. Get your questions answered on the mailing list at http://appfuse.org/forums. Eclipse 3.2+: ---------- From the command line, cd into the appfuse directory and run: mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true Get a cup of coffee or soda (or even better, a beer!) while you wait for Maven to download all the dependencies. Eclipse needs to know the path to the local maven repository. Therefore the classpath variable M2_REPO has to be set. Execute the following command: mvn -Declipse.workspace= eclipse:add-maven-repo You can also define the M2_REPO classpath variable inside Eclipse. From the menu bar, select Window > Preferences. Select the Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables page. Add a new one with a name of M2_REPO and Path of to your local Maven repository (/Users/${username}/.m2/repository on OS X and C:\Documents and Settings\${username}\.m2\repository on Windows). To setup hierarchical projects in Eclipse 3.2+, perform the following steps: 1. Rename appfuse/data/.project file to something else. 2. Go to File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects and browse to your workspace and the appfuse/data root. Because there is no .project file, Eclipse will show all the subprojects as being available. Select them and click ok. 3. Rename the appfuse/data/.project back and refresh your left pane in Eclipse. 4. Repeat these steps for the "web" directory. IDEA 6.0+: ---------- From the command line, cd into the appfuse directory and type "mvn idea:idea". Get a cup of coffee or soda (or even better, a beer!) while you wait for Maven to download all the dependencies. After opening your project in IDEA, you may need to modify your Project JDK.



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